How To Use Exhale In A Sentence
I think it might be one of those weekends where I keep myself to myself, inhale deeply and exhale loudly, and stare at the ceiling.
The deep breaths exhaled by his broad lines, his declarative sentences and their assertive plangency, his deliberate tactlessness and brave humor, redirect the reader to a history of poetic Yanks: Whitman, Williams.
He exhales deeply, like he's opening a valve to pent-up emotions.
Sports would be a far more amusing place if it relaxed, exhaled and learned a lesson from this lo-fi World Series between Texas and San Francisco, which the Giants now lead three games to one after a brilliant 4-0 shutout win propelled by rookie pitcher Madison Bumgarner.
If Only the Entire Sports World Were as Wacky
As he exhaled, Erik let his arrow fly with a sharp twang of the string, the sound echoed thirty times over as the rest of the cadets fired.

A small, inexpensive device that measures how fast air moves out of the child's lungs when a child exhales; it measures the peak expiratory flow (PEF) which is an indicator of airway size.
Wade exhaled a cloud of smoke and coughed.
Evergreens suffer worst of all from wind-chill because their leaves exhale watery vapour whatever the temperature, even if minimally.
Times, Sunday Times
Military France is everywhere full of sour inflammatory humour, which exhales itself fuliginously, this way or that: a whole continent of smoking flax; which, blown on here or there by any angry wind, might so easily start into a blaze, into a continent of fire!
The French Revolution
As you exhale, contract your core muscles (i.e., your abs, spine extensors, gluteals and other muscles that control your pelvis) to help maintain your alignment.
Take a deep breath,[Sentence dictionary] then exhale slowly.
You can hear him drawing breath - tiny gasps during "Bloom," big gulpy lungfuls during "Morning Mr. Magpie" - but he exhales the same as ever: in a mumbly, monochromatic moan where the vowels are dramatic and the consonants are tough to make out.
Album review: Radiohead, "The King of Limbs"
The man drew on his cigarette and exhaled, his porcine eyes shrinking to pinpricks as they fixed themselves on Abel.
Second hand smoking consists of sidestream smoke, which refers to smoke released from burning cigarettes, and mainstream smoke which refers to smoke exhaled by smoker.
Stop Smoking
He exhaled, the sigh of a man to whom conversation meant a discussion of Bundesbank interest rates.
Standing with your feet together, inhale, use your hand to lift your left leg up, and exhale, placing the sole of your left foot on the inside of the right thigh above the knee.
That concluded the nights broadcast and Danni exhaled heavily, flopping back onto the bed.
Her gaze on the posy, cradled in its delicate box, she breathed in, exhaled, then picked up her reticule and turned.
A small dapper gentleman two seats away knocked back a shot of something and exhaled an invisible sweet cloud.
Carbon dioxide and other unwanted exhaled gases are sucked away through ceiling pendant into filter cleaner.
It is the ability to receive and release whatever is or is not needed with each inhaled and exhaled breath.
I exhale, breathing out more air than I thought my lungs capable of holding.
The smoke from the cigar dissipated into the atmosphere of the room as he exhaled.
The flower-woman at the gate of her garden had now only autumnal blooms for sale in the vases which flanked the entrance; the windrows of the rowen, left steeping in the dews overnight, exhaled a faint fragrance; a poor remnant of the midsummer multitudes trailed itself along to the various cafes of the valley, its pink paper bags of bread rustling like sere foliage as it moved.
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Breathe naturally, lout slowly, silently repeating your focus word or phrase every time you exhale.
The kids and Bill exhale billows of steam as they stand around; resting up for the next charge through the brush.
People were going to inhale and exhale on behalf of a person or cause.
Times, Sunday Times
He stared at her pleadingly, but seeing her hard gaze, he exhaled gustily.
Slowly exhale and bend your arms up until your palms are almost touching your shoulders.
Times, Sunday Times
After taking a long draw from the cigarette he removed it from his lips and exhaled a cloud of smoke that wafted away in the wind.
When we inhale and exhale in this relaxed way our thoughts are clearer and we are less prone to irrational concerns.
