How To Use Excused In A Sentence

  • Viewers are excused the demanding task of following the logic of a Horizon exposition; the important thing is to marvel.
  • Viewers are excused the demanding task of following the logic of a Horizon exposition; the important thing is to marvel.
  • Mariah excused her for doorbell duty and we all lounged out on the floor and sofa.
  • Is this another case of special people being excused from the standards they demand of everyone else? The Volokh Conspiracy » Goodwin Liu’s Incomplete Questionnaire
  • He was excused as physically unfit for duty.
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  • And when he was before the prince, he excused himself so sagely that the prince and his council held him excused, and so he fell again into the prince's love and redeemed out his men by reasonable ransoms; and the chatelain was set to his ransom of ten thousand franks, the which he paid after. Chronicle and Romance (The Harvard Classics Series)
  • one of the excused jurors planned to write a book
  • I was beginning to feel a little famished with all the smiling, dancing and chit-chatting, so I excused myself from my little group of friends to get myself some edible delicacies from the buffet table.
  • But at the same time I don't think the current ordinary quality of political reporting can be excused on the basis of the concentration of commercial media ownership.
  • She is excused from attendance at the meeting.
  • The three-quarters of Montrealers without university degrees can be excused for feeling like deadbeats.
  • The Referees Committee was formed at a meeting attended by 17 referees with three excused, but to date there are still two referees who have not answered the call, or indeed, signified their intentions, one way or another.
  • I was beginning to feel a little famished with all the smiling, dancing and chit-chatting, so I excused myself from my little group of friends to get myself some edible delicacies from the buffet table.
  • After Claire excused herself to run her unspecified "errand" - making Roger shudder only slightly-he and Brianna had driven to the pub, but then decided to wait for their supper, since the evening was unexpectedly fine. Dragonfly in Amber
  • The boss of the ballroom excused them the fee.
  • He excused his absence by saying that he was ill.
  • The policy of their chiefs has on this occasion been admired, and might surely be excused; but a pious baud is seldom produced by the cool conspiracy of many persons; and a voluntary impostor might depend on the support of the wise and the credulity of the people. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Meanwhile, staff at the paper could be excused for wondering how their boss manages to edit the paper when he is so busy brushing up his broadcasting techniques.
  • I'm looking to be entertained: boredom, tedium is the worst literary or filmic sin, and cannot be excused by a pretence to some spurious intellectual superiority.
  • Mary excused her absence by saying that she was ill.
  • Notes: Utah G Jason Hart was excused from the team to attend a funeral. ...
  • We excused it as deafness and persuaded him to buy an expensive hearing aid (which he then refused to wear). Times, Sunday Times
  • Can I be excused from football practice?
  • This cannot be excused as a polite wariness of meddling in another country 's due process. Times, Sunday Times
  • Eventually, much to my surprise, once Siana was about 8 months pregnant, Mary excused her from her duties so she could rest.
  • This cannot be excused as a polite wariness of meddling in another country 's due process. Times, Sunday Times
  • The 25-year-old may have been excused a cross country run in Epping Forest on Monday morning – apparently due to a slight ankle injury – but trained as normal with his club-mates in Chigwell in the afternoon, with Redknapp subsequently suggesting he has some sympathy for a player who would earn considerably more than his current £45,000-a-week by moving to Chelsea. Tottenham to reject improved offer from Chelsea for Luka Modric
  • Thankfully, I was excused from jury duty this time.
  • Jack had been excused from military service on account of short-sightedness.
  • Soon after we arrived, when Joe had gone below stairs to chivvy the porters about our bags, and Annette and I were alone, I excused myself to visit the privy along the way. THE NUMBERS
  • Jack quietly excused his rudeness.
  • While he had contacts aplenty who would qualify on most counts, that last criterion excused them all. WHOLE SECRET LOVE
  • Cricketers around the country know all about his prowess, although Ricky Ponting could be excused for having hardly heard of him.
  • That was nearly thirty years ago, and over the years the delusion that an unlimited license to commit an unspeakable evil can be disguised or excused by a display of moral handwringing has become ever less convincing to ever more Americans.
