How To Use Excretory In A Sentence

  • Says the appeals court: Because Reno holds that a regulation that covers speech that "in context, depicts or describes, in terms patently offensive as measured by contemporary community standards, sexual or excretory activities or organs" is unconstitutionally vague, we are skeptical that the FCC's identically-worded indecency test could nevertheless provide the requisite clarity to withstand constitutional scrutiny. Jeff Jarvis: The First Amendment Wins One
  • In freshwater forms, these include the nuchal gland, or neck organ, with ion transporting cells for salt uptake, and excretory organs for water excretion.
  • The article mentions that liver should not be had on a regular basis by those who are prone to gout because it is an excretory organ and high in uric acid.
  • Green glands in the second antennae serve an osmoregulatory and excretory function.
  • The placenta forms from both embryonic and maternal tissues, and hosts an astonishing array of hormonal, nutritional, respiratory, excretory, and immunological functions.
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  • SARS virus were detected in urinary, excretory and digestive organs of four patients, who were among the early victims of the disease last spring.
  • In their circulatory, excretory, and endocrine functions, vertebrates differ markedly from other animals.
  • It was known by the 1860's that various nutritive, respiratory, and excretory organs (yolk-sac, allantois) characteristic of embryos are lacking in all adults. RECAPITULATION
  • There is also a colouring matter, bili verdin, which may possibly also be excretory. Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • Common population, especially for those with symptoms of bad appetite, pale face , listlessness and excretory difficulty.
  • Mammalian examples are the intertwining of the alimentary and digestive systems or the reproductive and excretory systems, which often require medical intervention.
  • Pharynx, larynx, urethra, and portions of the excretory ducts of salivary and mammary glands.
  • These parameters can vary significantly between patients, resulting in differences in drug absorption, drug metabolic and excretory activity, drug distribution and the overall efficacy of drug regimens.
  • The Commission defines indecent speech as language that, in context, depicts or describes sexual or excretory activities or organs in terms patently offensive as measured by contemporary community standards for the broadcast medium. The Volokh Conspiracy » FCC v. Fox Television Stations, Part III: Bono and the FCC’s change of course.
  • And I will also mention that I, for one, am glad that healthy fiction will also give me words for the parts and functions of my excretory and reproductive systems so that I can laugh at them: at myself.
  • The FCC has defined indecent material as that which ‘depicts or describes sexual or excretory organs or activities’.
  • Cystoscopy and excretory urography or renal ultrasonography were used to evaluate almost all of the patients.
  • This process of absorption is probably accomplished in the interradial or ciliated chambers, more probably in the former, as the latter are generally considered excretory in function. Scientific American Supplement, No. 601, July 9, 1887
  • It is related to the excretory system, reproductive organs and the genital regions.
  • The placenta forms from both embryonic and maternal tissues, and hosts an astonishing array of hormonal, nutritional, respiratory, excretory, and immunological functions.
  • -- It seems likely that the coelomic pore-canals were originally excretory organs, but in the existing Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • an excretory organ of certain invertebrates.
  • From where Solomon stood, he could see several of the folk squirm in response to having lost all excretory control.
  • Thus, it is no easy task to exceed the renal water excretory capacity.
  • Mammalian examples are the intertwining of the alimentary and digestive systems or the reproductive and excretory systems, which often require medical intervention.
  • He was led to enunciate the following theses: -- [450] (1) that the mouth and anus of Vermes, Mollusca, Arthopoda, and probably Vertebrata, is derived from the elongated mouth of an ancestor resembling the Actinozoa; (2) that somites are derived from a series of archenteric pouches, like those of Actinozoa and Medusæ; (3) that excretory organs (nephridia, segmental organs) are derived from parts of these pouches which in the ancestral form, as in many polyps, were connected by a circular or longitudinal canal, and opened to the exterior by pores. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • Notice that there is no muscle, gut, excretory, reproductive or endocrine tissue represented in the figure.
  • When alcohol or any other substance, introduced into the blood, retards the tissue waste, as shown by the diminished amount of excretory products, it must do so by either diminishing the amount of free oxygen in the blood, by impairing the vasomotor and trophic nerve functions or by direct impairment of the properties of the nuclein or protogen elements of the blood and tissues. Alcohol: A Dangerous and Unnecessary Medicine, How and Why What Medical Writers Say
  • A central excretory bladder and more peripheral cecum were present.
  • Inside the gland, multiple follicle pouches join to form excretory ducts, which empty into the urethra.
  • In the resection specimen, irregular zones of fibrosis and a dilatation of the glandular excretory duct system were grossly evident.
  • He had to be spoon-fed and was unable to control his excretory functions. THE DICE MAN
  • Each lobule consists of a number of acini, lined by columnar epithelial cells, opening into one duct, which joins with the ducts of other lobules outside the gland to form the single excretory duct. XI. Splanchnology. 3c. 7. The Bulbourethral Glands
  • The hepatic excretory defect is mild, stable, and unsuspected until the system is stressed by the presentation of a large load of bilirubin from a bout of intravascular hemolysis or an extensive interstitial hemorrhage.
  • The abdomen contains the bulk of the digestive, excretory, and reproductive organs.
  • The male reproductive organs include the primary sex glands, the testes, the various excretory ducts, the accessory glands, and the penis.
  • The bile acids are synthesized as excretory products of cholesterol catabolism and are composed of a carbon-24 steroid nucleus.
  • After some back-and-forth between the FCC and WBAI, the FCC released in 1975 a declaratory order concerning the broadcast of “indecent” language, defining “indecent” as words that describe “in terms patently offensive as measured by contemporary community standards sexual or excretory activities and organs at times of the day when there is a reasonable risk that children may be in the audience.” Last Words
  • Monitoring is particularly necessary for patients with liver disease, as the liver is the primary metabolic and excretory site.
  • Unlike we humans, the chicken has a single sexual and excretory orifice, the cloaca.
  • Inside the gland, multiple follicle pouches join to form excretory ducts, which empty into the urethra.
  • Any acrid drug, as pyrethrum, held in the mouth acts as a sialagogue externally by stimulating the excretory ducts of the salivary glands; and the siliqua hirsuta applied externally to the parotid gland, and even hard substances in the ear, are said to have the same effect. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life

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