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How To Use Excretion In A Sentence

  • Aminoglycosides, such as gentamicin, cause imbalances of magnesium, calcium and potassium.20In fact, one study showed that gentamicin causes increased excretion of calcium by 5 percent and magnesium by 8.4 percent.21When you take antibiotics, consider a B vitamin complex along with it. Hyla Cass, M.D.: Is Your Medication Robbing You of Nutrients Part 2: Getting Specific
  • Aminoglycosides, such as gentamicin, cause imbalances of magnesium, calcium and potassium. 20In fact, one study showed that gentamicin causes increased excretion of calcium by 5 percent and magnesium by 8.4 percent. 21When you take antibiotics, consider a B vitamin complex along with it. Hyla Cass, M.D.: Is Your Medication Robbing You of Nutrients Part 2: Getting Specific
  • The altitiude sickness and diamox can suppository alkalinization of the urine, decreased melt excretion, and unsafe hypercalciuria. Wii-volution
  • In most cases of gout decreased urinary excretion of urate is the most common metabolic abnormality.
  • Thus, the liver ranks above all others as an organ of excretion, that is, it separates material of no further use to the body. A Practical Physiology
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  • Production of the weak acid nitrite and excretion of undissociated nitric acid may help to stabilize cytosolic pH.
  • Most carbohydrates appear to be wasted through excretion or stored as fat.
  • Infected dogs also shed the virus through bodily secretions and excretions.
  • For example, Zimmerman implies that the excretions of wild creatures in the forest is no different from that of dogs.
  • As a result, excretion of nitrogenous waste is reduced, and fluid and electrolyte balances cannot be maintained.
  • We are the Mr Clean society - devoted to eradicating every natural body odour and euphemizing every body function and its excretions.
  • A key adaptation allowing a continued high level of glycolysis in crucian carp is the production and excretion of ethanol as the glycolytic end-product, thereby avoiding lactate self-poisoning. Evolution versus "Intelligent Design" - The Panda's Thumb
  • If the kidneys are not doing their job of waste excretion properly, this can cause an overload on the liver and lead to some liver problems.
  • Most factors that normally or pathologically alter renal magnesium excretion operate in the loop of Henle.
  • Creatine supplementation can cause an increase in urinary creatinine excretion, which is often used as an indicator of kidney function. MyLinkVault Newest Links
  • Similar difficulties arise in the interpretation of another study of polyp patients that showed no differences in faecal bile acid excretion.
  • There are no particular modifications, from the basic insect body plan, for circulation, excretion or osmoregulation that have been recognized in these moth species. Insecta (Aquatic)
  • This is a rare familial disorder in which conjugated bilirubin levels are increased due to defective excretion of bilirubin in the bile.
  • Their urinary urate concentrations rose after they ate cherries, with peak excretion taking place three hours later.
  • —through what is called fecal energy excretion fiber flush effect. The Fiber35 Diet
  • The nephron has three primary regions that function in the renal excretion process, the glomerulus, proximal tubule, and the distal tubule. Excretion of toxicants
  • When any of these things occur, the body immediately shivers, the person becoming speechless cannot draw his breath, but the breath (pneuma) stops, the brain is contracted, the blood stands still, and thus the excretion and defluxion of the phlegm take place. On The Sacred Disease
  • Internal excretion of a hormone with a steroid skeleton called ecdysteroid makes exuviation proceed in insects.
  • We designed a pilot trial to investigate the tolerability and amount of fat excretion alter the oral administration of a chitosan and ascorbic mixture for inactive Crohn's disease.
  • Partial reabsorption is followed by renal excretion of conjugated metabolites.
  • After estrone hydroxylation, the various poly-hydroxy derivatives are conjugated with glucuronate or sulfate, or methylation occurs prior to excretion in urine.
  • It is critical to correct hypokalemia in order to successfully alkalinize the urine and enhance excretion of the aspirin. Aspirin: effects, poisoning
  • The reason for avoiding consumption of the rest of the body is unclear, but may be related to poisonous excretions from the skin of frogs.
  • They're in a big apartment building which looks like an English housing estate from the outside but is clean, the lifts work, and there are no bodily excretions in sight or smell.
  • They showed that three of the five patients had excessive faecal excretion of carbohydrate and organic acids.
  • These findings indicate that a decrease in urine volume and urinary sodium excretion in glycyrrhizin-administered rats may be related to mineralocorticoid receptors.
