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How To Use Excusable In A Sentence

  • Silliness in stories is more or less excusable, since they are not even supposed to be believed. Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard
  • In other words, forgiveness is for real sin, not for foibles, mistakes, excusable blunders, and things we can't help.
  • For the screamingly obvious manipulation/staging of these images, it's pretty inexcusable that we've had to wait this long for someone to report on it.
  • In both instances, the officers had responded with inexcusable rudeness.
  • Either they did not see what was happening, which is inexcusable, or the board was so badly structured that dissenting voices could be ignored.
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  • The Herald said the condition of the hall was inexcusable given the status of the performer.
  • Some will see this as an attempt to justify or excuse comments that are simply inexcusable.
  • He said the killing of innocent people was inexcusable.
  • The loss to Tranmere was excusable, but two defeats to teams struggling to survive is very disappointing.
  • For anyone to attack these people mob-handed is inexcusable and the full weight of the law should be brought against them.
  • Some will see this as an attempt to justify or excuse comments that are simply inexcusable. Times, Sunday Times
  • To have a race of that scale with only one marshal on a point is inexcusable. Times, Sunday Times
  • If national pride is ever justifiable or excusable it is when it springs, not from power or riches, grandeur of glory, but from convicton of ntational innocence, iformation, and benevolence. 
  • They carefully reflect a mix of motivations to these abuses, from the more excusable to the purely self-interested.
  • Sexual abuse committed by Catholic priests is more newsworthy, and less excusable in the aggregate, than abuse committed by relatives, clergy of other religious bodies, or teachers in public schools, because Catholic priests have been ontically configured by ordination to be "other Christs" in a way in which the Catholic laity, Protestant clergy, and of course non-Christians are not. The sex-abuse scandal in the Church: five years on
  • Her tarradiddle was of a nature that is usually considered excusable - at least with grown-up people; but, nevertheless, she would have been nearer to perfection could she have confined herself to the truth.
  • For while adoption needs to be prudent, the extent of delays is inexcusable. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is so disheartening to hear inexcusable statements such as ‘I regret killing her’.
  • His drunken outbursts during the mayor's speech were inexcusable.
  • Sure Jackson sold a ton of records, he also engaged in inexcusable acts. Obama sends condolences to Jackson's family, says Gibbs
  • The only reason that Clinton’s understandable (but not excusable) lying to strangers about an affair would be disqualifying is if it lead you to believe he was not trustworthy in public life. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Short List
  • If national pride is ever justifiable or excusable it is when it springs, not from power or riches, grandeur of glory, but from convicton of ntational innocence, iformation, and benevolence. 
  • They were strangers to that grace of wisdom which is liberally given to all who ask it; and their insensibility was all the more inexcusable that so many miracles had been performed which might have led to a certain conviction of the presence and the power of God with them. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Perjury, oppression, subornation, fraud, panderism, and the like infirmities, were amongst the most excusable arts they had to mention, and for these I gave, as it was reasonable, great allowance. Gulliver's Travels
  • I think its unexcusable that politicians, and the exclusionary welfare recipient cartels they represent, resort to fear of the non-existent to get elected and to keep money flowing to ponzi schemes cloaking themselves with a ‘healthcare’ banner/chyron. Think Progress » ThinkFast: March 4, 2010
  • I fear lest we commit an inexcusable blunder.
  • The more inexcusable therefore is he for his niggardliness to his Welshwoman. Sir Charles Grandison
  • David probably supposed, like many other persons, that a lie is quite excusable which is told for the sole purpose of saving the speaker's life. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • To have a race of that scale with only one marshal on a point is inexcusable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Continuing a policy of cover-up and concealment would be inexcusable.
  • But God's plan was to teach Israel, by the example of Nineveh, how inexcusable is their own impenitence, and how inevitable their ruin if they persevere. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Although his lack of knowledge of the state of training at the time of deployment and his view of the nature of ROE training are profound shortcomings in a commander, even more lamentable and inexcusable is Col Labbé's failure to take action to determine whether his troops in fact trained adequately on the ROB [sic] developed by the Chief of the Defence Staff and understood them properly. Archive 2009-11-01
  • If Burger gouged, that is inexcusable but, apart from that, what else did they do that was thuggery? Sport news, comment and results |
  • Some inexcusable antics over the years mean he will always be seen as the pantomime villain. The Sun
  • I think that the present American immigration law and how it treats people that were in our country as of some time ago is an inexcusable remanet of the cold war and wrong. Remarks By The President At Roundtable On Hurricane Mitch
  • An apostolic answer of an apostolic man, and resembling the reason given by the great Apostle of the loss of the ancient Gentiles, whom he calls inexcusable, for that having known good they followed evil; for it is in a word that which he inculcates in the first chapter of his epistle to the Romans. Treatise on the Love of God
  • To destroy it is to vandalise history - an inexcusable crime. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fact that the politicians know what they are doing in playing to racist fears, and the damage it causes, makes it inexcusable.
