How To Use Exhausting In A Sentence
Liz smiles professionally and holds Larry, who wheezes and splutters, enduring his hardship with a stoicism that looks exhausting.
We may observe here the singular paradox, which we believe that the philosophy of the mind and the experience of the scholar equally establish, that what are usually called the heaviest or severest subjects of thought are the least exhausting to the thinker.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 20, No. 121, November, 1867
Conducting oral history interviews can be both exhilarating and exhausting.
This included an exhausting half hour walk from a nearby parking space to the reception area and thence to the outpatient clinic.
Further, Newton's assumption that Wallace is the sole practitioner of the artful defusion of 'high brow' pretension by 'street slang' is an overstatement -- recall Joyce's exhausting of the entire practice in his "Oxen of the Sun" episode of Ulysses where the whole history of the English language is satirized, equally, from its inception to his contemporary cockney.
Omer Rosen: Footnoting David Foster Wallace: Part 1

It was all very exhausting and draining.
Christianity Today
The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere.
I had to get up way before her father left for work so that she wasn’t left alone, but that got plain exhausting in about 5 minutes so I got fat instead. it is very difficult to exercise when a small child is with you.
Cheeseburger Gothic » Burger Lite 26 Feb
He is the type not of the charmingly nutty but of the exhaustingly garrulous professor.
It's exhausting and emotionally draining.
Times, Sunday Times
After an exhausting drill in oppressive heat, Mia Hamm jogged off the field. - Rejuvenated Hamm still a reluctant star
Add to that the exhausting thought of dejunking a chock-full attic and garage for the next several weekends - suddenly hiring an expert sounds like a brilliant idea!
The secret is to start off gently and it might be best to think of cycling as a fun activity, rather than exhausting exercise.
He is still amazed at how the actor transformed his body and his mind for the exhausting role.
The Sun
This is exhausting work, but I manage to keep going somehow.
Cardinal Richelieu, Prime Minister of France, drank chocolate to treat his spleen, and women drank it to regain their strength during particularly exhausting days.
Ireland's politicians to work together is exhausting the patience of those who voted for the peace accord.
Times, Sunday Times
When you combine that with bombastic music and visual clichés it makes for an exhausting hour.
Times, Sunday Times
I did my first polka at their wedding not too - it was exhausting.
It's exhausting and emotionally draining.
Times, Sunday Times
Li labored all day in the icy cold, subsisted on watery soup, and spent the evenings in exhausting self-criticism sessions or on even more exhausting forced marches.
Not only was it physically exhausting but he was on a regime of drugs twice a day.
The Sun
Even without abuse per se, long hours of isolated, physically exhausting domestic labor for live-in nannies, cooks and housekeepers can extend beyond what most employees would tolerate.
It was almost exhausting to read.
Times, Sunday Times
At times, he seems to be exhausting all possible means and angles to aestheticize action and violence.
CHOPRA: No. In fact we know from science even as you and I speak right now, there are stars that are exhausting their thermonuclear energy, collapsing into black holes, which are called singularities, and exploding on the other side through wormholes into multiple universe.
CNN Transcript - Larry King Live: Deepak Chopra Discusses `How to Know God' - May 17, 2000
Classroom instruction, role-playing, uniform fitting, testing - it was all quite exhausting.
Plus, it's just plain exhausting trying to say productive, generous, and constructive things all the time.
Postgraduate work on psychoanalytic theory floundered in exhausting research.
The Times Literary Supplement
The movie pivots on not one but two such changes, and the result is exhaustingly cathartic, ultimately uplifting.
The game's leaden script also makes some of the dialogue exchanges exhausting to follow.
Times, Sunday Times
In fact he has been broke twice, and has always worked to an exhausting schedule.
Times, Sunday Times
an exhausting march
Miles and Evan are so wide awake, it is exhausting.
Yet getting a diagnosis can be as exhausting as the condition itself.
Times, Sunday Times
As exhausting as this journey must have been for the word bank, it has served English-speakers well, and richly.
The English Is Coming!
I was worried about how physically exhausting and painful it was going to be.
BMW's Mini brand has managed to spin off iterations of the Mini Cooper that are bigger and offer more doors see my recent caviling about the Countryman but the company runs the risk of exhausting its small-car cred.
In Geneva, Guessing at a Gas-Guzzling Future
The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere.
Nadal knocks off Verdasco in exhausting Australian semifinal - USATODAY. com
Nadal knocks off Verdasco in exhausting Australian semifinal
Tom finds work unsatisfying and exhausting.
You spend your time working for a national magazine during an emotionally exhausting, year-long campaign.
