
How To Use Excavation In A Sentence

  • The congress believes that the excavation of an interoceanic canal at sea level, so desirable in the interests of commerce and navigation, is feasible; and that, in order to take advantage of the indispensable facilities for access and operation which a channel of this kind must offer above all, this canal should extend from the Gulf of Limon to the Bay of Panama. The Path Between the Seas
  • Excavations of the site have revealed an Iron Age settlement.
  • So long as there is a demand for the produce, illegal excavations and the smuggling of antiquities will continue.
  • Excavations directed by Metaxia Tsipopoulou of the Greek Ministry of Culture and William D.E. Coulson, former director of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, showed that the four buildings had been erected on the rectangular "megaron" plan typical of the Greek mainland. Cretan Shrine Discovered
  • We meet the commixture of materials and things in our excavation whose object is, among other things, to reorder, to abolish the disorder of collapse and dilapidation, to find significance and signification in the apparent chaos.
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  • However, subsequent excavations at Maiden Castle, Arikamedu and Charsadda have inevitably caused many of his fundamental assumptions to be refuted.
  • Fill from the garage excavation formed another bank parallel to the pool but higher up on the hillside. A Patchwork Garden: Unexpected Pleasures from a Country Garden
  • Only a few looked inhabited -- lawns bestrewn with gadgets, excavations begun with small bulldozers and abandoned, Pack or Swarm or Family flags flying from the mainmasts. Boing Boing: January 16, 2005 - January 22, 2005 Archives
  • Excavation has shown that instead of removing the peat which was shallow at this point, a thin layer of sand was spread over the top of the peat, and gravel with some sand was heaped over to form a low agger.
  • Although extensive (and presumably fantastically expensive), the excavations revealed a story of only local interest, with Medieval and later expansion by Kingston upon Thames via a series of revetments into the river.
  • Wherever possible non-destructive approaches outlined earlier should be used to meet research objectives in preference to excavation.
  • Since excavation involves destruction of much of the evidence, it is an unrepeatable exercise.
  • Excavation units also need to be "backfilled" at the end of the season, even ones we intend to work in again. Interactive Dig Waka' - Session 4
  • Also site prep, that is, excavation and compaction to receive foundations. THE VENDETTA DEFENCE
  • The disaster was caused by the total collapse of his house in the Rue d' Anjou, undermined by the excavations carried out by the bank next door for its strong room.
  • Imported materials found during excavations indicate that the oppidum played an important role in trade between Italy and central Gaul.
  • Once the excavation is complete, the trackway will be backfilled with earth again, as this is the best way to preserve the timbers.
  • Excavation of the site will begin tomorrow.
  • The idea was to raise money to fund excavations in the Nile delta. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the same excavations on Temple Hill, Robinson found a second example of a similar Archaic sacrificial calendar incised, boustrophedon, in the epichoric Corinthian alphabet, this time on a fragmentary lead tablet.
  • The color of the dots was made from a mixture of hematite and red hematite which was then mixed with calciferous drops of water from the caves, according to excavation technician Maria Malina. ABC News: Top Stories
  • Before his involvement in the Piltdown excavations, Teilhard was nothing more than a young priest with aspirations in science, who had collected fossils and pre-eminently fossil sea urchins, in Egypt.
  • With our trenches and relatively tiny area excavations we do not appreciate the scale of what they must have seen.
  • Previous excavations undertaken at the site have uncovered a Roman coin, a Viking comb and clay moulds which were used for making pilgrims' badges out of lead in the shape of St Andrew crucified on the cross.
  • These beautiful fish have been found in railway cuttings, brick pits and building sites across Sydney, particularly back in the days when excavations were done mostly by hand.
  • A fantastic opportunity to take a tour of a live archaeological excavation with York Archaeological Trust.
  • On October 19 Tranzschel summoned Leipzig forensic expert and craniologist Wilhelm His to the excavation site. CounterPunch
  • Above, a group working near Tuba City in 1942 at the site of the Dilophosaurus excavation.
  • They excavated a space, to the depth of three or four feet, and used the earth they threw out to embank the walls raised upon the edge of the excavation. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 49, November, 1861
  • The amount of scientific work that occurs on site, during excavation, is unprecedented.
  • In 1949 a Mexican archaeologist began an excavation that exploded the temple theory.
