How To Use Expand In A Sentence
Lobefins today have dwindled to the lungfishes and the coelacanths ‘dwindled’ as ‘fish’, that is, but mightily expanded on land: we land vertebrates are aberrant lungfish.
Spending on a perennial effort to expand gambling at race tracks, known as "racino," increased four-fold to about $620,000 in 2010. rss feed
The air in this bulge then slides over the unexpanded air over the sea resulting in a pressure difference at sea level between the landward and seaward sides of the coast.
There wasn't a lot of information there; I had to expand on it, invent the colour scheme.
The second version occurs as Corollary 2 to Proposition 7 and was thought of as a method of expanding solutions of fluxional equations in infinite series.

He expanded this idea to the propose the ‘deep, hot biosphere’ which both generates methane and adds biogenic signatures to inorganic petroleum, and that part, at least, is looking more correct every year.
The curriculum expands to include hydraulics, basic pneumatics, electronics, and statistical process control.
This would help expand Moby's loyalties and prevent him from becoming too dependent on his main daytime companion.
The human population in the region is expanding in inverse proportion to the wildlife.
At this stage of the Big Bang, the tiny expanding Universe is filled with radiation creating pairs of particles and antiparticles, and pairs of particles and antiparticles annihilating back into radiation.
But this volume considerably expands our understanding by widening the regional sphere of comparison and by taking on board issues of secrecy, cultural heritage and museology.
It also has ambitions to broaden its product range and expand geographically.
Times, Sunday Times
Just as in the rest of medicine -- cardiology, endocrinology, neurology, etc., the field of psychiatry is ever changing and our knowledge base is rapidly expanding.
Rosalie Greenberg: Psychiatry and the Media -- a Strange and Strained Relationship
It's worth keeping in mind that household mortgage credit expanded at an 11.4% rate during the second quarter, a torrid pace likely being surpassed with the current refi boom.
Protesters have hit out at a company's plans to expand its already huge food distribution depot beside the main road.
With the clearing of forests and the spread of farming, the cowbird's range expanded north and east.
The franchise mode has been expanded with a scouting report and a minor league system that will let hands on managers cultivate talent.
Speaking in rapid, intense bursts, Smith expanded on his sometimes convoluted story.
Interestingly, antipsychiatry and psychiatry share the same goal of expanding the definition of people with whatever it is they claim to represent.
DJ Jaffe: Psychiatry vs. Antipsychiatry: Call to action
We would expand the Smart award scheme for small companies which has been constrained by funding resources.
These were now crystallized in an expanded discourse on male and female sexuality.
The air in the balloon expands when heated.
Rapid market growth and sector under-capacity encouraged Pilkingtons to expand and attracted new entrants to the marketplace without adverse effects on profits.
But before that he has to oversee his expanding retail empire.
‘We are pitching for new clients every week, and expanding our mid-cap company sector,’ he said.
But with vast quantities of developable land in the expanding suburbs (as the circumference of the circle enlarges), regional home price indices post only small gains.
However, the Medical Council feels it is hamstrung by 20-year-old legislation which restricts it from expanding the council to cope with its heavy workload.
Fifteen years later he expanded and revised, not always accurately, his first brief report on the cataract.
In a number of orchid species, the outer tangential walls of short cells have numerous wall ingrowths that greatly expand the surface area of the plasma membrane and, thus, resemble transfer cells.
The polar ice caps will expand to reach around 45 degrees latitude north and south.
An interesting bit of backstory to the battle over Tim Burgess’ attempt to expand the definition of aggressive panhandling, which passed the city council 5-4 yesterday but faces a certain mayoral veto.
After Giving Opponents Months to Organize Against Panhandling Proposal, Burgess Tried to Fast-Track Legislation « PubliCola
The duo will look for other land deals to expand the business.
Times, Sunday Times
It works by affecting a molecule called nitric oxide, which expands blood vessels.
While upgradeability wasn't a primary concern, knowing that it can be greatly expanded in the future adds definite value.
In the 1930s, the universe had been shown to be expanding, so the cosmological constant seemed to be erroneous.