Matthew Yglesias » Flacks Fueling Fire
David Yoder for The Wall Street Journal The Saudi exhibition 'The Black Arch' presents a work by Shadia and Raja Alem I'm going to stick my neck out and make a judgment on the stand-out artist in this year's Venice Biennale, the world's most exhausting, demanding and prestigious bunfight of contemporary art.
Setting the Art World Alight
This fixture is always exhausting anyway.
Times, Sunday Times
Ladies don't sweat or perspire, even after an exhausting day of brunch, tennis, afternoon tea, supper and bridge.
When he explained to The Believer magazine that the travel demands were too much, the interviewer asked, "So the post has an august reputation, but to actually be sitting in the office is a kind of harried, exhausting and distracting experience?
The Reluctant Poet Laureate
Writing a book is a horrible, exhausting struggle, like a long bout with some painful illness. One would never undertake such a thing if one were not driven on by some demon whom one can neither resist nor understand. George Orwell
The movements are all quite minimal, but they build into something exhausting.
Times, Sunday Times
After having been on his feet twenty-four hours, in the exhausting work of mountain-climbing, Sir George began the reascent at the head of the relief party of six guides, to recover the corpse of his brother.
A Tramp Abroad
The ensuing litany of botched deals, double-crosses and macho showdownery is complicated and, ultimately, exhausting.
If one reason remained for her to persevere with the exhausting and empty void that her life had become, it was the child.
Now while this sounds like a good thing, since you are pretty much going to be exhausting the hot air directly out the back of the case, it does leave little room to mount the second fan.
If someone has successfully completed an epic, exhausting, hazardous journey to get here, why assume that they will become lazy, work-shy good-for-nothings when they arrive?
I shouted, just as I always did when I finally regained my sate harbour after an exhausting day sailing on the ecclesiastical high seas.
Writing a book is a horrible, exhausting struggle, like a long bout with some painful illness. One would never undertake such a thing if one were not driven on by some demon whom one can neither resist nor understand. George Orwell
The whole buying/moving process has been much more mentally exhausting for her.
If someone has successfully completed an epic, exhausting, hazardous journey to get here, why assume that they will become lazy, work-shy good-for-nothings when they arrive?
In all cases the employers sought the certificates before exhausting all conciliation and arbitration remedies available.
Dealing with infertility can become emotionally and financially exhausting.
Nadal knocks off Verdasco in exhausting Australian semifinal tennis | Comment | Recommend
Tennis News: Stories, Tournaments, Rankings, Money Leaders, Davis Cup
It's tiring and exhausting to constantly have to boost an ego due to whatever reason.
The broad advertising and use of injected medicines — Aranesp and Epogen, from Amgen; and Procrit, from Johnson & Johnson, to name two — to boost the energy of cancer patients by reducing their exhausting anemias have been fueled by perfectly legal payouts or rebates in the hundreds of millions of dollars.
Devra Davis Responds to Your Cancer Questions - Freakonomics Blog -
This "like"- and "as"-riddled prose is strangely exhausting - and clunky when the metaphors don't work: "the bridge of her nose as straight and tall as a chopstick standing at attention.
Book World: Lionel Shriver reviews Yan Lianke's 'Dream of Ding Village'
Not only is it exhausting to be in a state of near-perpetual anger, but it's unhealthy, and it annoys other people.
The whole thing is a nightmare, quite exhausting.
Times, Sunday Times
It was almost exhausting to read.
Times, Sunday Times
But Parker and Stone confirm the actual making of the film has been laborious and exhausting.
The fly is atremble with fear as she sees the looming danger, tries to break free from the sticky threads, tries hard to escape, and is exhausting herself in her desperate attempts.
It will instead become a source of genteel relaxation for the new middle classes, who find pub culture naff and club culture exhausting.
A highly qualified horticulturist found his responsible and mainly administrative post terribly exhausting after his hearing became impaired.
We are in danger of exhausting the world's oil supply .
A highly qualified horticulturist found his responsible and mainly administrative post terribly exhausting after his hearing became impaired.
Jan and I individually, or together with Alex, would also take him out in London, which at first was a nerve-racking and exhausting business.
Henry’s Demons
Caught during a break in rehearsal, they have the air of two people having huge and exhausting fun.
To get a perfect mastery over the "diaphragmatic" method and make it as serviceable as possible, practise breathing while lying on your back, filling the lungs to the utmost, and exhausting them as completely as possible.
The Young Priest's Keepsake
Even at the end of a particularly exhausting day of training Valery can make the others forget their weariness.
