How To Use Evildoing In A Sentence
I think she puts the kid with the mask out front so she can do her evildoing from the comfort of either her Rascal or Wal-Mart Lawn and Garden chair unnoticed.
He did in fact think that occasions may arise when offensive war is warranted - to regain things wrongly taken, to thwart and punish organized evildoing, or to protect innocents from harm.
As of now I have no evidence of their evildoing, so their only real crime was entering my zone of consciousness.
There will even be scorn for those who suggest that innocent victims are innocent victims no matter who they are -- an observation which will quickly be written off by some at the bottom of this article as mendacious moral equivalence, or willful ignorance of the obvious malice and evildoing of one side -- take your pick -- toward the other.
Bradley Burston: Terrorism, Racism, and the Idea That Israelis Are People, Too
As a mother and a frequent animal-bite observer, of course I'd like more laws targeting these evildoing, dog-wielding creeps (not least because the dogs suffer, too).
Veterinarian fully vets the issue of guns, laws and pit bulls
The existence of gangdom brought serious problem to Korea, threaten, blackmail, a series of evildoing such as staking added social unrest element greatly.
But the uncertain fate of the third group raised a much more general question: are people who keep silent in the face of evildoing - for all that they themselves do not participate in it - to be reckoned among the damned or the saved?
Captious eye is not evildoing actually, although consume the pleasure after via often can affecting us.
Corporate evildoing is not exceptional behaviour: rather, it is the norm.
His Psalm 71 is instructive for he considers the very matter of evildoing, and in psalm after psalm his recourse is in prayer to God.
Machiavelli admired Borgia for enforcing the summary punishment of evildoing without incurring the hatred of his subjects.
Matthew Yglesias » Luce & Machiavelli on Leadership
After the expulsion from Paradise of Adam and Eve, Satan and his followers did not return to Hell, but remained on earth, the fallen angels becoming the evil gods of various idolatrous nations and Satan engaging in every kind of evildoing which he knew would vex the Powers of Heaven.
National Epics
Pluvial maple : From short-term come up tell, this is an evildoing to 9 cities.
For a while this was shaping up as, if not quite one of football's most evil weeks, then at least a week when football could look back on its evildoing with a sense of having gone out there and really done a job.
It's time to admit football is pure evil | Barney Ronay
What scintilla of evidence is there that our evildoing enemies are currently pursuing, or ever have been, a strategy of menial labour infiltration?
London Olympics security panics deserve their place in the Sun | Marina Hyde
Like that classic bit of American animation, much of the comedy comes from taking people that we view as comic book super-villains and presented them and their day-to-day evildoing as exceedingly mundane.
Scott Mendelson: Huff Post Review: Four Lions (2010)
They equate risk taking with wanton greed and evildoing.
Jerry Chautin: The Obama Administration is Discouraging Entrepreneurship by Preaching That Taking Risk is Evil
Cease from anger and forsake wrath ; Do not fret ; it leads only to evildoing.
After church, everyone simply resumed to their lives, their lives of interminable evildoing; just as if nothing happened.