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How To Use Existent In A Sentence

  • Asco also created evocative titles, such as "A La Mode" and "No Tip," that referred to nonexistent films while constructing themselves as film stars in the process. Max Benavidez: Asco Returns Triumphant to LACMA
  • The study predicted that, by 2022, the country would still require $7.2 billion in foreign aid a year—and that assumes an upsurge of so-far inexistent mining-industry revenue and no dramatic deterioration of security. Afghanistan Seeks Enduring Support
  • This is due to the then nonexistent mobilization of what is called today the "civil society."
  • So, the system of existential graphs actually requires three dimensions for its representations, although the third dimension in which the torus is embedded can usually be represented in two dimensions by the use of pictorial devices that Peirce called “fornices” or “tunnel-bridges” and by the use of identificational devices that Peirce called Nobody Knows Nothing
  • Many primitive societies attach existential weight to the names of things.
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  • It is the latter which is the deeper meaning of existentialism.
  • Then they would bicker about who won the non-existent trophy. Christianity Today
  • Vnde cum Imperator electus in sede regni debuit poni, nobis in curia tunc existentibus, tanta cecidit grando, quod ex subita resolutione plusquam CLX. homines in eadem curia fuerunt submersi. The long and wonderful voyage of Frier Iohn de Plano Carpini
  • You beautiful enigma, you Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner, you little house on the prairie of the existential oversoul.
  • Principe nempe Persarum gessit; ratione quorum bellorum in partes alias bellum mouere noluit, ob eamque causam in partibus Poloni� latrones quidam Cosaci nuncupati, et alij facinorosi in partibus illis existentes, subditos C鎠aris potentissimi turbare et infestare non desierunt. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Like I said. kornbelt888: That, however, does not dispense with the problem of the ultimate ontological question of what is primary, self-existent. Dawkins and ID
  • He could only regard her existential pain as a cup of instant coffee to be sweetened with saccharin.
  • Measuring around my non-existent waistline and…… hold on a minute, this can't be right.
  • Face and hand washing was more common but knowledge of hygiene was non-existent.
  • I think that nowhere else in the mythologies are the Five Root-Races, the four past and the one existent, mentioned so clearly as here in The Crest-Wave of Evolution A Course of Lectures in History, Given to the Graduates' Class in the Raja-Yoga College, Point Loma, in the College-Year 1918-19
  • The costs of such negligence are low in Japan where compensation for product liability claims is mostly derisory or non-existent.
  • We see here clearly how Thomas has appropriated Plato's thought for his own ‘existential’ (in the sense of esse) purposes.
  • She makes writing a book sound like busywork ... the strain is as palpable as the voice is cute, and the drama is virtually nonexistent. Committed by Elizabeth Gilbert: Book summary
  • In contrast to Aristotle, Brentano emphasizes the importance of existential judgements with only one term, and claims that predicative judgements are a special case of existential ones.
  • Marx may be described as a humanist, and in this century humanism has been given expression, in both secular and religious forms, in the philosophy of existentialism.
  • The second conclusion we can draw is that Gray's opposition to the notion of historical moral progress poses no serious challenge to existential humanism.
  • My understanding (let alone expertise) in such fields is nonexistent and some of my opinions others on this site find wrong-headed.
  • With the unresolved limina of Gertrude's involvement only fuelling his existential crisis, trapped in a tangle of determinacy and authoritative warp, Hamlet has only his affective judgement to fall back. Modality and Hamlet
  • For these two are no longer categories in an existential phenomenology of Attention or Tyrolean woodcraft but fully amortised within the evident detritus of the Second World War, constantly alluded to in The White Stones.
  • Achates, and the tender Nisus, were all genuine friends and great heroes; but, alas, existent only in fable: A Philosophical Dictionary
  • The “market” for integrated high-end dining is virtually non-existent. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Activist Government” and the Rights of Minorities
  • I gave up trying not to smile as we danced. It was too easy to lose myself in his eyes and arms. I wanted to move like this with him forever, gliding across the gym floor to nonexistent music.
  • I gave up trying not to smile as we danced. It was too easy to lose myself in his eyes and arms. I wanted to move like this with him forever, gliding across the gym floor to nonexistent music.