The Sun
When we inhale and exhale in this relaxed way our thoughts are clearer and we are less prone to irrational concerns.
The Sun
In breathless silence the little group of spectators watched his movements, and when, with sharply exhaled breath, he planted a crashing "facer" straight from the shoulder squarely upon the leathern disk they sprang eagerly forward to note the result.
The Copper Princess A Story of Lake Superior Mines
It reduces CO2 to hydrogen-its source of energy for its life processes-and exhales methane.
And the Fresh Air's one-way valve honks when you exhale, emitting a sound akin to the call of an amorous sea lion.
After your first stretch, take a breath, exhale and try to push a tiny bit further.
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This is excluding the damage tobacco causes to the environment and the unborn babies whose mothers are active smokers or the innocent mothers who inhale the poison passively from the cigarettes smoke exhaled by their husbands, without knowing its ill effects on their baby.
GYM 2009 | Archive | February
When they both exhaled, the smoke hung thick in the air.
When nostrils started freezing shut and the air cut as we inhaled, and eyelashes froze our eyes shut, then we would reluctantly pull these things over our faces, dealing with the ice encrusting around the mouth hole every time we exhaled.
Hated Winter: From Snow to Rainforest « Colleen Anderson
The sordor and filths of nature, the sun shall dry up, and the wind exhale.
He exhaled the smoke and through the haze his eyes rested on the day's end; gulls scraped the underside of a grey sky, cormorants pierced leaden waters to emerge gullet-choked with fish.
The young man's doctor asked the young man's worried mom to measure his "peak expiratory flow" -- a measure of how well a person can exhale -- before and after he visited Facebook.
Is that right? Facebook triggers asthma attacks?
Clutching it tightly and pressing it against her chest, the lady exhaled as she attempted to rid herself of these provoking thoughts.
Inhale for four counts, exhale for four counts; then inhale for five counts, exhale for five counts, and so on.
His tongue is still slack in his mouth and the exhale is a loud and welcome sound.
Chicken Soup for the Soul: Think Positive
The sound of her exhale was the most fun to imitate at the breakfast table the next morning. - Local News
She'll ask her friends to smoke outside or exhale up the chimney?
Christianity Today
His landscapes, now given added breadth by the influence of Rubens, show similar characteristics and exhale an air of enchantment.
After downing it in a single swallow, Jonnie exhales and looks past Hannah down the hall.
In return, Al took a big puff on his cigar and exhaled a cloud of smoke that curled around Sam's face.
Then, too, you have to bring along a good supply of oxygen and reconvert exhaled carbon dioxide to replenish it.
Vivian finally realized she had been holding her breathe and exhaled with anxiousness.
Savvy hoopsters take a deep breath, exhale, and immediately flip the ball into the net.
They continued on their predestined course, and Copperhead exhaled.
It is like a floweret which exhales its best perfume at the kiss of the first ray of the sun.
A Hero of Our Time
Vital capacity is the volume of air exhaled during forced breathing and is the sum of tidal air, reserve air, and complemental air.
I took a drag from my cigarette, and the smoke from my exhale seemed to hover in the air, visible by the dim streetlights even with the falling snow.
Geary exhaled a gust of humorless laughter.
In fact, the other night we were all sitting at dinner, the crew, and everybody just kind of exhaled for the first moment.
CNN Transcript Apr 22, 2007
Take a deep breath, exhale then begin to push the bar above your head until the arms are fully extended.
The Sun
His party trick was to swallow lit cigarettes and exhale the smoke.
Times, Sunday Times
The portable nephelometer could, therefore, respond to changes in the particle concentration in inhaled versus exhaled air.
As you may recall from biology class, you inhale air and exhale carbon dioxide.
I exhale a breath of contentedness and smile to myself.
She exhaled lightly before carving away at the dainty steak on her plate before her.
Taking a deep breath she checked her skirt was straight, brushed one strand of hair behind her ear and exhaled.
Always breathe through the nose and take a second longer to exhale than you took to inhale.
