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[ UK /ˈɛkskɹɪmənt/ ]
[ US /ˈɛkskɹəmənt/ ]
  1. waste matter (as urine or sweat but especially feces) discharged from the body

How To Use excrement In A Sentence

  • In the cephalopoda (as also in the crustacea) the same passage serves to void the excrement and leads to the part like a uterus, for the male discharges the seminal fluid through this passage. On the Generation of Animals
  • The Spanish population of New Spain eats too much, he writes, and this is bad for them because it "generates a large amount of excrements, which suffocate the natural heat [of the body]. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • Foramen ad latus, per quod genitalia & excrementa emittuntur: Opening on the side, through which genitalia & excrements put out (?). Archive 2009-01-01
  • However, when pigs are farrowed in crates and the sow's excrement is passed directly into a pit, the pigs may not receive an adequate supply of iron from this source.
  • The home, whose lights were not working, was littered with dog feces, the toilets were filled with human excrement and the children were "unbathed" and had no food, according to the warrants. Anderson Independent Mail Stories
  • Billions of flies gorged themselves on the great stacks of refuse and excrement. Modern Science in the Bible
  • Merdivorous: feeding upon dung or excrement: see scatophagous. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • My dear departed and very heterosexual friend Norman Mailer (six marriages -- all to females) once called marriage an excrementitious union. Dwayne Raymond: Marriage, Money and LDS Possibilities
  • And you could write down just as many derivatives of any other root: fish, or coffee, or excrement.
  • I wonder what those passages can have been like; the residue is replete with an obsessive interest in excrement, disease, sexual mania, and insectlike reproduction, insofar as these apply to Muslims in general and to Muslim immigrants in Europe in particular. Holy Writ
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