How To Use Exhausted In A Sentence
Dylan seemed exhausted, self-preoccupied, and morbidly depressed.
Touched with Fire
combustion products are exhausted in the engine
At worst the disinfectant is prematurely exhausted, an effect known as organic overload, allowing large numbers of micro-organisms to survive.
Experiencing a rare moment alone, the busy mompreneur looked exhausted as she browsed through the store.
According to the 1956 agreement on the machinery, industrial action should only be contemplated when all the relevant stages have been exhausted.

While the other threads were developed and resolved, leaving one rather exhausted and peculiarly unsatisfied, this one remained outstanding, haunting the reader's memory.
She is pregnant, unwell and exhausted and something has to be done.
Times, Sunday Times
We have exhausted the art for art's sake argument.
Times, Sunday Times
And by 1947 Europe had largely exhausted its dollar reserves.
We collapse in exhausted triumph with a glass of claret and a chunk of home-made cake.
Times, Sunday Times
There's nothing that says exhausted, cranky and nauseous like vixen, is there?
When Bad Things Happen to Bad Writers
You have another demanding person to consider and can feel stressed and exhausted.
The Sun
The technology avalanche often leaves her feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and exhausted.
Save for the rifles, there appeared to be no difference between exhausted captive and wearied captor.
These alloys are very toxic and dangerous if beryllium fumes are not captured and exhausted by proper ventilating equipment.
Deefer took others off to see if there might not be a few plump wherries in the hills; they would make a nice change from the tough herdbeast meat, the supply of which was now virtually exhausted.
Her hobbies are reading and cooking but I think I've exhausted the book / cookbook gift in recent years.
Exhausted and semi-conscious, my peripheral awareness of a sort of beige abyss was occasionally punctuated by explosions of extreme color.
We are emotionally drained and physically exhausted.
Times, Sunday Times
I was exhausted and ready to drop before the day was even half over but there was no way in hell I was going to give Annie the satisfaction of seeing me like that.
Exhausted, and at a moment of massive emotional import, unique and unrepeatable, Martin Johnson gets a microphone shoved in his face and is asked for his reaction.
This can easily be shown by considering any case in which a universal generalization is inferred from an unexhausted series of wholly favourable instances.
She is, she says, still exhausted from the marathon Moma performance which ended almost four months ago.
Interview: Marina Abramovic
European Powers is exhausted on Poland, and that neither pity nor shame will induce them to break a thankless neutrality, here; but in the face of all barely probable contingencies, I doubt no more of the ultimate result, than I doubt of the ultimate performance of the justice of God.
Border and Bastille
You may be physically and mentally exhausted after a long flight.
She was too exhausted and distressed to talk about the tragedy.
Together, they drew lines, and squiggles, and circles, until the green crayon was exhausted.
Then we had a snowball fight, wrestled around on the ground, and carried on with play fights for a short while until we were all quite exhausted.
She plumped herself on the couch, looking and sounding exhausted.
You could spend nearly the whole day watching nothing but nature documentaries, and if you did you would emerge exhausted.
She was exhausted and she needed a hot, steaming shower to loosen her tense muscles.
It all happened just after a celebrated case of incendiarism; the preliminary investigation lasted two days; we were exhausted.
The Wife
But before ten days were gone even the woman Ipsukuk exhausted her provisions, and went home weak and tottery.
Wagons repeatedly broke down on the rutty roads, and men as well as horses were exhausted by the hardships of travel over the long distances.
English football has just about exhausted its room for manoeuvre in the domestic market.
The people are exhausted from the radical changes that affect their way of life.
If you feel overwhelmed, exhausted or just plain rundown, you probably are dealing with unhealthy amounts of stress.
Though he prayed for a moose, just one moose, all game seemed to have deserted the land, and nightfall found the exhausted man crawling into camp, light-handed, heavy-hearted.
The White Silence
Tom is soon so weary and exhausted that he cannot even read his Bible, and he draws it out of his pocket one night and attempts to read it as his meager corn cake is cooking.
Attempts to resolve the relationships of Xenarthra and Pholidota to other eutherian mammals have not yet been exhausted.
We left the meeting exhausted, exhilarated, and dreaming of when we'd get our grubby, grabby mitts on some final code.
With what astonishment and veneration may we look into our own soul, where there are such hidden stores of virtue and knowledge, such inexhausted sources of perfection!
The Young Gentleman and Lady's Monitor, and English Teacher's Assistant
I remember that at another festivity given by the city to the Emperor a few years later, since all inscription had been exhausted, there were placed above the throne on which he was to sit, these words from Scripture, in gold letters: _Ego sum qui sum_, -- and no one was shocked.