  • It worked best at times when the transatlantic alliance faced an existential, totalitarian threat. Times, Sunday Times
  • The theory that existence is not a predicate implies, however, that all existential propositions are synthetic.
  • He published On Humanism, a letter to Beaufret in which he distanced his own philosophy from French existentialism.
  • To label [Béla] Tarr, co-subject of this week's micro-retro at the Harvard Film Archive, as a downer is merely a philistine's impatient way of saying he's an existentialist, a modern-film Dostoyevsky-Beckett with a distinctly Hungarian taste for suicidal depression, morose self-amusement, and bile," writes Michael Atkinson. GreenCine Daily: Fests and events, 1/11.
  • It turned out that many of the letters of recommendation were from nonexistent companies.
  • According to Berman, brain images and models may skew and privilege model-friendly properties over existential characteristics of life and thought.
  • To the extent that Baker and Reynolds actually excised archaic and unrepentant parochialism rooted literally in past centuries of practice that gave rise to existential equal protection problems, sobeit. The Volokh Conspiracy » My Talk at the Constitution in 2020 Conference
  • 'echos' corrected to 'echoes': process echoes existential Humanistic Nursing
  • Personally, I have been existentially flummoxed by those questions ever since my high school days in the late 70s, when I was "complimented" on my "white girl legs" and vilified for having "no ass". Alice Singleton: But Mr. Nivea, What if I Don't Have a Big Booty?: Well Kid, That's the (Moisturizing) Rub...
  • Incorporation of any such existent data would surely bias our analysis.
  • Him drifting around stylish wooden houses while battling existential despair? Times, Sunday Times
  • Simple boredom is the sort you suffer from during long Christmas dinners or political speeches; "existential" boredom is more complex and persistent, taking in many conditions, such as melancholia, depression, world weariness and what the psalmist called the "destruction that wasteth at noonday"—or spiritual despair, often referred to as acedia or accidie. Accidie? Ennui? Sigh . . .
  • The Kurdish region of northern Iraq does not yet face an existential crisis. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the same way those who say the One or the existent is the good, say that it is the cause of substance, but not that substance either is or comes to be for the sake of this. Metaphysics
  • Set against the wartime Parisian intellectual society, The Mandarins revealed Simone de Beauvoir's relations with the existentialist philosopher Jean Paul Sartre.
  • This financial bonfire is our Reichtag fire, and our real Fuhrer, Paulson, is requesting emergency dictatorial powers to save the nation from nonexistent, unbridled capitalism. The Highway Robber State « Blog
  • Instead, we are concerned with certain existential realities that confront us, and which will continue to confront us.
  • The philosophy based on the transcendental existence was departed into three parts: existential philosophy of Greek, modern metaphysical and the existential philosophy of Heidergger.
  • Soon Spencer-Brown was facing an existential crisis. Times, Sunday Times
  • The atrocities of the Second World War coupled with developments in genetics, robotics, and space exploration (just to mention a few) are reflected in nihilism and existentialism philosophies, presenting the image of a man as a fluctuant entity, surrounded by relative values, incapable of seeking ultimate truths and haunted by the disintegration of ideologies that once he has held sacred. POSTMODERN LITERATURE:
  • That is mistakenly attributed to a nonexistent mysterious disease.
  • Researching the prevalence of elder abuse is notoriously difficult, and information on the abuse of black elders is non-existent.
  • Satan's rebellion arises in no small measure from an over-estimation of the importance of existents and a rejection of those aspects of his relationship with God to be affirmed through belief: the unobservable act of his own creation; and the benevolence of the Son's vicegerent rule, which he takes to be an expression of divine authoritarianism. Feisal G. Mohamed: Evaluating the Post-Secular Return to Belief
  • Science and Classical artistic life are good, and the contrary, such as today's popular cultures, are bad per se in respect to their tendency to cause populations to debase, even bestialize themselves, as fascists do, as the violent existentialists of 1968 did, that to the ruinous effects on the culture of the world as a whole, today. LaRouche's Latest
  • And the view out of the back is virtually non-existent. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although I think that carbon fiber autoclaved dry layup (current carbon fiber helmets are wet layup heavy same as advanced fiberglass) would be an ingenious (and expensive) solution to a non existent problem lighter weight more aero helmets are always welcome. Arai Corsair V RC: F1 tech for motorcycles - Hell For Leather
  • That some scientists confuse the unprovable with the nonexistent does not justify the deliberate attempt of IDists to substitute sophistry for science in our public schools.