  • Quentin excused himself as unwilling to intrude, and therewithal communicated the check which he had received in the morning. Quentin Durward
  • I smiled, excused myself to head to the bar, andfound my way to another table, leaving my wife to enjoy her friend without me for the rest of the reception. Is Colin Powell about to endorse Obama?
  • He stopped dead in his tracks and waited to be formerly excused from the room.
  • He believes that most of the absentees were excused.
  • Colorado F Cody McCormick was excused from the team for personal reasons. ...
  • But or he came so far forward, Arnold bishop of Liege had been with the king and had greatly entreated for the duke of Juliers, that the king should not be miscontent with him, though he were father to the duke of Gueldres; for he excused him of the defiance that his son had made, affirming how it was not by his knowledge nor consent, wherefore, he said, it were pity that the father should bear the default of the son. Chronicle and Romance (The Harvard Classics Series)
  • After a half-hour or so, I had to go off and moderate a panel so I excused myself.
  • He excused himself by saying he was "forced to rob to maintain my wife and cat".
  • I was beginning to feel a little famished with all the smiling, dancing and chit-chatting, so I excused myself from my little group of friends to get myself some edible delicacies from the buffet table.
  • he asked, and I inferred from his tone the desire to be excused from further colloquy. THE SEASON OF LILLIAN DAWES
  • Begging to be excused for a moment, he passed away into the rearmost quarters of the bank; whence, after an appreciable interval, he returned again in earnest talk with a superior, an oldish and a baldish, but a very gentlemanly man. The Wrong Box
  • The teacher has excused the students from their homework for this evening.
  • Shareholders could be excused for thinking the Three Stooges could do better, and maybe they could.
  • One could be excused for thinking that the orchestration of realignment had become a target of the major parties as their relationship with the electorate weakened, and they looked to experts to advise them.
  • In Jetco, we held that an insurer's unexcused 48-day delay in notifying an insured of denial of coverage was unreasonable as a matter of law. Insurance Defense
  • You cannot be excused for such rude behaviour in the presence of a lady.
  • And we politely excused ourselves and scheduled another date for that shoot.
  • It would be a half-day, and students and staff who want to observe the religious holiday would be granted an excused absence.
  • I bet if I excused myself to go to the bathroom, he would still be blustering when I got back.
  • You might be excused for thinking that Ben is in charge .
  • She said he could possibly have been excused if he had woken to see a silhouette by his bed and fired in a panic. The Sun
  • You can't be excused for such a silly reason.
  • A large, expensive fridge in a wealthy home will be excused smoked salmon and costly cheeses, but if no small luxuries are evident is it a case of miserliness?
  • He has certainly not condoned or excused racist violence or thuggery.
  • The boss of the ballroom excused them the fee.
  • Zack was quiet, then at a good moment he intervened and politely excused us and took me on a quick tour of the house.
  • I excused myself by saying that I had taken a resolution never to accept of the cardinalship by any means which seemed to have relation to the civil wars, to the end that I might convince the Queen that it was the most rigid necessity which had separated me from her service. Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
  • Even woeful diction can be excused, since, in the mad rush to expand radio, good announcers were not easy to come by.
  • Being grounded by your parents will be treated as an unexcused absence.
  • These judges sent a clear message that family caregiving was not a legitimate reason to be excused from jury duty.
  • In other words, he will immediately place himself in a position in which you may be excused for regarding him as a person whose opinion is worth nothing, whereas his ratiocinatory powers on subjects with which he is more in sympathy may be excellent. The Merry-Go-Round
  • This was quite confusing for his friends, who excused him by saying he was an incurable romantic. Times, Sunday Times
  • The excused forewoman is a 55-year-old widow who works as a supervisor for the Immigration and Naturalization Service.
  • As this is something of a landmark survey may we be excused for pushing the boat out a bit?
  • The teacher excused him politely, and asked the class to return to their seats.
  • And if workers have colds or sore throats, they should also be excused from phone work so as not to damage their voices.