  • It also means that no excavation is required when installing the Levytator. Levytator VIDEO: Watch The World's First Freeform, Curving Escalator In Action
  • The springs and freshets which had been loosed in the course of the city's excavation had also been trained, and streams ran cheerfully down rough, natural-looking beds carefully inset into the smooth floors of passages and halls.
  • The NationalGeographic Society made a generous contribution toward the excavation of the acropolis and the theater.
  • The excavation of a village may reveal a number of small buildings clustered around one much larger building.
  • But his defenders note that the current excavation of the tunnel was initiated by the Labor government.
  • Excavation ceased in the 1950s and the area is now overgrown with woodland, bracken and gorse which provides a habitat for birds, snakes and mammals.
  • On the leftis Dan Diffendale, research assistant, Mt. Lykaion Excavation and Survey Project, in the ash altar of Zeus trench, at the discovery of a group of Mycenaean kylikes, circa 13th century BCE. Signs of the Times
  • Led by Dr Susan Ovenden, the new geophysics scans hope to clarify anomalies previously detected near a scattering of Mesolithic flints found during the excavation of the Bronze Age barrow on the Tankerness site.
  • An excavation was carried out of around one-third of an acre of bogland at Bragan.
  • Recent excavations noted a plaster render on the north face of the Wall.
  • They can be configured for linear, square, or rectangular excavations to depths of 30 ft. or more for such uses as pipelines, pits, retaining walls, and bridge abutments.
  • Fill from the garage excavation formed another bank parallel to the pool but higher up on the hillside. A Patchwork Garden: Unexpected Pleasures from a Country Garden
  • It took years of archeological excavation to trace the origins and ancestry of various races.
  • Here too in one of these small hamlets through which we passed Ruskin with a gang of his pupils in flannels started roadmaking, and for days and weeks were to be seen at their arduous task of digging and excavation, toiling and moiling with pick, spade, and barrow, while From John O'Groats to Land's End
  • In some cases, the excavation proceeded down as far as the natural ground.
  • The building, estimated to cover some 20,000 square feet, has so far yielded more than 3,000 bullae -- clay document seals -- that are remains of an archive, according to Sharon C. Herbert of the University of Michigan, who is conducting the excavation with Andrea M. Berlin of the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. Phoenician Resilience
  • When the excavations on the acropolis were begun, no traces of the biserial rows of rooms were detected, although the remains of the walls were traceable. Archeological Expedition to Arizona in 1895 Seventeenth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1895-1896, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1898, pages 519-744
  • The problem of tunnel collapse will cause the land above the tunnel to subside especially when the excavation is carried out at shallow depth and in weak and soft soils.
  • He did a lot for archaeology: he was the father of scientific excavation.
  • Initially the excavation had been focused on the Greek city site of Halieis, but the excavators went over to dig at Franchthi because there were reports it was turning up bits of votive material.
  • Small-scale excavations in Heave Acre alongside the Dorchester road revealed a comparable timber to stone sequence, commencing in the third century.
  • In the aftermath of the mudslide major excavation works were carried out on the pitch.
  • Now our understanding has been transformed by large numbers of artefacts from excavations (workshops remain elusive) and, recently, from detectorists.
  • As a boy, he loved to explore the teeming streets of Manhattan and South Bronx, checking out street excavations and rock outcrops in public parks for minerals.
  • Recent surface excavation and conservation have recuperated a substantial portion of Structure 16's elaborately carved facade.
  • Big Bone Cave was certainly mined for fertilizer in 1884, when excavation by a local farmer unearthed bones of an extinct giant sloth.
  • In 1987, excavations in the Calle Pureza in Triana, the pottery district of Seville, brought to light a collapsed kiln full of pottery wasters.
  • The excavation at Arad led Amiran to concentrate on other major subjects in Erez Israel archaeology, such as the relationship between Israel and Egypt during the urbanization period of the early Bronze Age, the ceramic artifacts of the period and more. Ruth Amiran.
  • The idea was to raise money to fund excavations in the Nile delta. Times, Sunday Times
  • The arrangements shall be made in respect of all earthworks including excavations whether for pipe trenches, foundations or cuttings.
  • Recent excavations suggest Durrington Walls closely mirrored Stonehenge, having its own impressive standing circle made of timber and an avenue that linked it to the River Avon.
  • The excavations haven't found any such images or identifying inscriptions.
  • Survey bench marks were established so the location of every excavation trench as well as of all uncovered features and recovered artifacts could be precisely recorded with the use of the tachymeters.
