How To Use Exempt In A Sentence
But the boy Mohammed being by me objurgated-for I remarked in him a jaunty demeanour combined with neglectfulness of ceremonies-saluted it sulkily, muttering the while hints about the holiness of his birthplace exempting him from the trouble of stooping.
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
But a family planning a wedding reception would be able to claim exemption from import duty.
Teachers or students so exempted may remain in the classroom and sit or stand respectfully while others participate in the ceremony.
Persons thus co-opted by the Senate were liable to the burden of the praetorship , and likewise those whom the Emperor ennobled, unless special exemption were granted.
I also grant him exemption from the two-year practical experience requirement.

The common characteristic of criminal summary procedure in a narrow sense is the exemption or substantial reduction of courtroom investigation procedure.
Wiretapped recordings obtained pursuant to Title III are ordinarily exempt from disclosure under Exemption 3.
Denique Regia Chrifti dignitas ex eo fplendefdt» quod Crux exempta poenis fuppliciorum, translata pft ad frontes, & cqronas Impcratorum.
Theologia dogmatico-moralis secundum ordinem catechismi Concilii Tridentini
In Shiloh, a town of 2,200 people, billboards advertise new homes, and foundations have been laid for about 10 new buildings that remain exempt from the 10-month construction freeze.
Two solitudes
It will be exempt from stamp duty because the transfer is not being done in return for payment.
Times, Sunday Times
The pressure group was commenting on suggestions that the Government is considering the abolition of pensioners' prescription exemptions.
Both allowed the very young a certain exemption from the adult rules of religious belief and behavior; spiritually speaking, for rationalist Unitarians and evangelicals, children were a different order of moral being than adults.
State law may also specify whether students may be exempted from certain parts of the curriculum.
Catholic Church over which Cæcilianus presides, who give their services to this holy religion, and who are commonly called clergymen, be entirely exempted from all public duties, that by any error or sacrilegious negligence they may not be drawn away from the service due to the Deity, but may devote themselves without any hindrance to their own law.
A Source Book for Ancient Church History
There was no exemption for those engaged in an armed insurrection and an armed struggle against a government.
Times, Sunday Times
Exemption from taxes will do little or nothing, the lower orders [end of page #249] are nearly all exempt, but that general dearness, that is the consequence of a general weight of taxes, is severely felt by them, and from that they cannot be exempted.
An Inquiry into the Permanent Causes of the Decline and Fall of Powerful and Wealthy Nations. Designed To Shew How The Prosperity Of The British Empire May Be Prolonged
In particular, the fact that the pentagon is exempt from inclusion on U.S. emissions makes our participation in this conference a joke.
Chinese block U.S. reporters from event
The intendment, I say, of the apostle, in that exceptive plea he puts in, “Nevertheless,” is evidently to exempt some from the state of falling away, which might be argued against them from the defection of others.
The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
The bill gives sensitive police files a blanket exemption.
I don't think we'll restore his title or his duties, and especially not his exemption from paying the liedgeld.
Darksong Rising
Naturally, my mum was disgusted (being that mums for some reason are exempt from farting and the like).
-- Ed. [146] Scimus quam lubricus sit lapsus, dum aliunde nobis flabella suscitat Satan: quia videmur culpa exempti, si ejus partem sustinet qui nos ad flagitium inducit.
Commentary on Genesis - Volume 2
Surely, some say, these elites should not be entirely exempt from pressure to adopt more climate friendly lifestyles.
He was exempt from charges by virtue of his youth/of being so young/of the fact that he was so young.
nonexempt property
I propose to grant full exemption from tax to the income of this Trust.
Those who cannot afford to pay this fee are exempted and treated free of cost.
In a single phrase, these words exempt the sentence's subsequent assertions of human equality and unalienable rights from the claims of traditional conduct, metaphysical certainty, and scientific proof.
There was an intermediate period (from about the sixth to the ninth centuries) during which the title archimandrite was given as a purely personal honour to certain hegumenoi without involving any exemption from the monastery.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
`Not pretending to be what I'm not: noble, or worthy of exemption.
Simplifies tax filing for thousands of middle-income Californians by increasing the exemption amounts used in calculating the Alternative Minimum Tax.
Coaches like exempt events because they provide the opportunity to play high-level competition in neutral settings.
Bishops' activities were confined to their own dioceses and monasteries exempted from episcopal interference.