Of course, sexual intimacy and fidelity between the sexes can be frustrating and exhausting, and particularly in a society which is increasingly predicated on other values.
This work is physically exhausting and emotionally draining.
It was an exhausting schedule she had set herself.
Sure, it was an exhausting test of fitness, mettle and endurance, but it was followed by a well-deserved rave-up.
Times, Sunday Times
The movements are all quite minimal, but they build into something exhausting.
Times, Sunday Times
Triathlon is arguably the toughest branch of athletics around, pitting competitors against each other across three very different fitness categories in an utterly exhausting combination.
There should be a brilliant preface, introducing the seven sages to each other and the reader, after the ensample of Plutarch, and exhausting all the antiquarianism, all the memoirism, and all the varia-lectionism of the subject.
An Author's Mind : The Book of Title-pages
I work in a controlled way, so mentally it's exhausting.
Writing a book is a horrible, exhausting struggle, like a long bout with some painful illness. One would never undertake such a thing if one were not driven on by some demon whom one can neither resist nor understand. George Orwell
Now he was to be thrust into one of the most physically exhausting jobs in government.
Times, Sunday Times
We move on to a variation of dodgeball and it's deceptively exhausting.
Times, Sunday Times
He is still amazed at how the actor transformed his body and his mind for the exhausting role.
The Sun
And let's be honest here, he was an extremely limited writer and his persecution has probably secured for him a place in history which would have been unachievable from his exhausting epigrams alone.
It seemed as if that crop of figures, like the innumerable florets of the whiteweed, now overspreading your paternal farm, were exhausting the last vitality from a shallow soil.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 23, September, 1859
For a dancer, holding difficult dance poses all day long can be exhausting.
They weren't satisfied with the old design and don't like the new either, for all kinds of reasons which theyprovide inexhaustive and exhausting detail (and, probably, with great pleasure).
an exhausting job in the hot sun
Stripped to his track suit bottoms in the exhausting heat, he shouts instructions to his young charges.
Any traverse by foot across this kind of terrain would be exhausting and treacherous.
Britain women are never suffered to mow, which is a most athletic and exhausting labor, nor to load a cart, nor to drive a plough or hold it.
Biographical Essays
On the other hand, I am clearly missing the Dan Brown gene: the calculatedness of the pacing short chapters, cliffhangers at the end of virtually every chapter, etc. is weirdly exhausting to me.
They've just finished an exhausting 75-date European tour.
Do I really want to spend my days doing tedious, exhausting, boring work?
I share your insomnia problems and they are so exhausting.
After exhausting themselves with every kind of lubricity, they returned to their own room.
The Power of Mesmerism A Highly Erotic Narrative of Voluptuous Facts and Fancies
It was almost exhausting to read.
Times, Sunday Times
Sitting still in a make-up chair for four hours can be surprisingly exhausting.
Not only was it physically exhausting but he was on a regime of drugs twice a day.
The Sun
It was exhausting in the fierce heat of the midday sun.
Times, Sunday Times
It's physically, emotionally exhausting, which is documented everywhere.
With a Wink and a Toke
It was all very exhausting and draining.
Christianity Today
The competitive hothousing of talent was ultimately exhausting.
Times, Sunday Times
Then Fabrice came to my house and we worked a lot, I mean * a lot*, together in exhausting but very exciting big work sessions.
This work is physically exhausting and emotionally draining.
Likewise, persons who have taken poisonous, or large [338] probative quantities of Camphor found themselves quickly affected by exhausting choleraic diarrhoea; and
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He then went home, had dinner and rested his legs after an exhausting walk to church.
Nadal knocks off Verdasco in exhausting Australian semifinal
Nadal knocks off Verdasco in exhausting Australian semifinal
It teaches you just how long a man can carry a musket in one position without overfatigue, just how hard it is to keep awake on sentry duty after an exhausting day's march.
Public Speaking
At the rear of the case, near the area the CPU will likely be located, we have a 120 mm fan for exhausting the warm air from the case.
I really enjoy having, in my own home, an escape from those exhausting summer days of high temperatures and stifling humidity.
Later, irritated by his self-satisfied complacence and after listening to a recital of how he had cornered the Klamath salmon – packing, planted the first oysters on the bay and established that lucrative monopoly, and of how, after exhausting litigation and a campaign of years he had captured the water front of Williamsport and thereby won to control of the Lumber Combine, she returned to the charge.
I would have to do this nutty, wild, exhausting sort of dance where I would flail my arms and legs out with so much gusto I would eventually lose some of the bottled up energy.
The trouble with chasing Federer is that it is exhausting.
The stairwell was exhausting, yet he encountered no fall away steps and no large obstructions as he made his way down.