  • Jan. 26 Bloomberg -- Mitt Romney demanded an apology for what he called "inexcusable" and "repulsive" remarks by Newt Gingrich for calling him the most "anti-immigrant" candidate in the Republican presidential race, as the candidates squared off in the last debate before Florida's Jan. 31 primary. -- Top News
  • This fact alone is simply inexcusable and should be grounds for dismissal and / or recall of the city officials responsible.
  • WV- blatin The blatin disregard for anything Potteresque in the second cake is inexcusable. This Should Even Things Out
  • There was no excuse which didn't consist of the inexcusable.
  • Otherwise what would there be to forgive? Forgiveness is about pardoning things are essentially inexcusable.
  • Some inexcusable antics over the years mean he will always be seen as the pantomime villain. The Sun
  • Considering her difficult childhood her behaviour is excusable.
  • And yet, don't you know, it was kind of excusable; because it was as scarce as diamonds, and we had only just that little; never had another taste during the siege. Life on the Mississippi, Part 7.
  • JOSCELYN: Silliness in stories is more or less excusable, since they are not even supposed to be believed. Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard
  • If national pride is ever justifiable or excusable it is when it springs, not from power or riches, grandeur of glory, but from convicton of ntational innocence, iformation, and benevolence. 
  • This is a Chinese region, so the degression is excusable. The Golden Chersonese and the way thither
  • Given Ms. Schultz's painstaking—and fascinating— research into the Mattingly lineage and into skeptical European assessments of Prince Hohenlohe's cures at the time, this is an inexcusable omission. A Mixed Blessing
  • If national pride is ever justifiable or excusable it is when it springs, not from power or riches, grandeur of glory, but from convicton of ntational innocence, iformation, and benevolence. 
  • Intentional disregard of aseptic practices is not acceptable or excusable.
  • We have to quit defending and justifying our inexcusable actions toward other animals.
  • A quarterback sneak is as elementary as it gets, and to not be able to get a few inches on fourth down, that's inexcusable. Eagles: 'Chip' on McNabb's shoulder propelling team
  • I then realised that he had made a simple but excusable historical mistake.
  • Work Ethic (4) - At times lethargic, which is inexcusable for someone who can move at light speed without effort. Soccer Blogs - latest posts
  • If national pride is ever justifiable or excusable it is when it springs, not from power or riches, grandeur of glory, but from convicton of ntational innocence, iformation, and benevolence. 
  • A little white lie is surely excusable.
  • Yesterday he told him their actions were inexplicable and inexcusable that night and could have had even more disastrous consequences.
  • The Bisho High ourt was on Thursday told it was "excusable" for two Azanian People's Liberation Army (Apla) members to gun down three Baha'i worshippers from Iran because they were acting on military orders. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • It would be inexcusable for us to destroy all those weapons and not have them as a backup in the event they're needed.
  • To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you. C.S. Lewis 
  • To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you. C.S. Lewis 
  • Diversions from your normal routine are excusable only if they rarely occur, provided they make you work harder.
  • The Lions 'four-down goal-line stand -- which Bears QB Jay Cutler called "inexcusable" -- temporarily allowed them to cling to a fourth-quarter lead. Sports News
  • Also, his pass-interference penalty late in the game was inexcusable.
  • We offer our condolences to Alicia Keys and Celine Dion, who were vexed by rare, but inexcusable, technical gremlins during their performances.
  • This behaviour is inexcusable and unbecoming of a registered medical practitioner.
  • But both to them and to decided sceptics it must be plainly declared, that they are in these days less excusable than ever, for not looking into the grounds and proofs on which is rested the truth of Christianity; for never before were these proofs so _plainly, and at so easy a rate_, offered to the consideration of mankind. A Practical View of the Prevailing Religious System of Professed Christians, in the Middle and Higher Classes in this Country, Contrasted with Real Christianity.
