How To Use Excellent In A Sentence
Close beside me stood my excellent friend Griffiths, the jolly hosteler, of whom I take the present opportunity of saying a few words, though I dare say he has been frequently described before, and by far better pens.
The Bible in Spain
Poly-L-lactic acid is the same material used in absorbable sutures and offers an excellent safety profile.
Archive 2004-11-01
He was, when he chose to lay aside his mountebankery, an excellent and inspiring conductor.
Mr. Punch`s history of modern England, Volume I -- 1841-1857
While San Mateo is a pleasant destination for home shopping and browsing, it also has excellent restaurants and cafes.
The strength and ruggedness of the chains provide excellent performance in mud, snow and on ice.
Fruit should be firm and in excellent condition.
By this time, Dad and I had replaced the old dipole with a short Yagi array, horizontally polarized of course, and screwed to one of the crossbeams in the attic, so now we had three channels with excellent reception.
Soprano Rosalind Sutherland sings in the New Year with an excellent selection of arias, polkas, marches and waltzes from Strauss.
MacFadzean plays Richie Excellent, the young funster who wields unearned celebrity.
This film does an excellent job of easing you into its world.
The hotel provides excellent facilities for children.
To our no small surprise, very soon after this quietus had been given to bibliomaniacal hopes, the books in question appeared before us in excellent condition.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 16, No. 97, November, 1865
La Cuisine is positioned at the upper end of the ‘middle’ market and its food is generously served and is excellent.
Finally after 15 minutes of perseverance the team scored -- not to the liking of the opposition, who had been defending excellently.
Shares are currently trading at $0.68, so this is an excellent time to get into the market.
There's usually a queue outside this pizzeria right opposite Cibreo - the reason being the excellent, echt Neapolitan pizzas made with the finest ingredients.
After the triumph followed the faire Parthenopeian _Leria_, with a lawrell crowne, accompanied with _Melanthia_, whose habites and voices represented the pride of Greece, [A] whereupon the great Macedon rested his head: She bare a splendent lampe, communicating the light thereof with hir companion, then the rest more excellent both in voice and song.
Hypnerotomachia The Strife of Loue in a Dreame
He continued he'd no doubt she would make an excellent councillor for the Ward 3 area and he had great pleasure in proposing her for the seat.
Japanese TV sets are, for the most part, of excellent quality.
The tea was excellent, with a light mint flavor; and the scones tasted wonderful as well, peppered with raisins and full of butter, a perfect repast for the relaxing traveller.
They lived for some days on the excellent flesh of the maskalonge, on clams from the beach -- enormous clams of delicious flavor -- on a new fruit with a pinkish meat, which grew abundantly in the thickets and somewhat resembled breadfruit; on wild asparagus-sprouts, and on the few squirrels that Stern was able to "pot" with his revolver from the shelter of the leafy little camping-place they had arranged near the river.
Darkness and Dawn
He's intelligent, witty, a loving husband, and an excellent cook into the bargain.
Thankfully, some excellent work by the chassis engineers means that there is no sign of wheelspin, often associated with powerful front wheel drive cars.
He sighed with pleasure after the excellent meal.
It is notable for excellent supplying and selling with good quality, reasonable price and prompt shipment.
See the city's fine Victorian architecture, and visit its excellent museums.
Text speak, such as xlent (excellent) and fone (phone) are part of the lexicon.
Times, Sunday Times
Stevenson, Anne Noted for her realistic, fast-paced stories, believable characters, and excellent use of dialogue.
The print quality of the new printer is excellent.
They performed well - many have sustained their popularity for years mainly because they give excellent performance for low cost.
Louise , Bethan and Sara have supported Laura Marling and have appeared at the excellent Communion label nights at the Notting Hill Arts Club.
The F&M playlist
These are excellent results for the Christian Democratic Party.
Soybean protein fiber is of many excellent properties, but poor crinkle - proof and dimension stability.
The volume expansion provides an excellent mechanism to expel and propel fluid products – including hydrocarbons – from the area of serpentinization to seep sites at the crust hydrosphere/atmosphere interface.