  • Perhaps she might be excused for her transgressions due to the fact that she was born with ataxic cerebral palsy. Lee Brenner: The Top 10 Stories From 2011 Missing From All the Top 10 Lists
  • Alison without even asking to be excused quietly got up and left the room.
  • After finding the employee who called his name, he politely excused himself and disappeared.
  • The first film's rather subdued acting could be excused by the fact that it had had to set the scene, give the background to the few stylites and anchorites who'd never heard of the stories.
  • I politely excused myself, saying that it had actually been a nice time.
  • Looking at the world today and comparing the respective positions of education and catastrophe, one could be excused for thinking that education was lagging far behind.
  • Since our turnaround will be quick, tell Lori that she is excused from cargo duty.
  • Having been a truant pupil himself, Mark was keen to ensure that they did not follow in his footsteps, although they were rarely excused from helping him with his own projects.
  • Next time your electricity or gas bill comes thumping through the door on to the mat, you could be excused for not being too sure you can trust it.
  • After his low-key build-up to the season's first major, he would be excused another near miss.
  • The teacher has excused the students from their homework for this evening.
  • Toward the end of the dinner, she excused herself to go soak in suntan lotions and to lie down and read. Bienvenidos a San Blas, a short story
  • The songs do seem awkward at times as the tight story-line doesn't allow any gaps, but even this can be excused as the songs are very good.
  • If they truly want a private conversation then they should be polite and ask to be excused.
  • He was excused from drill.
  • Stuffing myself with food and wine, I wondered how long I would last in this room full of geriatrics before I got bored and excused myself.
  • Andy, because of his dicky heart was excused, and was put in charge of liberating different coloured pens from the heavily guarded stock cupboard to make the graph more interesting.
  • From time they were boys, others have fawned over them, winked at their flaws, excused their peccadilloes.
  • The chairman excused himself to us and left.
  • The Abbé and I excused ourselves to Frances and Bettina, and went with the Doctor to the room which he called his observatory, where we came to the point very quickly: -- The Touchstone of Fortune
  • I would like to request that Elizabeth be excused from her usual duties.
  • Vogts, who these days could be excused for celebrating even a narrow defeat, found himself frustrated that he had been forced to settle for a draw.
  • If they exchanged surreptitious winks over the appearance of Agatha, they are to be excused, for that lady's demeanor was one of frigid haughtiness, which is never quite impressive to those who live close to nature. 'Firebrand' Trevison
  • She excused herself from attending the meeting.
  • After she was finished, I excused her from my room, and sat beside Asona.
  • This cannot be excused as a polite wariness of meddling in another country 's due process. Times, Sunday Times
  • For example, bad malapropisms are not only excused, but also quite plainly understood.
  • We excused it as deafness and persuaded him to buy an expensive hearing aid (which he then refused to wear). Times, Sunday Times
  • One might be excused for appreciating Baechler's black and white cameos less as independent sculptures than as concretized images detached from his paintings.
  • The besiegers suffered heavy casualties in every assault, while the besieged were forced to call on the services of the old and young who were normally excused military duties.
  • The sad-faced chaplain who had pestered Savage with his prayers excused himself before the bench. MAN'S LOVING FAMILY
  • All failure, however undeserved, however excused or dogged by ill fortune, is treated the same.
  • If nuclear energy to date has found its application in destruction, that is something for which the scientist can not ask to be wholly excused from an adverse judgment; but he has a right to say that he has made available to us, to the citizens, to the politicians, a knowledge of the powers of nature which can be applied maleficently, beneficently, through temporarily destructive methods, or beneficently through wholly, constructive methods, at choice. Scientist and Citizen
  • The narrator of a cautionary tale is momentarily excused from the ordinary demands of etiquette that discourages the use of gruesome or disgusting imagery because the tale serves to reinforce some other social taboo. Hilaire Belloc's Cautionary Tales for Children
  • They fell heavily, the jailor undermost, upon the floor of the dungeon, and Robert of Paris, the necessity of whose case excused the action, plunged his dagger in the throat of the unfortunate. Count Robert of Paris
  • I'm looking to be entertained: boredom, tedium is the worst literary or filmic sin, and cannot be excused by a pretence to some spurious intellectual superiority.