  • In contrast, Rijk etal evaluated the faecal excretions of healthy volunteers with accelerated transit time after a single dose.
  • In high dosages, aspirin tends to increase uric acid excretion, while lower dosages may cause its retention.
  • In prehepatic jaundice, excess unconjugated bilirubin is produced faster than the liver is able to conjugate it for excretion.
  • In most cases of gout decreased urinary excretion of urate is the most common metabolic abnormality.
  • Treatment includes augmentation of sodium excretion with diuretics and water administration.
  • The most important consequence of marijuana's slow excretion is that it can be detected in blood, urine, and tissue long after it is used, and long after its psychoactivity has ended. Reuters: Top News
  • Additionally, there will be an increased renal excretion of potassium causing a decrease of potassium in the extracellular fluid. 258.
  • Its endogenous synthesis and urinary excretion have been well established, but no consensus exists concerning the mode of intestinal absorption.
  • He explained that alcohol is “a loathsome excretion of a living organism”; that it will make a civilized young man successively “become semicivilized, semisavage, savage, and, at last, below the brute”; that “nearly two-thirds of all the money in circulation in America in the course of a year” passed through the grasping hands of the liquor trust. LAST CALL
  • That this whole wretched business has simply been one long, problematic excretion. GALILEE
  • The condition causes the excretion of calcium and potassium in the urine and may harm the bones and kidneys if carb deprivation is unchecked.
  • Measurement of the albumin excretion rate requires an accurately timed collection of urine, which is difficult in routine clinical practice.
  • Its endogenous synthesis and urinary excretion have been well established, but no consensus exists concerning the mode of intestinal absorption.
  • VD deficiency reduction of intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphate Hypocalcemia Parathyroid hormone hyperfunction hypofunction Excretion of urinary P↑ decalcification of mobilization of bone old bone↑ Calcium into blood Serum p ↓ Ca normal or slightly↓ Ca X p↓ Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The liver plays an essential role in the metabolism of bilirubin and the excretion of its metabolites into the bile.
  • The Disco ‘Tute is in a swivet over the California Science Center’s cancellation of a showing of Darwin’s Dilemma, the latest excretion of Illustrata Media, producer of the late unlamented Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed at the Disco ‘Tute. The Panda's Thumb: October 2009 Archives
  • Even more recently Hammer etal measured the magnitude of faecal carbohydrate excretion in five patients with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency.
  • It is then necessary for the bilirubin to be transported to the liver where it is conjugated for excretion in the bile.
  • Alarmingly, since the 1980s S. pyogenes has been identified to be globally responsible for a class of emerging, life threatening, invasive infections including the "flesh-eating" disease, necrotizing fasciitis, septicemia, and the excretion of the pyrogenic exotoxin-associated toxic shock syndrome PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Ectoplasmic production seems to overcome the medium, as if internal systems, such as respiration, reproduction, and digestion, are forcing excretions out of the body's orifices.
  • Others have reported increased fecal P excretion and decreased P absorption and retention with increased dietary Mg concentrations.
  • Unable to turn speech into audition, excretion into alimentation, he cannot sustain the illusion of dialogue and interaction.
  • This increases the likelihood of spreading diseases between animals by direct contact and through eating bait contaminated with disease causing agents shed in feces, saliva or other excretions.
  • Furosemide also increases excretion of ascorbic acid and pyridoxine. 6 Hyla Cass, M.D.: Is Your Medication Robbing You of Nutrients Part 2: Getting Specific
  • There are two classes of drugs to reduce uric acid: uricosurics, such as probenecid, which increases excretion, and xanthine oxidase inhibitors, such as allopurinol, which reduce production.
  • Furosemide also increases excretion of ascorbic acid and pyridoxine.6 Hyla Cass, M.D.: Is Your Medication Robbing You of Nutrients Part 2: Getting Specific
  • For a subject in balance, sodium excretion equals sodium intake.
  • These decrease absorption of calcium from the intestine and have an even greater impact on lowering calcium excretion by the kidneys.
  • During excretion, the urethral orifice below the bladder is opened and the urine passes through the urethra.
  • We accounted for factors that may be associated with nondietary exposure, and the metabolism and excretion of the residues.
