How To Use Executive branch In A Sentence

  • Congress and the executive branch are often too immobilized by internal problems of political survival to take action on great national questions.
  • The legislature has made such designations, and has been uncomfortable with the executive branch taking an activist role.
  • The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 brought home to leaders in Congress and the executive branch the need for integrating departmental reports to national policymakers.
  • This is what we can expect when the judiciary decides to usurp the role of the executive branch in waging war. Attention Congress: Impeach Judge Ricardo Urbina Now and finally Declare War on Al-Quada « PurpleSlog – Awesomeness & Modesty Meets Sexy
  • During that period fifteen different and greatly distinguished citizens have, in succession, administered the executive branch of the government.
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  • The problem now is not an overweening Congress but an aggrandized executive branch; still, the remedy is the same. The Founders’ Great Mistake
  • The reform of the executive branch of government should aim at making the cabinet fully responsible to the parliament.
  • They were subject to transfer, but the executive branch was unable to interfere with specific decisions.
  • The main reason for this growth was that Congress no longer trusted the executive branch to provide it with accurate information.
  • There are also significant structural impediments to presidential control of the executive branch of government.
  • Neither of the other two branches of the federal government can match the executive branch in its command of the national agenda. Peril and Promise: A Commentary on America
  • South Korea's government has an elected legislature and a strong executive branch.
  • It must pursue policies in both its judicial and executive branches that uphold an international rule of law.
  • And that meant both the legislative and executive branches.
  • His office had frequently pushed the executive branch towards greater moderation in counterterrorism policies, using the threat of Supreme Court setbacks to make policymakers think about detainee access to counsel, for example, and the end-game for long-term military detentions of citizens. The Volokh Conspiracy » Benjamin Wittes Comments on His AQ7 Letter at The New Republic
  • Similarly, within the executive branch, most cabinet meetings are closed to the public.
  • Your statement that the courts are reluctant to intervene is irrelevant since the Judicial branch was specifically created to serve as a check and balance against overreaching by the legislative and executive branches, and thankfully, we as citizens do have the standing to sue in the federal court if the Congress attempts to pass the Health Care “Whatever” into a law. Think Progress » Bachmann Accuses The Media Of ‘Treason,’ Claims Use Of ‘Deem And Pass’ Warrants ‘Impeachment’
  • The responsibility rests entirely with Congress allocating the appropriations required and with the executive branch of the Government.
  • The matter should be resolved by the executive branch of government.
  • This executive branch of government never functions as accurate and honest mirrors of the president.
  • Stone insisted that the judiciary should exercise restraint and recognize the need for the legislative and executive branches to respond to the Great Depression.
  • Confirmation: The act of the U.S. Senate approving a presidential nominee to an executive branch post or federal judgeship.
  • Critics say the law upsets the balance of power by delegating legislative authority to the executive branch.
  • In the coming months and years, the locus of political struggle will lie between the executive branch and the legislature.
  • Slovakia is a parliamentary democracy with legislative, judicial, and executive branches.
  • By regularly invoking the false coequality of branches argument and its derivative checks and balances thesis, presidents intentionally spread the propaganda to safeguard an all-powerful presidency and executive branch. Constitutional Rubbish
  • They were subject to transfer, but the executive branch was unable to interfere with specific decisions.
  • Finally, insofar as President Bush has exercised his powers to engage in surreptitious electronic surveillance without court-issued warrants in violation of the FISA, on the basis of an implausibly broad construction of his inherent Article II powers and a reading of the AUMF that was rightly repudiated in a slightly different context by the Supreme Court's recent Hamdan decision, the "fix" reportedly negotiated between The White House and Senator Arlen Specter, in which the legality of the NSA program of warrantless surveillance would be submitted for adjudication on the basis of a one-sided presentation to the FISA court by the Executive Branch -- which alone would be authorized to control the evidence to be considered, the forum for its consideration, whether the proceedings would be public or secret, and whether the result would be published or kept under wraps, and which alone would be authorized to appeal an adverse ruling to an Article III court including the Supreme Court -- is as transparently phony and futile as is the suggestion of a congressionally enacted vehicle to confer standing on someone to obtain a judicial ruling on the legality of this President's signing statements. Balkinization
  • The adoption of a budget is the principal means by which Congress holds the executive branch to account.