  • I'm sure she was frustrated and confused when I excused myself and went to talk to someone else, but it seemed unkind to let her go with her come-hither poses and gestures when they left me cold.
  • A minute later he excused himself and left the room.
  • It excused irrational and unreasonable behaviour, allowed people to shirk their duties.
  • ‘This insanity of his can be excused,’ she said with a glint of animalism in her eyes.
  • She said he could possibly have been excused if he had woken to see a silhouette by his bed and fired in a panic. The Sun
  • Still with respect for his age, he was excused most drills, musters and watchkeeping.
  • Clearly, following the decision in Howell v. Coupland, the seller was excused his obligation to deliver 275 tons.
  • The teacher has excused the students from their homework for this evening.
  • There's only one exception and that's if you're touring, you're excused but otherwise you must be there.
  • Constance detected a change in the atmosphere as Giancarlo excused himself and walked down the steps to greet his last guest.
  • He excused himself by saying he was "forced to rob to maintain my wife and cat".
  • 'steels' in my father's little workshop, and harden them and produce such first-rate, neat little articles in that line, that I became quite famous amongst my school companions; and many a task have I had excused me by bribing the monitor, whose grim sense of duty never could withstand the glimpse of a steel. Industrial Biography, Iron Workers and Tool Makers
  • In the circumstances, Sutton could be excused for not cutting a dash.
  • After I told my family and a whole lot of assembled villagers the entire chronology of events the third time over, I excused myself and went indoors.
  • Utah played without guard Derek Fisher, who was excused from the game because of a health problem with one of his children. - Basketball - Golden State vs. Utah
  • For example, bad malapropisms are not only excused, but also quite plainly understood.
  • The excused forewoman is a 55-year-old widow who works as a supervisor for the Immigration and Naturalization Service.
  • The coach, if not his players, can be excused for experiencing a pang of apprehension.
  • Dinner was awkward, and Chris went upstairs to his own hotel room as soon as he could be excused.
  • Some reviewers have excused them by saying that this book is in fact a fable; but the plot is far too sprawling for that to seem plausible. Times, Sunday Times
  • At this I was very much surprised, not having been used at any time of my life to the unanimous devotion of an entire population, but having always thought of the Faith as something fighting odds, and having seen unanimity only in places where some sham religion or other glozed over our tragedies and excused our sins. The Path to Rome
  • You might be excused for thinking that Ben is in charge .
  • Ryla politely asked to be excused and returned to her diligent watch over Moon.
  • If it's all strange fiction, if a conceit is a conceit (and can be explained, excused or exploited) regardless of whether it's counterfactual, hypothetical or metaphysical, we have problems, I think, in sticking to Suvin's term "novum". Strange Fiction 9
  • These would be feats never previously achieved and one could be excused for thinking of them as over-ambitious.
  • I think people in the past excused the fact that she's lip zinced because she's been able to dance and light up the stage performing. CNN Transcript Sep 10, 2007
  • She sat there contemplating awhile before she excused herself.
  • I am excused from heavy duty by the Surgeon for ten days on account of my feeble condition.
  • I might well be excused, a raw provincial lad, if I did feel shyish in the presence of such gentlefolk. Marjorie
  • James Harrison has been excused from the Pittsburgh Steelers practice today as he continues to mull retirement in the wake of the NFL's crackdown on dangerous and illegal hits. James Harrison misses practice as he mulls retirement
  • Hawke's Bay's junior world rowing champion Emma Twigg could be excused if she wanted to chill out and relax this week in her first visit home since capturing gold.
  • The first film's rather subdued acting could be excused by the fact that it had had to set the scene, give the background to the few people who'd never heard of the stories.
  • However much a bumpy surface might have inconvenienced both sets of players, it hardly excused the lack of control and horrible mistiming of the ball which characterised the first half.
  • Once these jurors were excused and their replacements seated in the jury box, the whole tenor of the day changed.
