How To Use Exactness In A Sentence
It's almost impossible to describe their unforced exactness, their unrushed economy.
Words from the heart find their mark, despite their inexactness!
Le mot juste - French Word-A-Day
Second, in most cases, such a test is exact or, to the extent it is less than exact, the inexactness will work in favour of the accused.
The circumstances of the transits of Venus repeat themselves with great exactness after a period of 243 years.
And it is unreal to assume, as you seem to, that his current inexactness is sufficiently elastic to cover all eventualities between now and November.
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The method features speediness, exactness , impersonality , and non - invasion to the sample.
People who don't grasp the inexactness of all this are constantly misled.
The Recovery Is Coming
This characteristic, aided by the perspicacity which is bestowed upon every jealous woman, perchance enabled her to read the mysterious Sibyl with some approach to exactness.
The Whirlpool
In these dances they keep time with an exactness which is scarcely excelled by the best performers upon the stages of Europe.
A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 13
Boyle suggested that the divergence from the expected result in the case of rarefaction may have been due to "some little aerial bubbles in the quicksilver" ( "so easy is it in such nice experiments to miss of exactness," he added).
Sticky Wants to Grab
After this feeling of awe at the terrible precision and exactness of the world, I began to experience another emotion: irrelevancy.
Sargent's work is marked by its exceptional lucidity, its exactness of expression and by the decisiveness of her results.
Lloyd, taking a crystal of arragonite, and following with the most scrupulous exactness the indications of theory, cutting the crystal where theory said it ought to be cut, observing it where theory said it ought to be observed, discovered the luminous envelope which had previously been a mere idea in the mind of the mathematician.
Six Lectures on Light Delivered In The United States In 1872-1873
the neat exactness of the surgeon's knife
His English translator complimented him on his thorough inductive exactness.
They went past and on like birds, only without the purposefulness and exactness of birds.
Confidence intervals should also remind examiners of the inexactness of the obtained score and, in some instances, provide an indication of the range of possible true scores.
Such calculations are, indeed, at a great distance from mathematical exactness, as they arise from the induction of a few particulars, and from observations made rather according to the temper of the computist, than the nature of things.
The Works of Samuel Johnson, Volume 05 Miscellaneous Pieces
A random survey was also made from a deep part of Lake Matamuskeet opposite James McLowd's house, to East Bluff Bay and triangles were thrown across East and West Bluff Bars whereby the direction and length of Canals between them and the lake might be determined with all sufficient exactness; avoiding thus the difficulties of penetrating the dismals which would have rendered it impossible to complete the survey before the reopening of
The Beginnings of Public Education in North Carolina; A Documentary History, 1790-1840. Vol. II
Mendel's Law was at first hailed by biologists has gradually subsided; for it has been found that though these new forms will breed true under certain conditions, they are nevertheless _cross-fertile with the original forms_, and thus the circle can be _completed back again_ by a return to the parent form, from which the new "species" can again be produced at will with the same mathematical exactness as before.
Q. E. D., or New Light on the Doctrine of Creation
His truisms and verbal propositions, his dogmatic assertions and unreal demonstrations, savour more of theology than of political science, while his quasi-mathematical method of reasoning from abstract formulæ, assumed to be axiomatic, gives a deceptive air of exactness and cogency which is apt to be mistaken for sound logic.
The Rise of the Democracy
It's the exactness which is the illusion, not the scene itself.
In an odd way, the inexactness of the fit made the implied comparison more intriguing.
Jilted City by Patrick McGuinness
So, Michael, is it really a tad difficult to assign an "exactness" to what Jesus thought or did not think. or is it the Bible certainly makes it fairly clear that he put pressure on people governments included? to help his fellow man.
Fact checking the VP debate.
It is characteristic of such knowledge that it should be deficient in "exactness," in precision of statement, and closeness of logical concatenation.
The exactness which is required in philosophy will not allow us to comprehend under the same term two ideas so different as the subjective feeling of pleasure or happiness and the objective reality of a state which receives our moral approval.
Perhaps his training as a physicist doesn't necessarily provide the best training for the inexactness of political discussion.
It is not exact that ontology is translated into "Bentilun" in Chinese, but we shouldn't deny the thought of "Bentilun" in Chinese tradition because of the inexactness of the accepted translation.
