How To Use Everyday In A Sentence
In wartime, heroes come into being in times of crisis; in peacetime, they come into existence by doing trifles in everyday life.
If there was one thing everyday Americans didn't want to hear, it was self-involved celebrities trashing the president.
Last night as I slept I dreamed everyday dreams - I can't even remember now what they were.
Murder, rape, road rage, dacoities and rampant acts of terrorism have become an everyday affair in all the provincial capitals including the federal capital.
Whether A Dictator Or Democrat: Please Explain
Following three young people with dwarfism, with the focus on normal everyday challenges.
Times, Sunday Times

Hundreds die everyday without the seemliness of a proper investigation since there is never anyone to care.
Being alone, working overtime everyday in Germany totally rocks!
What was supposedly impossible, rapid large swings in currency values, became an almost everyday event.
Everyday there will be an opportunity to smile or to frown, to dance or to drown, to be glad or sad. It's a choice! RVM
Choose illustrative examples from the children's everyday experience.
I am not for the word becoming part of the common, everyday vernacular, but it still is.
The contradictory demands of justifying and criticizing national prejudice can be seen in the everyday discourse of racism.
If, through their labors to transform misava into masimu, women established traditional tenure rights not explicitly recognized by patriliny, then likewise, through the everyday habits of farming, women learned, performed, and nurtured relationships that overlapped with, but ranged far beyond, blood - and marriage-based patrilineal kinship.
Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
The aims of the scheme are to demystify science in the eyes of students and to get scientists to explain what they do in normal, everyday language.
Her paintings are of ordinary everyday objects.
Financial exigency could thus join seamlessly with reorganization to become an everyday occurrence.
Do you ever lay awake at night dreaming of ways to introduce the word "cyclopean" into everyday speech?
The Lovecraft News Network
First came a wonderfully tooled pair of soft doe-skin boots, delicate enough to wear with nice dresses, but sturdy enough to wear in everyday use.
Hydrotherapy - relaxed swimming and flotation decrease the energy required in everyday life just to support the body weight, allowing the diversion of this energy to recovery.
They are not about celebrity, but of everydayness and how that can be special.
Times, Sunday Times
Though self-effacing "It isn't my personality to be particularly proud of what I do" the composer seems to recognize his legacy as arguably the only living film composer with both classical credentials and name recognition among everyday moviegoers.
The Last Movie Maestro
The play aims to give a humorous portrayal of the everyday life of normal mums.
It hardly needs emphasizing that in Hong Kong, the quintessential open port, such flows of goods and of people were a long-established part of everyday experience by that time.
The novel is also natural in the sense of man's everyday life, done without pretence and pose.
Now the political incorrectness of lighting up has taken the war on cigarettes from the realm of everyday life to a place where the curtain seems set to fall on the art of smoking in public performances.
But when you actually do so, you suddenly become aware of how many sights and sounds you just take for granted and ignore in the course of everyday humdrum life.
The Chinese wants to be suckled with a jin everyday!
An everyday tale of a commonplace ballet company!
Many families are forced to buy used clothing at the markets; children typically wear T-shirts, shorts, and loose cotton overshirts for everyday wear.
But these days many do not hesitate to chop down even the full-grown trees in their compound because none can spare the time to sweep and clear the yard everyday!
In our own time such words as papoose, sachem, tepee, wigwam and wampum have begun to drop out of everyday use; 11 at an earlier period the language sloughed off ocelot, manitee, calumet, supawn, samp and quahaug, or began to degrade them to the estate of provincialisms.
Chapter 2. The Beginnings of American. 2. Sources of Early Americanisms
Our modern metric units, like the gram or the centimetre, originate from their handy description of everyday quantities.
Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds find surprising satisfaction in fulfilling their everyday needs.
Your kistill burns on my lips,everyday of mine is so beautiful.
He employed extremes in sonority and revels in distortions and interruptions, often through the ironic use of recognizable fragments from the everyday world.
A Fierce Enthusiasm
I know some of this opinion may come across as very strong, but it is something I feel so strongly about and it is something which I carry around with me everyday of my life.
For a long time she had been out of control, unable to cope with the everyday demands of her new royal role.
Smile everyday from today. Nothing really matters except to live or die.
 Are we too busy in our everyday lives to now just trying to meet what we want on a computer so we don't have to waste our prescious time?
Crystal Smith: How Would You Find Your Mate?
The focus of interest in the series is what goes on in everyday life.