I find her exhausting to be with—she's too intense.
At noon, after an exhausting two and a half-mile march, Miles ordered the troops into an early bivouac in a horseshoe bend of the river and directed the Crow scouts to reconnoiter the valley.
Not only was it physically exhausting but he was on a regime of drugs twice a day.
The Sun
Always saying that he sought rest, and always exhausting himself, he may have been half in love with easeful death.
The Dark Side of Dickens
He flows like a slap bassist, performing exhausting rudiments in too-tight spaces with little grace and even less rhythm.
It all sounds infinitely more exhausting than the macarena.
Times, Sunday Times
They are confusing, exhausting and often about completely unimportant things.
Times, Sunday Times
Writing a book is a horrible, exhausting struggle, like a long bout with some painful illness. One would never undertake such a thing if one were not driven on by some demon whom one can neither resist nor understand. George Orwell
While Henry finds the character easy to understand on an emotional level, she admits she's been finding the play exhausting on a physical level.
Following the arbitrary rules of etiquette is a minor short term annoyance, but in the long run it alleviates life's exhausting tendancy for being little more than one damn thing after another. News
It was almost as exhausting to listen to as it must have been to play and sing.
Times, Sunday Times
What makes you think the mere smearing of chrism during an exhaustingly long ceremony is able to endow any man with it?
Now this increased action of the system, during the hot fit, by exhausting the sensorial powers of irritation and association, contributes to induce a renewal of the cold paroxysm; as the accumulation of those sensorial powers in the cold fit produces the increased actions of the hot fit; which two states of the system reciprocally induce each other by a kind of libration, or a plus and minus, of the sensorial powers of irritation and association.
Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
The other problem with paranoia is that it tends to become exhausting being so cynical and suspicious and any entropic system needs a continuous input of energy to continue working rather than excessive expenditures.
Writing a book is a horrible, exhausting struggle, like a long bout with some painful illness. One would never undertake such a thing if one were not driven on by some demon whom one can neither resist nor understand. George Orwell
Gold lamé looks better on drag queens, being the M.C. isn't as much fun as it looks and having your reputation precede you everywhere is actually exhausting.
In a world bursting with data it would be exhausting to examine every piece of counterevidence; life would be impossible.
Times, Sunday Times
This all makes for a record that will surely be exhausting for people who aren't into instrumental confrontation.
With quick, crisp passes that slid all over the Rangers end during the advantage, the Penguins moved the New York defenders around in exhausting fashion.
Trainee commandos are put through an exhausting assault course.
In the lead-up to any show my art becomes all-consuming and exhausting.
Times, Sunday Times
Seems perfectly reasonable to me that the Doctor's control of the energy would be more punishing and exhausting - even damaging - than Rose's.
The mental body, after exhausting the forces that make it up, also dies, and the soul is "centred" in the only vehicle it has left, the causal body, a body that is immortal, one may say, up to a certain point, since the soul retains it until the time comes when it can function in a still higher and more lasting vehicle, [244] and this happens only after millions of years. [
Reincarnation A Study in Human Evolution
This process, while exhausting, is rewarding, and may produce answers that surprise both aspirant guideline authors and users.
The list is exhaustive and exhausting.
Times, Sunday Times
Ruthless editing would have crafted sharp-edged form out of the three hours of exhausting overabundance, infused subtlety into unrelieved shrillness.
I've covered that time in what some would speak of as exhausting detail in my blog, so I won't go into it here.
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They've just finished an exhausting 75-date European tour.
The couple now face an exhausting search for investment from Scotland's business angels and venture capitalists before their new plan can take off.
But he should not force himself to eat beyond his natural capacity to digest and assimilate the food, while overfatigue and exhausting physical exertion should be carefully avoided.
How to Live Rules for Healthful Living Based on Modern Science
Some of these payments are simply transfer payments, rather than consuming or exhausting real resources.
Getting her life back on to an even keel after their break-up had been an incredibly difficult and exhausting battle.
______ Your overwrought prose would be well-suited to the direst contraindication leaflets of the pharmaceutical industry, protecting wealthy corporations from liability whilst sparing the reading public at large from your exhausting melodrama.
Additionally, chemical analysis indicated that the right side of the Orbiter was sprayed by hot propellant gases exhausting from the hole in the inboard circumference of the right Solid Rocket Booster.
Shuttle Shutdown Coming - NASA Watch
Just listening to his commute is exhausting, but he considers himself lucky.
Times, Sunday Times
It's exhausting and emotionally draining.
