How To Use Ewer In A Sentence

  • Moreover, she is being asked to do this while remaining scrupulously impartial and keeping the viewer entertained with talk of trade deals, tariffs and employment figures. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first batch of ten shows is seen as a test of viewer demand. Times, Sunday Times
  • Said hi also to a few of the guys from Aereogramme after they'd finished up, but wasn't actually sure of who was there from Chemikal Underground or what they look like, so I was basically floating around and looking glaikit until Mags pointed out the Newsnight crew, and the nice interviewer man figured out who I was. Archive 2007-02-01
  • The conference began with a Wednesday evening welcome reception, held at Chicago's Field Museum, where 28 mostly Illinois breweries had set up beer stations among two stuffed elephants, a couple of totem poles and a tyrannosaur skeleton. Beer: A celebration of craft brewing
  • I am thinking about taking one row of raspberries away, maybe exchange the other one as well for a newer kind with bigger berries in, so we can have a bit more room for flowers along the allotment border.
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  • Among our number, there must be some who can bring home to the viewers the value and fascination of history as an art and science.
  • Faceless, unqualified reviewers define our work, remove our colleagues from panels and routinely breach confidentiality.
  • Each item was skewered on a cocktail stick and laid like sun rays around the plate, which also had a flower intricately carved out of turnip for decoration.
  • Thrice a day, the performers have been taking to the stage under the massive fireproof tents, which can accommodate up to 2,500 viewers.
  • Since interviewers represent the interface between the research and the respondent, they have an important role in maximizing the response rate for the survey.
  • The interesting element of the game was that it required one to evaluate not films but people; that is, to sift through the prejudices of one’s movie-freak friends and the peccadilloes and quirks of the major reviewers, and by graphing, as it were, what each could be expected to overpraise, underpraise, revile, not notice, or deliberately ignore, one could acquire a very nice sense of the film. Film flam
  • People consumed fewer calories without even trying to do so.
  • I trust this callous disregard for viewers' feelings will be put right as soon as possible. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other specialties have undergone relative declines such as orthopedics safer cars and fewer smashed bones. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Another Idea
  • For the viewer or the reader, this can be a pleasant experience, a feeling of ease, without boredom or dullness.
  • Digital photography and fewer people taking holidays appear to be the main culprits there.
  • And it's not like viewers saw nipple or areolae, viewers saw cleavage. Dr. Logan Levkoff: Those Bad Breasts - Take II (Katy Perry Edition)
  • The channel's viewership is ageing, and attempts to attract younger watchers have yet to bear fruit.
  • Sewers overflowed and mixed with rainwater and entered houses through drain pipes.
  • More than 50 cask ales, lagers and ciders will be on available, including Abbot Ale, Cumberland Ale, Titanic Iceberg and Sam Smith's Old Brewery Bitter.
  • This worked fine on the old keypunches that punched each column as you typed it, but the newer keypunches waited until you finished the 80th column and then punched the entire card.
  • It is thought the hapless cat had been trying to escape after becoming trapped in a sewer. The Sun
  • One particularly nice feature is the true print previewer that lets you proof and edit a map before making the final print.
  • Inevitably, though, with 14 fewer rooms to spread out in, the Pages had to part with several cherished possessions.
  • Few chefs teach them and fewer have the inclination or time to learn. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because of advances in technology such as Web conferencing, he says, businesses are sending fewer employees to trade shows.
  • The former teacher, who now runs a craft brewery on the island, is keen to point out how the residents have rallied round. Times, Sunday Times
  • This decline was due partly to the generally buoyant economy that saw fewer people filing claims. A Conceptual View of Human Resource Management: Strategic Objectives, Environments, Functions
  • He skewered his victim through the neck.
  • The newer system uses a much smaller missile with an infrared terminal guidance system.
  • My desire is to bring the viewer out of the gallery space and into the actual physical environment of the lakebed.
  • Any themes brought up by respondents were explored by the interviewer.
  • Secure the loose skin with fine skewers, or just tuck the skin underneath. The Sun
  • I noticed a tap for a local microbrew called Prohibition Ale, brewed by Speakeasy Brewery.
  • That last complaint is tragicomic given that Memphis schools typically rank among the nation's five worst with fewer than half of black males graduating from high school. Tennessee's Chamber Maids
  • But the share price of some regional brewers does not fully reflect these assets.