Worship God everyday;not just in times of adversity.
The film chronicles the everyday doings of a group of London schoolchildren.
Writing poetry liberated her from the routine of everyday life.
Tremendous changes have transpired during the last decade in Central and Eastern Europe, both in the economy and in the westernization of everyday life.
People judged to be functionally illiterate lack the basic reading and writing skills required in everyday life.
For despite its majestic name, the Kitchen King masala is best suited as a multipurpose masala that is best used for throwing together tasty and impromptu dishes for everyday meals for us commoners.
Archive 2008-02-01
Now most of the guys he fought were just plain, everyday working men, mind you.
The book gives a good picture of everyday life in ancient Rome.
It's probably the single most significant invention of the industrial age, in terms of its effect on our everyday lives.
It's not until you have an estate at your fingertips that you realise how useful it is in everyday life.
There is no shortage of sophisticated thinking, but the prose that delivers it is vigorous, endlessly supple and engaging everyday English.
Finally, and most controversially, it covers everyday, unadapted items, which are capable of being used to cause injury.
The most famous of the Pop artists, the cult figure Andy Warhol, recreated quasi-photographic paintings of people or everyday objects.
He gives the example of initiation into adulthood as a period of liminality in Ndembu society, when the norms of everyday life no longer pertain.
What a great synthesis of the banality of everyday life with high tech and high culture.
Arthritis made it difficult for him to do everyday things like take out the garbage or mow the lawn.
His long-suffering wife, Nora, faces an everyday struggle to find money for food and other essentials.
How many everyday people at the time understood the ramifications of the genocidal practices going on?
Everyday I had to go through the pain of being mocked and laughed at.
It is a peculiar notion of masculinity that is naturalised and internalised in everyday practices and relationships by both men and women.
Until then though, 3D TV's may very well be used to draw in susceptible consumers and in some form (as long as we get used to it) will be viewable in video games, cell phones, and on our everyday television.
Thoughts: 3d TV without the Glasses
Enterprise 2.0 is often derided as a buzzword enveloped in ivory-tower abstractions that obfuscate as much as enlighten.www. today launched a new blog from the trenches of Enterprise 2.0 - yes, there are trenches - called "Everyday Enterprise 2.0," authored by Christy Schoon, the company's director of Enterprise 2.0 consulting.
It is not everyday that a management guru decides to brave the ups and downs of the ‘dream-factory’.
I love mine, but it is pretty plain, which is perfect for everyday wear, but I would like something a different colour.
Wake up everyday stronger than yesterday, face your fear and wipe your tears.
In everyday language, the word research has a broad spectrum of applications.
The Sacred Promise
Inn host is very miserly, what give everyday is dietary and very few.
No question, the computer age has sparked major changes in business and in everyday lives.
Steve Lathan seemed unwilling to wake at all, almost as if he preferred his nightmare to everyday life.
The virtue of a man ought to be measured not by his extraordinary exertions, but by his everyday conduct.
We can create metaphysical arguments as to their truth or falsity either way, but in everyday epistemic terms cannot help but believe them.
Such advertisements linked everyday acts of consumption to the attainment of historic goals.
They colour everyday life, in terms of both verbal and practical consciousness.
The passage from esoteric scientific theory into everyday discourse describes the prototype of objectification.
As well as its widespread deployment in broadcasting, mobile text culture has been the language of prosaic, everyday transactions.
In everyday life, the greater the distance between points A and B, and the more rugged the intervening landscape, the bleaker are the odds for success of a blindfolded walk, even—or perhaps especially—when following a simple-minded rule like “always climb higher; never back down.”
The Edge of Evolution
But the behaviourists say that we also ritualise everyday partings.
The software tool allows users to calculate the carbon emissions created in everyday meals such as cheeseburgers, tacos and chicken sandwiches and then they can decide how their food choices impact the environment.
ZDNet News - News Page One
It's simple, and easily accessed from gcal and gmail, which I am using everyday anyway not to mention I have it loading in the firefox sidebar.
Gmail Tasks Keeps It (Too) Simple | Lifehacker Australia
As Digital Media Manager I am inundated with press releases everyday proclaiming that this or that website is the next big thing.
It affects the quality of your everyday existence.
Monitoring electrocardiograms is useful in many in-hospital clinical situations a well as in everyday activities.
The total energy that the patient absorbs everyday (include food and dialytic fluid) , 50% come from carbohydrate, 30% come from adipose, 20% come from protein.