At it Again
The word lessened does not convey a sufficient idea of what experience has proved to be true, to the honour of our excellent soldiers.
Memoirs Correspondence and Manuscripts of General Lafayette
The emperor sent an official named Marcellinus, an excellent Christian, to preside as cognitor at the conference.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
Workers had toiled to move dirt to fill in the deeper puddles and the match was able to proceed with two days of fast shooting in excellent weather.
He was excellently placed to be the next Poet Laureate when the position fell vacant in ninety-six.
Seafood is the main attraction, and the freshness and quality is excellent - the three of us sampled mackerel, tuna and swordfish, none of which could be faulted.
The music adds to the general mood and feel of the title excellently well and ties the whole package together. News
The family is shaping excellent personality life textbook, is to stimulate the spirit of power source, is the emotional rain nourishes the soul.
There were thirty or forty people there, which was an excellent turnout.
I don't really agree with some of Cosby's reasoning or melodramatics, but his crux is excellent.
This is an excellent port being secure from every wind.
King Edwards, for example are a dry floury potato that will disintegrate around the edges when boiled, so makes excellent mash, roast and chips.
Sound effects and the musical score exhibit excellent fidelity, but the dialogue is harsh with too much noise.
It seems an excellent challenge and one that I feel you lot would relish too.
Today more than a dozen transitional whale fossils have been unearthed - an excellent series for such rarely fossilized animals.
March 1st, 2009 at 1: 56 pm excellent point Renner. the accessibility is something I was trying to get at earlier.
Clusterbook #1 | clusterflock
Digital recording gives excellent sound reproduction.
‘You may indeed, ma'am,’ Ben replied, ‘She is in excellent health, as are my Father and sister.’
Walking and swimming are excellent for releasing tension.
An excellent example of this return is the new psychological science of happiness, represented, for example, by the fundamental work of Edward Diener.
The result of the combined exertions of Messrs. Savage and Wilson was not only the obtaining of a very full account of the habits of this new creature, but a still more important service to science, the enabling the excellent American anatomist already mentioned, Professor Wyman, to describe, from ample materials, the distinctive osteological characters of the new form.
We had the very front middle seats and the dances were excellent.
I started topamax 3 scares truley 100 bid persisting heavy hostility, mood. "/" i took my mri periods to my super trileptal for behavior control who prior shook his impact because he noted "bulging discs, professional spondylosis, sacroiliitis, psychoactive scoliosis, and unwanted increment disease" i had no peole anything was excellent with my orally until immediately a sensation of studies anytime when i administered the important helllp and have removed in horrible arm since from the changing discs.
In summary, this is an excellent book for white collar workers.
While serious in subject and sad in fact, the play is written with brio and excellent humour.
It boasts excellent hotels, fine beaches, possesses every facility for boating and bathing and can offer all the other forms of amusement which a holiday-maker is likely to require.
Death of a Delft Blue
He had never raced at the circuit before and his performance was excellent.
Thus to this congregation of excellent, undeceiving refuge, we pray that by the power of this prayer expressed from a heart filled with fervent devotion and humility, may the body, speech and mind of the sole of the Land of Snows, the supreme Ngawang Lobsang Tenzin Gyatso, be indestructible, unfluctuating and unceasing; may he live immutable for a hundred aeons, seated on a diamond throne, transcending decay and destruction.
The Long Life Prayer for the 14th Dalai Lama
The cast is excellent, and the actors really embrace their characters and have fun with them.
The saithe/pollock is an excellent food fish and, as with the cod and the haddock, processing methods are varied.
However, there are some excellent 'old labour 'style policies I'd vote for, unfortunately allied to post-modern, psuedo-sciencey rubbish that reads like the ramblings of a drugged horse (halts to stem cell research, animal experimentation and a promotion of alternative therpaies etc).
The murky politics of the Green Party
And whereas some have attributed the Dominion to the Man onely, as being of the more excellent Sex; they misreckon in it.
His criticism of the Moscow frame-up , and his exposure of the psychological mechanism of the "voluntary confessions", are excellent.
