How To Use Exclusively In A Sentence

  • But the world is not full of exclusively charming and likeable people. The Sun
  • Discussions are still taking place as to whether the new meeting room will be a bookable room or a lounge exclusively for campus clubs.
  • The DPJ has campaigned almost exclusively on bread-and-butter economic issues, appealing to voters who feel the LDP has lost touch with average families.
  • The only other surviving writings that are exclusively apocalyptic in style come from outside our biblical canon and are usually unfamiliar to anyone but scholars in the field.
  • Breed exclusively by fresh and brackish water and marshes; often in coastal waters on migration.
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  • Consequently, these mutant cells rely exclusively on glycolysis for their energy requirements and require exogenous pyruvate and pyrimidines for growth.
  • The muscles were exclusively for display purposes and were designed to invite conversation and, obviously, contact. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am a low-intermediate-level surfcaster and would like to find and subscribe to a magazine that is focused primarily, or even exclusively, on surfcasting/surfishing. I am a low-intermediate-level surfcaster and would like to find and subscribe to a magazine that is focused primarily, or even e
  • The other squash we know and like is pumpkin, a winter squash used almost exclusively for pie in our country and to a lesser extent for baked goods such as breads, cakes and cookies.
  • This difference in prescribing between rural and urban areas was found almost exclusively in patients not attending a hospital diabetic clinic.
  • So-called pumice-concrete "hollow floor fillers" can be used in constructing ribbed floors (Fig. 47), e.g. when there is a shortage of form - work material, since such floors consist exclusively of prefabricated members. 3. Precast Pumice-Concrete Building Members
  • It is true, and worth stressing, that scholars have often treated some activities as exclusively male - notably hunting, stone toolmaking, and rock art - whereas ethnography shows that women often do these things too.
  • It is divided into ten administrative regions, exclusively staffed from the central government.
  • Until philosophers rule as kings or those who are now called kings and leading men genuinely and adequately philosophize, that is, until political power and philosophy entirely coincide, while the many natures who at present pursue either one exclusively are forcibly prevented from doing so, cities will have no rest from evils, ... nor, I think, will the human race. All the President's Lies
  • It's the first exclusively online mobile service, available to customers who access its services.
  • Samsung, which for a while supported four different operating systems including its own, called bada, as well as Symbian, Microsoft's Windows Phone 7, and Android, has quietly shifted its focus almost exclusively to the Android over the past few months, so that roughly 80% of the phones its ships run on it. Software Rules at Spain's Phone Confab
  • Wrot coper is exclusively used for fittings.
  • He has not given a speech devoted exclusively to xenophobia.
  • Balance is important; no newspaper is exclusively politics or celebrity gossip, so the diary cannot be that way either.
  • Since independence the term indigenous, widely used in an affirmative action campaign, has applied almost exclusively to blacks and left out whites and other minorities born in the southern African nation - some the descendants of several generations of settlers. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Even more than the treatment of pregnant women, the field of obstetrics was perceived as an exclusively female medical trade, practiced by women trained generally in oral traditions of midwifery. 90 The midwife was responsible for preparing the parturient woman and alleviating the pain and discomfort of the birthing process. A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • Societies are formed to resist evils that are exclusively of a moral nature, as to diminish the vice of intemperance.
  • For example, by relying exclusively on mortality data the ineffectiveness of medical science is overstated.
  • Present knowledge of the transport properties of cuticles is based exclusively on results obtained with astomatous leaf surfaces or astomatous cuticular membranes.
  • Nowadays, partisans on one side of the aisle mercilessly assail their opponents as nefarious ideologues bent on the destruction of the nation, while claiming the sacred mantle of the Founding Fathers as exclusively their own. Morgan Pehme: Strip Politics: A Cure for Incivility
  • The Sahara is an ideal backdrop, Paesler says, because it is vast but uniform and composed almost exclusively of anhydrous silicon dioxide - dry sand.
  • Well guys, I can exclusively reveal here and now that there is a movement for you.
