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[ US /ˈɛvɪdənst/ ]
[ UK /ˈɛvɪdənst/ ]
  1. supported by evidence
    their evidenced friendliness to the US

How To Use evidenced In A Sentence

  • The decrease in myocardial oxygen consumption was evidenced by a gradual decline in atrioventricular oxygen difference, indicating a decrease in myocardial oxygen uptake relative to supply.
  • But the Law of Moses under which the Jews, as evidenced by their circumcision, are supposed to live under is very rigid and proscribes up to death for many transgressions. The Volokh Conspiracy » Ann Coulter, Christian Chauvinist:
  • It said Plavix "has met the long-felt need for an effective and safe antiplatelet drug," as evidenced by clinical trials proving its safety and effectiveness versus aspirin. Sanofi, Bristol Reap Two Victories on Plavix
  • As evidenced by his seven interceptions this season, he's a ballhawk who has a knack for popping up in unexpected places.
  • That he expressed the general feeling in our train was evidenced by the many women who leaned from the wagons, thrusting out gaunt forearms and shaking bony, labor-malformed fists at the last of Mormondom. Chapter 13
  • An indication as to how evenly matched these two teams were is evidenced in the fact that both teams only registered one point each in the opening quarter.
  • As evidenced by the articles in this volume, a recent increase in interest in the mating systems of poikilothermic vertebrates has focused primarily on fishes, a few amphibians, and squamate reptiles.
  • While we are on the verge of eliminating measles from the United States, increased travel can lead tospread from other countriesas evidenced by a measles outbreak associated with an international youth sporting eventthat occurred in three states in the U.S. during the fall of2007. MMR: Measles, Mumps and Rubella Vaccine
  • The application is decorative, not structural, as evidenced by the metal straps suspending the logs.
  • His mastery over the craft of cinema is evidenced in the manner he has tightly woven the narrative, which in this case is a non-linear one.
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