  • Willett, Trends in 24-h urinary sodium excretion in the United States, 1957-2003: a systematic review. Joel Fuhrman, M.D.: Salt Is Risky, Even If Your Blood Pressure Is Normal
  • Urinary saturation with struvite occurs only when supranormal excretion of ammonia and alkaline urine occur together.
  • We are the Mr Clean society - devoted to eradicating every natural body odour and euphemizing every body function and its excretions.
  • Succimer is a heavy metal chelating agent that, in vitro, forms stable water soluble complexes with lead4 and consequently increases the urinary excretion of lead. 2-9 Succimer has also been found to chelate other toxic heavy metals such as arsenic10 and mercury. 11 Succimer
  • Overnight, the margin for error was reduced to almost zero, since nobody wants to overtake his own bodily excretions as he reaches terminal velocity.
  • Even more recently Hammer etal measured the magnitude of faecal carbohydrate excretion in five patients with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency.
  • Direct contact with secretions and excretions, especially faeces from infected birds.
  • Furthermore, dietary manipulation studies have shown that high fat intake can increase faecal bile acid excretion.
  • Bilirubin accumulates in the body when the excretion of bilirubin in the bile cannot keep up with production.
  • Zalups et al. have suggested that urinary mercury excretion is related positively to the degree of cellular damage during acute mercuric chloride-induced renal damage.
  • Administration of this drug with probenecid should be avoided as it has been found to inhibit the renal excretion of meropenem.
  • It is believed that this is due to excretion of surplus hormone via Plumbing-Six. THE MOAT AROUND MURCHESON'S EYE
  • Sodium Sodium delivery to the distal tubule is necessary for adequate potassium excretion.
  • There may be imperforation or congenital occlusion of some portion of the urethra, causing enormous accumulation of urine in the bladder, but fortunately there is generally in such cases some anomalous opening of the urethra giving vent to the excretions. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Variability in 24 hour urinary albumin excretion within and between subjects was 35% and 66% respectively.
  • Metabolism of xenobiotics by CYP450s usually reduces the toxicity and promotes excretion of these xenobiotics.
  • Hepatic metabolism and the subsequent excretion of toxins are the primary means of detoxification in the body.
  • Excretion is one of several activities common to both plants and animals.
  • Furthermore, healthy persons taking chitosan have not shown clinically significant increases in fecal fat excretion.
  • Increasing urinary excretion by acidification or alkalinization www. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Complex medical issues mean some people may have greater metabolism and excretion rate of salbutamol. The Sun
  • He believed he could rid Abubakar's body of the cause of his autism by using chelation therapy, a technique used to remove heavy metals such as lead, arsenic and mercury from the body by introducing chemicals that will attach to (or chelate) metals in the bloodstream or body tissues and then enhance their excretion from the body. Op-eds on vaccines by Paul Offit, MD
  • Microalbuminuria is defined as excretion of between 30 and 300mg of albumin a day in the urine. Discussion Forum - TuDiabetes - A Community for People Touched by Diabetes
  • It is also possible to predict under what pathologic circumstances excretion of free water would be impaired.
  • Determination of rumen microbial - nitrogen of sheep using urinary excretion of purine derivatives was studied.
  • Many ancient texts say that depression and even shortened lifespan are due to too much "excretion". Breaking Murphy's Law» – Breaking Murphy's Law
  • In case of calcium phosphate stones, oversecretion of hormone known as parathyroid causes calcium loss from the bones with increased excretion of calcium through urine. Natural Remedies for Curing Kidney Stones
  • This year has been all about teachers fishing hearts out of buckets and the processes of excretion on the blackboard and my son has baulked at it all somewhat. On Kindness « Tales from the Reading Room
  • The excretion of mercury by the kidney generally forms the basis for measurement of exposure.
  • In freshwater forms, these include the nuchal gland, or neck organ, with ion transporting cells for salt uptake, and excretory organs for water excretion.
  • The long-term excretion of VDPV by some immunodeficient individuals (iVDPV) has been recognized since 1962 PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The last one brings its own problems though: the current record from ingestion to excretion is about forty minutes. The slippery slope… « Sven’s guide to…
  • Anything about excretion is a huge hit with my boys. If You Only Knew the Power of the Dumb Side....
  • Significant excretion of solute-free water can not occur unless significant amounts of solute and water reach this point.
  • While both urinary sodium excretion and blood pressure fell, the salt reduction may not have caused the fall in blood pressure.