  • Not named were probably those animals which live exclusively in forest, jungles, mountains, wetlands, deserts, etc.
  • There is already a deal in place at Bravo for a new TV series, Project Red, which deals exclusively with films that are either shelved or stopped before production.
  • It was exclusively a _commercial_ city, there was nothing ecclesiastical (Babylon _ecclesiastical_, the religious system had been destroyed, when all _religious_ head-ship had been summed up in Apleon). The Mark of the Beast
  • Committee to claim the credit which belonged exclusively to another, he rebuked him, and asked by what right he (Mr. Clay) jeoparded the peace and harmony of the nation, in order that this or that man might receive the credit due for the origin of a bill. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 46, August, 1861
  • Sunday evening television is watched exclusively by fools, cranks and gibbering dingbats.
  • Communion in the hand kept to a minimum, 2 Deacons alongside the Celebrant, no concelebration, birettas, supremely reverent atmosphere, and beautiful vestments and even more beautiful music exclusively polyphonic/chant. "Liturgical paradigms for the whole world..."
  • If the failure modes in Titan motors were exclusively in areas where Shuttle type motors designed around it, then they'd not be fair comparisons. Ares 1 Abort Study Update - NASA Watch
  • Just think of the red stripes on the scowling face of the male Mandrill, Africa's largest monkey species. But red is not exclusively a male trait.
  • The marrow here is essentially 100% cellular, but composed almost exclusively of leukemic cells.
  • Most of the geometer moths captured were in floral lure traps, while both species of Plusiinae were trapped exclusively in floral lure traps.
  • Things actually have gotten better, and not just because we are no longer pictured exclusively as wretched suicides and guilt-ridden reprobates.
  • Another night was devoted exclusively to a discussion of Patrick Roscoe - not the author but a computer-programmer friend of Heti's.
  • The movie itself, therefore, represents a kind of franchised marketing of what she sold exclusively to Redford: 10 million of us each chip in seven bucks, and Demi Moore takes off her clothes for us. How Much Is That Demi In The Window?
  • They could then make it clear that they are to cater for smokers only and make a packet by catering exclusively to that group.
  • This should apply to any trip that was not wholly, exclusively and necessarily for the purposes of the employment. Times, Sunday Times
  • This difference in prescribing between rural and urban areas was found almost exclusively in patients not attending a hospital diabetic clinic.
  • This increase was exclusively confined to the private sector which recorded a massive 115 percent increase in the number accommodated.
  • They painted almost exclusively altarpieces in a dramatic late Baroque style.
  • The research also found that the perception of men as potential paedophiles is keeping the profession almost exclusively female.
  • We must not believe, notwithstanding the assertions of almost all zoological writers, that the word orang-otang is applied exclusively in the Malay language to the Simia satyrus of Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, During the Year 1799-1804 — Volume 2
  • The Diana Group is staging a monthly open golf tournament exclusively for senior and lady golfers.
  • Nor-Carla bluestone is a type of slate quarried exclusively in North Carolina.
  • This difference in prescribing between rural and urban areas was found almost exclusively in patients not attending a hospital diabetic clinic.
  • Formerly in Crete, the dipper had appeared exclusively as coarse kitchenware and may have been used only for cooking.
  • But this has been carried out exclusively in the interests of the bourgeoisie and at the expense of the working class.
  • In the beginning, the Troop had been recruited exclusively from the sons of planters, a gentleman’s outfit, each man supplying his own horse, arms, equipment, uniform and body servant.
  • The scientists have deduced that the ass is the only hoofed livestock species domesticated exclusively in Africa.
  • We now report results from the first phase II clinical trial developed exclusively for SCUC, to our knowledge.
  • On the other hand, by looking at the past mainly, if not exclusively, to find the origins of the superior present, the authors of the grand narrative unhistorically ignored those features of past cultures that were not compatible with a modern liberal West.
  • Many of the thallophytes, bryophytes and pteridophytes are found here exclusively because of the special topographical and climatic features of the locality, and are not to be found for hundreds of kilometres around in other areas.