  • Details on his archaeological excavations on early Maine sites can be found here.
  • They start out tough-minded, funny and unflinching in the excavation of their characters' fears and foibles. Suburban Tensions In a Gauzy Glow
  • Equipment for the excavations arrived last week including portable buildings, fencing, toilets and generators.
  • After excavation a sherd can be heated again and its stored energy released and measured.
  • As this was spontaneous, we hoped that the negotiation our sultan was going to undertake about our making excavations at Meshed, Raidoun, or Kubar al Moluk (for some part of the ruins is called Tombs of the Kings), would turn out successfully. Southern Arabia
  • The archaeological excavation uncovered what was once a thriving church community.
  • Ironically, Reliable Excavation Demolition is always the defending team in some control point and Payload maps, although its name would suggest that they are the attackers, rather than BLU.
  • Because much of the evidence is literally microscopic, it is possible, with good deposits like these at Harnham, to learn a great deal about an ancient environment from even very small excavations.
  • Fill from the garage excavation formed another bank parallel to the pool but higher up on the hillside. A Patchwork Garden: Unexpected Pleasures from a Country Garden
  • At the same time as the excavation, multidisciplinary research was conducted: topography, geography, and geophysics of the Central Building and the wider region; zooarchaeology of older and new finds; and archaeobotany for deposits excavated that year. Field Notes 2005 « Interactive Dig Crete – Zominthos Project
  • Display cases below include goods sold in the shops and finds from excavations in the area.
  • The dedicatory inscription on a statue base found in the Agora Excavations throws new light on relations between families of hierophants and daduchs in the late second and early third century A.D.
  • Crustaceous materials such as pavement often must be ripped and removed to expose the earth beneath and permit its excavation.
  • They were rammed up against rows of oak posts - first found during earlier excavations in 1981-which once formed either a jetty, or a causeway to a sandbank in the middle of the river.
  • Excavations have uncovered a Catholic monastery dating back to the 15th - 17th centuries, which was the seat of Sofia's Catholic eparchy at that time.
  • I also got an earful about the recent increase in illegal excavations and theft. LORD OF THE SILENT
  • Excavations at the site produced over 300 worked flints of early-middle Mesolithic type.
  • Many of the scars on the summit and slopes are the result of past excavations.
  • There are several potential disasters waiting to occur at each excavation site.
  • Even worse, lots of antiquities have been looted directly from excavation sites, ruining them for history.
  • Archaeology is not simply the finite body of artefactual evidence uncovered in excavations. Random quote on archaeology
  • Most reproduce in cold, flowing water by creating excavations in the gravel called redds. Trout and Salmon of North America
  • This report is intended to detail the preliminary fieldwork information found during the excavation of Agaparthea.
  • The excavations are concealed by a screen of trees.
  • From the Regia Anglorum website: The excavations of the seventh century settlements at Cowdery's Down and Charlton, both in Hampshire, uncovered evidence of 'cruck' building, a technique previously not thought to have been used until after the Norman Conquest. Thatched barns and stave churches: the possibilities of Anglo-Saxon timber architecture
  • Excavations in 1870 revealed a primary inhumation burial accompanied by a food vessel, a flint scraper, and a flint knife suggesting a date slightly later than the henges.
  • Recent surveys of these sites, as well as one archaeological test excavation, give insights into the skeletal biology and mortuary practices of the individuals interred.
  • The disadvantage of using a cardan shaft is that it requires the excavation of soil, and there is risk of breakage in the event that the machine jams up. 7. Profiles
  • The adytum is seven feet square; the remains of a statue, cut out of the rock, are visible in the back wall, and in the floor is a deep sepulchral excavation. Travels in Nubia
  • There is evidence of this destruction throughout the town, though it can only be accessed through rostrum pictures from the archaeological excavations.
  • Limited excavations have opened up gutters and a sump pool used to drain the caverns of groundwater.
  • However, subsequent excavations at Maiden Castle, Arikamedu and Charsadda have inevitably caused many of his fundamental assumptions to be refuted.
  • Excavation on the site is likely to continue for several years.
  • If soil excavation is used for remediation, a pond or topographic feature that will become an eye-pleasing part of the course can be created instead of backfilling the excavation.
  • There exists inevitable disturbing influence to the nearby architectures during the underground engineering excavation.
  • The initial phase of the archaeological excavation at Woodstown has just been completed.