  • In addition, because increasing the excretion of serum uric acid is additive to the effects of drugs such as allopurinol that decrease the production of uric acid, RDEA594 in combination with such drugs has the potential to treat the significant portion of the gout population that is not adequately treated with existing therapies. Ardea Biosciences Announces Positive Results for RDEA594 in Combination with Febuxostat or Allopurinol in Gout Patients - Yahoo! Finance
  • For, in default of this, it is the ink that serves for the excretion of the earthiest matter. On the Parts of Animals
  • The bound Hg is then removed from the organism by natural excretion.
  • Another method is to laboriously analyse the injesta or food consumed and compare it with the dejecta or excretions, until a quantity and kind of food is found which is just sufficient to keep the body in equilibrium. The Chemistry of Food and Nutrition
  • The lowered fluid intake diminishes the polyuria and from a twenty-four hour excretion of three to five litres the output falls to normal. Frederick G. Banting - Nobel Lecture
  • Objective To compare the effects of kidney calcium oxalate calculus resistant acidophilus milk (KCOCRAM) versus commercially available acidophilus milk (CAAM) on urinary oxalate excretion in rats.
  • Orange juice contains a substance known as citrate, which grabs calcium and promotes safe excretion. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Nevertheless, we propose that the increased concentration of bile acids and increased daily excretion may predispose to the development of polyps.
  • The guidelines point out that you can only transmit the disease if you carry virus particles with you and you can only pick up and transmit the virus by having close contact with infected animals or their excretions.
  • Taken together, these results indicate that excreted corticosteroid metabolites usually integrate plasma hormone levels of 1-3 h in stonechats and thus parallel the time course of androgen metabolite excretion in this species.
  • Measurement of the albumin excretion rate requires an accurately timed collection of urine, which is difficult in routine clinical practice.
  • Measurement of the albumin excretion rate requires an accurately timed collection of urine, which is difficult in routine clinical practice.
  • Dark chocolate reduced the urinary excretion of the stress hormone cortisol and catecholamines and partially normalized stress-related differences in energy metabolism (glycine, citrate, trans-aconitate, proline, β-alanine) and gut microbial activities (hippurate and p-cresol sulfate). How dark chocolate helps ease emotional stress - latest scientific evidence
  • Renal effects include oliguria or anuria (little or no urine excretion) due to tubular necrosis, often preceded by the formerly mentioned effects Mercury and Iron salts. Chapter 13
  • There is little evidence of virus excretion in urine or faeces.
  • Oral intake of tobacco by chewing also increased the excretion as nicotine can be absorbed from oral mucosa.
  • Because of this increase in the conjugated fraction, urinary bilirubin excretion is positive.
  • Entering buildings that are rarely opened or only seasonally opened may also result in exposure to mice and their excretions, contributing to infection.
  • You need water for all bodily processes, including digestion, waste excretion, circulation and even breathing.
  • Nevertheless, we propose that the increased concentration of bile acids and increased daily excretion may predispose to the development of polyps.
  • Individual variation exists in absorption, metabolism, and excretion rates of xenobiotics.
  • Most cholesterol under normal conditions is manufactured in extrahepatic tissues, and the principal and essential task is to move cholesterol to the liver for excretion as bile acids and unaltered cholesterol. Statin effects of low-carb diets | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • You need water for all bodily processes, including digestion, waste excretion, circulation and even breathing.
  • In addition, waste materials cannot be transported properly to the lungs and kidneys for excretion.
  • Our results suggest that in eutrophic lakes fish predation on zooplankton may be more important than nutrient excretion by fish for the structure and dynamics of planktonic communities.
  • Significant excretion of solute-free water can not occur unless significant amounts of solute and water reach this point.
  • The terms excretion and elimination are frequently used to describe the same process whereby a substance leaves the body. Excretion of toxicants
  • Physiological changes that normally accompany the aging process alter absorption, distribution, excretion, and drug metabolism.
  • Other recognized factors leading to medication allergy are pre-existing allergies and presence of diseases that interfere with medication biotransformation and excretion.
  • A normal study reveals immediate increased hepatic uptake with rapid excretion by the cardiac blood pool.
  • However, our results suggest that nutrient excretion by fish may have important indirect effects on zooplankton.
  • Significant falls occurred in plasma brain natriuretic peptide and urinary metadrenaline excretion.