I CANNOT think myself engaged from these words to discourse of lots, as to their nature, use, and allowableness; and that not only in matters of moment and business, but also of recreation; which latter is indeed impugned by some, though better defended by others; but I shall fix only upon the design of the words, which seems to be a declaration of a divine perfection by a signal instance; a proof of the exactness and universality of God's providence from its influence upon a thing, of all others, the most casual and fortuitous, such as is the casting of lots.
Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. I.
Sometimes the copyist of the chartulary reproduced the original document with literary exactness.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
In the three different states, the change degree of the 2-point discrimination threshold of skin, sensibility of wrist joint is consistent with the shoot exactness.
One should hasten to say, however, that over-nicety in enunciation, pedantic exactness, obtrusive "elocutionary" excellence, or any sort of labored or affected effort should be carefully guarded against.
Public Speaking
First, although the dialect is the exact instrument for voicing certain traditional phases of Negro life, it is, and perhaps by that very exactness, a quite limited instrument.
God's Trombones Seven Negro Sermons in Verse
Sargent's work is marked by its exceptional lucidity, its exactness of expression and by the decisiveness of her results.
On the whole, then, I see nothing very strange either in orthodoxy lying in what at first sight appears like subtle and minute exactness of doctrine, or in its being our duty to contend even to confessorship for such exactness.
Historical Sketches, Volume I (of 3) The Turks in Their Relation to Europe; Marcus Tullius Cicero; Apollonius of Tyana; Primitive Christianity
I said to myself at once that the block of stone disturbed by the pickaxe had been placed there with a very curious exactness, that the least knock was bound to make it fall and that, in falling, it must inevitably reduce the head of the false Arsene Lupin to pulp, in such a way as to make it utterly irrecognizable.
The Hollow Needle; Further adventures of Arsene Lupin
What's needed is some mental stretching to recognize the fact that usually what is called for is some degree of practical commercial acceptability rather than mathematical precision or laboratory exactness.
He recalls his native Bombay with cinematic exactness.
To what extent Mr. Berol's remarkable memory was natural and required only attention, for its development, seems impossible to determine with exactness, but the evidence clearly indicates that, however useless were many of his memory feats, a highly retentive memory was developed where before only "a good forgettery" existed.
The Art of Public Speaking
If we examine crystals carefully we find, not only that nature has here provided geometric forms of marvelous beauty and exactness, with faces of polish and quoins of acuteness equal to the work of the most skillful lapidist, "but that in whatever manner or under whatever circumstances a crystal may have been formed, whether in the laboratory of the chemist or the workshop of nature, in the bodies of animals or the tissues of plants, up in the sky or in the depths of the earth, whether so rapidly that we may literally see its growth, or by the slow aggregation of its molecules during perhaps thousands of years, we always find that the arrangement of the faces is subject to fixed and definite laws.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 344, August 5, 1882
We measured this polysyllabical echo with great exactness, and found the distance to fall very short of Dr. Plot's rule for distinct articulation; for the doctor, in his history of Oxfordshire, allows a hundred and twenty feet for the return of each syllable distinctly; hence this echo, which gives ten distinct syllables, ought to measure four hundred yards, or one hundred and twenty feet to each syllable; whereas our distance is only two hundred and fifty-eight yards, or near seventy-five feet, to each syllable.
The Natural History of Selborne, Vol. 2
a second; but, by instructing them in the laws of military discipline with the same care and exactness a priest would use in teaching ceremonies and dreadful mysteries, and by severity to such as transgressed and contemned those laws, he maintained his country in its former greatness, esteeming victory over enemies itself but as an accessory to the proper training and disciplining of the citizens.
The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
A devoted but not exclusive follower of Newton's achievements and insights, he maintained through most of his life that mathematization and a priori universal laws were preconditions for genuine scientific character (like Galileo and Descartes earlier, and Carnap later, Kant believed that mathematical exactness constituted the main condition for the possibility of objectivity).
The Unity of Science
Whilst I liked the touch screen, I was extremely grateful that there was a QWERTY keyboard; the inexactness of my stubby fingers would have soon led me to behanding myself!