  • The troubles were exclusively revealed by the Yorkshire Post last November.
  • The guaranteed, antitypical blessings for the elect rest exclusively upon the meritorious work of Christ.
  • Seriously, it makes more sense to just encourage businesses to go ahead and connect and use Skype exclusively for all their intl outgoing phone calls and make the money off of that. Skype Now Means Business, Friends the SIP World
  • The analysis of authority has concentrated exclusively on a one-to-one relation between an authority and a single person subject to it.
  • Determined not to let the magazine be "drowned in estrogen," she said she would have almost exclusively male writers as they knew a lot more about sex. Welcome to the corner, avalon's willow!
  • Most strikingly, in the belief that the wider dissemination of the Kabbalah would speed up the effectuation of the messianic project, the Sabbateans were systematically teaching it to their women, especially the esoteric Zohar, in which only a small, exclusively male elite would traditionally have been initiated. Sabbateanism.
  • This might suggest that church meetings then were less exclusively female than they are in Britain today!
  • Studying the ecophysiology of epiphytes almost exclusively at this level has severe shortcomings, because the reaction of an organ is certainly only a partial measure of the consequences of stress on entire individuals.
  • A former CIA director has exclusively told ITV News that torture is condoned and even approved by HIS government.
  • This "pederastic" metaphor stems in part from the fact that the Greeks of the first literate centuries read exclusively out loud: through his writing, the writer is supposed to use the reader, the indispensable instrument for the full realization of his written word. Teach Me Tonight
  • The two models come with new 18-inch alloy wheels used exclusively on this editions, heated mirrors, leather interior, leather steering wheel, heated leather seats and the possibility to enter in the car with your key in you pocket, called keyless entry. Top Speed
  • Male mosquitofish do not court and copulations result exclusively from males forcibly inseminating females.
  • The idea is that temporary protection shall be afforded to each nation's domestic industry exclusively through the customs tariff.
  • Biarmosuchians are a group of small-to-medium sized carnivorous therapsids known exclusively from Middle to Upper Permian strata in South Africa and Russia.
  • This is fairly common, is seen almost exclusively in women over middle age, and is usually a manifestation of lichen planus or mucous membrane pemphigoid.
  • The first misconception is that legal study at university is exclusively for students who intend becoming solicitors or advocates.
  • These are luxury homes in places frequented exclusively by the wealthy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nor are they as offensive as their contemporary fashion analog: the Birkenstock sandal, which is worn almost exclusively by grubby millionaires (Silicon Valley residents, Olsen twins): Colleen Werthmann: Hillary Clinton Pen-Pal Reveals Letters: "A Portrait of the Grown-Up Dork as a Young Dork"
  • In this stage, attention is concentrated almost exclusively on the end to be achieved ....
  • The house in question is made almost exclusively out of cast-off materials, most of which would have probably spent the rest of their days in scrap yards or in dumps.
  • In practice, it generally means important initiatives are under-reported because journalists hate following up stories that have been given exclusively to their rivals.
  • The Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) and Disability Insurance (DI) Trust Funds invest exclusively in special issue bonds that are only available to the Social Security trust fund.
  • However, they are not true shrimp (order Decapoda), but belong to the order Mysidacea, a large, almost exclusively marine order. Crustacea
  • FW, who bares her heart selectively, creates a uterine cosmos, exclusively.
  • From that day onwards I would be almost exclusively surrounded by soldiers. BLACK KNIGHTS: On the Bloody Road to Baghdad
  • Freedom is always and exclusively freedom for the one who thinks differently. 
  • David Fincher paints from a palette consisting almost exclusively of grey and mud brown.
  • Sucking lice are exclusively hematophagous ectoparasites of eutherian (placental) mammals, and are worldwide distribution.
  • From a very early age, lower-working-class boys engage in rough, exclusively masculine forms of play, free of adult supervision.
  • The Warrington Silver was exclusively commissioned from the French Protestant refugees known as the Huguenots, who were the best goldsmiths of the period.