  • Now you could dismiss this as "silly season" rumor-mongering, because Dougherty ran as a Democrat and Brewer is a Republican. Francine Hardaway: Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer Too Sick to Complete a Second Term?
  • This was gracious of him and also provoked an unexpected conspiratorial mirth between the interviewer and interviewee. Times, Sunday Times
  • It forced it to consider more carefully the preferences of the average viewer, to become more responsive to viewers. The Media in Britain Today
  • Both as a pointer to the future and as a spectacle in its own right, the Championships have produced a quality of football that had at least one viewer occasionally leaping from his armchair to applaud the action.
  • Secular remains of Gothic architecture in Czechoslovakia are fewer.
  • A recent report estimates there were 60 percent fewer wintering mule deer on part of the anticline in 2009 compared with 2001, and 28 percent fewer mule deer in 2009 compared with 2005. Deer Population Plummets Amidst Natural Gas Drilling
  • A reviewer butchers an original text, taking that which seems necessary to get the text to say what must be said, and excising the rest.
  • Featuring no fewer than six emcees and the hypeman's bloviating inside of three minutes, it's the album's busiest number.
  • This was gracious of him and also provoked an unexpected conspiratorial mirth between the interviewer and interviewee. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dick Brewer had taken refuge behind a thirty-inch sawlog near the mill, just one hundred and forty steps from the window near which this fierce little fighting man was lying, wounded to death. The Story of the Outlaw A Study of the Western Desperado
  • The geographical proximity of European countries has permitted fewer channels for terrestrial broadcast services in a single country than elsewhere. Television - policy and culture
  • Inbreeding may account for the fact that far fewer than half of all breeding mares foal each year.
  • Fishermen have made adjustments lately to keep more keepers and feed fewer to sharks.
  • Acupuncture treatment of patients was associated with decreased pain levels and fewer positive tender points as measured by dolorimetry.
  • When control the flying shear, T400 technology board can workout program with parameter mode completely. So it can be provided with exact position, fewer fault, convenient maintenance and so on.
  • Haven't had a chance to visit the other newer bookshops in kl, since I'm hardly in m'sia and I don't come from kl. A Quick Guide to Bookshop Chains
  • As a result, the nexus of America's dairy industry is shifting to such places as New Mexico and Idaho with cheap land and fewer people to complain about the smells wafting from a 5,000-cow dairy farm.
  • Think of questions you would like to ask the interviewer about the job and company. The Sun
  • Looking radiantly healthy - in contrast to her wan mien of recent months - she lucidly defended herself the interviewers tried to extract an apology from her.
  • I think the term comprehension still has great relevance because it is a reminder that as readers, viewers and web surfers we need to be able to understand, interpret, appreciate and critique what we read, view, hear and even … Literacy News – 162th Edition « News « Literacy News
  • As well, some new sewers will be laid in the town and there will be greater separation of surface water from foul sewer to create more capacity in the treatment plant.
  • Fewer and fewer people living in this country feel any cultural connection with jolly swagmen, billabongs and coolibah trees.
  • The swagger was back and Swansea were guilty of fewer sloppy passes. Times, Sunday Times
  • The verbal responses to the film are constructed using data from the ‘real life’ of viewers rather than the fictive world defined by the film and filmmaker.
  • This tool is designed for the Vee type mainsprings, but can also be used on the newer coil type mainspring Miroku's.
  • This net work will show what it ` s viewers want to see African Americans clubbing it up, not in stuffy dances at round tables but in rowdy bars and questionable venues like an after game NBA Allstar Party. Democratic Convention, Yes. Republicans, Not So Much - The Caucus Blog -
  • It does mean, though, that interviewers need to be sensitive to the dangers to which victims may be exposed as a direct result of the interviewer's presence.
  • Many avid viewers of "quarterlife" probably recognize themselves somehow in the show, but they may not necessarily know why. Jeremy Axelrod: "quarterlife": Gen-Y Bloggers Shake The Cradle
  • (I can't wait to see the profusion of bittorent trackers, new "copyfight" / Free culture efforts, and newer, better p2p technologies that would result from that. P2pnet news
  • Pour any remaining marinade over the skewers. Times, Sunday Times
  • To shape the ends of wool-skewers, i.e., to _point_ them, requires a degree of skill; any one can _rough-hew_ them. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 21, July, 1859
  • It will also be used for the provision of small public water and sewerage schemes in smaller towns and villages.