The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes
She chuckled lightly and exhaled a sigh caught somewhere in between wistful and dreamy.
Here, calorific intake, as well as how much oxygen a child breathes and how much carbon dioxide is exhaled, can be precisely recorded.
Beneath the crosshatch gazes of the satellites and above the maze of sound, seahorse clouds exhale a glaucoma haze before they are absorbed into surveillance footage.
Maze of Sound
They exhaled a poisonous fume that could kill someone if they inhaled too much of it.
People were going to inhale and exhale on behalf of a person or cause.
Times, Sunday Times
He looks into the camera as he exhales, the smoke wafting out of his mouth toward the finches.
Mexico is such a wonderful place when one is finally able to "exhale" and relax.
San Miguel de Allende
He sat back and exhaled deeply.
They radiate heat, they absorb gases, and exhale uncombined gases and watery vapor, and consequently act upon the chemical constitution and hygrometrical condition of the air, their roots penetrate the earth to greater depths than is commonly supposed, and form an inextricable labyrinth of filaments which bind the soil together and prevent its erosion by water.
Earth as Modified by Human Action, The~ Chapter 02 (historical)
Take a deep breath then exhale and explode up on your toes, pulling the kettle bell up to chest height.
The Sun
We lay together and looked up into the far high sky, we breathed lightly: it seemed we exhaled the scent of flowers that we had inbreathed in the morning -- we slept.
A Tramp's Sketches
The moisture that exhaled with his breath crusted his lips and mustache with pendent ice and formed a miniature glacier on his chin.
First Version of To Build A Fire
It was a unique period," he exhales, before packing his kitbag of lunacy for one last go-round, two-decades of memory working its way through the fog.
James Campion: Deep Tank to Weird Blood
My bookseller has dwelt so long in his corner with folios and quartos and other antique tomes that he talks in black-letter and has the modest, engaging look of a brown old stout binding, and to the delectation of discriminating olfactories he exhaleth an odor of mildew and of tobacco commingled, which is more grateful to the true bibliophile than all the perfumes of Araby.
The Love Affairs of a Bibliomaniac
He found by cutting off branches of trees with apples on them, and taking off the leaves, that an apple exhaled about as much as two leaves, the surfaces of which were nearly equal to the apple; whence it would appear that apples have as good a claim to be termed perspiratory organs as leaves.
The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
She exhaled in a great rush, rippling the water's surface, and reached for the soaps and scented oils her maids had left her.
As a teenager, Jack Elphick used to cycle past giant factories studded with chimneys that exhaled foul smoke into a post-war Birmingham sky.
We made it safely to the low wall built by the mujahidin - Basyir and I exhaled windily - and hiked on to the peak, hopping across the ditch once or twice to the ancient boundary wall to look down into West Kabul.
Take a deep breath, then exhale slowly.
The other instruments weave their sounds into the tapestry of music, and the audience exhales as one at the beauty of the fullness of their sound.
In a discovery and training phase, exhaled breath of 14 individuals with bronchogenic carcinoma and 45 healthy control subjects or control subjects without cancer was analyzed.
Quinn breathed deeply, exhaled with a trembling chest, and breathed in again.
Hold, stretch for three breaths, exhale and swap sides.
The Sun
Standing next to this man was an overpowering experience: he exhaled an odor of the strongest musk cologne and he spoke so gravely, so calculatedly, that it was hard to handle his physical presence.
The little white stick seemed to exhale appreciatively as the fire licked it.
Take a deep breath, exhale then begin to push the bar above your head until the arms are fully extended.
The Sun
He closed his eyes and exhaled, feeling the gentle tremor of the ship's forward thrust.
Breathe in through the right nostril three times, and exhale through the mouth.
I held them aloft, closed my eyes, turned my face to the heavens, and exhaled a breathy YES!
The ferry companies have begun using special carbon-dioxide detectors to test for exhaled breath in lorry trailers.
I have a nurse trainee to watch over me tonight, so no "expire", just "exhale" - cheers!
Beth is no longer a human Crock-Pot, normal programming to resume!