The Court of the Empress Josephine
the struggle to get through the crowd exhausted her
John was almost faint from hunger, his feet throbbed and his legs burned, and he was exhausted.
Stewart was much exhausted after his hot ride, but as the _tehsildar_ stood firm there was nothing for him to do but to continue his journey, and he consented to start if he were provided with a horse.
Forty-one years in India From Subaltern To Commander-In-Chief
She picked up her shoes, exhausted now by her behaviour, no better than a heroine from a slushy romance.
Rage is exciting, but leaves me confused and exhausted. Mason Cooley
Exhausted parents can also prebook in-house spa treatments or nannies and babysitters.
Times, Sunday Times
The row had left him physically exhausted.
I quit a treasure that the globe in its inexhausted variety never equalled.
Italian Letters, Vols. I and II The History of the Count de St. Julian
By 10 am the main activity in the market is over and porters lean exhausted against their trolleys, counting their day's takings, and charging their energy for the following morning's business.
She saw the dying and exhausted dogs, the frost-rimed, weary men; she heard the quick _crunch, crunch, crunch_ of the snow-shoes hurrying ahead to break the trail; she felt the cruel torture of the _mal de raquette_, the shrivelling bite of the frost, the pain of snow blindness, the hunger that yet could not stomach the frozen fish nor the hairy, black caribou meat.
The Call of the North
They make us hyper and overexcited and, once faded, leave us grumpy or exhausted or or tearful or craving more.
Artists stretch ever more gymnastically to find forms that have not been exhausted.
Defining the Whitney Biennial
Even a short walk exhausted her.
The day's ride had exhausted her already dwindled energy, and the night had truly enervated her.
In short, the crisis has come to tell us that the present system is exhausted - and not only because of its financial errancies - and that it is well past time to change eras.
T r u t h o u t
Exhausted, he slowed to a walk, hastily knocking tree limbs out of his way and gasping for air.
She said her father was exhausted from preparations for his comeback tour.
The Sun
There are no pictures of exhausted flight attendants in faceless hotel rooms in nameless cities.
New technology, new products and new ideas emerge constantly. Intelligence and creation of human being are the unexhausted headspring of society and economy development.
During the training they really put you through it; I was exhausted!
Finally, his exhausted wife pointed out the location of the stopcock behind the kitchen sink and all was well.
Yet the clearly exhausted and jet-lagged international best-selling author radiates conviviality.
Alexander pursued a lucrative itinerancy painting portraits in America, and when he had exhausted his possibilities, he returned to Scotland.
Even a short walk exhausted her.
If you had no teeth and no digestion, you were allowed a pint and a half of sowens porridge instead; and thus helped your portion of exhausted cavalry mount or your bit of tough mule-meat down.
The Dop Doctor
Carl said nothing and Thomas, apparently exhausted from the effort of speaking lapsed into silence for a long time.
By what right did this ragged beachcomber, in dungaree trousers and a cotton shirt, suggest such a thing as peace and content to him and his overwrought, exhausted soul?
I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious. Vince Lombardi
Not out of those, on whom systems of education have exhausted their culture, comes the helpful giant to destroy the old or to build the new, but out of unhandselled savage nature, out of terrible Druids and Berserkirs, come at last Alfred and Shakspeare.
The American Scholar
You have another demanding person to consider and can feel stressed and exhausted.
The Sun
During the training they really put you through it; I was exhausted!
So in the seventeenth century the writers, exhausted by the mental effort of the Renaissance and prevented by the tyranny of kings and the domination of the church from occupying themselves with the great issues of life, turned their minds to gongorism, concettism and such-like toys.
The Summing Up
The thought of an exhausted Raine pounding over that course on the back of a big, equally exhausted stallion made ice condense in his soul.
Totally exhausted, he tore his clothes off and fell into bed.
The reserves have almost been exhausted and now stand at only $300 million.
Times, Sunday Times
Both the strength and resources of the people had been exhausted.
Yet it is clear that the subject is not exhausted, as the book under review attests.
“It refers to the dissipation of your fortune to the advantage of a certain Madame Jeanrenaud, the widow of a bargemaster — or rather, to that of her son, Colonel Jeanrenaud, for whom you are said to have procured an appointment, to have exhausted your influence with the King, and at last to have extended such protection as secures him a good marriage.
The Commission in Lunacy
Suddenly exhausted, she flopped down on one of the many chairs that were scattered about Allyson's room.
He proclaimed that the country had exhausted its resources for any sort of upheaval and his rule would focus on the consolidation of the post-Soviet regime.