  • Click on a file in any of 220 formats and it will be displayed in the viewer pane.
  • There is also a light box with a photo of King's bruised face which turns into a mirror reflecting the viewer's face.
  • Inside, it had been refurbished in the `country pub ' style of the big breweries. KICK BACK
  • Older buildings still outnumber newer constructions unlike so many Thai towns and cities.
  • Only one paragraph made it into the case file seen by the independent reviewer, who is responsible for signing off on the methodology behind payouts. Times, Sunday Times
  • But Mr. Erwitt also has a gift for clicking off multiple photographs of a single scene, finding and preserving evanescent moments likely to leave the viewer alternately laughing or enrapt. Photo-Op: Head or Tail
  • But the greatest relief of all was to discover that the apartment contained a bathroom and a latrine — for, as the agent gleefully explained, the insula lay right athwart one of Rome’s main sewers, and was legally supplied with an adjutage to the water supply. The First Man in Rome
  • Like many vainglorious self-publicists, he probably thought he could charm the acid interviewer.
  • The viewer may be a teenage girl, even though the advertisement promotes Viagra.
  • He looks straight at the camera and forces you, the viewer to take note of him.
  • In addition, the transcervical approach has fewer associated side effects, decreased operative time and minimal postoperative hospitalization.
  • He paused before delivering a powerful thrust that skewered the water creature beyond healing.
  • Not that irredentist desires disappeared, only that fewer Frenchmen seemed willing to go to war over the issue in 1914 than in previous years.
  • Her newer slouchy silhouette offers sporty satin blouson jackets and drawstring pants to mix with sensual hand crochet knits.
  • The mean blood pressure readings were the same for the diuretics and the newer drugs.
  • Interviewer Ryan Tubridy sought the advice of Jon Snow ahead of the interview but was warned it would be difficult to extract anything 'revelatory' out of Tony Blair. Tony Blair interview greeted by Iraq war protesters and Jedward fans
  • The consultant then carefully observes the anchors and reporters to determine if they fit the viewer profile.
  • Grill skewers of lemon-and-thyme-marinated lamb, and then serve them atop a garlicky Sardinian couscous full of cauliflower, currants, and pine nuts.
  • Though the dissolve has become part of film punctuation it can still shock or seduce the viewer.
  • For the rest of us, it has been six months of adjustment to a new family situation, tough occasionally but generally an improvement: far fewer messes to clear up, no constant vigilance on the bathroom and kitchen, much greater freedom for us to go on family outings (most often, of course, to see B up in Limburg). Six months on
  • While the idea of mechatronics may not be new, technology developments such as smaller, more powerful microchips, new approaches to communication networks and new materials are enabling us to translate our ideas into new products that deliver increased functionality and use fewer resources. Engineering Hardware-Software
  • Following therapy, angina patients using testosterone could walk further and had fewer symptoms.
  • Thread meat on to skewers. The Sun
  • I decided to chronicle my experience of hyperplasia with atypia for viewers of The Early Show. Good-Enough Mother
  • Clean, paved roads give way to dirt paths strewn with rubbish and open sewers. The Sun
  • The use of the word 'gay' in this trailer as a slur is unnecessary and does nothing more than send a message of intolerance about our community to viewers," GLAAD president Jarret Barrios said in a statement. Vince Vaughn Trailer Pulled After Complaints From GLAAD
  • He pushed it in front of him with his paws, like a brewer's man trundling a barrel. The Tales of Beatrix Potter
  • There is a quite possibility that individuals who visited Saint John's, the emergency room of North York (ph) General may have been exposed to the virus, and so, very clearly, I gave you the dates a few moments ago for your viewers, readers and listeners to take into account and follow the public health directions that we have given. CNN Transcript May 24, 2003
  • The more open grasslands and heathlands contain fewer mammal species, with the klipspringer (Oreotragus oreotragus), sable antelope (Papio cynocephalus), eland (Taurotragus oryx) and hyraxes (Procavia capensis) being the most conspicuous. Eastern Zimbabwe montane forest-grassland mosaic
  • Flying monkey, griffon, and unicorn -- the least horrifying taxidermy creatures on display (and for sale) at Sarina Brewer's site. Taxidermy fantasy creatures
  • He was at pains to stress that there won't be any pressure put on the newer members of the team, saying that he felt there had been ‘too much talk’ about some of them.