  • Because they have to swallow a radioactive capsule, their excretions are slightly radioactive.
  • Chen is keeping a detailed record of his daily life, work, volume of water consumed, excretions and feelings of hunger, so as to provide first-hand data for future medical research.
  • Its endogenous synthesis and urinary excretion have been well established, but no consensus exists concerning the mode of intestinal absorption.
  • It is critical to correct hypokalemia in order to successfully alkalinize the urine and enhance excretion of the aspirin. Aspirin: effects, poisoning
  • The liver removes it from the blood, chemically modifies it, and secretes it into the bile for excretion.
  • Abnormalities it, urinary but not intestinal excretion of uric acid may produce clinically recognizable disorders of urate metabolism.
  • Treatment also tends to prolong the excretion of organisms in the stool and is associated with the development of resistant organisms.
  • Precipitant drugs modify the object drug's absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion or actual clinical effect.
  • Also, zoledronate was a compound rapidly eliminated from plasma, resulting in renal excretion, rapid bone or calcified tissues uptake and accumulation partly due to its phosphonic functions. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The injury to digestion during fever comprises not only the peptic functions, which manifest themselves clearly in a reduction of the excretion of hydrochloric acid, but all functions pertaining thereto, the motory as well as the resorptive. Valere Aude Dare to Be Healthy, Or, The Light of Physical Regeneration
  • Alarmingly, since the 1980s S. pyogenes has been identified to be globally responsible for a class of emerging, life threatening, invasive infections including the "flesh-eating" disease, necrotizing fasciitis, septicemia, and the excretion of the pyrogenic exotoxin-associated toxic shock syndrome PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • As nothing indicated that the parasite was to be found in the secretions or excretions, the supposition lay near at hand, that suctorial insects would assist in carrying the parasite to a place, where it had to pass the aforementioned part of its life-cycle. Physiology or Medicine 1902 - Presentation Speech
  • They also promote sodium excretion and induce a mild volume contraction.
  • Sweat is also an excretion.
  • A 24-hour urine specimen should be collected to determine creatinine clearance, and protein and uric acid excretion.
  • Abnormalities it, urinary but not intestinal excretion of uric acid may produce clinically recognizable disorders of urate metabolism.
  • In contrast, Rijk etal evaluated the faecal excretions of healthy volunteers with accelerated transit time after a single dose.
  • Bacteria metabolize levulose to acidic byproducts which then promotes excretion of ammonia in the feces as ammonium ions, NH 4 +.
  • Lassa fever spreads by human to human contact, transmission occurring through contact with an infected person's blood, tissue, secretions, or excretions of an individual infected with the Lassa virus.
  • They showed that three of the five patients had excessive faecal excretion of carbohydrate and organic acids.
  • Similarly, in a study of soy versus linseed versus wheat supplemented diets the reduction in the rate of hot flushes after 12 weeks was greatest in the wheat diet phase, when the women had very low urine isoflavone excretion.
  • When the critical level has been reached in the kidneys, Cadmium excretion via the urine increases suddenly; simultaneously proteins appear in the urine (a situation referred to as tubular proteinurial). Chapter 13
  • In the eukaryotic cell there are a number of places where specialized tasks, such as digestion of nutrients and excretion of wastes, take place.
  • Renal effects include oliguria or anuria (little or no urine excretion) due to tubular necrosis, often preceded by the formerly mentioned effects Mercury and Iron salts. Chapter 13
  • The subset containing fabliaux with lavatory humour, tales concerning basic bodily functions of excretion or flatulence, are fewer in number.
  • However, the overall results show that about 40 per cent individual bad iodine excretion values below the cut-off point 18 indicating the consumption of inadequately iodized salt.
  • Medication clearance and excretion occur by two major mechanisms: hepatic metabolism or biotransformation and renal excretion.
  • Fluorine, chlorine, and bromine are all more chemically reactive than iodine; when in the body, they all tend to disrupt stable iodine molecules, displacing the iodine and causing its excretion.
  • Increased bone resorption, increased gastrointestinal absorption of calcium, and decreased renal excretion of calcium cause hypercalcemia.
  • They should be worn when the worker will come in contact with blood, body fluids, secretions and excretions, or with items that have been contaminated with these fluids.
  • And as one might imagine, an area that walruses use to rest between feedings is riddled with a substantial amount of walrus excretions.