Despite noticeable speckles, nicks and the odd scratch, the first reel of the film looks quite good with excellent contrast and sharp images.
I profess, mistress, your plottie is excellent, ever since I taught you to mix the spices in the right proportion.”
Saint Ronan's Well
Its excellent toughness is due to a fine-grained structure of tough nickel-ferrite devoid of embrittling carbide networks, which are taken into solution during tempering at 570°C to form stable austenite islands.
As Vitaly Fedchenko explains in this excellent article environmental samples are first screened by the IAEA using high resolution gamma ray spectrometry to detect radioactive particles-and that ain't much help in looking for magnox alloy.
Historically, Namibia's mining industry has had excellent safety records.
However young, he had to be given the courtesies due a dragonrider, so over klah and some of Lady Gana's excellent wine cake, he told us that runnerbeasts also were dying of the plague, and needed to be inoculated.
Highlights therefore include the acoustic shuffle of The Charging Sky, which includes some really lush melodies, excellent slide guitar and really fun lyrics.
Jill's making excellent progress; she's coming along in leaps and bounds.
The town has many excellent eating places.
It's all very much of its time, and sounds a bit dated now, but Beats and Pieces holds up well, as does Find a Way (with excellent vocals by Queen Latifah).
National UNV volunteers are entitled to an excellent health, life and disability insurance package.
If he did not get 'autopsied' there is an excellent chance that he still lives.
A Lie Called 911: Why A Federal Grand Jury Must Indict Bush and Cheney
A used tractor tire makes an excellent base for converting hog feeders to cattle feeders.
Link thank you oliver sacks for your descriptive skills you employed in so many excellent books. your account of your vision changes made me weep. how easily we take stereovision for granted. — melynda reid
The World Science Festival: Oliver Sacks at the MET - ArtsBeat Blog -
Betwixt the gracylament of the foote and the cuppe, it was knitte together with a handle of inestimable workemanship, and in lyke manner the foote and the bowle were of an excellent anaglyphie of foliature, monsters and byformed Scyllules, so exquisitely expressed, as could be imbossed, chased, or ingrauen by proportionate circulation.
Hypnerotomachia The Strife of Loue in a Dreame
The crowds relaxed into laughter at the speaker's excellent joke.
Beneath a surface grubbiness inside, the seats, carpets and trim were in excellent condition.
Telephone system: excellent domestic and international facilities; automatic system domestic: coaxial and multiconductor cable carry most voice traffic; parallel microwave radio relay network carries some additional telephone channels international: 5 submarine coaxial cables; satellite earth stations -
The 2000 CIA World Factbook
The new scintillating bolometer has performed excellently, proving its viability as a detector in experiments to look for dark matter, and also as a gamma spectrometer a device that measures this type of radiation to monitor background radiation in these experiments", says García Abancéns.
A Prototype Detector for Dark Matter in the Milky Way | Universe Today
And hedgehogs released into areas of excellent habitat hightailed it out of there if they smelt badger.
Times, Sunday Times
Both were excellent fund-raisers among the wealthy, and they kept up feminine appearances by favouring Parisian fashions.
Please give my compliments to the chef; the food was excellent.
The chorus is a real grower, complete with excellent guitar flourishes.
The "gharry" makes an excellent perambulating studio -- it is a small, high, wooden cab, with little lattice shutters instead of glass which pull up all round so that you can let down those you need for view, aft or forward, or at either side, and pull up the others and thus have privacy and light and air, and you need no stove or hot pipes, for you could roast a partridge inside!
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With the aid of lacker varnish and skilful painting, paper made excellent trunks, tobacco bags, cigar cases, saddles, telescope cases, the frames of microscopes; and we even saw and used excellent water-proof coats made of simple paper, which did keep out the rain, and were as supple as the best macintosh ... ..
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The graphite is a kind of solid antifriction agent with excellent properties.
The four basic physiological components of fitness are rated on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being excellent.
We collected excellent crystals of tetrahedrite to 5 mm scattered on drusy quartz from a zone in the siliceous envelope of the orebody.
Halogen lamps give excellent service, hut the bulbs are fairly expensive to replace.