  • Therefore, the executive branch will construe section 2262 not to abrogate these Presidential prerogatives. HUFFPOST HILL - Congress Gets Its Parliamentary Obstruction On
  • Third, any commission or agency involved in budget making on which both legislators and members of the executive branch serve as voting members is unconstitutional.
  • It's about whether the levers of power in the Executive Branch, and the Supreme Court along with it, are going to be redelivered into the hands of the right wing for yet another four years. Norman Solomon: Obama and the Progressive Base
  • First, in the law reviews, Endo is being remembered more triumphantly than Gudridge intended, as an example of the Supreme Court checking Executive Branch excesses, even during times of war. Is That Legal?: Japanese American internment Archives
  • Legal Adviser Koh alluded to the importance and, within the executive branch and the State Department, the independent weight of that traditional jurisprudence in the beginning of his speech, in which he made some important — but by the press largely not-understood as being important — prefatory framing remarks about the internal jurisprudence of the executive branch. The Volokh Conspiracy » Is Harold Koh’s Defense of Drones Also the Defense of Targeting a US Citizen?
  • This executive branch of government never functions as accurate and honest mirrors of the president.
  • How much of Atheism has infiltrated into legislative and executive branches at all levels of government?
  • As far as they have been concerned, reliance on staff has served their purposes better than a system that relies on the cabinet or the executive branch departments.
  • Its many civil liberties transgressions include the issuance by the executive branch of National Security Letters a form of administrative subpoena without a court order, and the forbiddance of American citizens from mentioning that they have received one of these letters at the risk of jail. Why Ron Paul Matters
  • It must pursue policies in both its judicial and executive branches that uphold an international rule of law.
  • Van Jones's "czardom" consisted of a brief from the President to cajole other executive branch officials about "green jobs. The Volokh Conspiracy
  • He is paid $ 148, 400 a year to preside over what is the largest civilian agency in the executive branch.
  • Executive hegemony is also facilitated by institutional arrangements that combine, rather than separate, the legislative and executive branches.
  • Therefore, the Legislative branch checks and scrutinises the work done by the Executive branch.
  • I moved immediately after the election to pare down radically the size of the executive branch.
  • There is, in fact, a firm bloc of three reactionaries - Scalia, Rehnquist and Thomas - that supports the executive branch's arrogation of unprecedented police powers.
  • That the candidate also had significant executive branch experience and helped remake whole areas of the law was immaterial.
  • It would involve a flagrantly illegal and unconstitutional intervention by the executive branch into the affairs of the legislature.
  • The White House claims the Congressional agency is overstepping its bounds and unconstitutionally interfering with the functioning of the executive branch.
  • Congress and the executive branch are often too immobilized by internal problems of political survival to take action on great national questions.
  • But anational General Strike willlay down a historical marker; it tells Bush and Cheney and all those who succeed them that an executive branch that imagines itself superior to Congress and the rule of law will arouse popular fury. Force Impeachment- Hit The Streets
  • He is paid $ 148, 400 a year to preside over what is the largest civilian agency in the executive branch.
  • All this badness is clearly stemming from our wonderful executive branch. Breakfast Links: Spying, Mind Control & Colbert : #comments
  • In most Western democracies in the twentieth century, legislatures have lost a great deal of ground to executive branches.
  • A list of financial firms raided Tuesday by the European Commission, which is the executive branch of the European Union, wasn't available. Banks' Files Are Seized
  • Plus you've got the Forth Estate firmly in the pocket of the Executive Branch, which means you never know just how this story will be spun to the voting public.
  • A supine Congress like the present one is rapidly eroding the American founding fathers' vision of a legislature keeping the executive branch on a tight leash.
  • The EU does not have separate legislative and executive branches to speak of.
  • The main reason for this growth was that Congress no longer trusted the executive branch to provide it with accurate information.
  • Extensive powers were vested into the hands of the President who headed the executive branch of government.
  • The matter should be resolved by the executive branch of government.
  • Critics say the law upsets the balance of power by delegating legislative authority to the executive branch.
  • The main reason for this growth was that Congress no longer trusted the executive branch to provide it with accurate information.
  • The Court fully understands and appreciates that the first priority of the executive branch in a time of crisis is to ensure the physical security of its citizens.
  • In the Bush adminisration, the Attorney General was the consigilere and the executive branch was immune from accountability to the legilsative and judicial branches or constitutional constraints, so Cheney's confusion is understandable. Cheney wrong on interrogation inquiry facts, Obama official says
  • This view did not prevail in all parts of the executive branch.