  • Thus it is more profitable to dig for antiquities even in authorised excavations than to work the water-hoist, which is one of the usual occupations of the peasant. The Treasury of Ancient Egypt Miscellaneous Chapters on Ancient Egyptian History and Archaeology
  • Maybe it's the juxtaposition of gobby punk attitude alongside such a slavishly swotty excavation of rock'n'roll mythology that attracted attention.
  • They visit the campus of the Crow Canyon Archeological Center and one of its excavation sites.
  • Modern excavations at Giza have found remnants of copper and even the hearths or kilns used to process the metal into tools.
  • The only bones that now survive from the excavation are four femora that were recovered from the south-eastern burial chamber.
  • Paul Woodfield says a pre-construction geophysics survey revealed nothing, so no prior excavation was required; the sherds, with large quantities of kiln wasters, were unstratified.
  • The doubts were planted in his mind when he took part in a excavation at the royal fort at Dunadd in Argyll in the 1970s.
  • Because of this he felt that excavation should be undertaken only under proper archaeological supervision.
  • Excavations have found imported Mediterranean wine and oil jars and fine red tableware of C5 - C6 date.
  • Rolling his eyes, he moved to join Max in his excavations, sighing in exaggerated martyrdom.
  • Close attention had to be paid to stratification while digging, and his excavation assistants had to be properly trained.
  • The post excavation procedure included the removal of all mud and adhering material from the bones and placing of the remains in a cabinet where they were allowed to dry out slowly.
  • Has Wideford excavation revealed site of Orkney's oldest settlement?
  • However, excavations showed no obvious bedding.
  • The grim excavation, identification and reburial of the dead continues to this day. Times, Sunday Times
  • Today they are out doing an excavation, looking for whatever is down there in conjunction with their theme on dinosaurs.
  • The name Indus valley culture was given primarily because most of the sites of this culture were found in Indus valley after the first excavation in 1922. DesiPundit
  • But excavations at the Catterick Roman settlement in North Yorkshire suggest some members of the garrison were more likely to have been found in highly coloured women's robes, turbans, tiaras and rather unmanly hair-dos.
  • A protective structure adapted to buttress opposed upright walls of an excavation.
  • Atkinson backfilled his tunnel with excavation spoil bulked by imported material.
  • Archeological excavations show that mound tombs constructed in this time were all very similar and yet widely distributed.
  • Justin and Annie wonder if they will ever see their child again, the reader becomes aware that a third delicate excavation is taking place within these pages. Ursula, Under by Ingrid Hill: Questions
  • Nearby excavations have also yielded some noteworthy finds: a terra-cotta house model probably used as a bird cage and a two-by-two-inch steatite Harappan Phase seal carved with a unicorn motif and 13 script signs. Early Indus Script
  • Today, the stones lie flat and it is uncertain whether they were ever upright; excavations in 1901-2 failed to reveal any sockets.
  • The critics, including the European scholar Peter van der Veen, as well as the epigrapher Ryan Byrne, co-director of the Tel Dan excavations, suggested in Internet blogs that the correct reading of the seal is actually "Shlomit," also a biblical name. Archive 2008-02-01
  • Blue mountain crests soar above dark realms of virgin forest, where the sombre conifers exude the precious _damar_, which glues itself to the red trunks in shining lumps often of twenty pounds 'weight, or sinks deeply into the soft soil, from whence the solidified gum needs excavation. Through the Malay Archipelago
  • The growth of black rat populations is being traced through analysis of rat bones from excavations.
  • As a result, they dictated that archaeologists could dig up bones and skulls, but insisted that they would have to rebury them within two years "in an accepted place of burial" – a cemetery – while the excavations would have to be screened from the public. Burial law is threatening archaeological research, say experts
  • For instance, one person may estimate only electrical work, whereas another may concentrate on excavation, concrete, and forms.
  • Mortillet or cognisance of his views, he suggested in 1859 that the lake-basins were not of pre-glacial date, but had been scooped out by ice during the glacial period, the excavation having for the most part been effected in Miocene sandstone, provincially called, on account of its softness, "molasse. The Antiquity of Man
  • The remodelled market is the most recent layer in a rich architectural geology that dates back to a Roman necropolis, unearthed during excavations for the new building.