I want every Fardohnyan under my command given special exemption by the Church.
Exemptions include farms, fish farms and churches.
Times, Sunday Times
You can make other tax-free gifts, called potentially exempt transfers, and they will be free from IHT if you survive another seven years.
The amendments broaden the range of motor vehicles exempt from taxes to include unroadworthy motor vehicles and motor vehicles impounded by the tax administration or judicial authorities.
Mayor Daley thinks that his fiefdom is exempt from the Founding documents.
Supreme Court Sets Date For Landmark Gun-Rights Case
It operates under exemptions that allow it to receive federal aid without meeting the same requirements as other states' programs.
Exemptions on the thousands of apartments, single-family, and duplex homes built in that short five-year period amounted to almost a billion dollars.
There is an open question as to what the legal status of these operations would be after the exemption expires and our towing operations that use heavy tugs move to light-sport aircraft.
And even if the official bearish projections turn out to be true, the shortfall could be made up easily by subjecting investment income to Social Security taxes, and by eliminating the cap that exempts wage income above a certain maximum ($68,400 in 1998).
Defending Social Security, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Such dogs were exempt from taxes, and their owners docked the dogs' tails to document their occupation.
Because of her sturdy intellectual independence and integrity, Ravitch exempts no sect, ideology, or school from failure and folly.
Chairman Frank dismissed “plain vanilla” out of hand, cut deals, exempted some groups from oversight by the consumer agency and the derivative loopholes made it into the bill on his watch.
Matthew Yglesias » The Real Story on Bankster Political Influence
The government encourages the existence of charitable NGOs through tax exemptions and liberal laws of association and incorporation.
When a further instruction stated that vessels used in services were not exempt, the Patriarch Tikhon told the faithful to resist.
In the Republic of Ireland, this is a successful national policy; artists can claim a tax exemption for things like book and song royalties.
* Scimus quam lubricus sit lapsus, dum aliunde nobis flabella suscitat Satan: quia videmur culpa exempti, si ejus partem sustinet qui nos ad flagitium inducit: [801] 1
Commentary on Genesis - Volume 2
Candidates with a qualification in Chemistry have exemption from this course.
The legislation, however, does not place a flat cap on the value of the homestead exemption that an individual can exempt in bankruptcy.
The exemption for proprietary matters, such as grants and benefits, seems particularly difficult to justify.
West of the Rhine, an increasing number of servile manses also had to do ploughing corvées, and the service of three days of work per week was often required from free manses, which had been exempted from it hitherto.
Do religious beliefs provide exemption from liability for child abuse?
He was exempt from charges by virtue of his youth/of being so young/of the fact that he was so young.
Other exemptions -- such as for fine art or antiques -- can push that limit higher.
In 1310 the king granted life exemption from tallages, prises, juries, assizes, and royal ministries to Nicholas de Fakenham of Lynn, who is not known to have held any office.
It would probably have led on to granting Catholics exemption from tithes and the authority of Anglican courts.
The plaintiff, being unaware of this exemption, paid dues upon limestone which he had landed and ultimately burnt into lime.
VAT will be added to all hot takeaway food, closing a loophole that exempted certain products.
Times, Sunday Times
Should patents on research tools that have no significant market outside the research community be subject to a research exemption that effectively eviscerates their commercial value?
They say brokers, trying to make up lost income from stock trading, may be exploiting the low yields on taxable Treasury bonds to sneak through higher charges on munis, which are exempt from most income taxes.
We have not sought to extend the list of conditions which entitle a sufferer to exemption from prescription charges.
Our decision to defer the review of exemptive applications for derivatives-based ETFs reflects concerns about whether granting exemptive relief for those funds would be consistent with required regulatory standards in light of those concerns.
The 15 Most Outrageous ETFs
It is already subsidising purchase of electric vehicles by up to 4,500 and they are exempt from road tax.
Times, Sunday Times
The men received full burghership as a rule soon after arrival, exempt from the formalities and probation prescribed by law.
Origin of the Anglo-Boer War Revealed (2nd ed.) The Conspiracy of the 19th Century Unmasked
It is also generally flexible about giving exemptions to Code requirements where appropriate.
The Minister also proposed to withdraw a few exemptions which have outlived their utility.
Although lands owned by educational institutions were at first exempted from nationalization, other sources of support, such as impropriated tithes and standard donations from chapters and monasteries, dried up.