At twilight, as I rode out through the great gate of the capital, I saw the jaded horse fall and the exhausted rider stagger in on foot; and I little dreamed that that man carried my destiny with him into Keijo.
Chapter 15
But public patience has been exhausted by its economic travails.
Times, Sunday Times
If you run all the time you end up physically exhausted.
The Sun
Exhausted by their exploits that day the two boys had supper and fell asleep, dead to the world.
Be ready to come home exhausted, having given it your all for three straight weeks and possibly still not conquered the summit.
If you run all the time you end up physically exhausted.
The Sun
[152] Another was established in Nalbacán, a priorate with a vote, although it has been greatly exhausted by the burning of the church and convent.
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 23 of 55 1629-30 Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing t
I exhausted myself and my kete of ideas.
She smiled and kissed the Coyote; he'd been fun, but now he was an exhausted hank of fur, panting hard in the back of the booth.
I'm exhausted and starving hungry.
Times, Sunday Times
People who toiled in dim, dank factories were too exhausted to enjoy their family life.
Grizzling and crying can mean your child is absolutely exhausted, but it's often hard to tell the difference between tired grizzling and hungry grizzling.
The former pits a grinding feedback howl against persistent organs before the organ eventually sputters to a halt, exhausted.
If drinking was to continue after the cooked food had been exhausted, dried meat and fish were served.
Toward night the wind lulled, and we had every appearance of fine weather coming on; but we had nothing to eat, and only a barrico of water in the boat, and we were quite exhausted with fatigue.
Poor Jack
Well I am exhausted and parts of me really hurt and I have to have some strange lady bathe me out of a bucket.
We collapse in exhausted triumph with a glass of claret and a chunk of home-made cake.
Times, Sunday Times
The book predicted that the 21st century would see mass starvation andeconomic collapse, as humanity exhausted natural resources.
Five futurist visionaries and what they got right
Happily some entrepreneurial locals awaited exhausted tourists and for $7.50 we galumphed our way by horseback to our car.
If you use an unvented natural gas, propane, or kerosene space heater, all the products of combustion, including water vapor, are exhausted directly into your living space.
As the exhausted and injured men slept below decks the ship was struck amidships by a torpedo from a German E-boat and she broke in two, sinking in just 15 seconds.
I was feeling exhausted, what with the 22 miler, the Rowing Crew Mardi Gras and the fulsome lunch that was now rattling in my stomach and telling my brain to let me lie down in the aisle somewhere near the dairy produce and have a good snooze.
the smartness of the pace soon exhausted him
Emily didn't move, she was physically exhausted; she couldn't even moan in her sleep at being disturbed.
Brett Deering for The Wall Street Journal Capri can now play outside with her brother Cooper, 10, and sister Calli, 7, without getting exhausted.
After Gene Found, Drugs Come Slowly
She sank back into her seat, exhausted.
‘Each man kills the thing he loves,’ sings Moreau in reedy, exhausted tones that recapitulate the inevitable downward trajectory of every star's career.
Back in the 1990s a friend, tired of the usual fan's attempts to bring about victory for Middlesbrough using the paraphernalia of lucky clothing and the like and, to be honest, during the higgledy-piggledy reign of Bryan Robson even Imelda Marcos would have exhausted her wardrobe in pursuit of something that would halt a post‑Christmas slump, determined on what appeared a foolproof scheme – a retrospectively effective charm.
The winning secret of Sir Alex Ferguson's lucky underpants | Harry Pearson
We were led upstairs, extremely exhausted, to the smarmy commissar's luxurious office with bedroom and en-suite bathroom.
Exhausted cyclist Sarah Ulmer is still on a high from taking gold at the Olympics in world record time.
she was exhausted by her misery and grief
The question went round and round in my head until I had exhausted all other options.
The pain in my arm had subsided to a dull throb and we both fell asleep straight away, completely exhausted.
The lights from the cars parked outside cut through the curtains and fall on Doug's exhausted, benumbed face.
Adriane uttered a weak cry as she tripped over her own feet, exhausted.
Radiant cooling in the floor slab helps lower the room temperature more before the air is exhausted into an atrium space.
The overworked, overextended parent may be seen as unloving, but may simply be exhausted.
The little glass of _calmant_ was untouched; it was not a drug that had soothed the exhausted nerves.
A Prisoner in Fairyland
When I emerged, triumphant and exhausted, I felt reborn…
Normal market mechanisms were disrupted, agricultural production fell behind, and China's people exhausted themselves producing what turned out to be shoddy, unsalable goods.
How long will it be before the world's fuel supplies are exhausted?
It is when body energy is exhausted that hypothermia becomes potentially life-threatening.
Sakesman : Akk right, I guess you ' ve stayed up akk night because you kook so exhausted.