  • The loss of a case file is an inexcusable error and totally unacceptable.
  • Had undutifulness been found among the ignorant people, it might have been a little excusable.
  • The trade restrictions of the developed world are really pretty inexcusable in political, economic or moral terms.
  • What†™ s truly inexcusable, truly morally repulsive, is telling people it happened. Think Progress » Murtha on Haditha: ‘I Know There Was a Cover-up … The Chain of Command Tried to Stifle the Story’
  • The conscious decision by Monster. com management to do nothing in terms of direct notification is without question inexcusable. Full Monsters | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • It was an inexcusable act of aggression.
  • Intentional disregard of aseptic practices is not acceptable or excusable.
  • To throw away a two-goal advantage once in a derby is unfortunate, twice though is careless, bordering on inexcusable.
  • Of the obstinate effort to bring about an armed intervention, on the lines marked out by Russell’s letter to Palmerston from Gotha, 17 September, 1862, nothing could be said beyond Gladstone’s plea in excuse for his speech in pursuance of the same effort, that it was “the most singular and palpable error, ” “the least excusable, ” “a mistake of incredible grossness, ” which passed defence; but while Gladstone threw himself on the mercy of the public for his speech, he attempted no excuse for Lord Russell who led him into the “incredible grossness” of announcing the Foreign Secretary’s intent. The Battle of the Rams (1863)
  • It is not unseasonable, when we are in health, to think of dying; but it is an inexcusable incogitancy if, when we are already taken into the custody of death's messengers, we look upon it as a thing at a distance. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you. C.S. Lewis 
  • The episode features three locale shifts and two car chases - taxing under ideal circumstances, inexcusable when the crew is exhausted and the budget trimmed.
  • Further international inaction would be inexcusable. Times, Sunday Times
  • I can see where bribing might be excusable if the consulship was the prize, but quaestor! The First Man in Rome
  • Networks merely need to avoid uttering flagrant falsehoods and committing major inexcusable errors.
  • Which in turn meant they each had somewhere excusable to look without having to look at each other. THE THORN BIRDS
  • This barbaric act is indescribable and inexcusable. The Sun
  • To sit, stubborn and obscurant, and refuse to acknowledge the roots of politicised mass murder is inexcusable.
  • Your conduct is inexcusable.
  • He said: 'It was inexcusable. The Sun
  • That does not make evil excusable or justifiable.
  • Not excusable, but understandable considering the reputation the Liverpool fans had acquired.
  • To have a race of that scale with only one marshal on a point is inexcusable. Times, Sunday Times
  • The inconsiderate facility with which she had wandered about with a person so little known to her, so underbred, and so forward, appeared now to herself inexcusable; and she determined, if but spared this dreadful punishment, to pass the whole of her future life in unremitting caution. Camilla
  • As a defensive matter that is excusable, the duress has its own rationality.
  • The president adds, that this revolt is the more inexcusable, as his administration has always been gentle and moderate; that he has economized the public treasure, respected the laws, and that citizens of whatever opinion had always enjoyed perfect tranquillity under his rule – that constitutional reforms were about being realized, as well as the hopes of forming by them a bond of union beween all Mexicans. Life in Mexico, During a Residence of Two Years in That Country
  • He said the killing of innocent people was inexcusable.
  • I then realised that he had made a simple but excusable historical mistake.
  • Maybe not the women (those characters need some major work to bring them into the twenty-first century), but the racism – while not excusable – is certainly reparable without much effort at all. Gorillas Riding Dinosaurs: Alex Raymond’s Flash Gordon | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • The inability to queue units and the lack of unit formations are inexcusable omissions.
  • Indulging in inexcusable rivalries can only have a negative impact.