Archive 2009-01-01
A generic constraint on cellular machines is the inherent inexactness of the computational elements comprising a biological regulation unit.
Improvised circus sounds like a bit of a contradiction in terms, since circus by its very nature requires precision, planning and exactness.
As the pictures show, tiling is a craft that requires precision and an exactness to ensure that it will remain intact and secure for many years to come.
It's wonderful to work with someone whose changes and ideas for the art are obviously concerned with the success of the illustration itself and how it works in the book, and not simply one-sided fiddling and rearranging based on individual preference or a stilting focus on the exactness of how a scene was imagined originally.
The art of Leviathan, Part Two: An interview with Keith Thompson
All this exactness of requisition appeared to me to be going rather too far; and I exhibited my feeling on the subject, in the tone in which I replied, that I had stated every thing that was necessary for the satisfaction of a "man of sense, but that I had neither the faculty nor the inclination to indulge the captiousness of any man.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 54, No. 333, July 1843
Despite the inherent inexactness of reproduction cost estimates, he insisted that their economic importance was such that they could not be ignored when they markedly differed from actual cost figures.
There was nothing the matter with the director's plans on this occasion; every detail of the "freshet" had been made ready for with exactness and with prodigious regard to detail.
Ruth Fielding in the Great Northwest Or, The Indian Girl Star of the Movies
Could the hearts of kings and the counsels of cabinets be known with that literal exactness which is so desirable in politics, and yet so unattainable, we should probably find that Prussia's apparent readiness to lead Germany was owing to her determination that German armies should be led nowhere to the assistance of Austria.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 07, No. 39, January, 1861
I did notice the political incorrectness of that remark (and its inexactness) but overall it was a good article in my opinion and will be welcomed by LOndoners sick of perpetual fear
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They bring it to another pair of rollers, which they call adjusting it, which bring it to a greater exactness in its thickness than the first could be.
Diary of Samuel Pepys — Complete
The choreography is abstract and seemed very difficult - it demands strong technique and exactness.
Somewhere in all of the pictures and perhaps even the exactness and accuracy of the film to the source the intent and story that Moore penned is lost.
Judging a Book by its Cover | Heretical Ideas Magazine
he demanded exactness in all details
Naively, we might imagine that the variation and relative inexactness of our measurements will become pronounced and obtrusive the more refined and microscopic are our measurement tools and procedures.
Nobody Knows Nothing
Exactness and neatness in moderation is a virtue, but carried to extremes narrows the mind.
Mr Pitt in a nightcap and bedgown, and without his boots, represented the poet Cowper with perfect exactness; and Mary Queen of
The Old Curiosity Shop
It is not, as has been held, a result of rhetorical studies alone; it reveals rather a native good sense tempered with a neoteric interest in psychology and a neoteric exactness in formal composition.
Sciences has awarded you this year the Nobel Prize in Physics in recognition of the methods which you have discovered for insuring exactness in measurements, and also of the investigations in spectrology which you have carried out in connection therewith.
Nobel Prize in Physics 1907 - Presentation Speech
Like so many before him Truman Capote with In Cold Blood; Stendhal with the account of a minor event of 1827, the Berthet affair, at the origin of The Red and the Black, he decided to draw his inspiration from the facts and, without attempting anything resembling "exactness", without fooling the reader concerning the nature of his endeavor and its intent as fiction, used it as a mirror of society and of an era.
Bernard-Henri Lévy: Alain Delon on Taddéï. Régis Jauffret Pilloried?
Thorpe rarely used words with much exactness. {403b} It is obvious that he did not employ 'begetter' in the ordinary sense.
A Life of William Shakespeare with portraits and facsimiles
For the eye has every possible defect that can be found in an optical instrument, and even some which are peculiar to itself; but they are all so counteracted, that the inexactness of the image which results from their presence very little exceeds, under ordinary conditions of illumination, the limits which are set to the delicacy of sensation by the dimensions of the retinal cones.
In renderings you are not really after the 'exactness' of every triangle.
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In so far as a science of geometry is possible at all, the exactness, which is its essential characteristic, is only {11} attainable by starting from data which are in themselves impossible, as of a point which has no magnitude, of a line which has no breadth, of a surface which has no thickness.
A Short History of Greek Philosophy