Assets benefiting from the exemption must be available to the public to enjoy on terms agreed with HMRC.
Times, Sunday Times
Some tenants prefer, however, to seek to obtain from the landlord a covenant not to waive the exemption.
Gas companies don't have to tell us what chemicals they're using because hydraulic fracturing is specifically exempted from disclosure requirements in the Safe Drinking Water Act through to a provision, nicknamed "the Halliburton Loophole," that was inserted by Dick Cheney into the 2005 Energy Policy Act. Right now, because of the Halliburton Loophole and other exemptions for dirty fossil fuels, the EPA has absolutely no power to regulate hydraulic fracturing.
Mark Ruffalo: Taking on Karl Rove
The income tax is to be reimposed next year after ten years' exemption.
Charles Calderon, D-Montebello, that would create a new regulatory agency with lower fees and exemptions for some schools.
Those in favor of Senate Bill 372 say it would help clarify what they call the confusing and convoluted Nevada Clean Indoor Air Act. They ask that law makers to exempt bars that only cater to adults from the indoor clean air act.
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The new statutory duty should not apply to universities and they should be exempt, as proposed for the security services and judicial bodies.
Times, Sunday Times
Tax exemptions on dividend payments from pension funds have been scrapped.
It could also pre-empt these issues by including an understanding that intention does not mitigate impact, or that demonstration of solidarity does not exempt you from dealing with your own issues.
Covenant. « Love | Peace | Ohana
Changes can be expected following the EU's anticipated alteration to block exemption, the rules under which car manufacturers are allowed to enforce the sale of cars through franchised dealers.
Men in college were exempt from military service.
He introduced a bill to reduce military service from five years to three but to close the loopholes by which seminarists, students, and the rich could obtain exemption.
He back-pedaled in fighting to roll back abortion rights, on the IRS exemption to segregated Bob Jones University, dismantling welfare, and gutting education programs.
Earl Ofari Hutchinson: Why President Obama Continually Hails President Reagan
Some students are exempt from certain exams.
The bill gives sensitive police files a blanket exemption.
When presented with the draft confidentiality agreement, the purchaser should ensure that there are adequate exemptions to the confidentiality obligation.
His "Levities" are by their title exempted from the severities of criticism, yet it may be remarked in a few words that his humour is sometimes gross, and seldom sprightly.
Johnson's Lives of the Poets — Volume 2
The block on overseas transfers led to a plea for the food and pharmaceutical sectors to be exempted from the capital controls.
Times, Sunday Times
I got exempted from a quiz just for answering a question and then in math, we were going to have a chapter test, but the teacher told us that she thought we were all ready to move on.
Biologists do not claim that life is exempt from any of the laws of thermodynamics.
The first exemption act allowed paper mill workers, shoemakers, textile workers, tanners, wagon makers, and others to remain at their work, provided the profits of factories that used exempted workers not exceed 75 percent.
Peresson described the new tax as ‘a joke’ because, he claimed, many bags used by shoppers were the lower quality bags for food and these were exempt from the levy.
Any profits made are totally exempt from taxation.
On the other hand, civilization, house-building, warm apartments and kitchen fires, well-stored larders, and especially exemption from rude toil, abolish these extreme caricatures; and keeping appetite down to a middling level by the rote of meals, and thus taking away the incentives to ravenous haste, they allow the mind to tutor and variegate the tongue, and to substitute the harmonies and melodies of deliberate gustation for such unseemly bolting.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 17, No. 101, March, 1866
In a last-minute deal, the Americans were given a renewable one-year exemption for their troops, but the issue has not yet been resolved.
Beginning in November the status of foreign burgess was granted to various lords who wished to acquire exemption from toll, for themselves and their villeins, on products grown on their estates and on goods bought for personal use.
I don't think this is a winning argument, said Pamela Mann, a former chief of the New York State Attorney General's Charities Bureau, of the claim by the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (also known as the ADC) that organizations opposing the public policy of the United States should not be eligible for tax exemptions.
OpEdNews - Diary: Does anyone know how accurate this report on this Jewish organization is?
For example, one of the main forms of assistance available to the charitable sector is the exemption from paying income tax.
This is a transactional exemption and its scope is not immediately apparent.
Under Genachowski's proposal, the FCC would apply only a small fraction of Title II's rules and exempt, or "forbear," those irrelevant to Internet access.