Times, Sunday Times
The 15 Minutes Of Fame Department has been working overtime the last few months, and it gets a bit exhausting at times, but it's all for a good cause.
Honestly, this constant social intercourse is just exhausting.
the most exhausting and eventful day of my life
It was almost as exhausting to listen to as it must have been to play and sing.
Times, Sunday Times
Moving from college to career can be energizing, intimidating, exhilarating, exhausting.
The text, notes and appendices add up to an exhausting read.
The Times Literary Supplement
It was an exhausting regime of rehabilitation.
His voice became so weak that it was just too exhausting for him to repeat anything.
M. E. Post-Viral Fatigue Syndrome - How To Live With It
It's exhausting and emotionally draining.
Times, Sunday Times
Writing a book is a horrible, exhausting struggle, like a long bout with some painful illness. One would never undertake such a thing if one were not driven on by some demon whom one can neither resist nor understand. George Orwell
The third and continuing wave is what I call prudent walkaways -- people who can afford the payments for a while longer, by exhausting their 401Ks, childrens' college funds and other savings -- but are now choosing to default before they are financially ruined.
Nicholas Carroll: The Accelerating Shift in Attitudes Towards Home Walkaways
He began to build levees to stem the flooding but after nine years of exhausting toil, the position worsened everywhere.
Some of the world's greatest art is exhausting, and painful, and just as cruelly revelatory.
He is still amazed at how the actor transformed his body and his mind for the exhausting role.
The Sun
My climbing skins grip slushy snow for a moment, then slip back with an exhausting lurch.
I can assure you our jobs are a lot more strenuous and mentally exhausting than you would ever consider.
However, the rigors of the flight from Los Angeles to Bogota had proved too exhausting.
This is achieved by carefully controlling the nutrient levels in the unfermented beverage so that the small amount of added yeast only achieves one or two cell division cycles before exhausting certain key nutrients required for growth.
His spectacular success was due not only to an exhausting life of endless jet setting round the world.
The Bullet Catchers
I would have liked to talk to him longer, but he had just ridden an incredibly exhausting race.
We are in danger of exhausting the world's oil supply .
In the ascent every wing beat becomes an exhausting struggle.
The movements are all quite minimal, but they build into something exhausting.
Times, Sunday Times
It was almost as exhausting to listen to as it must have been to play and sing.
Times, Sunday Times
Watching this intense, vividly physicalized abstraction about body, mind, and personal destiny was both exhilarating and exhausting.
Yet in my exhausting tries, I couldn't concentrate on making a conscious effort of it, not while this sheep dog was left standing.
If we could hear music only after an exhausting sequence of preludial actions I am sure it would suffer neglect.
There are degrees to intro - and extra - version, so your character doesn’t have to be a total loner, but if he’s even slightly introverted, trying to maintain fame like an extravert is going to make this charade really exhausting and he’ll crash when he finally comes home.
Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Which Origin Stories are Plausible?
Exhausting or venting of pressure canners is necessary to prevent a risk of botulism in low-acid canned foods.
Not only was it physically exhausting but he was on a regime of drugs twice a day.
The Sun
It's exhausting for many of us to have to keep explaining the fallaciousness of this suggestion -- that Edwards is culpable of "something" because he didn't have the good sense to know a $400 dollar hair cut would land him in the doghouse.
New York Times' Leslie Wayne Continues Twisted Jihad Against Edwards
Ireland's politicians to work together is exhausting the patience of those who voted for the peace accord.
Times, Sunday Times
It was all a little overwhelming, to say nothing of exhausting.
It's physically and mentally exhausting, it's thankless, it's long days and late hours and you really have to be on the brink of insanity to enjoy it.
We working mothers make quite a hullabaloo about how exhausting it is to be us.
Times, Sunday Times
One third of their dry body weight is energy-giving fat but far from losing weight on their exhausting journey south, they actually appear to gain it!
Butterflies by the million : the Monarchs of Michoacán
We believe students need a break from what I call "hormone display behavior" which can be exhausting for adolescents.
Meg Campbell: Laughter, Joy and Friendship in School?
The movements are all quite minimal, but they build into something exhausting.
Times, Sunday Times
This book is composed of columns spanning the better part of a decade, and Richard still has a long way to go before exhausting his chosen subject.
It was almost as exhausting to listen to as it must have been to play and sing.
Times, Sunday Times
The soul searching has been exhaustive and exhausting.
Times, Sunday Times
The movements are all quite minimal, but they build into something exhausting.
Times, Sunday Times
He founded a school, which he had to finance by writing journalism and giving exhausting lecture tours in the United States.
Do you ever find the campery and the acts exhausting?
Times, Sunday Times