(no subject) - kyrielle - Jan. 28th, 2010 07:30 pm (UTC) Expand
Search for the Snow Queen’s Title
During the early stages of plant development, internode elongation is suppressed and only leaves expand.
The fused parietals form the posterior two-thirds of the sagittal crest, expanding posteriorly to form a flattened, sculpted deck behind the supratemporal fenestrae adjacent to the squamosals.
Poetry is that fine particle within us, that expands, rarefies, refines, raises our whole being: without it "man's life is poor as beast's".
English literary criticism
I'm interested in expanding the frontiers of real-world liberty, not spinning Utopias.
The ranks of nonconformity thrived in an expanding economy of independency where the artisan might still feel closer to the petty capitalist than to the unskilled labourer.
He identifies higher infrastructure spending and a rapidly expanding middle class as two key factors behind this growth.
Times, Sunday Times
Body about the size of a common goose; bill short, vaulted, obtuse, two-thirds of which is covered by an expanded cere of a pale greenish-yellow colour, the tip of the bill being black, arcuated, and truncated.
Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
Like "just A moment," the album sees the act expanding the posthardcore sounds that dominated their early releases. "shandy" starts as an experimental pop song filled with dizzying distorted noises and then morphs into a dramatic rocker. "this is is this?" is the disc's most dynamic composition.
Japan News latest RSS headlines - The Japan News.Net
Yesterday he was to be arraigned on new charges of insider trading, filing false tax forms and conspiracy to falsify books and records in an expanded indictment unveiled May 1.
Russian conquests in Asia were certainly no less brutal than those of any other expanding imperial power.
During his presidency education expanded and the government made efforts to diversify the economy to release Zambia from its dependence on copper.
She was also determined to find a way to expand without increasing her fixed costs.
Times, Sunday Times
Other chants, like Agnus dei: Qui pius ac mitis, were expanded, or “troped” with additional text and music, and it was perhaps as an educational gesture that Greek, Hebrew, and Galician words were added to the ancient double-versicle “prosa” Alleluia: Gratulemur et letemur.
Archive 2009-04-01
But the slippery term keeps expanding to encompass more and more groups.
I used to make an ersatz napalm with petrol and expanded polystyrene foam.
I owned a bookshop and desired to expand the business.
Private clinics providing thinly veiled opportunities for queue-jumping have expanded.
Teachers actively engage in working for progressive education, defending the curriculum they developed and finding ways to expand it.
It expands on his concerns over the intimate relationship between the fund and private financiers, but now regrets naming a particular person to illustrate them.
Like amoebas, the hotel chains expand until they collide and fight with neighboring rivals.
Medeva does however have a development laboratory capable of formulation, stability and analytical work, which is being expanded.
Some, called runners, spread exuberantly, and others are classified as clumpers, which slowly expands from the original planting.
The flattery made her expand.
Thus, the field of acoustics covers a vast array of different areas of use, and they are constantly expanding.
He also told the meeting how there was scope to expand facilities at the hospital - both in outpatients and the range of surgery carried out.
The lake seemed to breathe, expanding and contracting, rising and falling, its surface level changing several feet in a matter of minutes, spectacular and terrifying at once.
They've successfully expanded that to include the 'mass-affluent' and include a younger set of customers.
AmEx Looks Beyond Credit Cards
Your dentist will likely need to place a crossbite "expander" for a few months to correct that.--very common orthodontic correction.
Expanding subsidy options in Europe has made companies much choosier beggars, but it hasn't yielded the efficiency breakthroughs that would let this technology stand on its own.
Unsustainable Development
During magnetic storms the intense electrical currents that f ow in the upper atmosphere heat the air, causing it to expand.
This globalization has also worsened the conditions for new institutions to arise as the expanding number of people who must come to terms geometrically increases the cost of coming to a new agreement.
An Introduction to Ecological Economics~ Chapter 3
I'm not arguing the university mustn't change and expand, but I think there's better ways to do it.
String theory is a complete description of reality even though we don't understand its predictions in some extreme situations, especially those that have something to do with the ultratiny expanding universe.
The Reference Frame
The first season of the local political satire didn't live up to its promise, but it's worth persevering with and an expanded cast and new writers are promised for this new season.