  • Or it might just be that it takes fewer drinks to get them sozzled, which is why they are constantly making their excuses to leave the party. The Sun
  • They will deduce that there are fewer officers on the lookout for proper offenders, such as drunken drivers or those without insurance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Does he feel there would be fewer drunk driving convictions if these cases were judged by juries as opposed to a judge?
  • What I want in a reviewer is an enthusastic reader who can write those difficult-to-do 700-word readable reviews. If anyone doubts ...
  • While I enjoyed the news-less interlude, too many strikes will weary public patience and risk handing viewers and listeners to the opposition.
  • Then the grain was roasted in the kilns to produce malt for delivery to the breweries.
  • For example, the dark blue triangles on the pink background of the rosettes are barely perceptible in the old photograph and may be missed entirely if the viewer is not aware of the value shift.
  • Then there is the newer breed of hotel: the freshly converted castles and monasteries, most of them secreted away in superb countryside. Umbria - the green heart of Italy
  • In the newer radio drama, classical and real-world references are less overt but underpin the edifice. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of the nice things about this world is that, when the screwers talk to the screwed, they've abandoned the current pretense of pretending it's for the screwed's own good.
  • It is a treat to watch a veteran betel chewer go about the serious business of betel chewing.
  • There is another way to weigh this trend, however: maybe readers and viewers are not so much growing insular as searching for meaning in a vast universe of fact and factoid, and embracing a political bent is one way of organizing it.
  • Fewer speed cameras and more education is the answer. The Sun
  • It would seem as though the historical monopoly on information previously enjoyed by real estate brokerages is starting to disappear, and the profession will involve less horse trading, and there will be a fewer number of more highly qualified and scrupulous agents adding value as advocates to real estate deals, paid not out of the proceeds – which I consider a real conflict of interest – but for their time. Real estate agents are next « BuzzMachine
  • The pair have impressed viewers with their on-screen chemistry in the results show. Times, Sunday Times
  • Modern roads have a maze of water and sewer pipes running beneath them.
  • Now the capital has eight million inhabitants and the sewers are creaking at the seams. The Sun
  • Grilled calamari are skewered like shish kebabs, with densely flavorful cherry tomatoes.
  • The mild rapids turn to riffles and become fewer and fewer from here to the takeout.
  • On borehole televiewer logs. An unusual effect produced on the cathode-ray tube display by erratic movement of the tool as it drags along the borehole.
  • Pitch black -- hott, raw, and the fewer the lines the better for vin diesel as an actor. really liked how deadly he was with the knife. Vin Diesel and David Twohy to Finally Make 3rd CHRONICLES OF RIDDICK –
  • The brewer is getting more aggressive in its advertising. After 181 Years, Local Beer Stops Playing Hard to Get
  • Ideally your interviews always go smoothly, and after each one you craft an effective note thanking the interviewer for the time, expressing enthusiasm and making it clear you listened closely to the hirer's requirements. How To Follow Up After A Job Interview
  • Crews hope to have a temporary above ground sewer bypass in place a little later today.
  • Both journals could then share the reviewer's reports and one journal's staff could handle the administration.
  • Often the best way to convey something comedic is to not try and be funny but simply let the viewer relate to the situation and see the humor for themselves. New Variants Episode arrives, PvP’s Scott Kurtz guest stars | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • There are many reasons for this including problems with tolerance, addiction and a newer discovery known as opioid-induced hyperalgesia OIH -- where opioid medications eventually cause some to get even more sensitive to pain. The Full Feed from
  • Also, because brodifacoum causes an unslakable thirst, mice often venture outside in search of water just before they die - which leaves homeowners with fewer rodent carcasses festering in their walls.
  • Fewer than 20 percent of participants had loans outstanding at the end of that year.
  • The Brewers are banking on Gomez, 24, entering his third full season, and rookie shortstop Alcides Escobar, 23, to establish themselves at key defensive positions as they take aim at improving their third-place finish in the National League Central. Brewers hope infusion of youth is right tonic
  • The process continues to spread outward, triggering successive generations of fewer and fewer stars.
  • The interior has been designed to engage viewers in contemplation of the diverse approaches to spirituality worldwide.