  • Team specific marketing was an afterthought at best and almost non-existent.
  • I should add that MP was not besieged with articles while I was there, despite the journal's age and relative prestige; the non-existent backfile caused some alarm would we actually run out of articles? MSS
  • Universal creationism - the doctrine or belief that the universe was created by God out of no pre-existent entity.
  • an attempt to refine the existent machinery to make it more efficient
  • Existential questions requir-ing religious answers still persist.
  • He went to the doctor about it and was told he was suffering from existential angst. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus, they originally went to a hidden HTML system by sending emails with nonexistent HTML tags - penis - but when people got wise to that, they simply started talking in leetspeak. Y Ur Pe--nis so Sm@ll?, Help Urself cheap R/x, primary melursus spoilage
  • However, in developing countries, the collections are super small, and even in the USA, access to works in languages other than English is practically non-existent. Treaty would stop the blind from reading
  • Professor Lowell controverts M. Antoniadi's claim to have proved that the lines are non-existent, and that the only markings are small separate shadings which are illusively seen as lines. To Mars via The Moon An Astronomical Story
  • I recently received an e-mail from a friend stating how the "expletive" - Democrats were trying to steal the election via "expletive" - ACORN registering a "expletive" - bunch of criminals and non-existent, non-entities and how the "expletive, expletive, expletive" - need to be taken out and shot. What is "known" about ACORN
  • This reflects the general insulation of the community, where there are specific delineations between northern and southern Thais and where intercommunity outreach with other groups has been almost nonexistent.
  • While Christian revenge for perceived Jewish deicide never materialized, I can't say the existential fear truly fizzled. Josh Fleet: The J-Word: Why Jesus Is Taboo In Polite Jewish Conversation
  • When acting on behalf of the public, it ought always have a clear reason for what it is doing, that it can articulate without shame, sloganeering, or reliance on non-existent evidence.
  • As a statement of existential ontology this says nothing about which affective states are most prevalent.
  • In the appropriation accounts of the Government, the distinction is almost non-existent.
  • Idealist philosophy is past: it tried to found being on something inexistent. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The story is an exercise in counterfactual genre criticism in which a professor tells his class about the fictitious history and non-existent antecedent of Poe's famous story "The Masque of the Red Death" (1842). REVIEW: The Best Horror Of The Year, Volume 2 edited by Ellen Datlow
  • In literary theory they emerge as Marxism, phenomenology, existentialism, structuralism, poststructuralism, deconstruction.
  • Empedocles, and others, to prove there must be something self-existent and eternal, or in other words, "that nothing which once was not can ever of itself come into being," he uses it to disprove a divine creation, and even presents the maxim in an altered form -- viz., "nothing is ever _divinely_ generated from nothing;" [787] and he thence concludes that the world was by no means made for us by _divine_ power. [ Christianity and Greek Philosophy or, the relation between spontaneous and reflective thought in Greece and the positive teaching of Christ and His Apostles
  • Popper is not arguing that ‘existential statements’ - by which I assume he means observations or potential observations - must be falsifiable.
  • Thus Aristotle avoided the idea that God was inactive and self-contemplative for an eternity, and then for some unknown reason, or by some unknown motive, commenced to act outwardly and produce; but he incurred the opposite hazard, of making the result of His action, matter and the Universe, be co-existent with Himself; or, in other words, of denying that there was any time when His outward action _commenced_. Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
  • I recognize no human moral authority outside my existential self.
  • Psychologists call this tendency to fill in nonexistent details confabulation. World Wide Mind
  • Latrines and showers are damaged, fecal matter is running in rivulets through the camps, and in the worst possible scenario, chorine levels in water distribution systems are running low or are non-existent. Georgianne Nienaber: Flooding Scours the Whitewash From Haiti Aid Efforts
  • The writer, with her emphasis on becoming, certainly is existentialist.