  • It is said therefore that the power to punish or to impose consequences which are penal or punitive is an exclusively judicial one.
  • But there is also a higher arithmetic, and a higher mensuration, which is exclusively theoretical; and a dialectical science, which is higher still and the truest and purest knowledge. Philebus
  • A Limited Edition Coraline Nike Dunks that were produced exclusively for the film; some have been signed by Dakota Fanning, some remain unsigned. July 2009
  • We decided to stick exclusively to the specials menu, and chose three starters.
  • The liver exclusively synthesizes bile acids from cholesterol via two biosynthetic pathways.
  • Of course, the original term "refusenik" was an unofficial term applied to individuals, typically, but not exclusively, Soviet Jews, who were denied permission to emigrate abroad by authorities of the former U.S.S.R. and other Eastern bloc countries. Tech-Ex
  • It has brought along Eterno, a tough sleek, four-stroke 150-cc scooter with a never-before-seen side-mounted engine designed exclusively for the rough and tough Indian conditions.
  • Recent study and restudy of historical material at the Natural History Museum in London reveals several exclusively Cretaceous insect taxa in Burmese amber, indicating its probable Cretaceous age.
  • The Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) and Disability Insurance (DI) Trust Funds invest exclusively in special issue bonds that are only available to the Social Security trust fund.
  • Both officers and noncommissioned officers alike served almost exclusively in the same regiment or division throughout their time in uniform.
  • The tunicle became the customary vestment of the subdeacons; the chasuble was the vestment exclusively worn at the celebration of the Mass, as the pluvial, the liturgical caps, took its place at the other functions. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • The club is an exclusively male preserve.
  • In March, however, she retook control and now sells her wines exclusively from her tasting room and online.
  • It is inhabited almost exclusively by a group of old crones.
  • The third section is exclusively consecrated to nutrition and feeding, a very important part of animal production, and is divided into three chapters.
  • Pickling cucumbers are available almost exclusively during the summer.
  • Mr. Warshaw, who specialises exclusively in conservation work says the immediate benefits are both financial and aesthetic.
  • Some statues were erected on pedestals in sanctuaries exclusively meant for worship by the King and the priests.
  • The Helsinki summit, arranged at very short notice, dealt almost exclusively with the specific issue of a major regional conflict.
  • In class societies this process will obviously be mediated primarily - though not exclusively - through class relationships and class conflict.
  • But they no longer define being a good father almost exclusively in terms of the ability to provide economically.
  • The PayPass is a limited edition time piece that’s currently available exclusively through Garanti Bank in Turkey. Credit card watch makes buying things a lot easier « Boy Genius Report
  • The action belonged exclusively to the second half with two goals packed into the first 100 seconds of the period.
  • But the dealing room was not exclusively Tory.
  • These necropoli, in which inhumation appears to have been almost exclusively used, should be divided into two large groups. The American Journal of Archaeology, 1893-1
  • Wood was often, if not exclusively, used for the earliest Greek temple-images, those rude xoana, of which many survived into the historical period, to be regarded with peculiar veneration. A History of Greek Art
  • She does not teach the harp exclusively but also the piano and the recorder.
  • The preceding discussion has been devoted exclusively to disulfiram because controlled studies of calcium carbamide have not been done.
  • They have to use all their ingenuity to outwit the vision of this information, which polices them, relating exclusively to that which has already been filed away or schematised in the objective memory.
  • She's the Fairy Godmother and I can exclusively reveal that she DID do all the singing.
  • Lincoln focused exclusively on the issue of slavery in new states, ignoring the wedge issues of the day: infrastructure (then called "internal improvements"), immigration (then called nativism), or drugs Spero News
  • The debate is being conducted almost exclusively on party political lines.
  • So long as all labor continues to be performed exclusively or usually by slaves, the baseness of all productive effort is too constantly and deterrently present in the mind of men to allow the instinct of workmanship seriously to take effect in the direction of industrial usefulness; but when the quasi-peaceable stage (with slavery and status) passes into the peaceable stage of industry (with wage labor and cash payment) the instinct comes more effectively into play. The theory of the leisure class; an economic study of institutions
  • To my mind, golf can be categorized as an aristocratic game reserved exclusively for the leisured classes, big shots and whimsical big spenders.