  • Fluid affects our breathing, digestion and excretion.
  • The use of rose bengal dye was the first attempt at assessing liver function through dye excretion.
  • Indeed, guk1 and hpt1 mutants share several phenotypes (adenine derepression, purine excretion, and 8-azaguanine resistance).
  • Physiological changes that normally accompany the aging process alter absorption, distribution, excretion, and drug metabolism.
  • Excessive biliary secretion and excretion can also result from overeating, which overcrowds the area. How and When to Be Your Own Doctor
  • These early materials were made from naturally occurring compounds such as animal excretions, pastes made from burnt wood, and natural deposits of antimony and lead ore.
  • Most factors that normally or pathologically alter renal magnesium excretion operate in the loop of Henle.
  • Since ectoplasmic excretions are not ghosts per se, the camera's role in the phenomenon was not to capture spirits but to witness human contact with spirits, record the manifestation in action, and document its fragile by-products.
  • The use of rose bengal dye was the first attempt at assessing liver function through dye excretion.
  • Nevertheless, the number of viable individuals steadily decreases over time as the level of nutrients decrease and the levels of toxic excretions increase.
  • The subset containing fabliaux with lavatory humour, tales concerning basic bodily functions of excretion or flatulence, are fewer in number.
  • It may clog the kidney and prevent the excretion of waste such as uric acid, causing gout.
  • Pigmentation of the sclera and ear cartilage occurred only after the age of 30 years and is extremely variable in severity. 3 Tendon and ligament ruptures occur with minimal provocation, and kidney stones probably form because of the extremely high levels of urinary HGA excretion (renal clearance rates of 400 to 500 ml per minute). 4�Diagnosis depends on typical radiological findings and demonstration of reducing substance-homogentisic acid in the urine. 4 Several therapeutic approaches have been used in patients with alkaptonuria. 5 High-dose vitamin C decreases urinary benzoquinone acetic acid but has no effect on HGA excretion and no credible studies have shown that treatment with vitamin C is clinically effective. 6 The main therapeutic step is direct pharmacologic reduction of HGA production with nitisinone, a triketone herbicide that inhibits Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • They showed that three of the five patients had excessive faecal excretion of carbohydrate and organic acids.
  • It is of particular concern with agents that are metabolized to an active metabolite with significant renal excretion.
  • Susceptible birds become infected when they have contact with contaminated excretions or surfaces that are contaminated with excretions.
  • Bacteria metabolize levulose to acidic byproducts which then promotes excretion of ammonia in the feces as ammonium ions, NH 4 +.
  • The precursors of perfection in yoga, they say, are lightness and healthiness of the body, absence of desire, clear complexion, pleasantness of voice, sweet odor and slight excretions.
  • Nevertheless, we propose that the increased concentration of bile acids and increased daily excretion may predispose to the development of polyps.
  • Pharmacologic control of hypertension reduces urine protein excretion and slows progression of the disease.
  • Very careful experiments with chrysalides, eggs and mice showed an extremely slight production of gaseous nitrogen which might be accounted for as being due to excretion of ammonia or, in the case of eggs, as the setting free of physically dissolved nitrogen from the body. August Krogh - Biography
  • The bile acids serve as a vehicle for cholesterol excretion and aid in the digestion of dietary lipids.
  • Bodily excretions, for example, can be seen not merely as different but as disgusting.
  • Just as it is necessary to renew the air round a sick person frequently, to carry off morbid effluvia from the lungs and skin, by maintaining free ventilation, so is it necessary to keep the pores of the skin free from all obstructing excretions. Notes on Nursing: What It Is, and What It Is Not
  • Progesterone also increases sodium and water excretion in females because of competition between progesterone and aldosterone, a kidney hormone that regulates water balance.
  • The excretion of mercury by the kidney generally forms the basis for measurement of exposure.
  • The tettix or cicada, alone of such creatures (and, in fact, alone of all creatures), is unprovided with a mouth, but it is provided with the tongue-like formation found in insects furnished with frontward stings; and this formation in the cicada is long, continuous, and devoid of any split; and by the aid of this the creature feeds on dew, and on dew only, and in its stomach no excretion is ever found. The History of Animals
  • These materials include all body fluids, secretions, and excretions except sweat, regardless of whether they contain visible blood, mucous membranes, and nonintact skin.

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