During the test, you'll breathe into a spirometer, which measures the function of your lungs when you inhale and exhale.
Exhaled breath freezes wherever it touches, and balaclavas, scarves, beards and eyelashes become frosted.
With that, the colonel exhaled one final time, and slumped down on the table, his face resting in a shallow pool of his own blood.
Exhale while making the sound heeeee subvocally, flattening first your chest, then your solar plexus, and finally your lower abdomen.
Dilara exhaled a breathier sigh and turned her face to him.
The Ark
Sit or stand up straight, with your shoulders relaxed, and exhale all the air from your lungs.
The Sun
Animals also exhale and eructate carbon dioxide.
Hold your breath for a moment and exhale.
The engine exhaled steam.
Carbon dioxide and other unwanted exhaled gases are sucked away through ceiling pendant into filter cleaner.
Take a deep breath in then exhale into the mouthpiece.
Take a deep breath then exhale and explode up on your toes, pulling the kettle bell up to chest height.
The Sun
After your first stretch, take a breath, exhale and try to push a tiny bit further.
BE YOUR BEST: How Anyone can become Fit, Healthy and Confident
She exhaled in a great rush, rippling the water's surface, and reached for the soaps and scented oils her maids had left her.
He takes another long toke, holds his breath for what seems like the best part of a minute, then exhales with a small cough.
Hmm, perhaps JT should add flavorings to the tobacco so that users will swallow the smoke, there to be safely "exhaled" sometime later in a place of the smoker's choosing.
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It's like an "exhale" but lots of them happened a long time ago.
Brad Balfour: Director Darren Aronofsky Brings Black Swan to Life and Reveals His Dreams and Nightmares
Sweet odours exhale from the flowers.
Exhaled volumes were measured at the y connector using a respirometer, with an accuracy of [+ or -] 2% at a continuous flow of 16 L / min, and [+ or -] 5 to 10% at 60 L / min.
The hoopsters take a deep breath, exhale, and immediately flip the ball into the net.
The handscroll format allows emotions to emanate with each unrolling, like the mists exhaled by the landscape and water.
People were going to inhale and exhale on behalf of a person or cause.
Times, Sunday Times
Iain - AFAIK you can't die through breathing in other people's exhaled alcohol fumes.
Exclusive: Patricia Hewitt to Ban Alcohol in Pubs & Hotels
I feel no disposition to be satirical, when the trapper's coat emits the odor of musquash even; it is a sweeter scent to me than that which commonly exhales from the merchant's or the scholar's garments.
The driver exhaled a long, blue ribbon of smoke, pointed to the radio, where Elvis wailed.
She waltzed over to where I lay, took a drag on her cigarette and exhaled the smoke right into my face.
Then exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound.
The Sun
Hold your breath for a moment and exhale.
An opiate vapor, dewy, dim, Exhales from out her golden rim.
When you breathe too deeply or too quickly (or both), you exhale too much carbon dioxide, which alters the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in your blood and may cause hyperventilation (overbreathing).
Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn
I closed my eyes and exhaled quietly, my fingers dancing lightly in his hair.
She'll ask her friends to smoke outside or exhale up the chimney?
Christianity Today
After reaching the rearmost position, exhale and slowly return your arms to the start position under control.
Mr. Vassiliadias says that, in interviews with consumers, researchers picked up a sense that consumers have "exhaled," and may be ready to splurge a little bit.
Vegas Tries Luck With Old Slogan
His Word alone is inspired (2 Tim. 3: 16), literally "exhaled" by God Almighty so that we might inhale it, allowing it to dwell within our hearts richly.
It seems surprising that an island where so much moisture is continually exhaled from the circumfluent ocean should be parched with excessive drought.
Then exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound.
The Sun
At the moment of striking exhale sharply the air of about one third of total lung capacity, coarcting the throat and pressing the tongue against the hard palate.
If we should now go into the home of Maria Clara, a beautiful nest set among trees of orange and ilang-ilang, we should surprise the two young people at a window overlooking the lake, shadowed by flowers and climbing vines which exhaled a delicate perfume.