  • Do you think that this kind of expression is exclusively the product of an urban setting?
  • All conferences use exclusively closed communications lines.
  • Some do stick exclusively to speaking and lipreading by a combination of upbringing and even by personal choice. Enough Said
  • Do you prefer to sandwich your exercise in along with your daily activities or to set aside time exclusively for exercise? 5.
  • The nail colors, which come in shades like "Hassid" (dark black) and "Downtown L. A" (red), will be initially sold exclusively in American Apparel shops worldwide and online, and are priced at $6 per bottle. Reuters: Top News
  • Georges Seurat: The Drawings is the first exhibition in almost 25 years to focus exclusively on the artist's luminous drawings.
  • Whatever may be the responsibility of those nations whose executives possess the power of declaring war and of adopting other coercive remedies without the intervention of the legislative department, for the language held by the Executive in addressing that department, it is obvious that under the Constitution of the United States, which gives to the Executive no such powers, but vests them exclusively in the Legislature, whilst at the same time it imposes on the Executive the duty of laying before the Legislature the state of the nation, with such recommendations as he may deem proper, no such responsibility can be admitted without impairing that freedom of intercommunication which is essential to the system and without surrendering in this important particular the right of self-government. A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Volume 3, part 1: Andrew Jackson (Second Term)
  • For example, archaeologists previously thought such tablets were created and kept exclusively at major state capitals, or "palatial centers," such as Pylos and Mycenae.
  • The site went dormant until this week, when it relaunched as a tool offered exclusively to law enforcement officials and ‘intelligence agencies’.
  • The controversy raged for almost a century before an exasperated American anatomist pointed out that "English-speaking researchers were pulling down English-language publications and non-English-speakers were dipping into exclusively non-English publications and both camps were simply rehashing what they'd read. China's Cuddly Emissaries
  • That literature is almost exclusively religious, or rather (with the exception of the Gnostic writings and a few magical texts) ecclesiastical, either as to its contents (Bible, lectionaries, martyrologies, etc.) or as to its purpose (grammars and vocabularies composed with reference to the ecclesiastical books). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • They were once found almost exclusively in northern and western uplands, but have now spread to farmland in eastern parts. Times, Sunday Times
  • I longed to leap out of my hospital bed and meet someone exactly like that, a person devoted exclusively to self-advancement.
  • I used to buy exclusively in the U.S. before gas started really going up, " said Patrick Garcia, a drama teacher at an elementary school in San Diego who lives in Tijuana.
  • Through genetic engineering, common viruses such as herpes can be modified to infect cancer almost exclusively, bypassing healthy cells. Times, Sunday Times
  • In addition, a decrease in size seems to have accompanied adaptation to an exclusively arboreal life.
  • FBI spokesmen publicly sought to downplay the damage, saying the compromised commercial server -- maintained by AT&T -- was used exclusively for unclassified and "nonsensitive" communications that did not involve ongoing investigations. FBI COMPUTERS: YOU DON'T HAVE MAIL
  • None of these writers produced research evidence to back up their claims, basing them exclusively on clinical practice and theoretical projections.
  • To reduce the imbalance, several services that cater exclusively to women have emerged.
  • An exciting and varied programme of forty-two special-interest holidays both overseas and within Britain has been designed exclusively for the National Trust.
  • There was a sense, largely but not exclusively fostered by the new breed of genome-based private companies, that everyone was in a race to stake claims as fast as they could and reap huge profits from their discoveries.
  • Mobility patterns for males Mobility studies focus almost exclusively on males, so data on changes are partial and partly misleading.