  • The items have been handed to state archaeologists, who have cordoned off the shrubland for further excavation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Like Foucault, Kittler diagnosed the present through what he called discourse analysis - the excavation of the underlying structure of human practices. The Guardian World News
  • The excavations revealed somewhat ambiguous structural evidence for a furnace with the discovery of a firing trench.
  • Testing in 1996, 1997, and 1999 was designed to avoid excavation of burials and consequently revealed only that several additional extramural areas of the residential zone contain burials.
  • But archaeologists who worked on the extraordinary excavation in East Yorkshire that revealed a rare Iron Age chariot buried with the skeleton of a statuesque woman, are urging caution.
  • The tessera was recovered from the Ninfeo of Punta Epitaffio during the underwater excavation in the sea in front of Baia, which nowadays is a little town near Naples.
  • Three parts of the building's walls have been unearthed during excavations at the garrison, giving archaeologists enough information to map out the route of the 940-metre circuit.
  • They visit the campus of the Crow Canyon Archeological Center and one of its excavation sites.
  • The excavation team on the Greek island found four stone tombs up to 2,000 years old. The Sun
  • Our excavation was a rescue project in every sense of the phrase.
  • There is an ascent by three low steps from the cella into the adytum, in which is a deep sepulchral excavation; there is also a similar but smaller one in the cella itself. Travels in Nubia
  • Excavations have shown the remains of not just one wharenui, but possibly three.
  • The large pottery vessels known as amphorae are among the most common finds from the Roman period in excavations, both on land and under the sea.
  • Recent excavations testify to the presence of cultivated inhabitants on the hill during the Arthurian period.
  • Among these were offices, storehouses, docks, locomotives, maps, hydrographical studies, and 50 million cubic metres of excavation - almost as much as on the original Suez Canal.
  • Peske trenched garden beds at both sites, recovering very little cultural material from these excavations.
  • Excavations of the site have revealed an Iron Age settlement.
  • As a result, they dictated that archaeologists could dig up bones and skulls, but insisted that they would have to rebury them within two years "in an accepted place of burial" – a cemetery – while the excavations would have to be screened from the public. Burial law is threatening archaeological research, say experts
  • To prevent movement of the box, the space between it and the wall of the excavation should be backfilled.
  • Further excavation recovered more than 1,200 pieces of bone, including trepanned skulls. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hitherto, evidence of the crops grown in medieval times has come from the analysis of charred and waterlogged remains from excavations, occasional herbarium specimens, descriptions in herbals and botanical inference.
  • In general, these spruce appeared clawed, debarked, broken, ripped out of the ground, buried under large piles of peat, or tilted at ground level, damage that likely occurred during excavation at the dens by polar bears.
  • More discoveries were made as the excavation proceeded.
  • Most of the artefacts recovered during the excavations relate to the English Civil War sieges between 1644 and 1649 when Royalists held the castle against Oliver Cromwell's Parliamentarians.
  • As the excavation proceeded, there turned out to be five swords.
  • It had fired jugs, pans, cooking pots and roofing tiles in the 14th century, and similar wares have been found on excavations locally and in adjacent counties.
  • The job required excavation into steep slopes for the pier and skewbacks.
  • Rain had filled the excavation to create a moderate-sized pond. Fire The Sky
  • The excavation has shown the archaeological enclosure to be already disturbed through modern activity.
  • Many shopkeepers in the immediate area of the excavations and road closures feared their businesses were suffering as a result.
  • The field site contains over 45 stone circles, passage graves, standing stones and dolmen tombs and has been the focus of excavations for more than twenty years.
  • The excavations of this section of the southern city walls also revealed towers and well-protected structures for positioning weapons such as catapults and ballistae built into the wall. Footprint of Roman Soldier’s Sandal Discovered at Hippos | Impact Lab
  • Five fragments of shaped animal gut were discovered during the excavation of the garderobe of the keep at Dudley Castle, which had been filled in in 1647.
  • The information refers to slopes in opencast mines, quarries, dam foundation excavations and highway outs.
  • Her bibliography ranges from primary sources in 1st-century papyri to accounts of modern excavations. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nelson says he sees a day when grading professionals will lay down their own dust palliatives to cap off the soil after completing the excavation.
  • It took 50 minutes of hard labour on the excavations and making a mould of where the crown will go. Times, Sunday Times
  • Within the border zone on the nearer side of the frontier, the haul of finds during an excavation might consist of two or three shards of Roman pottery, a glass bead or fragment of a glass bangle, some iron fragments, and quernstones.