With a few [extremely non-generic] exceptions, namely the ones with maximal isometry groups, one can say definitely whether they are expanding or not.
Does Space Expand?
Mankind is constantly striving to expand his horizons, to push back the boundaries of the unknown, and to challenge himself further and further.
Later, Daley would shrink civil service and expand the patronage army.
Once they discovered their expanded digs after a day in pasture, they immediately started investigating it — and found new grass to munch!
Archive 2010-09-01
She's been out pricing new cases, protective screens, memory expanders - you name it, she's got a quote for it.
Still Galen appears by this experiment to prove both that the pulsative property extends from the heart by the walls of the arteries, and that the arteries, whilst they dilate, are filled by that pulsific force, because they expand like bellows, and do not dilate as if they are filled like skins.
He found that these pharmacists believed that students should not be relied upon to expand clinical services and that orientation and training are often time-consuming.
Quintana-Murci and his team found that the split between these groups occurred around 20,000 years ago, when a period of climate change led to the Pygmy's rainforest habitat retreating into 'refugia', or small refuges of surviving rainforest, before expanding outward again. News
The rich subsidizers then perversely declare they cannot possibly expand trade with the poor world because of its shameful disrespect for the environment.
A bladder which is frequently emptied does not expand to its full capacity and needs gentle stretching to bring this about.
Buds in the axils of the bracts expanded and repeated the pattern; each had a prophyll that remained in the bract axil, a long internode, then a succession of leaves with shorter internodes and a terminal spikelet.
It meant participation in an expanding repertoire of domestic rituals made possible by creamware teacups and saucers, decanters, wine glasses, pickle plates, and forks of all sorts.
Australia is not a big enough market for us, so as well as expanding land-based exports to China and the rest of East Asia, we send manufactures and services to the US and Europe.
Profits, he said, had been ploughed back into the business, re-equipping the warehouse and expanding the sales team.
Einstein's 1917 refinement of his equations of gravity included a new term - denoted by the Greek letter lambda - in which his model universe neither expands nor contracts.
This includes raising standards and expanding the role of charter schools and merit pay for teachers.
The expanding use of automation may make analysts more productive, allowing them to process more data in less time.
The downsides are the lack of a rear camera and card slot to expand the 16GB memory.
Times, Sunday Times
I will expand on this problem next time.
Methods Ear auricle was reconstructed with auto rib cartilage bracket and expanded mastoid region skin.
Expanding a restaurant business is the terrible double-edged mezzaluna of high-end catering.
Times, Sunday Times
Expand factory area and adopt the construction method of and assemble at workshop , reassemble at fairground.
Direct mail operations are likely to expand and become increasingly selective and specific.
Basic Marketing. Principles and Practice
The sleeve restrains the grout flow and expands up to twice its previous diameter, molding itself in the shapes and spaces within the walls.
Rather than expanding services to cater for its population explosion, the town has taken a major step backwards over the past thirty years.
I'll have to shoot a deer at Thanksgiving with my 338 from stem to stern to see if I can get the bullet back, and show you guys that the big X bullets are expanding, even in puny deer.
The "Infallible" Shoulder Shot
Murdock is taking on an expanded role of football development manager, while Wood takes his first step on the coaching ladder and will be assisted by Paul Penrice and Martin Oglanby.
Work expands so as to fill the time available.
Shirley should have seen bubbles burbling up as Shaw vented the expanding gases in his rebreather and drysuit.
Obtaining a certificate in forensic science will make them more suitable, attractive candidates, expand their horizons and broaden their knowledge.
A condition given to determine whether a WN - space is expandable.
After the Watts rebellion, Johnsoh asked Hoover to expand his intelligence operations to include riot prediction.
We must build on our reputation to expand the business.
The looser rules on timing and the volume of shares available for repurchase prompted more than 200 companies to announce new or expanded buyback plans.
But the study expanded to include other possibly useful but obscure bovines of Asia: the madura (a hybrid between banteng and cattle), gaur, mithan, kouprey, anoa, tamaraw, yak, and yakows-hybrids formed by crossing yaks with cattle.