It is this Ministry which will have its already stretched resources exhausted by treating soldiers and/or civilians hurt and wounded in the process.
She managed to make some headway down the narrow street before she collapsed exhausted.
The book is so full of events, meanderings, digressions, legends, conversations, and adventures, that a patient reader will never find his interest exhausted.
The new generation of windmills is going up on former rangeland, exhausted oil fields, reclaimed coal mines and old farms.
Citizens should only have telephone or direct contact with local government when all other avenues have been exhausted.
We were all exhausted from numerous matches with our host schools, but still eager to fly the flag.
Times, Sunday Times
It had now a united people, and unexhausted treasury, enlarged military resources and a confidence more insolent than eyer.
The Rival Administrations: Richmond and Washington in December, 1863.
Fans should try and understand that at a competition, when you finally get off the ice, you're exhausted and drained.
I feel quite tired today . With adjectives that describe an extreme state it means 'completely' or 'absolutely':I feel quite exhausted. With some adjectives, both meanings are possible. The speaker's stress and intonation will show you which is meant:Your essay is quite good ; Your essay is quite good .
When certain all is well, he leaps quickly to his feet, but stumbles slightly, exhausted from the pain and effort of retaining dignity.
The castigatory sermon which Fräulein Rottenmeier had held in reserve for Heidi was put off till the following day, as she felt too exhausted now after all the emotions she had gone through of irritation, anger, and fright, of which Heidi had unconsciously been the cause.
I wouldn't have believed it if you had told me, but we left at 2 pm and did not return to Peace House until 10:30 pm after being forced to ditch the car, jump on a dala, then a public bus and later a lifti with our school driver/angel, Osca, to finally reach home exhausted and wiped.
Car saga continued
The children ran in zigzags around the playground until they were exhausted.
By early in the second half the Ecuador international was exhausted and fell away.
Streamer all the sweat and exhausted all to stop Do not let the body.
After an ill advised excursion against the enemy, Sonya pulls Gottfried to safety, and after telling him of the death of a leader, she displays no patience for sensitive men: Gottfried sat down on a piece of fallen wall, and because he was shaken and exhausted, and still mazed with drink and blood-lust, he sank his face in his huge hands and wept.
Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror: Echoes Of Valor III - Karl Edward Wagner
Falling exhausted across the finish line the official timekeeper handed him a slip of paper with the time 3.59.4.
Cold, aching, and exhausted I swam in past the unscalable hulls of the ships toward the stone wall of the quay.
The brilliant camera work sympathetically follows him from street corners where he shares a dazed smoke with a couple of wrinkled vagrants to a silent pond where his exhausted mind conjures up startling hallucinations.
I had another look at the portable radio transmitter and the now exhausted Nife batteries that served them.
Ice Station Zebra
Citizens should only have telephone or direct contact with local government when all other avenues have been exhausted.
There's virtue to such curiosity and research, but it could also leave an exhausted writer holding an emotionally bankrupt manuscript in calloused hands.
Officials did not know his condition, though he was described as hypothermic and exhausted when he was pulled from the water. front
Chris was the only one who didn't seem to look haggard and exhausted.
Bree, noted how the metrosexual was quickly replaced once he had exhausted his commercial shelf-life, by another aspirational figure, the "ubersexual. - HOME PAGE
You got it - I apologize to my classmates for the fact that I will soon be arriving to class every day sweaty, parched, exhausted and far too unpresentable to allow you to enjoy your learning environment in any capacity.
Many people are working on small amounts of exhausted land.
The driver was slumped exhausted over the wheel.
The Talbe is distinguished by the length of his beard, a piece of woollen cloth, half white and half crimson, which he leaves loose and flowing about his body, and under which appears a figure, exhausted by fasting, (the consequence of excessive laziness), and a kind of chaplet of an enormous size.
Perils and Captivity Comprising The sufferings of the Picard family after the shipwreck of the Medusa, in the year 1816; Narrative of the captivity of M. de Brisson, in the year 1785; Voyage of Madame Godin along the river of the Amazons, in the year 1770
Here are always to be seen a great number of valetudinarians from the West Indies, seeking for the renovation of health, exhausted by the debilitating nature of their sun, air, and modes of living.
We have exhausted the food supplies
Or perhaps it was merely his imagination overreacting: he was feeling thoroughly exhausted.
Stragglers were shot and those that fell down exhausted were clubbed to death or left to die.
We have exhausted all our material resources.
Exhausted by the long words and the morning's adventure in the corridors he had soon drifted off to sleep.
The odds are even worse for the Dogans, who had nearly exhausted all avenues for appeal.