  • At the end of the day, the only considerable difference between strong 'emergent property' claims and 'dualist' claims of substance or most any other stripe is that the former is supposed to no longer be around once the matter is gone, while the latter's activity is not supposed to be discernible while still existent in the same case. The Memory Hole
  • Meanwhile, Albert meets a fireman, Tommy, who introduces him to the French existentialist, who teaches that life is meaningless and cruel.
  • Maybe it is just some existential despair we all carry with us. Times, Sunday Times
  • Supposing the trial judge, contrary to the then existent practice in New South Wales, had refused the prisoner the right to make a statement from the dock.
  • In Direct Line's latest he's convinced there must be a catch to salesman Chris Addison's straightforward pitch, and so congratulates him for non-existent chicanery. The Hard Sell: Direct Line
  • By default, Giacometti's figures are read, even today, as symbols of the existential condition of humanity, a last-ditch stand before the void.
  • Still almost non-existent, unless seeing people getting stoned or drunk qualifies. Times, Sunday Times
  • And if so, to what extent is it authentic in capital "E" Existential terms, insofar as it is a matter of facticity, rather than volition? Michael Vazquez: On Nénette
  • I gave up trying not to smile as we danced. It was too easy to lose myself in his eyes and arms. I wanted to move like this with him forever, gliding across the gym floor to nonexistent music.
  • Their musical development is practically nonexistent - the group's spacey, synth-spiked brand of hypercharged guitar rock has remained basically unchanged for years.
  • The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics tells us nothing about one of the most important elements of risk... what dose causes what level of risk the risk from infinitesimally small doses like this is usually infinitesimal or non-existent. David Ropeik: Warning! Health Warnings May Be Hazardous to Your Health!
  • Through flashbacks, reminiscences and circuitous conversations, the questions echo and re-echo, teasingly existential, never quite igniting. Times, Sunday Times
  • They have gradually distanced themselves from us and now the relationship is practically nonexistent. Times, Sunday Times
  • As regards studies of the abnormalities of the sexual impulse, under the name of _paradoxical sexual impulse_ cases have been published in which that impulse manifested itself at an age of life in which it is normally non-existent -- old age and childhood. The Sexual Life of the Child
  • The Soul, like the Intelligence, is a unified existent, in spite of its dual capacity as contemplator and actor.
  • So, just as the existential and predicative uses are not unrelated, neither are the predicative, identity, and generic implication uses unrelated.
  • For one, he's supposedly been caught boasting about non-existent software before.
  • He lies in an existential funk trying to make sense of it all.
  • This helps in no way at all to prove that such experience is direct apprehension of God and helps in no way to support the existential claim ‘God exists’.
  • A kind of existential film noir, the movie seems to belong to the doom-laden era of post-war Hollywood, where shadowy streets concealed murderous acts and fate was always breathing down the neck of a scurrying rat.
  • De mon air arrogant du a la fatigue deja pesante a cette heure je lui dit que c'n'est pas possible puisque d'une les categorie ca n'existent plus qu'en 2004 j'etais meme pas diagnostiké, que j'ai posé ma demande cotorep en decembre 2005 et que je viens seuement le mois dernier d'avoir ma reconnaissance!! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Mag. _ in May 1861, writes: "I have deduced from this result the relation between statical or dynamical electricity, and have shown that the elasticity of the magnetic medium in air is the same as that of the luminiferous medium, _if these two coexistent, coextensive, and equally elastic media are not rather one medium_. Aether and Gravitation
  • Discrimination of meaning comes when one imagines that words rise depending upon whatever subjects they express, and which subjects are regarded as self-existent.
  • More than that, it is normal human angst, otherwise known as existential anxiety. Times, Sunday Times
  • When the food was bad he slumped towards existential despair. Times, Sunday Times
  • Internet banking and cashpoint coverage is patchy and credit card services almost non-existent because of sanctions. Times, Sunday Times
  • I really like philosophy, especially existentialism.
  • The object renders in material form the preexistent intention that gave birth to it, and its form is accounted for by the performance expected of it even before it takes shape. Artificial or Natural
  • an existential moment of choice
  • Age-related speckles and scratches are essentially non-existent.