The banter was an excellent sign that the crew were very willing to establish solid cooperation and friendship based on mutual tolerance.
Excellent marksmanship is one of the key skills required of the marshals, who work in very compact spaces often tens of thousands of feet in the air.
Madly in love with Bartlett is tough nightclub hostess "Panama" Smith, excellently played by the young actress.
(NCKU), has been recognized for his excellent contribution to aquiculture and presented with the award - "2009 TWAS Prize in the Agricultural Sciences" from The Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS) supported by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on Oct. 20th. Aktuelle Empfehlungen
NICKJ AirRadar is an excellent piece of software, and it deserves a review that reflects your opinion of it * as a piece of software*.
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The vase is in excellent condition except for a few small flaws in its base.
Gaetano Veloso is an excellent songwriter and poet.
Some gray to dark gray cordierite also exhibits excellent transparency.
Tuesday, Dec. 28, 2004 beef and bacon aka beefy yes! that's the name of my new dog! it's a boxer with an "excellent" on her cert.! she's a pretty old dog though ... bout 5+yrs. i'll upload some pictures somewhere ...
Overthefence Diary Entry
In the individual female competition, the Russian school, with its trademark artistry and excellent choreography, again reigned supreme.
Cinnamon is an excellent flavour enhancer.
To be fair the quality of the outfield positions are excellent now but the goalkeepers are actually woeful.
Despite the fact that she is short, she is an excellent basketball player.
So we fully support plans to increase access to this excellent service by setting up a regional telephone helpline.
As well as the wines themselves he did an excellent job of covering the history of the region, the domaine itself and biodynamics.
We met at Prefab, on a cold, blusterous winter's day, over steaming bowls of excellent chowder and chunks of crusty bread.
But he's now tackling drug prices, and while he makes some excellent points, I wonder if his final conclusion isn't off the mark.
The family is shaping excellent personality life textbook, is to stimulate the spirit of power source, is the emotional rain nourishes the soul.
The excellent Armonico Consort musicians and singers, directed by Christopher Monks, create a background to which the action unfolds.
I gorged myself on yummy dulce de leche desserts, tried crocodile (see above picture), ate steak, sampled every type of empanadas, found the best alfajores, fell in love with croissants filled with melted cheese and ham … everything was excellent …
2009 January archive at
John's "cousinship" afforded an excellent basis for informal companionship, and Clementine gave it full prominence.
Winter Evening Tales
The college has excellent sporting facilities.
Reaction to his role in MIT was excellent, he says, with ‘some lovely reviews and smashing comments’.
We've had air and soft air pistols, air rifles, blank firers and replica guns surrendered, which is an excellent result.
Blackened and degraded by centuries of dust and dirt, they emerged in a remarkable state of preservation that gives an excellent idea of their intended flamboyance.
Deng is an excellent passer for a player his size while also rebounding and shooting well.
The freezing and thawing action on clay, silty clay, and silty clay loam soils tilled in the fall or winter to produce stale seedbeds usually have excellent seedbeds for early no-till spring planting.
Once in the cab, the excellent all-round visibility is particularly notable, with large tinted windows, wing mirrors and an adjustable rear view mirror.
Coyote has done an excellent service in detailing the reality of this necessity and you a service in reminding of it.
Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » This Looks Very Good
Most excellent Theophilus. {d} The word Theophilus means a friend of
Barnes New Testament Notes
The lunch was excellent, especially the first course.
Of the nashi grown in New Zealand, 95 percent are Hosui, although smooth-skinned, greenish-yellow Nijisseiki and the mottled Kosui also make excellent eating.
Print-making has had the advantage of some careful scholars, but an excellent book is by a practitioner, Stanley Hayter.
This feels like improvisation, so naturally have they found the heart of the scores and the recording is excellent as well, close without suffocating the listener or the music, detail with air around it.
Our squad is comprised of skilled world class players who now have an excellent coach with direction and ample influence.
This excellent record of his thoughtful and troubled career as architect, restorer, scholar, and writer throws much light on a neglected and turbulent period of Victorian architecture.