  • What struck me most was the way women working for Jane could be emotionally and philosophically disturbed by the human appearance of the fetuses they removed, could consider abortion to be some kind of excusable homicide, and could still be so committed to letting women make the choice themselves that they were willing to break the law to make it possible. Abortion pre-Roe
  • Blame should at long last be reclaimed: it is the proper sanction for incompetence, irresponsibility or inexcusable behaviour. Times, Sunday Times
  • Spirit, was that of justification by the works of the law or by the faith of Christ; they very well knew that it was not the former, but the latter; and therefore must needs be inexcusable in forsaking a doctrine which had been so signally owned and attested, and exchanging it for one that had received no such attestations. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • I am, however, far from intending to insinuate, that feelings of this nature will prevail on your Lordship to consider real blemishes merely as the effects of an inadvertency, which is excusable in proportion to the intricacy of a subject. An Essay on the Lyric Poetry of the Ancients
  • Enticing crowd rage that could/may result in bodily harm to another political oponent is inexcusable. Poll: Palin decision doesn't change minds
  • These faults, such as they are, can be attributed to self-indulgence, surely excusable in a subject of such complexity, as demonstrated by the bibliography and footnotes which are copious and detailed.
  • This is another example where the laserdisc or even VHS comes with supplements left off the DVD, and is inexcusable.
  • It argues about the value of violence and extends difficult rationales for inexcusable acts.
  • When top government officials stoop to the use of unverified intelligence to sway public opinion, surely they deserve to pay a greater penalty by having their inexcusable behavior boldly revealed across the front page.
  • Such mistakes are gut-wrenching and perhaps inexcusable. Kent Greenfield: When Kids Are Left in Cars: Blame the Brain
  • If we should say that this was not simply an oath, but a kind of obtestation, the holy man will be, in some degree, excusable. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 2
  • It is inexcusable for a group of senators, many from distant states, to turn this into a partisan issue of their own.
  • Too often they involved young, healthy men and women, hiking in the canopied wood or at labor in some remote field; and the inexcusable singularity pertaining to each was that they seemed not to have simply disappeared, but to have been vertically snatched as if by the claws of some fantastical high-stepping predator. Perquampi
  • That delay is not excusable and the sooner all of these matters are resolved, as far as I am concerned, the better.
  • The top U.S. diplomat for East Asia, Kurt Campbell, apologized Friday for what he called a "tragic and inexcusable rape that took place about a week ago. Top headlines
  • The fact that the common use of "gringo" in Zacatecas and the view among Chiapanecos that the word "gringo" is an inexcusable affront to people who might be so identified is evidence that we should all be careful indeed about using using words with which we are only marginally familiar when describing others from other cultural backgrounds. Page 2
  • His drunken outbursts during the mayor's speech were inexcusable.
  • For a prestigious seat of learning to be acting in such a reckless manner is inexcusable.
  • Roman Polanski is a great director but what he did was inexcusable. Mel Gibson in 'Edge of Darkness' trailer: Are you ready to see him back in action? |
  • Coming from insiders to whom a term like "fabulation" actually means something, this hyperbole is excusable, even endearing; it's as if a team of hotel chefs were getting excited about their assortment of cabbages. Archive 2009-09-01
  • To suggest that I did not administer an oath to these witnesses to help them lie to members of Congress is false, inexcusable.
  • This was not a death that should be classified as excusable homicide. CNN Transcript - Special Event: Wrestling Death: Judge Sentences Lionel Tate, 14, to Life in Prison - March 9, 2001
  • Paul Rowen has switched by way of screeeching U-Turn from a "benefit of hindsight", from "not excusing the inexcusable", from praising the 1982 Yorkshire TV Alice documentary kinda fella, albeit highly confused about the safety and desirability of redeveloping the TBA Killing Fields of the Spodden Valley, to a bit of an excuser. Asbestos in Schools: Foolish Rowen Backs Up Cyril
  • That is inexcusable as it is having KG as the OC to this day... what do you expect? spags is what do you expect? spags is now in the closed club and wants to stay there. NY Daily News
  • It is caused by a deliberate act, no matter how justifiable or inexcusable it may be.
  • At a minimum, I believe that the Court's inexcusable ruling will severely stain its reputation for years to come, perhaps decades.
  • A little white lie is surely excusable.
  • That the yearbook staff failed to copyread the whole thing before sending it to the printer is inexcusable.
  • If national pride is ever justifiable or excusable it is when it springs, not from power or riches, grandeur of glory, but from convicton of ntational innocence, iformation, and benevolence. 
  • As a brief glitch this would have been irritating but excusable.
  • July 26th, 2005 at 2:52 pm could consider abortion to be some kind of excusable homicide Abortion pre-Roe
  • We acknowledge that there have been dreadful mistakes and inexcusable mistreatment in the past, but we have learned from them.