  • In assorted prose fragments on natural history and the Linnaean system he composed between 1823 and 1825, Clare compares Linnaean claims about female flowers to what he sees in plants and trees and concludes that some trees are "hermaphroditic," and thus do not propagate exclusively by way of a female reproductive organ (Clare Natural History 101-2, 108). Romantic Interiority and Cultural Objects
  • Church, that the term martyr came to be exclusively applied to those who had died for the faith. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • In the standard model investors are concerned exclusively with the amount and uncertainty of their future wealth. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • What can he do that is exclusively male?
  • Conducted over a period of four years, the research involved 600 men aged 23 to 54 who exclusively identify as heterosexual and enjoy penetrative vaginal sex with women.
  • For the codpiece is the principal and most especial piece of armour that a warrior doth carry; and therefore do I maintain even to the fire (exclusively, understand you me), that no Turks can properly be said to be armed men, in regard that codpieces are by their law forbidden to be worn. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • Good, young red Rioja like this, made exclusively from the Tempranillo grape, can and does deliver a joyous light, zesty, plummy, intriguingly chocolatey mouthful.
  • The enzyme AGT is found almost exclusively in liver peroxisomes and requires phosphate as a coenzyme.
  • The gist of my argument is that the global capitalist system leaves less and less space for exclusively national capitalist projects.
  • Freedom is always and exclusively freedom for the one who thinks differently. 
  • A leader who engages in indolence “ought to blush with shame to claim a part in them [victories] for his own renown when he had contributed nothing to the task but his voice and his thinking – not even that, seeing that in tasks such as these the counsel and commands which bring men their glory are exclusively those which are given on the spot in the midst of the action.” An Emperor Should Die On His Feet « So Many Books
  • McCain, who made only 13 unimanual gestures with his non-dominant hand in total, almost exclusively during negative-valence clauses ( PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Voucher recipients are drawn almost exclusively from the ranks of the city's most disorganized families and individuals, so it's hardly surprising that many do not conduct themselves as model tenants.
  • Exclusively distriButed-By Chen Jie(printing mechanism)Company.
  • But even in this democracy, absolute power, if they chose to exercise it, would rest with the numerical majority; and these would be composed exclusively of a single class, alike in biasses, prepossessions, and general modes of thinking, and a class, to say no more, not the most highly cultivated. Representative Government
  • As the site caters almost exclusively for the indigenous population, everything is in Dutch with a bit of German thrown in for visitors from across the border, from the welcome pack to the café menu.
  • The star has a ski slope reserved exclusively for her.
  • You can no longer expect to penetrate these high-rise markets exclusively from an exporting factory in the UK, for example.
  • If applied linguistics is left exclusively to an elite band of researchers, then the whole object of the exercise disappears.
  • Gunther Zuntz, on the other hand, has argued for the exclusively Pythagorean identity of the tablets.
  • The caterpillar of the Argus Butterfly feeds almost exclusively on the leaves of the rock rose.
  • Holiday Mirror can exclusively reveal a Warner Holidays offer that slashes off £300.
  • Initially, GIFs were used almost exclusively for still images. Smithsonian Mag
  • In Acton Lake, our study site, and many other systems, gizzard shad feed almost exclusively on organic detritus as adults.
  • My footing was less than secure, and somehow my ankle, accustomed to the exclusively forward motion of road running, twisted.
  • Few today, except perhaps the mandarins in the Treasury, would subscribe to the view that national wealth should be defined exclusively in terms of gold reserves.
  • Instruction in these subjects in undergraduate classes is almost exclusively by lecture.
  • Balanchine famously declared that "ballet is a woman," but the aphorism was far truer in Degas's day, when the ballet was an almost exclusively feminine preserve of layered tarlatan skirts, pink satin slippers and ribbons.
  • That shop caters exclusively to the weaker sex.
  • Away from publishing prose poetry exclusively and towards a more inclusive format that embraces both prose poetry and lineated work. Cue News
  • This is very obviously the approach of some one writing exclusively and specifically for the young.
  • They have these looms exclusively used in weaving carpet for the contract market.
  • Such a process would have occurred naturally, as a consequence of the board's membership being made up almost exclusively of victims of stalking and cyberstalking.