  • When reviewers and prize jurors tout a repetitive style as "the last word in gnomic control," or a jumble of unsustained metaphor as "lyrical" writing, it is obvious that they, too, are having difficulty understanding what they read. A Reader's Manifesto
  • The "gaucho" approach to meals suits me well: every few moments there was another skewer of luscious beef, lamb, ribs, or whatever coming by to be loaded on my plate. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • I definitely wake up with fewer creases on my face now. Times, Sunday Times
  • Scientists believe that now fewer than a hundred of the whales ply the waters near Alaska.
  • I definitely wake up with fewer creases on my face now. Times, Sunday Times
  • The viewer was greeted by a starburst of white lines radiating from the center of a yellow, rectangular, floor-to-ceiling field.
  • Our teachers do have fewer qualifications than government teachers," admits Ghouse Mohammed Khan, principal of Indian Stars Grammar School in another Hyderabadi backstreet. Capitalism without Capital, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • When we know that certain ethnic minorities have poorer job prospects or fewer qualifications, policy can be changed to address the problems. Times, Sunday Times
  • Integrated graphical viewer for visual inspection of the layouts.
  • Currently in the works is a sitcom-style miniseries in which viewers can influence the actions of characters with a click of the mouse.
  • The boss said a Yes result would mean poorer families, fewer jobs and rising borrowing costs. The Sun
  • Bake in the oven for an hour or until skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. The Sun
  • Even older women who chew betel regularly make a point of how little tobacco they use within the quid, and cautioned other chewers of the strength of the tobacco.
  • I eat less chocolate and fewer biscuits than I used to.
  • There is a danger - as some young American web reviewers have pointed out - that, by following the book so closely, the film will make itself inaccessible to those who haven't read it.
  • The position of interviewer is the one with the authority to moderate, the emcee of the event.
  • I definitely wake up with fewer creases on my face now. Times, Sunday Times
  • The straight vertical edge that viewers see as they walk into the room could be an obelisk, a standing figure, or even a stone tombstone.
  • Yet in the name of downsizing government Congress wants fewer rather than more central supervisors.
  • Only from an editor's perch can you get a broad panoramic view of this community of scholars - authors, reviewers, associate editors - in action.
  • The media is investing hundreds of thousands of dollars into microtechnology because they see that as the big breakthrough in making the viewer of a sporting event more excited about what they're watching.
  • It was a look and feel that for many years few people appreciated and even fewer recognized.
  • Local governments depend especially on the generally regressive property tax, and there are fewer people to share the cost of programmes. Rural Land-Use Planning in Developed Nations
  • There have been various studies that show that doctors prescribe Cipro, which is one of the newer, better of what they call a broader antibiotic, even when they could prescribe an older one. CNN Transcript Feb 19, 2003
  • Parents may then choose treatments with fewer side effects than antibiotics.
  • We make fewer digestive enzymes the older we get, which makes larger meals harder to digest. Times, Sunday Times
  • Viewers from outside these groups may yet enjoy the film's wit and panache. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was a difference of opinion over the roast skewered noisettes of lamb, served with rosemary and mustard soubise.
  • Sharp-sighted viewers alone will note the warning signs of owls or demons and realize that the most visible figures of the foreground are all deceivers.
  • I have also heard that with newer software packages that the latency is minimized. Hi Speed Internet Satellite Install
  • Pickleball Del Webb, the country 's largest builder of active-adult communities, had pickleball courts in fewer than one in five of its developments in 2006. A Red-Hot Sport Leaves Some Folks With a Sour Taste
  • As his illness progressed, he made fewer entries in his diary.
  • Viewer copes best with word processor and text documents, reformatting the text to fit the narrow screen.
  • A sewer system make your eyes bug out.
  • We are operating with fewer layers of management.
  • The cake should be a deep golden brown when cooked and a skewer inserted should come out clean. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then comes an entirely new set of challenges: face-offs with writer friends whose essays he failed to select for the literary pastiche and fears the anthology will get skewered fatally by critics.
  • Thread meat on to skewers. The Sun
  • I was told of one particular youngster in Stockton-on-Tees who has been arrested and charged no fewer than 17 times this year.
  • The best players build swings that produce playable misses—the fewer the misses, and the better the misses are, the more consistent a player becomes.
  • In a funky setting, explore artfully presented skewered meats, seafood and rice, perfumed with tamarind, coconut milk, anise, chillies, garlic and ginger.
  • Alexander fully expects to be savaged by reviewers again.
  • And the storylines are clever enough that even viewers who aren't pre-teen girls can get hooked on the show.
