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[ US /ˈɛkˈsɫɛnsi/ ]
[ UK /ˈɛksələnsi/ ]
  1. a title used to address dignitaries (such as ambassadors or governors); usually preceded by `Your' or `His' or `Her'
    Your Excellency

How To Use Excellency In A Sentence

  • Your Excellency
  • I am reluctant to trust anyone totally, Your Excellency.
  • Colonel Tilghman, one of my aids-de-camp, will have the (p.  088) honour to deliver these despatches to Your Excellency; he will be able to inform you of every minute circumstance which is particularly mentioned in my letter. The Medallic History of the United States of America 1776-1876
  • Rather than having her verses read as the expression of truly felt passion, they are read as very successful imitations; the implication is that what appears to be the excellency of the imitation is in fact the product of true passion.
  • The camelia is a more lordly flower, Excellency, but for me I like the violets. The Children of the King
  • It was his wish, Hay said, providing his Excellency was in agreement, to sign the treaty to permit the construction of the interocean canal. The Path Between the Seas
  • Interviewer: Excuse me for interrupting, Your Excellency, you mean a personal prelacy... Motu Proprio "Ecclesiae Unitatem" - in English
  • An elegant dejeune was given to the happy couple by his Excellency Lord The Memoirs of Mr. Charles J. Yellowplush
  • As to Mr Oswald's offer to make an acknowledgment of our independence the first article of our treaty, and your Excellency's remark, that it is sufficient, and that _we are not to expect the effect before the cause_, permit us to observe, that by the _cause_, we suppose, is intended the _treaty_, and by the _effect_, an acknowledgment of our independence. The Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution, Vol. VIII
  • This is not barely affirmed, concerning these primitive Christians, but spoken of them as their high praise and encomium; as being a discovery of the refinedness, excellency, and greatness of their spirits, who could so far lift up themselves above sense and sensible things, as to place their highest and most vigorous love upon an unseen Object. The Whole Works of the Rev. John Howe, M.A. with a Memoir of the Author. Vol. VI.
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