  • Little survives of this very large area, although its extent has been established by excavation.
  • The Israel Antiquities Authority says the coin is the heaviest and has the highest contemporary value of any coin ever found in an excavation in Israel. Ancient Coins: Gold Octodrachm (Mnaieion) Coin Minted in Alexandria by Ptolemy V in 191 BCE Found In Israel : Coin Collecting News
  • According to Li, this month, their excavation team found from the soil strata dating back 15,000 years, or the late Paleolithic Era, at the Xuchang ruins more than 20 pieces of hematite, one of iron oxides commonly used as a dyestuff, alongside three dozen thin instruments made of animal tooth enamel, plus seven needles made of the upper cheek tooth enamel of a rhinoceros sub-species now extinct. Red - CCC (Color of Choice for Cavemen)
  • My sixth form tutor gave me days off to help on rescue excavations.
  • He led me down a rickety wooden staircase into the depths of a cavern below the excavations. The Runaway Brain: the Evolution of Human Uniqueness
  • Distribution of finds from a single excavation can equally benefit local history, museums, and aircraft restorers.
  • Within the border zone on the nearer side of the frontier, the haul of finds during an excavation might consist of two or three sherds of Roman pottery, a glass bead or fragment of a glass bangle, some iron fragments, and quernstones.
  • Maurice had organized a well-integrated programme of lectures, practical demonstrations and excavations, as the details show.
  • In "crowning," the egg-shaped top of a small skull emerges from a nest of deep purple fur that fills an excavation in a multilobed slice of a big log. NYT > Home Page
  • A method of setting out archaeological excavation trenches in a pattern of regular square or rectangular boxes with baulks between, pioneered by Sir Mortimer Wheeler at sites in India and southern Britain.
  • Excavations revealed the remains of many individuals buried there over a long period.
  • Excavations revealed single cremated burials in each, perhaps the members of a local, wealthy aristocratic Roman family.
  • So one dark night before his team left the site of excavation, he reburied the artifact, slightly deeper than at the level he'd uncovered it. Archaeological Treasures Yet to Come
  • English archaeologist3) Howard Carter, and his sponsor Lord Carnarvon, obtained permission to dig in the Valley of the Kings and began excavation4) in 1917.
  • Then, during excavations on the rue Descartes in 1909, three sarcophagi from the ancient Merovingian cemetery were found, two of adult size and one of child size.
  • After earlier survey and excavation, the cist was relocated this summer.
  • Earlier this month, English Heritage visited Urswick and asked for a more detailed survey and excavation of the site to be carried out.
  • Recent excavations in the region have uncovered fossilised remains of sea dinosaurs and other creatures that once frequented these watery wastes.
  • The location of the church, which was consecrated in 1488, had been a mystery, but a geophysical survey revealed possible lines of foundations and it was in the area adjacent to the present house, where the excavation took place.
  • Unlike Father, who would like nothing better than an excuse to interfere with someone else's excavation, I meant precisely what I said. LORD OF THE SILENT
  • No additional excavation works were undertaken and no verge crossing was made.
  • In glaucoma simplex, which is largely devoid of marked congestive periods (acute attacks), a surprisingly high degree of acuity of vision may exist with a deep excavation and pale nerve. Glaucoma A Symposium Presented at a Meeting of the Chicago Ophthalmological Society, November 17, 1913
  • Even so, about 400 relics, including silverware, jade ware, copperware, ironware and earthenware, were found during excavation work.
  • Kate stood staring down into the excavation for a long time. MIDNIGHT IS A LONELY PLACE
  • The stability of sludge sump of underground continuous wall during short sump excavation was discussed.
  • The excavations produced no diagnostic artifacts but did yield lithic debris and a limited quantity of preserved floral remains.
  • Excavations have revealed a complicated history which, to judge from a hoard of metalwork found in the interior (now in Manchester University Museum), began in the later Bronze Age.
  • Closer to the present-day frontier in the section known as the Col de Panissars the ruins of the Romanesque church have been shown by excavation to overlie the remains of an unusual Roman structure.
  • He has been asked to submit a proposal so that the Government can initiate steps for a full-fledged excavation at the site.
  • The scar created by quarrying the hillside below the Nab is visible from a wide area, but excavations are now going downwards below the level of the surrounding land.
  • A raised viewing platform will also allow visitors to the site to watch the excavations being worked on without intruding on the dig.

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