How To Use Excessiveness In A Sentence
So there may well be a good criminal charge that could be brought against Mackris and her lawyers, depending on the excessiveness of the amount sought and the use of the threat of exposure.
It's the behaviour that should be tested for excessiveness.
Its intensity and excessiveness are shown to take over all aspects of her life, even her maternal role.
Is it the fact that consumers react only in instances of egregious over packaging or are people becoming more and more aware of packaging and excessiveness in general?
21 posts from April 2008
I spent my first night simply walking from one hotel to the next, wide-eyed at the bright lights and excessiveness of it all.

If the index rises greatly, it expresses the inflation excessiveness, and will bring the economy instability.
In its excessiveness, such behavior may seem maladaptive, given the modern, capitalistic attitude that espouses minimum effort for maximum return on investment.
It is well to keep in mind that, usually, building-block approach, like standardization and unification, is linked to greater excessiveness in systems and complexes.
Just 15% of those polled said they would support moves to discourage excessiveness by making alcohol an illegal drug.
It serves as an indicator as to how the issue of excessiveness is resonating with consumers.
21 posts from April 2008
That's pretty much the state of Syrah these days—never mind that there are plenty of wines that defy the stereotype of excessiveness and that pair well with food.
Can We Rekindle Our Love Affair With Syrah?
As an allegory of human life, which it is clearly intended to be, the image is exceedingly bleak, but through the sheer excessiveness of its black humor, as well as its sure feeling for dramatic form, it communicates a kind of weird glee.
Hip-hop is ideologically dichotomous to the art world's contemplative structure, and its self-conscious excessiveness grates against any attempt by the art world to soften and ultimately harness its potency.
As for presenting the issue of profits to the jury, the court recognized that any award would be subject to review for inadequacy or excessiveness, but still wanted to put it before the jury in the first instance.
Archive 2009-02-01
They seem to be giant physical manifestations of a kind of extravagance, or excessiveness, a breaking out of boundaries, form, and structure.
Martha rose from her seat to greet her, in the hearty Hawaiian way, arms about, lips on lips, faces eloquent and bodies no less eloquent with sincereness and frank excessiveness of emotion.
Consumerism is a bottomless pit of self-indulgence and excessiveness that, rather than being fulfilling, leaves people craving for still more.
It is dismaying to realize that the best film to come out of America this summer - the only one whose end product justifies its bloated budget, artistic self-indulgence, and general excessiveness - was made over two decades ago.
Of course, the criticism at Blographia Literaria remains stiff with jargon “Realistic scene-dressing is the provision of quotidian details which, because of their superfluity or excessiveness, demonstrate at least the authorial intention of anchoring the action in reality”, but at least Seal has given up moral preening for a bit.
Archive 2010-02-01
Reply a bubble economy, can't a while it of the direction be complete to turn round to come over and tighten same can't lead nasty excessiveness .
And ultimately, this excessiveness carries over into the music, as well.
This profile, rich with footage, depicts a man whose energy and lust for life, as well its joys and sadnesses, informed his playing, and whose excessiveness broke the banks of mere virtuosity.
TV highlights 07/10/2011
Sure, this excessiveness is probably the result of one-upmanship between rival Cajun cooks, but to truly understand why turducken inspires madness, you need to harness this gluttony and aim it square at the kitchen.
Gabriel rolled his eyes at the over-abundance and grunted at the excessiveness until his eyes caught glimpse of the shower.
And to what or whom am I supposed to compare my self-criticism to determine its excessiveness?
Objective To investigate the potential influence of zinc deficiency and excessiveness on the differentiation and cytotoxicity to mice embryo limb bud cells.
I think this excessiveness is a strong streak in the present federal government - this is its principle weakness.
The higher the standardization level, the greater the excessiveness, with excessiveness costs rising in line with system complexity growth.
The excessiveness of the pay demand has succeeded in undermining public support for the fire fighters.
It didn't matter that now her family had fallen from their fortunes through the foolishness and excessiveness of her grandparents and her own parents.
It also frames the excessiveness of the practice.
They seem to be giant physical manifestations of a kind of extravagance, or excessiveness, a breaking out of boundaries, form, and structure.