I am aware that otters, an excellent indicator of good water quality, are returning to the feeder stream and the lake that Mr Dixon alleges is being poisoned.
He was also an excellent printmaker.
Times, Sunday Times
Here we found a small quantity of the little pea-vetch, which is such excellent food for the camels.
Australia Twice Traversed, Illustrated,
The polymers are readily soluble in polar solvents such as NMP, DMF, and m-cresol etc, and showed excellent optical property.
I found many excellent blogs on lighthouses eg The Keeper's Blog, Old Salt Blog, Shed Some Light on Lighthouses Blog, New England Lighthouse Treasures, Montauk Point but few of them talked about heritage protection, de-manning, funding.
Archive 2009-07-01
For example, the web site allows you to purchase their excellent outliner software online.
But, there are few brands in possession of professional timbre and excellent quality.
Their white coats ensure excellent camouflage against the snow and are water-repellent.
Both of them told me afterwards what an excellent and moving thing it had been.
The book is an excellent vignette of some of the major debates in science.
Subsequent hand-weeding is usually carried out 2 months after planting and again after 5 months, but in Colombia the use of the herbicide linuron at the rate of 0.75 kg/ha has been found to give excellent control over broad-leaved weeds if applied 40-50 days after planting.
Chapter 8
It prides itself on offering an excellent all-round education and meeting the needs of all its students.
Live life fully while you're here. Experience everything. Take care of yourself and your friends. Have fun, be crazy, be weird. Go out and screw up! You're going to anyway, so you might as well enjoy the process. Take the opportunity to learn from your mistakes: find the cause of your problem and eliminate it. Don't try to be perfect; just be an excellent example of being human. Tony Robbins
We were in San Massimo, above Rapallo (Liguria), at an amusing (the walls are lined with originals of comic strip panels, in several languages) and rather excellent restaurant called U Giancu (thanks to Garrett Oliver of Brooklyn Brewery for the recommendation), where we ate:
What Fred Ate Last Night - Bitten Blog -
He was an excellent critic and a fiery polemicist.
We have excellent research labs in Switzerland, and a very good manufacturing plant near Birmingham.
Beer is always an excellent choice at a reasonable cost, although Bud Lite, Coors Lite and Millers Lite must be stricken from the grocery list.
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When there is no recreation or business for thee abroad, thou may'st have a company of honest old fellows in their leathern jackets in thy study which will find thee excellent divertisement at home.
The Guide to Reading — the Pocket University Volume XXIII
The text is well illustrated with excellent diagrams, sketches and figures.
An excellent situation is prevailing in the foreing trade.
He was an excellent candidate for the Baptist ministry.
If the cancer is caught early the prognosis is excellent.
Hearty congratulations on your passing the examination with excellent result.It is a well deserved reward for the hard effort you have made during the past year.
There are many excellent moments of historical allusion, acting and scriptwriting.
The play had excellent sound and lighting effects.
If thy disease be continuate and painful to thee, it will not surely last: and a light affliction, which is but for a moment, causeth unto us a far more excellent and eternal weight of glory, 2 Cor. iv.
Anatomy of Melancholy
Walking is excellent for working off tension.
I congratulate you on your excellent coverage of not only national events but also international fixtures such as F - 1 racing.
Some LI wineries "declassified" all the wines from 2003, with the result being some excellent values.
WTN: Pellegrini Vineyards 2003 EastEnd Select Merlot (North Fork of Long Island)
Instruments are clear and easy to read and the single CD sound system was excellent.
He's obviously an excellent student of human nature.
(One other woman in the program was barred from early release by her sentencing judge.) "Her behavior has been what we call excellent, excellent behavior," Wayne County Jail Chief Jeriel Heard said. - Nation-World
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Horses Mouth February 22, 2007 4:57 PM
The production and studio sound is excellent, the songs in Irish attractive, the string arrangements gorgeous and the instrumental dexterity often dazzling.
The recording quality is excellent.
However these are small qualms against an excellent project that deserves every plaudit for its unique enterprise.
He quoted the example of France as a country with an excellent rail service.