  • A juror has been excused for legal cause.
  • Without asking to be excused he stood up and left the room through the kitchen.
  • We excused it as deafness and persuaded him to buy an expensive hearing aid (which he then refused to wear). Times, Sunday Times
  • He was excused as physically unfit for duty.
  • In all the hubbub over the election, one might be excused for missing yesterday's announcement.
  • Okay, pogon is the Greek for 'beard,' but pogo evokes possum and 'a toy for jumping around on '(OAD) - hence a reader would be excused for assuming that pogonotomy means removal of a possum or a pogo stick from the body. Site Feed
  • Nevertheless, consumers could be excused for mistaking the new brand for an ancient brew.
  • Scoring was particularly good and some of the placed players could be excused for assuming that they might have had the winning score.
  • They are human – we all make mistakes – however when you are in leadership, your mistakes are excused but you're quality of leadership is below 0. Sanford on Wilson: 'It's time to move on'
  • Wondering when his players will be excused from the news conference since all the questions are coming to him anyway. - On the court, UCLA reflects coach Howland
  • We chatted about residents and green space, and then Randolph excused himself, a little too cheerfully, for a dental appointment.
  • She smiled and she politely excused them from the painful conversation.
  • The defendant appeared in court with his mother and was excused from sitting in the dock. Times, Sunday Times
  • I politely declined her invitation and excused myself, lying and saying that I, also, had other plans.
  • YOURE EXCUSED FOR THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE, COME TAKE THIS SLIP Katrina: * gathers her belongings and walks up with her brown coach bag, and her mini dress up to a quarter inch above her knee and brown dan vanota stilletos with hundreds of tiny bejewels on them, her hair was lushing through the air conditioned room, it hit four or five people! katrina stops at a sudden drop and jolt sort of thing right infront of mrs. burkins * snatches the slip* Uh thank you. katrina: * slips through the room and out of her stilletos* WOAHHHHHH! - Articles related to Lawyer says Iran clears French woman of spying
  • Peters waited and then, in a fluster, excused himself from his superiors and left.
  • She excused herself from attending the meeting.
  • He opened the door, excused himself to step by a muscley kid in a tracksuit with a gun whose hand was on the doorknob, and walked away down the hall. Jasper Dash and the Flame-Pits of Delaware
  • Lastingham, and might therefore be readily excused if he considered himself a person of some importance in a country where a baronetcy is the highest hereditary dignity, and where many of the existing A Canadian Heroine, Volume 1 A Novel
  • Finally, after all the dishes and pots had been cleaned and put away Enela was excused to her room.
  • And now Camillus, being called to his sixth tribuneship, desired to be excused, as being aged, and perhaps not unfearful of the malice of fortune, and those reverses which seem to ensue upon great prosperity. The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
  • The Seagraves show how Japan and its Emperor were ‘got off the hook’, and were excused from paying huge war reparation funds because the nation was ‘bankrupt’.
  • The Californians may be excused for using the term paradisiacal about such scenes. Our Italy
  • LeeAnne's expression immediately sobered up, and she excused herself to get some snacks.
  • How easily indiscretions, moral weaknesses, and outright law-breaking are condoned/excused for these folks as countless brown-skinned and others get sent to prisons with disproportionate sentencing by race or low income folks pay with years in lucrative prisons? Tea Party Express rallies against 'big government'
  • Yet that still represents something of an about-turn by the England setup, with Everton having initially been under the impression that the 29-year-old, who sustained a hairline fracture to a toe in last month's win at Fulham, would be excused any involvement after talks with the national medical staff. Phil Jagielka faces toe injection as John Terry waits in England wings
  • Some reviewers have excused them by saying that this book is in fact a fable; but the plot is far too sprawling for that to seem plausible. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shockingly, Sarah's parents excused their daughter from the table without either of them informing her of the existence of children in China that don't have matzoh brei at all. Mark C. Miller: Least-Known Jewish Miracles
  • Because of the load of his own research, he asked to be excused from the above duty. Trafficking Materials and Gendered Experimental Practices: Radium Research in Early 20th Century Vienna
  • I excused myself quickly, grabbing a muesli bar on the way out of the kitchen and I shut myself in what was to become my bedroom.