  • Yet he feels "muzzled" by some nonexistent PC police. David Fiderer: Sexual Perversity in Philadelphia: How Michael Smerconish Frames the War on Terror
  • Another potential application of work on categories lies in the idea that various mistakes and puzzlements in ontology can be traced to the mistaken belief that category-neutral existential and quantificational claims are truth-evaluable (see Thomasson 2007). Categories
  • Unlike the complex nuances of the story, the artistic details are minimal and shading is non-existent.
  • The author holds that the existentialist conception of individuality, with its stress on 'creative responsibility', implies an imperative for each of us to recognise the individuality of others and to respect it.
  • Services for customers on public transport are becoming non-existent.
  • Then again, some of them were almost non-existent from the get-go. Tiger-less team finds cohesiveness
  • But it has that same uninspired atmosphere, where even stylish shots don't look stylish because the lighting is either so natural or so inexpert as to seem nonexistent.
  • If you invent a non-existent problem, you can always manufacture an unnecessary solution.
  • But of course cough is a common symptom of pulmonary oedema or coexistent bronchitis, so you should also consider these causes.
  • I still owe him pint-long explanations of existentialism and postmodernism, you know.
  • “As I descended into impassable rivers I no longer felt guided by the ferrymen,” he says, recounting his bouts with writer's block, depression, dry flaky skin and existential torment. With Arthur Rimbaud at the Chamber of Commerce Lunch
  • The margins on refining oil are currently low to non-existent. Times, Sunday Times
  • I want to be on the end of a dependable electrical supply system where outages are non-existent.
  • We call the coarser level a person’s “not being substantially existent in the sense of being self-sufficient” and the subtler level a person’s “not being inherently existent.” How to See Yourself As You Really Are
  • Rather, they say things like “this is good” or “this is wrong,” and seem to actually think they are discovering these values as preexistent realities independent of the desires of individuals — which is not quite the case. Paradigm Assessment Schemata (Part 3)
  • Moreover, he believes that the infotech revolution poses a particularly acute, existential challenge to capitalism. Times, Sunday Times
  • He also, like some existentialists, believes that life is pointless.
  • The marshal would be cashiered and ‘promoted’ to a non-existent command in the west to silence his warnings of a potential shift of power in the direction of U.S. high-tech weaponry.
  • existentialist movement
  • Allergic contact dermatitis and coexistent athlete's foot were excluded, and pompholyx was diagnosed.
  • This paper summarized the status quo of animal husbandry development and animal product trade, the existent problem in presence animal product and the developmental countermeasures.
  • But his grasp on life was precarious and my mother's quality of life as a full-time carer was practically nonexistent. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our waitress's command of English was weak, almost non-existent in fact, and our food arrived at strange intervals.
  • Who cares, after all, that Darwin got his physical theory of inheritance wrong (basing it on a nonexistent entity called the "gemmule")? What's Not in Your Genes
  • Other risks, global and potentially existential (catastrophic meteorite impact, pandemic disease, climate changes, collapse of the global socioeconomic infrastructure due to insufficient forward planning "Y2K") or "merely" regional (local famine, 'brushfire' conflicts formerly closely confined by their implications for the balance between superpowers) increased in their relative importance and/or attention regardless of any change in their independent The Speculist: Doomsday Clock Speculist Challenge
  • The synthesis of the imagination in apprehension would only present to us each of these perceptions as present in the subject when the other is not present, and contrariwise; but would not show that the objects are coexistent, that is to say, that, if the one exists, the other also exists in the same time, and that this is necessarily so, in order that the perceptions may be capable of following each other reciprocally. The Critique of Pure Reason
  • Mr. SANDFORD: A lot of cops in fiction are very depressive and are kind of downbeat, and they've got all kinds of existential angst that they're dealing with. Hunting 'Prey' On The Streets Of The Twin Cities
  • However, don't let this color your view of the states, there are inclusive, loving and existential Christians out there too, but we don't go up to strangers and "piously" lay hands on people in King Soopers ... God
  • The debate about the relative strengths of Israeli forces and the invading Arab armies is just part of a pernicious campaign to discredit the very real existential security concerns that Israel has had to deal with, continuously, since the pre-independence days as a nascent state. Matthew Yglesias » Five State Solution
  • At once existential and literal, Mosquera's vignettes are visually seductive, successfully engaging both our need to belong and our sense of self.