This is the prime time of year to fish this region with excellent runs of all species and a large variety of rivers to choose from.
He speaks as both the film's director and star, and rightly heaps praise on his cast, both leads and supporting actors, whose excellent work adds much depth to the film.
Thus Flora on one occasion had been reduced to rage and despair, had her most secret feelings lacerated, had obtained a view of the utmost baseness to which common human nature can descend -- I won't say _a propos de bottes_ as the French would excellently put it but literally _a propos_ of some mislaid cheap lace trimmings for a nightgown the romping one was making for herself.
Chance A Tale in Two Parts
Under his handling, many boys became excellent swimming players.
With an excellent long-range weather forecast the majority of the crop will be in the ground within the next week.
The work room collected a troop to have on one's person the excellent craftsmanship warm - hearted volunteer.
As the interest in wooden boats and yawls grows, the Baltimore Traditional Boat Festival, held at the end of May, provides an excellent showcase for the craftsmanship, beauty and line of these vessels.
Those familiar with hand-jamming will find this quite accommodating, well-furnished as it is with excellent placements.
The rackets and rods remained unused but we gave the excellent wine list some serious investigation.
Vecchi composed some excellent church music, but his fame rests on his light madrigals and canzonettas, written in an eminently singable and attractive style.
Thus it is my holy benison to be employed by this excellent Lady and is why I am writing to you in this capacity.
Ellis Weiner: Recent O'Donnell Fundraising Letter
An early Iron Age deposit survived intact, with an excellent accumulation of cultural deposits.
DeHann had an excellent spring, showing a line-drive stroke to all fields and superb speed.
The firm has an excellent customer service department.
This garlic bouillon was classically made the day after a fête, being excellent for hangovers as well as soothing for convalescents.
Recently, the layered cobalt oxides have been extensively investigated as a promising candidate for a thermoelectric material because of their excellent thermoelectric properties.
This is slightly harder to do, but with practice it makes an excellent show-stopper and a great way to win a pig.
The pearlitic steel with fine interlamellar spacing possesses excellent mechanical properties, such as high strength, good resistance against wear, and high fatigue life, etc.
The house is in excellent condition, with fitted carpets throughout.
Coltan is a contraction of colombo tantalite, an excellent conductor that is exceptionally resistant to heat and cold and valuable as a coat for electronic components in mobile phones.
Viscount Bagwig, our excellent ambassador, paid her marked attention.
Pulsatilla, the pasque flower, is a real stunner with showy lilac flowers and you'll find an excellent specimen at Glasnevin in the Sensory Garden.
In short, it would be excellent PR for America to re-fund the UNFPA, coming at a time when we certainly need it to show the international community that we are serious about working together to address the world's problems.
The Museo de las Culturas de Oaxaca is in a former monastery and a wander around the airy cloisters or in the excellent cacti garden offer a respite from any cases of museum fatigue.
There is no denying the fact that she is an excellent scholar.
I can recommend that new Greek restaurant. Their cooking is excellent.
The road is strait and spacious and kept in excellent repair by the industrious inhabitants, and is generally bordered by tall and spreading trees as the magnolia, liquid amber, liriodendron, catalpa and live oak, and on the verges of the canals where the road was causewayed, stood the cyprus, lacianthus and magnolia, all planted by nature and left standing by the virtuous inhabitants, to shade the road and perfume the sultry air.
Agricultural Resources of Georgia. Address Before the Cotton Planters Convention of Georgia at Macon, December 13, 1860
The cannibal scouts drag the captives to their cannibal chief, who looks them over and pronounces them tasty morsels indeed - and their skins will make excellent canoes!
the officiating was excellent
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I accordingly furnished myself with two parcels, and found it very agreeable and pleasant; and in a short time I had the satisfaction of feeling the good effects of this pleasing and salutary medicine; and to confirm the services received from it, I am determined, for the future, to drink it instead of foreign teas, because I think it more grateful than any thing yet presented to the public as a stomatic; therefore in justice to your valuable discovery for the public good, you are welcome to communicate this information to the world at large; with the sincerest wishes for the general use of your excellent Tea.
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