Their voracious appetite for bird plumes having exhausted all the worthy species of that family, the fashionistas moved on to cephalopodic accoutrements during the early 20th Century.
Save the endangered tree octopus « raincoaster
Jean-Claude returned from Paris mute and exhausted, as if under a spell.
A modest scholar never professed to have exhausted his subject.
We have exhausted all possible legal remedies for this injustice.
Spikes of Force Index identify zones of mass hysteria, where trends become exhausted.
He was inviolate in his trance, while she was exhausted, confused, and frightened.
The banker appeared exhausted and was wearing a baseball cap pulled low to hide his face.
Times, Sunday Times
Finally, after 4 and a half hours of non-stop dancing, and talking about the competition, I was absolutely exhausted.
By October 1977 when the paintings were first exhibited, their cathectic energy had become exhausted - so much so that the presence of these extraordinary pictures was no longer regarded a necessity in Germany.
He proposed successively doubling the number of sides of a regular polygon inscribed in a circle so that the difference in areas would eventually become exhausted.
The moist water of the earth is exhausted by evaporation.
There is also no future in sending exhausted teams on tour.
There might be a spurt of extra energy, but this would literally be being borrowed from almost exhausted reserves.
The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes
She saw an exhausted waitress, blonde and dull-faced with a black hairband and clips put in her hair.
The hungry masses exhausted the supply of cheese teasers and buffalo drummies, but attempts to contact managers on their communicators at 1800 were unsuccessful.
At the moment I am lying here absolutely exhausted from the whole mental and physical process of childbirth - I mean the afterbirth was a bit like having another baby.
Like the rest of the troop, the trio were covered in dust and soot and looked utterly exhausted.
Man of Honour
All the effort she had went into a few simple movements: turning her head, reaching out her arm, and yet she still felt completely exhausted afterwards.
Cars were as old fashioned as buggies and hovering crafts that ran off of air and exhausted pure steam were used instead.
We are all exhausted after the journey.
Two million tonnes of supplies were flown in by often exhausted pilots.
Times, Sunday Times
The high-pitched cries of a hawker selling beans on the street floated in through the window, further away, cars were nosing against one another in long, exhausted petrol lines, lecturers were gathering to announce another strike, pensioners were raising wilting placards demanding their pensions, and Aunty Uju, freshly graduated from Ibadan, had a job at the military hospital in Victoria Island.
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie | Miracle
Similarly, we can see the world's oil supply being exhausted too.
By 1952 an improved grade of ore was encountered, and the lode was mined until 1956, when ore reserves were exhausted.
No one is straining himself; indeed, Noah is having a nap, perhaps exhausted by the very thought of the strenuous timetable drawn up for him.
As Millar trudged through the knee-high snow, he watched comrades - exhausted and disoriented - tumble into drifts.
You then take up the next packet, and deal it out in the same manner, beginning on your right (if you are dealing No. 3, deal the first card on No. 4), and continue to deal out each packet till all are exhausted, _pausing between each deal to examine the packets and to make further combinations, and placing on the numerals any suitable cards that may have been produced by the fresh deal_, but the re-deal of each ground packet must be complete before placing cards on the numerals.
Lady Cadogan's Illustrated Games of Solitaire or Patience New Revised Edition, including American Games
Pursuivant, mentally exhausted, found a cupboard under some stairs and went to sleep in it.
Laboratory space, particularly hoods (the kind exhausted only by draft caused by a gas burner causing warm air to raise and take some of the obnoxious fumes through a chimney) was very scarce and even by the time I became an assistant professor it was not welcome to "pollute" more important conventional work.
George A. Olah - Autobiography
A species overpopulates, the resources needed to support it are exhausted and those members less-capable of obtaining resources die. » 2005 » June
The Democratic leadership and the liberal intelligentsia seemed pathetic and exhausted, wedded to musty ideals of bipartisanship and decorousness.
Jay Rosen: Printing Press Progressives at Mother Jones Try to Debunk the Political Web
Aloes is, again, contra-indicated when the laminitis is a result of excessively long journeys, and the patient is already greatly exhausted.
Diseases of the Horse's Foot
They had barely gotten three fourths around the first quarter and she looked exhausted.
They sat down on a couch, catching up on recent events, although the conversation was rather one-sided, and the exhausted pair eventually fell asleep.
It will mean stars will be exhausted and won't be able to perform for their regular teams.
The Sun
She was exhausted and her bare feet were stinging cruelly, but to stop would have been fatal.
THE opportunist mugger was given two years for robbing an exhausted special constable as he trudged home after tackling rioting gangs for 15 hours.
The Sun
You may be physically and mentally exhausted after a long flight.