FCC chair outlines regulatory foundation for broadband providers
We're generally suspicious of boxing and we exempt wrestling from all expectations of fair play.
Children under 16 are exempt from prescription charges.
It is hard not to see a straightforwardly political motive for this exemption.
Times, Sunday Times
The second issue is that, if a household is composed entirely of students, it should be exempt.
Republican critics said the legislation still doesn't go far enough because it exempts all discretionary spending, and applies only to nonroutine increases in entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare.
'Blue Dog' Democrats Hold
Wealthy investors and property speculators are not exempt.
Times, Sunday Times
The countryside is littered with homes that began as barns and pigsties, built under agricultural exemption but which somehow acquired human occupants.
Times, Sunday Times
A friend told me you can also make exempt gifts from income.
Her illness exempted her from the examination.
He argues there are only two exemptions in the Endangered Species Act for not determining critical habitat.
Officials said that choice would gradually expand into other areas, though emergency services would remain exempt.
Times, Sunday Times
The system of exemptions told draftees that their society did not value them, long before this was made patent on their return home when they were spat upon by the exempt.
The USTA financed Arthur Ashe Stadium, which was opened in 1997, by selling tax-exempt bonds.
U.S. Open Left in the Rain as Competitors Look for Cover
However, gifts received from blood relations lineal a ascendants and lineal descendants. and those received on certain occasions like marriage etc. would continue to be totally exempt.
They also restore small companies' exemption from the requirement to disclose auditors' remuneration in the abbreviated accounts.
That is where there should be adjustments, not making the police exempt from the law.
Times, Sunday Times
But he insisted that local government was only exempted from the cut so that town halls could freeze council tax for the fourth year running.
Times, Sunday Times
Sadly, fraud - be it simple defalcation or cybercrime - is endemic in business and no company is exempt.
Times, Sunday Times
Offshore non-trading companies are exempt from corporation tax, but may waive their exemption and pay tax at an agreed rate.
According to him, aside from certain exemptions such as a Mexican spouse or parent of Mexican children, applicants must have 5 years with an FM2.
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The man of the most practised intellect is not exempt from the universal laws of our conceptive faculty.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, No. CCCXXXVI. October, 1843. Vol. LIV.
It is impossible for the seller to exempt himself from liability under section 12 of the Sale of Goods Act.
France out of that exemption (which makes the second member of the same article) _was also comprised_; that is to say, if _the whole_ was comprised, _the part_ was comprised.
A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Volume 1, part 1: George Washington
The block on overseas transfers led to a plea for the food and pharmaceutical sectors to be exempted from the capital controls.
Times, Sunday Times
Note that eurobonds are unlikely to attract tax exempt investors such as pension funds, given the lower yield associated with bearer status.
That is where there should be adjustments, not making the police exempt from the law.
Times, Sunday Times
There are a lot of competition restriction stipulations in the labor agreement of NBA, but the application of the antitrust law can be dodged by means of labor exemption.
Those that were not felt they were exempt due to non-profit status.
Among a number of other account holders exempted, deposit accounts held by non-residents were exempted from the tax.
Like capital acquisitions tax, all transfers of property under documents between spouses are exempt from stamp duty.
But the moves for exemption are likely to prove highly contentious, coming as they do in the run-up to elections to the Scottish parliament.
This suggests that Dada artists are exempt from the general rule that ironists are the biggest victims of their own irony.
Any property up to and including 250,000 will now be exempt from stamp duty.
Times, Sunday Times
Being a war hero is not a lifetime ‘get out of jail free’ card, exempting you from responsibility for what you do thereafter.
While one can recognize the pragmatic aspects of rejecting a religious exemption, including the likelihood of every pothead in America claiming Rastafari observance, this still should trouble us that a religious practice can be prohibited even when practitioners are not hurting themselves or one another.
Frank Fredericks: Protecting Pastafarians: When Does Religious Freedom Become Ridiculous?
I understand why the Government have maintained an exemption for small businesses, for which survival is of the essence.
For assets acquired before that date, either the exemption rule or frozen indexation may be used.
Kirchhof believes he can slim down or scrap more than 90,000 tax rules and 418 tax exemptions.
Universities took up this work, awarding certificates which exempted the holders from university entrance examinations.
So am I correct in assuming then that you would argue that churches who have tax-exempt status (thus giving them “special treatment”) should be fored to admit all comers, even those who are sharply opposed to their religious mission?