  • As soon as the captain heard this, he excused himself for a minute, went down into his cabin, and brought back a large Manila envelope.
  • Between the first and second courses, she excused herself to call her office. COMPULSION
  • Dekker was excused from the room, and three members of the Haddon Heights church took the stand.
  • Can't we sometimes accept that they're just well-meaning socialists who can be excused a little excitability because they're young and passionate?
  • It has a wistful quality, a longing for a world gone never to return, which an author of Sampson's vintage can and should be excused.
  • For the casual passerby that came in off the street and observed the first half of Sunday's hurling championship final they would have been easily excused for believing the tyros in blue were defending the title.
  • Canny souls with gammy legs or some other disability, would, for up to £150 a time, assume the identity of someone who had received call-up papers and attend the medical on their behalf, ensuring that they were excused service. London in the blitz: How crime flourished under cover of the blackout
  • They may be excused this exercise.
  • Twenty minutes later all tests had been handed in and Hector excused us from the room as the bell rang, announcing the start of a break between classes.
  • He asked to be excused from the class for a moment and exited the room.
  • Apparently, they can be excused if they breach one of the duties of collective responsibility, implying that some of the board members may not actually know what the requirements and duties may be.
  • He reminisced about past years while they ate lunch before he excused himself and left the two men.
  • The driver excused the locomotive from the train.
  • Down on the lawn, she excused herself from the others and walked toward the tree that shaded her father and the steward.
  • If I so glibly excused the murder of children, I wouldn't be able to stand my own reflection either.
  • Then he excused me from my duties for the rest of the day, and I began the long walk back to my room.
  • So I used to forge old files into 'steels' in my father's little workshop, and harden them and produce such first-rate, neat little articles in that line, that I became quite famous amongst my school companions; and many a task have I had excused me by bribing the monitor, whose grim sense of duty never could withstand the glimpse of a steel. Industrial Biography
  • We stood at their side, silent, until they excused themselves, to greet the next crop of arrivals.
  • Students are considered habitual truants if they have 10 or more unexcused absences in a school year.
  • I got hooked into seeing Raiders of the Lost Ark, which might be excused for its unwitty, unfunny awful socko-ness if it had been put together by Harvard Lampoon seniors. J.D. SALINGER HATES INDY, STILL ALIVE
  • Almost by common consent, pastors are excused; and missionaries are looked for from the young men and the children; and the hope of the heathen amounts to this, that some young men may be kept from imitating the example of their fathers and elder brethren, and be prevailed upon to enter the missionary work before they _become pastors_. Thoughts on Missions
  • Nevertheless, consumers could be excused for mistaking the new brand for an ancient brew.
  • He was excused piano practice.
  • The history and geography of the world were familiar to his memory: the lives of the heroes of the East, perhaps of the West, 6 excited his emulation: his skill in astrology is excused by the folly of the times, and supposes some rudiments of mathematical science; and a profane taste for the arts is betrayed in his liberal invitation and reward of the painters of The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • These writers, although they haue not left behind them such filthy and reprochful stuffe as that base rimer: yet there are many things in their writings that wil not suffer them to be excused, & altogether acquited from causing an innocent nation to be had in derision by others. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The office staff was as confused as I was as to the purpose of my visit, so I excused myself and tried to retreat to the warrens from whence I emerged but found myself unable to open the door that would grant me ingress to the tunnels. The Rainbow Clockwerkz
  • SCS reserves the right to terminate TA's service privilege after the third unexcused absence.
  • The critical hosannas were somewhat tempered by the news that he had smashed one journalist's Dictaphone in a fit of pique and excused himself from another interview by locking himself in a toilet for two hours.
  • I excused any number of ills from the Star Wars prequels on first viewing, just because it was Star Wars. MIND MELD: If The SF/F Community Ran Hollywood...
  • By the start of Round 7, Leonard could be excused for wondering why he'd bothered to promote this particular fight.

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