  • The plan has raised concerns among librarians about their jobs and among library patrons, who fear that creating a circulating library in the main branch, now a noncirculating research library, would result in fewer books being available. NYT > Home Page
  • Stroke what used to be called "apoplexy" is probably the best known of such injuries, something that touches nearly every family, since it's the number one long-term disability in the U.S. Like Paul, many stroke survivors end up with aphasia-- and face not only the challenge of re-learning language but also redefining their relationship with loved ones, which may include new obstacles and fewer words. Diane Ackerman: What My Husband and Gabrielle Giffords Share
  • Jim Koch loves to talk about little companies that take on the Big Guys: artisanal-cheese makers who battle importers, the microdistillers who taunt liquor giants — and, most of all, the tiny microbrewer who elbows aside industry behemoths with a full-flavored beer and a well-crafted marketing pitch. Beer Baron
  • And on television bulletins, viewers were first treated to how England rugby union had caned Canada which was about as exciting a tussle as Chelsea taking on Chertsey in football.
  • Mamelodi; to improve on the provision of services such as sewerage and waste removal, as well as water reticulation. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • In addition to new breechblocks and hammers, the older extractor was replaced with a newer design.
  • It is astonishing that in 99.99% of trials a value better than 99.999% of those in the codomain is obtained with fewer than one million evaluations. How do evolutionary processes create information? - The Panda's Thumb
  • But he brought these "ignudi" crashing down to earth, revamping them as a sequence of sexily insalubrious half-length boys, interacting equally with spectacular still-life elements and with the viewer. The Misery Memoirist
  • Acting Mayor Vladimir Resin, a veteran bureaucrat, gave a Soviet-style report on the city that left television viewers with little hope he would make any major changes until the Kremlin appoints a new mayor, presumably within one month. Moscow's Fired Mayor Slams Door on Leaving City Hall
  • My flatstick liked this newer model's "somewhat muted click". Epinions Recent Content for Home
  • Now the engineers have proudly announced the discovery of no fewer than five clumps of louseworts safely beyond the proposed dam site.
  • After that, her parental duties began to affect her music-making and further albums contained fewer original compositions and more covers. Times, Sunday Times
  • As soon as anyone watches a cursed videotape, the phone rings and the viewer has exactly a week to live. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the absence of payment, amateur reviewers write overwhelmingly about topics they love.
  • A lot of those heavier beers - porters, stouts, bocks and such - are available year round from many brewers.
  • But then the film attempts to jar the viewer with gory scenes like one around a bonfire wherein roasted marshmallows turn mouths and faces into sticky goo. Weekend Weirdness: Animal Collective’s ODDSAC Premieres in NYC; Chuck Norris Does Actionfest; Actor David Sherrill on The Wraith (and a Sequel?); Melvins Versus The Shining; Stussy’s J. Dilla Documentary | /Film
  • Nevertheless, fewer than half the health districts in the United Kingdom have established cardiac rehabilitation programmes.
  • We found that television and radio gave rise to far fewer complaints than did the printed media.
  • And finally you reveal the sham of yourself, the lip-service you pay to the idea that "[f] or a reviewer, I suppose all published work is fair game and, as writers, we should expect to take the good with the bad, review-wise" in your email, when you mewl pitiably that, "if I had received that email, I would have taken down the review. How Not to be a Writer
  • Much of psychopharmacologic research is aimed at finding medications that have fewer of those side effects so that there might be greater cooperation and compliance. Mark Goulston, M.D.: Understanding The Arizona Shooter From The Inside Out
  • Owenson's status as a professional woman writer was constantly abused by contemporary male reviewers, who savagely attacked everything she wrote.
  • Second, buoyage and charting are limited - and there's no Coast Guard or TowBoatU.S. to save your bacon if you skewer your yacht on a reef.
  • Some were trying to lift gratings and grids in an attempt to enter the sewers whilst a few attempted to break down the doors leading into the Black Tower.
  • That included 30 per cent fewer nurses, midwives and health visitors. The Sun
  • That was mainly down to fewer fatalities from heart and circulatory diseases such as cardiac arrests and strokes. The Sun
  • It is true that the code is 'denser' - that is, more functionality in less typed space - and consequently a user might spend more time working on fewer lines of code, but we are betting that the number of failure modalities is smaller (fewer ways to mess up); and there's less code 'real estate' to observe and comprehend. MSDN Blogs

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