The Volokh Conspiracy » Enough with the Ridiculous Hyperbole!
The interest is exempt from income tax .
Thus a privileged land-tenure was created -- bookland; the rules as to the succession of kinsmen were set at nought by concession of testamentary power and confirmations of grants and wills; special exemptions from the jurisdiction of the hundreds and special privileges as to levying fines were conferred.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
Padilla should not be exempt from detention simply because he managed to elude capture and make his way to this country.
This same unelected President schemes to exempt Americans from the jurisdiction of the new International Criminal Court, which punishes crimes against humanity.
The notion often prevails that if there be in the heart this divine witness of God's Spirit, it must needs be perfect, clearly indicating its origin by an exemption from all that besets ordinary human feelings, that it must be a strong, uniform, never flickering, never darkening, and perpetual light, a kind of vestal fire burning always on the altar of the heart!
Expositions of Holy Scripture: Romans Corinthians (To II Corinthians, Chap. V)
There is also a ‘small gifts' exemption of £250, which can be paid in each tax year to any number of suitable donees.
In March 1340 he travelled to London on community business, to show proof to the city authorities that Lynn burgesses were exempt from murage exactions there.
They therefore also saw themselves exempt from tithes to church or state.
Over time, exemption from taxation came to be seen by women as a right, an integral component of Ewe women's conception of an individual self and a collective Lomé womanhood which served as a platform for the 1933 uprising.
Monaco exacts a talliage of the same kind; and both he and the king of Sardinia maintain armed cruisers to assert this prerogative; from which, however, the English and French are exempted by treaty, in consequence of having paid a sum of money at once.
Travels through France and Italy
This article exempts dividends received or accrued to any taxpayer from income tax liability.
Newly revised guidelines exempting ELL students for only 1 year are not nearly enough.
The reality, according to Leon, was that matric exemption was no longer a sign of quality education.
The Church of Scientology had recently gained tax-exempt status as a religious institution, making donations, as well as the cost of auditing, tax-deductible.
This model is also exempt from road tax.
Times, Sunday Times
Does this affect the exempt status of the property?
Christianity Today
Of course I might not get the point I can almost assure you that whether to exempt admins from the username disallow was never considered, so it is neither oversight nor bug.
For the established Church to seek this further exemption is to me, a cause for deep concern and disappointment.
Times, Sunday Times
We would also want to end the exemption from taxation that diesel currently enjoys, to bring it into line with petrol, and we would bring in other eco-taxes on a range of areas such as Crown resource rentals, toxics, and waste.
Recommendation for exemption have been made in response to 16 applications.
Certain advantages were reserved to the banker: -- if he drew a doublet, that is, two equal cards, he won half of the stakes upon the card which equalled the doublet; if he drew for the players the last card of the pack, he was exempt from doubling the stakes deposited on that card.
The Gaming Table : Its Votaries and Victims : Vol. 2
Michigan relating to primary schools make it the duty of the district board to exempt from the payment of teachers 'wages not only, but from providing fuel for the use of the district, all such persons residing therein as in their opinion ought to be exempted, and to admit the children of such persons to the school free of charge not only, but the district board is authorized to purchase, _at the expense of the district_, such books as may be necessary for the use of children thus admitted by them to the district school.
Popular Education For the use of Parents and Teachers, and for Young Persons of Both Sexes
VAT will be added to all hot takeaway food, closing a loophole that exempted certain products.
Times, Sunday Times
But even the family of Proba herself was not exempt from the rapacious oppression of Count Heraclian, who basely sold, in matrimonial prostitution, the noblest maidens of Rome to the lust or avarice of the Syrian merchants.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
At the other extreme, proposed Constitutional Amendment R asks voters if they want to approve "an exemption from property taxation for a possessory interest.
Aaron Harber: Ballot Bedlam
Why should those with bank deposits earning a pittance be subject to taxation, but much wealthier equity investors be exempt?
Times, Sunday Times
Pensioners are automatically exempt from prescription charges.
The religioner is not exempt from suspicion at the frontier station.
Peddlers and their advocates also drafted a so-called peddler's ordinance to exempt their cries from regulation under the anti-noise ordinance.
There was no exemption for those engaged in an armed insurrection and an armed struggle against a government.
Times, Sunday Times
The law does not exempt service members from legal obligations that result from an act of wrongdoing.