The Social Cancer
Methane as a byproduct can be exhaled or eructated by the animal.
Title: Effect of the influenza A (H1N1) live attenuated intranasal vaccine on nitric oxide (FEno) and other volatiles in exhaled breath
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Blood in the pulmonary circulation brings carbon dioxide from the tissues to be exhaled and takes up oxygen from the air in the pulmonary alveoli to carry it to the heart and the rest of the body.
He exhaled sharply and managed a faint smile.
Sergeant Anderson, so once it was all over and you were able to kind of exhale, could you believe that you guys encountered what you did?
CNN Transcript Jul 28, 2007
The kids and Bill exhale billows of steam as they stand around; resting up for the next charge through the brush.
A long exhale as you pick up speed: don't tense up and hold the breath.
Times, Sunday Times
From behind me I could hear the occasional sticky hiss of the spray-starch can, the steamy exhale of the iron, and my mother's voice, punctuating the plot with her snide remarks.
Exhale when you lift the weight
And there were other melancholy flowers also: fleshy ranunculi with rusty tints, hyacinths and tuberoses that exhaled asphyxia and died from their own perfume.
La faute de l'Abbe Mouret
In contrast to these tests, the analyses of exhaled breath for smellprints characteristic of bronchogenic cancer provide a potentially simple, noninvasive, and inexpensive screening tool.
The cleanest and starchiest of curtains, the most dazzling and whitest of tidies and chair-covers, bespoke the adjacent laundry; indeed, the whole cottage seemed to exhale the odors of lavender soap and freshly ironed linen.
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I convulse for a second, then exhale sharply, slam the glass down and bring the beer to my lips.
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Exhale and empty your lungs as much as possible, and you sink below the surface.
The virus is present in the exhaled air, secretions and faeces of infected birds, both before they show signs of illness and while they are convalescent.
I saw it, a grin and a nod, from the most senior of them a skinny 15 year old kid with stumpy dreads I exhaled with relief.
Inhibition of nitric oxide synthase abolished the basal levels of exhaled nitric oxide, and also decreased the exhaled nitric oxide response to all compounds except nitroglycerine.
Infected animals excrete virus in exhaled air, in saliva, in milk, in semen, in faeces, in urine and in ruptured vesicle fluid.
That there is an Air abroad sufficient to divide and resolve them, or the Heat of the Sun has been strong enough to exhale them, that is, to rarify them, so as to render them lighter than the Air through which they were to pass.
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Tighten your midsection, take a deep breath, curl both weights toward your shoulders and exhale at the top.
Their research ran the gamut from studies on the most effective natural flavors for treating bad breath — cinnamon is a good choice — to the development of an artificial nose for sniffing out oral malodor and links between exhaled air and disease.
Scientists Bringing Bad Breath Out of the Closet | Impact Lab
Lastly, it is very possible that apples and dry figs exhale some such thing as this, which rarefies and attenuates the heat of the beasts; for some things have a natural tendency as well to weaken as to refresh different creatures.
Essays and Miscellanies
She exhaled deeply and then changed into a green housedress.
In 18 healthy subjects, Effros determined whether conductivity of lyophilized samples can be used for estimating airway electrolyte concentrations and dilution of exhaled condensates by water vapor.
Chronic bronchitis patients purse their lips when they exhale and typically show signs of weight loss.
The exhaled breath of humans contains a multitude of VOCs, many of which are in ambient air as well as endogenously produced, the most abundant being acetone, methanol, ethanol, propanol, and isoprene.
Ryan found himself smiling as he just watched her inhale and then exhale her dark red lips puckering and then opening wide.
A 2-way mouthpiece with valves was connected to the venturi, thus allowing the subject to inhale ambient air and to exhale into the venturi.
The Strive study tested the drug in 161 patients with the mutation and showed that a measure of air exhaled, called forced expiratory volume, increased after 24 weeks and 48 weeks in comparison to placebo.
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Flustered and forgetful of her arguments, Andrea twisted her hands together and exhaled in frustration.