  • Now if you were in fact a bibliopole, it might be excusable, however you claim to know something about physics/nature. ID floats a lead-lined trial balloon - The Panda's Thumb
  • Their behaviour was inexcusable as they took part in wanton criminality. More attacks on Jewish owned Starbucks in London
  • Abuse is a gross and always inexcusable misuse of power.
  • Which makes it all the more inexcusable that so many restaurants spend a fortune on furnishings then stick tacky art on their walls.
  • He's a good man, but his acts of treason are inexcusable, whatever the reason.
  • In fact, I might, in a fit of inexcusable hyperbole, prefer to have a flaming tire slung around my neck than this dress-necklace combo, but that's just because dresses with unnatural and undetachable jewelry (as opposed to beading, which is natural) are one of the (many) things that set me off on a rant. You know, there's another meaning of 'necklaced' - A Dress A Day
  • Reading my diary is an inexcusable invasion of privacy.
  • The vitriol, as expressed above, is inexcusable in a civilized society - even on a blog page.
  • If national pride is ever justifiable or excusable it is when it springs, not from power or riches, grandeur of glory, but from convicton of ntational innocence, iformation, and benevolence. 
  • Even the chief of ITV was a bit narked off by the broadcast disturbance and called it “inexcusable”. SLACKERJACK – Balance Balls 2
  • To desire to keep the old body seems to me to argue a degree of sensual materialism excusable only in those pagans who in their Elysian fields could hope to possess only such a thin, fleeting, dreamy, and altogether funebrial existence, that they might well long for the thicker, more tangible bodily being in which they had experienced the pleasures of a tumultuous life on the upper world. Unspoken Sermons Series One
  • Excuse my (treasured) ignorance, but why might it be 'excusable' for journals to be evasive about turnaround time? Airminded
  • Pandering to the NRA with this tasteless, partisan joke when so many of our great African-American leaders have fallen to gunfire is absolutely inexcusable. Huckabee: 'Lousy joke' but 'pretty benign issue'
  • I know that passions in this sort of debate run strong, but I also have to say that I find the attack by the member of Parliament who promoted this bill on the churches of New Zealand to be inexcusable.
  • Of the obstinate effort to bring about an armed intervention, on the lines marked out by Russell’s letter to Palmerston from Gotha, 17 September, 1862, nothing could be said beyond Gladstone’s plea in excuse for his speech in pursuance of the same effort, that it was “the most singular and palpable error, ” “the least excusable, ” “a mistake of incredible grossness, ” which passed defence; but while Gladstone threw himself on the mercy of the public for his speech, he attempted no excuse for Lord Russell who led him into the “incredible grossness” of announcing the Foreign Secretary’s intent. The Battle of the Rams (1863)
  • I was making excuses for her when her behaviour had been inexcusable, they said. FRIENDS FOR LIFE
  • And for the record, I strive to be an equal opportunity belittler of poorly written, philosophically vacant, socially inexcusable prose. Chick-lit strikes back
  • Harris was reported to have said that he did not believe that killing a child was always inexcusable.
  • Bottom line on Peralta's poor decision in the first inning: It was exactly the kind of inattentive play that is inexcusable for a veteran. Undefined
  • The man already has been discredited by the inexcusable mismanagement of his portfolio and by his spectacularly somnolent performance in the house.
  • This is a very, very, very bad start to any scientific study, and in the dendroclimatology field in 2007, it is inexcusable. Wilson et al 2007 « Climate Audit
  • I fear lest we commit an inexcusable blunder.
  • If anything, Justin is trying to turn the domesticated horse into the wild mustang, which is itself sort of a subversion, IMO, even as I found what he did to be inexcusable. Read Enough Romances and Rape Is No Longer Rape
  • But none of this comes close to making up for what is a standard made-for-television biography eviscerated by massive, inexcusable bowdlerization.
  • The moment he heard my name mentioned, his face flushed up; he drew me away into a corner, and referring to his cool reception of my advance years ago toward making his acquaintance, asked my pardon for what he termed his inexcusable ingratitude with an earnestness and an agitation which utterly astonished me. The Queen of Hearts
  • The stigma attached to student films is that they are amateurish, dilettantish and excusable on the grounds that they're made by non-professionals.
  • Doing it once was just about excusable — doing it twice was certainly not.
  • There are so many iconic books I have yet to read, and some I've been putting off in inexcusable fashion. What's Your Fall Reading List Look Like?

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