But I think it ill behooves them when this is a compulsory program for all the rest of the people in the country -- that they should somehow be exempt from this program.
Its enthusiastic reception earned Rossini exemption from military service.
As a middle-aged baby boomer, I am certainly not exempt from the wishes and dreams of the anti-aging movement.
Even workers with conditions such as claustrophobia who cannot use public transport are not exempt.
A gift or inheritance taken by a donee or successor who is a spouse of the disponer is exempt from capital acquisitions tax.
McGeechan, to his eternal credit I must say, insists that you cannot blame the players, but the current squad can't be exempted from criticism.
Note that eurobonds are unlikely to attract tax exempt investors such as pension funds, given the lower yield associated with bearer status.
additional exemptions are allowed for each dependent
Nonprofit hospitals enjoy tax-exempt status in exchange for meeting such community needs.
Tax reform that lowers marginal rates while eliminating exemptions would make the economy more productive in the long run; but it would provide no short-term fillip to demand.
The Economist: Daily news and views
In 1952, Congress made it illegal to harbor, transport or smuggle illegal immigrants, but the “Texas Proviso” exempted hiring from the prohibition.
The Volokh Conspiracy » More on the SG’s Brief in U.S. Chamber of Commerce v. Candelaria
Remy is making a basic point here: Tax exemptions are spending by another name.
PubliCola Guest Op-Ed: The Good Thing About This Year’s Budget Crisis « PubliCola
This amendment will go some way to preventing the spiral of homelessnessWe'll be hearing more from the bishop later, on child benefit exemptions4.01pm: Lib Dem Baroness Walmsley has announced she will vote againt the government on the benefit cap issue.
Welfare reform bill: household benefit cap Lords debate - Monday 23 January
It would take time to establish, would penalise banks not exposed in Greece, would exempt non-eurozone banks lending to Greece, and would run into political opposition in national legislatures.
Merkel and Sarkozy thrash out last-minute compromise over Greece
Four of them are of value not only for the form but for the knowledge they furnish of the distinction made between the four classes of adventurers: those who paid money into the treasury and agreed to plant one hundred persons, those who established a private plantation, those who were private planters, and those whose "shares exceedinge 50 acr̃ are exempted from payinge any Rent to ye Company for the persons they transporte.
The Records of the Virginia Company of London
Cigars, cheroots and cigarillos of tobacco or tobacco substitutes which have been exempt so far shall attract 16% CENVAT.
The German authorities applied this decision, refusing the customs exemption, and the applicant sought to contest this before the national court.
Opposition MPs and education advocates are calling on the government to allow schoolteachers and professors an exemption from copyright restrictions.
Under the legislation, a person who fails to vote for reasons other than those mentioned on the list of exemptions would be declared a "defaulter".
Elections - fresh news by
It also offered a complete exemption of corporation tax for 10 years from the start of operations.
We believe this to be basic to the question of being alined or nonalined, because nothing exempts us from the basic commitment of firmly combating the crimes that have been and are being committed against mankind.
The Municipal Council is negotiating with the Credit Foncier for the erection of a certain number of cheap houses, which, for the space of twenty years, will be exempt from all taxes, such as octroi, highway, door and window tax, etc.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 401, September 8, 1883
Religious organizations are exempt from the ban on religious discrimination, but not from the other prohibited forms of discrimination.
Christianity Today
They can be obtained to show that administrative orders and notices are invalid, or exempt from taxation, or for confirming matters of marital status and nationality.
Congress tried to help the farm sector by exempting it from federal antitrust law.
As for picking between charities, the IRS classifies every nonprofit organization according to a National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities, which could conceivably be used to identify which organizations would or would not qualify for the double deduction.
A New Big Idea: Create Jobs And Reduce Poverty By Doubling The Charitable Deduction
Whenever loss or damage has resulted from unseaworthiness, the burden of proving the exercise of due diligence shall be on the carrier or other person claiming exemption under this Article.
There was no rent review during the term and the two oil majors were exempted from any obligation to pay ships or goods dues.
Times, Sunday Times
Basically, that would be accomplished in the bill by exempting from the derivatives exchange any biolateral contract to which a "nonfinancial" institution, but one actually producing a commodity or service, was an "end-user" party.
Arkansas News
The exemption of Catholic seminarians and clergy from military conscription was revoked.