George exhaled deeply and leaned against the wall, briefly looking away before gazing back at Becky apologetically.
The evaporation of the juices of trees and other plants is doubtless their most important thermoscopic function, and as recent observations lead to the conclusion that the quantity of moisture exhaled by vegetables has been hitherto underrated, we must ascribe to this element a higher value than has been usually assigned to it as a meteorological influence.
Earth as Modified by Human Action, The~ Chapter 03 (historical)
Within alveoli, oxygen from inhaled air is absorbed into the bloodstream in exchange for carbon dioxide waste that is exhaled.
The ultrasonic flow meter is particularly well suited for this purpose, as the exhaled air is not trapped or filtered.
When they are exhaled they are filtered through the white crystals of soda lime, and a bacterial filter.
As EastEnders finished last night, the nation exhaled, put the kettle on and began to argue: who plugged Phil Mitchell?
If the singer takes a good breath and exhales on an ‘f’ sound he or she will feel the gradual upward and inward movement balanced by internal pressures.
Life is like a lit cigarette. The past is ashes, the present is burning, and the future is up in smoke. Fast as a breath; inhale exhale. Anthony Liccione
Sit or stand up straight, with your shoulders relaxed, and exhale all the air from your lungs.
The Sun
Out in the cold air again I take a deep breath, exhale, and blow smoke rings with my winter breath.
Chlorophane, like the chlorophyl of green plants, could break up exhaled carbon dioxide, freeing the oxygen for re-breathing.
The Planet Strappers
His party trick was to swallow lit cigarettes and exhale the smoke.
Times, Sunday Times
She exhaled, relieved as the pain ebbed; groaned as it started again.
This is occasioned by the height of the hills which continually attract the clouds and the vapour that is continually exhaled from the mossy ground ...
Excerpt: The View from Castle Rock by Alice Munro
The e-nose would then detect them in the exhaled breath.
Times, Sunday Times
Geary exhaled a gust of humorless laughter.
I put my head on the cool glass of my windowpane and exhale a long breath that I've been holding for a while now.
Then exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound.
The Sun
Always breathe through the nose and take a second longer to exhale than you took to inhale.
The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes
He exhaled slowly as he began walking towards the diner and Alex got a chill just from the cold look in his pale eyes.
Bernarda Fink seduced us all with her sensuously exhaled Shéhérazade, her velvet mezzo timbre allied to clear and idiomatic delivery of Tristan Klingsor's ambivalently erotic texts.
How easy is it to make a roar on the exhale, while doing aerobic activity?
Times, Sunday Times
William exhaled resignedly and let out a mild scoff.
As the lungs exhale this waste, gas is expelled into the atmosphere.
Hold, stretch for three breaths, exhale and swap sides.
The Sun
She exhaled, letting a bit of the tension flow out of her, and gave me a rueful grin.
On the marble steps he exhaled a galaxy of smoke at a squirrel that stood upright at the foot of a gingko tree.
X, Chapter 3: Morowitz
As you exhale, bend the knees and lower them toward your chest, but keep lifting your shoulders and mid-thoracic spine.
Notwithstanding its elevated temperature, it is difficult to believe that the air can dissolve the quantity of water exhaled from the surface of the soil, the foliage of the trees, and their trunks: the latter are covered with a drapery of orchideae, peperomia, and other succulent plants.
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Although early masks were made of muslin or linen, they only redirected exhaled air away from the surgical wound.
The porno didn’t do anything imagination wouldn’t make happen though the ‘boy’ fixation was overplayed just sitting drinking rum from a bottle passed hand to hand shooting the breeze after a vindaloo it fitted naturally but there was no way we for all our addiction could be responsible for the breathy oohs and ahs exhaled by her shamateurism
Archive 2009-07-01
The evaporation of the juices of trees and other plants is doubtless their most important thermoscopic function, and as recent observations lead to the conclusion that the quantity of moisture exhaled by vegetables has been hitherto underrated, we must ascribe to this element
The Earth as Modified by Human Action
Exhale as you swing the kettlebell out in front of you and breathe in as it swings back between your legs.