  • Professor MATTHEW WAXMAN (National Security/International Law, Columbia University): One important open question is for how long does the executive branch feel confident it can rely on that authority, and for how long will courts continue to uphold the executive branch's authority in relying on that? Yemen Plot Puts Guantanamo Detainees In Limbo
  • Sixth a chairman may a compromiser between the executive branch and the Senate.
  • Glenn says that any VP power is executive branch and delegated from the President. Matthew Yglesias » And The Winner Is
  • He will have the opportunity to be in charge of the whole executive branch of the municipality.
  • Executive hegemony is also facilitated by institutional arrangements that combine, rather than separate, the legislative and executive branches.
  • the executive branch
  • Neither in World War II nor in the Cold War did US administrations go so far in restricting civil liberties or arrogating unlimited power to the executive branch.
  • I see no principled distinction between a SCOTUS ruling — which is a law — and a statute directing the executive branch to act against a contemnor. The Volokh Conspiracy » May Congress Order the Justice Department To Prosecute People Who the Justice Department Firmly Believes are Innocent?
  • I need to check on NSA but the CIA is an “independent agency” that is not part of any federal Department of the Executive Branch. Matthew Yglesias » Podesta: Let Obama Keep His Blackberry
  • It might well retard job creation, should it give rise to inflationary expectations or, worse, imply that, having suffered the slings and arrows of popular and political contempt as we went about doing what we did to save the financial system, we have now been compromised and become a pliant accomplice to Congress's and the executive branch's fiscal misfeasance. Notable & Quotable
  • The Executive Branch arrogates the authority to become the investigator, the prosecutor, the judge, the jury, and then the executioner.
  • Extensive powers were vested into the hands of the President who headed the executive branch of government.
  • Before these committees existed, Congress had no way to evaluate the budget priorities given by the executive branch.
  • The reward for their gullibility was a widening of the war (s), a continuing neglect of Constitutional principles, a failure to prosecute those who had lied us into one misadventure after another, a retreat from any single-payer "Medicare for All" healthcare reform, a watering down of climate change initiatives, a postponement of most legislation that would have brought some justice to gay/Lesbian citizens, and a sad abandonment of promises for transparency and open-ness in the Executive branch. You Get What you Vote For!
  • In the US, the president is part of the executive branch of the government.
  • From a machine perspective, such jobs are far more useful than appointive positions in the executive branch.
  • Both House and Senate are composed of countless fiefdoms of committees and subcommittees that oversee the Executive Branch.
  • The executive branch would "arbitrate" absent action by Congress, and the only action by Congress that would be constitutional is a law about the future. "Clearly, the worst day was Abu Ghraib..."
  • In the US, the president is part of the executive branch of the government.
  • The president, who heads the executive branch, serves for a single six-year term.
  • And that's principally what I'm talking about there, the ability of the president to control the structure of the executive branch, not agencies -- the term administrative agencies is not synonymous with agencies like the FTC which was involved in the Humphrey's Executor case where the agency is headed by a commission and commissioners are appointed by the president for a term of office and there are conditions placed on the removal of the agency -- of the commissioners. CNN Transcript Jan 12, 2006
  • The main reason for this growth was that Congress no longer trusted the executive branch to provide it with accurate information.
  • Executive hegemony is also facilitated by institutional arrangements that combine, rather than separate, the legislative and executive branches.
  • In contrast, he explains, the executive branch has burgeoned, and continues to grow stronger.
  • The courts have laid down a marker before the executive branch - they have staked out their procedural position.
  • This is probably as good a time as any to note that the General Services Administration -- the mechanics of the executive branch, if you will -- has been busy negotiating government-wide terms-of-service arrangements with web services so that every agency and department can post their very own Flickr photosets, YouTube videos, and the like. The White House and Flickr
  • Page 8, Finding Number One of the report says: “I find that Governor Sarah Palin abused her power by violating Alaska Statute 39.52.110 (a) of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act.” Duh pookie
  • He is paid $ 148, 400 a year to preside over what is the largest civilian agency in the executive branch.
  • This excerpt sums up the modus operandi of a rogue vice presidency in an at-times acephalous executive branch: William E. Jackson Jr.: The Vices of Cheney: The Burden is Upon the House Judiciary Committee
  • They were subject to transfer, but the executive branch was unable to interfere with specific decisions.

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