  • As all taxes eventually come out of rent, the economic rental value is what is left after the existent taxes have been extracted from the economy.
  • The perfect place for a restful weekend in the country, not least because phone reception is non-existent. The Sun
  • I think a drone strike might be allowable if we were taking out a nuke that al-Qaeda might transport, w/collateral damage to (say) a U.S. citizen in league with them; but really, one nuke is not an existential threat. The Volokh Conspiracy » Is Harold Koh’s Defense of Drones Also the Defense of Targeting a US Citizen?
  • (Averroism); naturalistic theories of miracles and prophecy; the eternity of the world and the concept of eternal creation; the active intellect as giver of forms; the first cause as necessary existent; the emanation of intelligences from the first cause; the distinction between essence and existence; the theory of primary concepts; the concept of human happiness as resulting from perfect conjunction with the active intellect. Influence of Arabic and Islamic Philosophy on the Latin West
  • This is as great an existential threat, they argue. Times, Sunday Times
  • Reading "Gossip" is like watching Norman Mailer begin one of those sentences whose ending is not yet known to the author, the difference being that Mailer liked to pose as a Nietzschean Ubermensch taking leaps into existential voids while Mr. Epstein is a rambling boulevardier who just isn't sure yet where he'll eat lunch. Boulevardier's Delight
  • South Africa is a vast country with poor to non-existent public transport. Times, Sunday Times
  • The existential condition of living in a body mediates our perceptual experience of the world.
  • His recasting of subjectivity, albeit in nonessentialized terms, still looks back to the voluntarism of Existentialism.
  • You'll find the nouveau hippie existentialism, the cockney laced rap and a handful of funk-fuelled fun.
  • Most read him in terms of the German philosophical tradition or existentialism.
  • Life Positions Life positions are basic beliefs about self and others, which are used to justify decisions and behaviour These life positions are perceptions of the world and the people that we 'transact' with, as well as of ourselves Life positions are existential positions, one of which we are more likely to go to under stress Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Home is precious to a man who emerged from a war-torn nation where tennis funding was non-existent. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now I do understand the idea of existentialism whereby the viewer makes up their own mind but LOST takes the piss. Why I Hate LOST | the TV addict
  • As I evolved as a writer, from navel-high producer of galactic space operas to fuzz-sprouting fantasist imagining nonexistent island countries, to university dabbler in more-or-less realistic short stories to twentysomething unpublished novelist, I became more and more interested in the interactive nature of fiction. Mohsin Hamid on writing The Reluctant Fundamentalist
  • Was he thinking that her guilt was about lamenting her inexistent parents?
  • I am growling inwardly, and I keep finding non-existent excuses to disappear for coffee.
  • Never will I forget the erotic thrill of that non-existent, yet tender exchange of tongues.
  • Insulation, incredibly enough in our climate, did not get housing subsidy and so is primitive or non-existent.
  • As Sartre once noted, "The existentialist … finds it extremely embarrassing that God does not exist, for there disappears with him all possibility of finding values in an intelligible heaven."
  • Keeping the hurt inside, Killy henceforth learned in an existential manner to rely on no one but himself, and toughened his hide.
  • Holland has just had eight years of solid economic growth and unemployment is almost non-existent.
  • An officer hauntingly reports that one attempt has succeeded: 'A doctor has confirmed life is now nonexistent. Times, Sunday Times
  • It involves much 'deeper layers of embodied engagement and reaction', where we are touched 'imaginatively, affectively and existentially'. The Times Literary Supplement
  • As it turns out, the Hare virus was practically nonexistent.
  • I think its unexcusable that politicians, and the exclusionary welfare recipient cartels they represent, resort to fear of the non-existent to get elected and to keep money flowing to ponzi schemes cloaking themselves with a ‘healthcare’ banner/chyron. Think Progress » ThinkFast: March 4, 2010
  • Online ticketing scams are the fastest growing area of fraud as thousands of people are deceived into paying huge sums for non-existent tickets, police have warned. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is self-existent truth, and cognizing it is an act of revealing its validity because cognition is intrinsically absolutely reliable.