Chapter 3
And opportunities are expanding in newly deregulating industries such as cellular telecom and broadband, airlines, and port infrastructure.
Schanzer's language bias is clearly demonstrated when he says that the "United Nations General Assembly partition plan ... endowed the Palestinian Arabs with a state that included an expanded Gaza strip, the West Bank, and much of the northern territory. [emphasis added]" How considerate for sure, to be "endowed" with only portions of your own homeland, while a minority of the population, immigrants at that, is given a majority of the land.
Book Review - Hamas vs. Fatah
The rebrand is a bid by BBC management to expand the awareness of its digital stations, with extended versions of Radio 4 favourites such as The Now Show and The News Quiz, and Archers spin-off Ambridge Extra.
Chris Evans loses half a million listeners from Radio 2 breakfast show
No decision had yet been made on whether to expand the use of such cameras, he said.
The ETS would also expand beyond CO2 to include nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from nitric, adipic, and glyoxalic acid production, and perofluorocarbon (PFC) emissions from the aluminum sector.
European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS)
It was only after hominids began making butchering tools out of stones and got a steady supply of meat from carcasses that the brain began to expand.
FOREMAN: The governor is saying no to money for what she calls expanding unemployment benefits, immunization, senior care and more, including $171 million for education, which could include new and expanded programs she says the state will not be able to pay for when the stimulus money runs out.
CNN Transcript Mar 20, 2009
The road leading to the proposed international airport in Bangalore is being expanded into a four-lane highway.
And even while operating under that constraint, Clinton proposed to expand Medicaid coverage to some 5 million uninsured children.
The interface can be tweaked to show only the most used tools, such as cropping or fixing red-eye, or it can be expanded to give access to advanced features, such as masking and special effects.
It is one that could be expanded if other nations could be persuaded to take part.
Times, Sunday Times
As the Haluk expanded throughout their star-cluster, the allomorphic cycles of individuals lost their ancestral synchrony.
Sagittarius Whorl
While much of the commodity management's involvement in design has centered on ASICs, memory and microprocessors, its efforts will be expanded to other product families such as interconnect and power.
Purchasing - Top Stories
Virginia athletic director Craig Littlepage told The Post's Steve Yanda that one of the main reasons the expanded conference schedule has become more appealing is the rising costs of "guarantee games," that teams from BCS conferences use to fill out their non-conference schedules in football and basketball.
ACC athletic directors consider expanded conference schedules
Higher interest rates can hurt stocks because they raise the cost of borrowing to expand businesses and cut into corporate profits.
Nowadays, thanks to artificial surfactants, which keep newborn lungs expanded after that first big breath, ventilators designed specifically for tiny lungs, maternal steroid therapy, the survival rates of the teenier, tinier babies are actually improving.
11 « January « 2007 « Adventures in Juggling
With the expanded production of North Sea oil and gas, the UK has become a net exporter of fuel .
Our foreign trade has expanded greatly in recent years.
Since local farmers preferred keeping all unplowed land in grass, absentee landowners votes were needed to allow Kriss to expand his operations.
If it's a success and chooses to expand, what of the neighbouring trees and parkland?
An avid shutterbug, Paul has been able to expand his interest in photography as a leader on Sierra Club trips.
He expanded this chain to 3 more eateries with his flagship palce called "Emeril's" in 1990 and by 1995 he had found a place for "Emeril's New Orleans Fish House" at the MGM Grand Hotel in Las vegas, the first ever to make an impression in the sin-city. 1999 saw the growth of his name, fame and food at Universal Studios in Orlando and a steakhouse in Vegas.
Archive 2007-10-01
I doubt confiscation is going to be attempted in my lifetime, but we've already seen previous restrictions on new sales come and go and there are bills in the works that would expand upon the previous weapons and magazine restrictions.
Obama Win Triggers Firearm-Sales Boom
E-commerce is expanding exponentially.
To this end, the company is betting on expanding its oil and gas productions from fields outside Indonesia.
Other facilities will include an expanded community dental service, new surgeries for chiropody, additional classes for new parents, more consulting rooms and an office for local social workers.