  • The terms prohibit the chip maker from providing benefits to PC makers in return for exclusively using its chips. ARN Daily
  • It means that a sprawling company like AOL Time Warner not only can produce news, entertainment and sports programming, but also distribute it exclusively on any one of its cable or broadcast outlets and subsequently "repurpose," or air it, on any of the rest of its networks. Network Synergy At Work
  • Dogs kept exclusively in cages and kenneled and not exposed to people at all after 14 weeks of age may have severely undeveloped social skills.
  • That's not a long line of Feltschers - that's three people, one of whom is named Vandercruyssen.5.34pm: Guardian newshound Jamie Jackson is mailing like a man possessed, and has exclusively revealed that QPR have agreed an "up top fee of £7m for Bobby Z with around £2m add-ons too. Transfer window deadline day 2012 – as it happened
  • Available exclusively in shop, via mobile app and at coral. The Sun
  • While I knew from my earlier visits that vampires don't necessarily drink human blood exclusively, the idea of imbibing any kind of blood was pretty low on my list for taste treats. Sweet Myth-tery of Life
  • The other, Tricondyla aptera, is one of the most curious forms in the family of the Cicindelidae, and is almost exclusively confined to the Malay islands. The Malay Archipelago
  • He has worked with the Victory brewery on developing an unfiltered Bavarian-style wheat beer that will be served exclusively at Ludwig's and the brewery's taproom.
  • Cautionary herbs used exclusively in medicine are also listed along with the care in cultivation and identification as they may cause irritation and sometimes death - digitalis, aconitum and ruta graveolens. Stories
  • Dr. Latham has ever earnestly and successfully insisted on the _disciplinal_ character of grammatical studies in general, combined with the fact, that the grammatical study of one's own language is exclusively so; and having established this theory, he has, by the production of various elementary works, exhibiting a happy combination of great philological acquirements with the ability to apply them in a logical and systematic manner, enabled those who shared his views to put that theory into practice. Notes and Queries, Number 52, October 26, 1850 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc
  • The endemic Ascension frigatebird (Fregata aquila), which subsists on food stolen from other birds, lives on Boatswain Island exclusively now. Ascension scrub and grasslands
  • In fact, over half the goods on offer concern themselves exclusively with whisky.
  • The present invention relates to a bunion cushion and particularly, but not exclusively, to a bunion cushion for locating about a toe of the user.
  • Plantation "of James I., had been turned over exclusively to British settlers, whose" cagework "houses, and four acres of garden ground each, had elicited the approval of the surveyor Pynnar, twenty years before. A Popular History of Ireland : from the Earliest Period to the Emancipation of the Catholics — Complete
  • It is true that all NGOs, except those exclusively concerned with succour and relief, are about change.
  • In the latter part of 1993 and in the first months of 1994 its violence was directed almost exclusively against the security forces, and incendiary devices replaced car bombs in attacks on economic targets.
  • This species lives exclusively in or near sandy soils within coastal dune and scrub communities and maritime chaparral.
  • This is very obviously the approach of some one writing exclusively and specifically for the young.
  • High Renaissance Italian Gardens were the domestic villas but extravagant and designed exclusively for pleasure.
  • Interestingly, this temple has a panda named Babu Mishra who caters exclusively to the politicians, who visit the temple.
  • I'm not willing to argue about which church is right about that, but no church's article can claim the title exclusively without making it clear that it's not the only church whose faithful think so. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Art historians will remember that these precocious painters aren't an exclusively 21st century phenomenon: Pablo Picasso showed unusual promise at the age of 8 with his bullfighter painting "Picador," while Dürer crafted a strikingly precise silverpoint self-portrait at 13. ARTINFO: From the Palettes of Babes: 5 Prodigious Child Artists to Watch
  • This special offer has been exclusively designed for readers of this magazine.
  • Beijing Austina Real Estate Agency Co. Ltd is an exclusively foreign - owned enterprise run by Australian entrepreneurs.

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