  • As a result the cash surpluses that would normally occur around now are very low or non-existent.
  • The atmosphere had become frosty in the last couple of weeks and enthusiasm to teach was understandably non-existent. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yesterday I washed my new hairdo, and the perm is now virtually non-existent, more of a wave than a curl.
  • ‘There’ is used as the subject of an existential sentence in standard English while it is used in most other situations in which a ‘dummy’ or expletive subject is necessary.
  • But existentialism is essentially just a poncy way of saying that actions speak louder than words, and Smith is still determined to engage with the world.
  • Christians, in contrast, believe that nothing can be self-existent other than God Himself.
  • Maybe it is just some existential despair we all carry with us. Times, Sunday Times
  • Design, costume, acting, and theatrical bells and whistles made for an impressive production, turning what could have been an arid treatise on French existentialism into a vivid piece of camp absurdism.
  • Judge Steve Evans takes on these unspooky spooks and non-existent ghosts - and he doesn't mind one bit.
  • The safeguards, intended to prevent the opportunities for fraudand manipulation, which we have enjoyed for well over a century, willbe rendered nonexistent if we permit our vote counting to be concealed within the unobservable processes of acomputer. Why We Must Speak Out
  • This is nearly the opposite of the philosophical connotation of "existentialism" of being as happy with nothing as you would be with whatever wealth you might accumulate Jon Stewart's Extended Interview with Newsweek Editor Jon Meacham | Indecision Forever | Political Humor, 2010 Election, and Satire Blog | Comedy Central
  • I'm not sure if Kelly is correct to call this the Church's ‘greatest existential crisis since the Reformation.’
  • When the food was bad he slumped towards existential despair. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other times, the connection is more remote, or downright nonexistent.
  • To paraphrase economist Angus Maddison, for 1800 years progress was virtually non-existent, then it accelerated sharply. Emancipation From What ... Capitalism?
  • Online ticketing scams are the fastest growing area of fraud as thousands of people are deceived into paying huge sums for non-existent tickets, police have warned. Times, Sunday Times
  • It turned down the proposal for a co-operative because 'financing is inexistent'. Times, Sunday Times
  • Landscapes are peaceful and unscarred, animals roam free, children never grow up and work is virtually non-existent.
  • The cult of artistic and existential evasion in Dada and surrealism made suicide a leitmotif of literary life in inter-war France.
  • It was a time when everything was very basic, a time when cars were non existent in the area and the humped back stone bridge was the local landmark.
  • The poet seems to be experiencing a kind of existential crisis in a hostile, opaque, impenetrable and uninhabitable world.
  • As it was a moonless night visibility on the strait was non-existent, though the pelting rain had eased somewhat. THE ANCIENT FUTURE: THE DARK AGE
  • However, water-soluble rubidium, cesium, thallium, and silver minerals are virtually nonexistent and should pose no complication.
  • Plum duff caption All that Latin last week seems to have brought on an existential crisis. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yes, exactly, in our social media-driven culture, the existential dilemma faced by us modern-day human beings is something altogether far more complex: To Like or not to Like? Eva Norlyk Smith, Ph.D.: I Tweet Therefor I am: Love in the Age of Homo SM-piens.
  • 'I didn't know Dr Rhinehart was an existentialist humanist ,' the woman said. THE DICE MAN
  • But we cannot refuse our admiration to the fervent and generous order of public spirit existent at that time, when we find that it was a popular leader who proposed to, and carried through, a popular assembly the motion, that went to empoverish the men who supported his party and adjudged his proposition. Athens: Its Rise and Fall, Complete
  • Yet Soutine's existential outcries and fiery whirlwinds build to a state of natural beauty and calm—as if they could not have happened any other way. Constructivist Criticism Laid Bare
  • Since all phenomena are dependently originated (not objectively existent), all phenomena are empty Principle Path to Enlightenment
  • But the chances of that happening are virtually non-existent. The Sun
  • The summer that is now nearly officially behind us has been all about a kind of existential angst for me.
  • Ecclesiastes reads like an existentialist writing from the twentieth century.

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