Since water expands as it freezes, ice forming inside pipes can break them.
In 1949 the wineries were expanded by the government, who, for reasons of economy, blended grape wine with water, fermented cereals, and colouring.
In some areas of Yemen the Hamadryas baboon (Papio hamadryas) is still widespread but said to be declining, while the population of Saudi Arabia is expanding and has become common around cities such as Abha and Taif.
Southwestern Arabian montane woodlands
Because the coastline of the area is indented, as wheat-growing expanded northwards the farms were still close to the sea and hence transport costs were low.
his business expanded rapidly
My second instance of the young Shelley's experiments in interventionist verse was begun in Keswick around the same time as "A Tale of Society As It Is," though it was revised and expanded during the following summer when the Shelley's were living at Lynmouth, near Barnstaple in Devon.
Young Shelley
Is there any solution how to speed up this - or - some optimalization not to rebuild not-expanded groups/layers etc.?
All Discussion Groups: Message List - root
The biggest purchasers of advertising space are not expanding companies but recruitment agencies.
In September it completed a 25m refinancing to help it expand.
Times, Sunday Times
They already had been instructed to avoid Simpson coverage, but Fujisaki expanded his order to a blanket ban on all news.
The service was expanding rapidly because of the sharp rise in prisoner numbers and the need to open new establishments.
Times, Sunday Times
Researchers say many sodas are acidic and contain carbon dioxide that can expand the stomach, which in turn can cause acid reflux.
They already had been instructed to avoid Simpson coverage, but Fujisaki expanded his order to a blanket ban on all news.
And it is the galaxies, not individual stars, that are receding from one another, being carried farther apart as the space in which they are embedded expands.
The president used today's speech to expand on remarks he made last month.
a game much like paintball, is expanding in popularity all over the world, and the west coast of the United
Heroes or Villains?
Begin with small Smarty adaptations and expand your repertoire as needs dictate and you grow more proficient.
Some have sidecar expanders for more faders, knobs, meters or a joystick; some units are entirely self-contained.
To an ecologist, this looks like an ecosystem whose biodiversity has expanded radically.
The device was quickly embraced by the medical community and its use expanded beyond acutely ill cardiac patients, before its benefits were actually proven.
The owner of the garage was somewhat surprised that we had seen so much more and experienced more of his "Native Country" and was truly interested in expanding his horizons after talking to me!
Page 2
When the power within her reached its peak, the red nimbus around her expanded to fill the entire corridor.
The tanna R. Eliezer ben Hyrcanus expanded the restriction of Shammai (limiting sexual connection to the first act of intercourse only) for the mature bride to all brides and put them in the category of niddah.
Female Purity (Niddah).
Both fish first expand their mouths to draw in water, but the puffer then pumps the water into its stomach, while the triggerfish opens its mouth and pumps the water back out.
The Best of Health, the Bellshill-based direct sales company for one of the world's most popular health regimes, is expanding into America and Scandanavia.
A number of accessories, starting with the Live View Finder which provides full-time live view, makes photography more fun while expanding the user's artistic capabilities.
We need to change the very words we use to analyze writing so that we can wash this stigmatism out of our collective consciousnesses and allow writers to expand their 'toolkit' and readers to explore more methods of storytelling.
So It Goes: Thoughts on the Cassandra Ghetto
In order to acquire the funding to expand departments, art schools and universities had to meet the formal requirements attached to the bill.
The geum is in the expanded muhly bed, still small but it would look fabulous.
The Lawn Experiment-Open To Suggestions « Fairegarden
Air must be compressed, then cooled, and then allow to expand, this is called adiabatic cooling.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Their motivation for the series is to expand its audience among the theater-going public, which is not always receptive to new ideas.
Meanwhile, the music is evolving and expanding.
Times, Sunday Times
Plato would certainly have found the structure of C60 - an expanded dodecahedron, which is about as close to a sphere as you can get - to be an unusually beautiful body.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1996 - Presentation Speech
The reader is frequently referred to more comprehensive texts for expanded discussion of the pathophysiology of the disorders.
His fondness for chromaticism was such that Schoenberg suspected he would soon join the ranks of the atonalists, but for Reger chromaticism was a means of expanding the resources of tonality, not a harbinger of its imminent collapse.
the expanded window will give us time to catch the thieves
To expand the development path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, we must further emancipate our minds.
There are no outspoken cabinet critics of the rival scheme to expand Gatwick.
Times, Sunday Times
The gas pressure eventually overcomes the force of solar gravity and the corona inevitably expands into space as the solar wind .
It aims to expand uses of ancient waterways, to increase trade, travel and communication lines.
It is a lightweight setup, made out of expanded foam.
Exim Bank's WEF program has since enabled 214 women to access over US $8 million in credit to expand their small or medium sized businesses.
Tapping into the glamping trend, the British tour operator has expanded its range of tents and mobile homes and commissioned the Lodge Deluxe to satisfy the desires of the discerning camper.
This was drawing in more shoppers while its online business was expanding.
Times, Sunday Times
The true path that leads to this is, firstly, developing the motivation of bodhichitta, which is expanding or opening our hearts out to all others and to enlightenment, the state of a Buddha to be able to benefit them all.
Lam-rim Structured According to the Four Noble Truths
Respiratory distress syndrome also known as hyaline membrane disease occurs when the underdeveloped lungs of the premature infant cannot expand and contract as they should with each inspiration.
Mothering Twins
Combining voice services with broadband gives operators the opportunity to expand their offerings of person-to-person communications.
Rather than expanding our understanding of national phyches, the shows tend to confirm commonly held stereotypes - of Swedes as rampantly egalitarian minimalists, for example.
The father of another said he did not blame the university, which is expanding its counselling service.
Times, Sunday Times
However, as the temporal fenestra expands to ludicrous proportions in the cynodonts, the skull table is reduced to a saggital crest formed by the parietal.
But with 29 low-rent housing units above them, they would need to evict individuals already in precarious financial situations in order to expand.
Bert's well aware that the use of mind-expanding drugs has a long and honourable tradition in the search for what's really around us.
She mentioned a few ideas, but she didn't expand on them.
To expand the fireguard, a 2 km wide stretch of forest was burned south into Kootenay National Park.
The expanded literature search was very coincident with the initial search, providing most of the same reasons, purposes, and impetuses for developing peer institution selection systems.
Expanding — and flowed, flowered for him, fluid neon origami trick, the unfolding of his distanceless home, his country, transparent 3D chessboard extending to infinity.”
I Am George Jetson
They boost their own expenses and expand their empires and then, when they discover that they cannot deliver services, they turn to the obliging taxpayer.
The service was expanding rapidly because of the sharp rise in prisoner numbers and the need to open new establishments.
Times, Sunday Times
Organised by the Energy Research Centre, the conference comes just as Britain reopens the debate of whether to expand Britain's nuclear power capacity.
The recent depreciation of the pound could disrupt her plans to expand the product range.
Times, Sunday Times
Cloves (from _clavus_, a nail), also found in the kitchen spice box, and owning certain medicinal resources of a cordial sort, which are quickly available, belong to the Myrtle family of plants, and are the unexpanded flower buds of an aromatic tree (_Caryophyllus_), cultivated at Penang and elsewhere.
Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
We improved our policy to stimulate and expand employment by encouraging business startups, and enforced the minimum wage system.
In 1922, the Russian physicist Alexander Friedmann predicted from general relativity that the universe should be expanding.
Like the TNT, Winchester's 34 gr. bullet expands with explosive effect, breaking into almost sand-sized particles when fired into tissue simulants such as ballistic gelatin or even water.
Newer media tend to grow from, or expand out of, older media; television drew heavily upon radio and film.
He helped create and expand the Bastille legend, exhibiting in his waxworks insurgents, released prisoners, and a model of the fortress, carved from its ‘last’ stone.
Though we may have started out extending a wholesome influence on only one person, that influence could expand to many others.
In "Time After Time" 2000, which opened the program, Mr. Lerdahl incorporated what he calls a spiral form, in which a simple and stable musical idea is expanded on.
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Medics have linked the rise to the nation 's expanding waistlines.
The Sun