Telecommuting, e-banking and e-commerce will be everyday items.
We raced almost everyday over the bright blinding green hills with scattered trees here and there.
The book's worldwide critical success helped contextualise the region for a huge audience; illuminating the caste system and conveying how central the rivers and backwaters are to the area's everyday rhythms of life.
It is not everyday that you find an autobiography so disarmingly direct and candid.
So the idea that philosophy does relate to the everyday concerns reflected in the news is not a fanciful one at all.
Our everyday reality is a grand illusion, a dream metaphor, which we are creating.
There is a bar code plus thirteen digit number on the front of this copy of Everyday Electronics.
In many Eastern countries massage was and is a part of everyday life.
My everyday knife that I keep in my pocket is a Kershaw.
Favorite knife?
Dominant currents in the philosophy of technology thus essentialise technology, decontextualise it, and abstract it from culture and human meaning, and thus fail to see how deeply embedded technology is in everyday life.
Just because we are loath to see such ruthless selection in everyday life does not mean we should fear it when it comes to choosing those who are to govern us.
He argued that the demands social structures make on individuals become embedded in patterns of behaviour and perception that people unreflectingly apply in everyday life.
In the course of my everyday life, I had very little contact with teenagers.
It's the ordinary everyday folk who come to shop at this market.
Ever since I decided to move into a new town, I thought keeping a diary of everyday events would be an interesting exercise.
Look at how they compare with our normal everyday activities.
Never give up your dreams.Miracles happen everyday.
In the ordinary course of everyday living we are immersed completely in the personality.
Their attention to the minor details of everyday life paints a far more vivid picture of bygone days than any history book.
These theories contrast starkly with the reality of everyday life.
Emotions influence us mentally, spiritually, psychologically and physiologically in everyday life. We will gain if we are blessed with positive emotions. We will lose if we are controlled by negative emotions. Dr T.P.Chia
Victor's an everyday, common-or-garden macho hardman with two rather unusual quirks – he's obsessed with his job of enforcing the laws against DVD piracy, and he has an equally compulsive relationship with a certain probiotic milk drink.
This week's new comedy
Much everyday architecture (at least on the European continent) is created out of stucco on insulated blockwork walls.
This is not to say that making promises is unimportant, but rather that we accept promise-breaking in everyday life with more magnanimity than we sometimes pretend.
Instead they used them for ornamentation in everyday life.
People judged to be functionally illiterate lack the basic reading and writing skills required in everyday life.
In France, Belgium, Holland, even in Italy and Spain, they treat crêpes as everyday snacks.
One of the basic features of terminology is that each concept has but only one term definition, while synonym- terms and polysemous terms may often appear in the everyday use of terms.
The latter symbolizes that egoistic force of maya (the everyday world) which deludes individuals and keeps them from knowing their innate nature as god.
Although nearly all have used the metric system throughout their school careers they use Imperial measures in everyday situations.
Could the TSA procedures also shift the mind to the everyday experiences of transgender people, whose genitals are "imaged" by acquaintances without apology?
Hayley Gorenberg: TSA Screening Reveals Transgender People's Experiences for All of Us
The traveller is shown poking his head and right arm through a boundary of stars enclosing this everyday world and reaching out to a universe of wonders beyond.
Many everyday objects, including water and wood, are weakly diamagnetic - that is, they're repelled by magnetic fields.
The thought remains imminent - just below perception, and bubbles up in strangely symbolic dreams and eruptions of irrationality in your everyday life like cryptic, confusing posts on a weblog.
Marckwardt, however, suggests dialectally mixed settlements gradually arriving at local compromises on those everyday terms for which the dialects differed.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol II No 3
It's probably the only convertible, this side of a Porsche, which could really stand the punishment of everyday country road driving.
Publishing information as part of everyday business activity and publishing for profit are only two of the three mainstream publishing activities.
Their balletic movements are heightened versions of everyday gestures; their costumes are mundane.
The numbers grow more staggering everyday, making the recovery from Hurricane Charley seem even more daunting.
Why is CNN not covering the fact that Sarah Palin bailed out on her readers, it's all over youtube ... come on CNN you put this woman on display everyday for profit yet you ignore the fact that she is treating people like dirt ...
Palin slams Senate health care vote
Toast your bread as you deem appropriate, either via the broiler or your everyday handy toaster.
It's great to celebrate the birth of our lord, but greater still is the realization that he is born everyday within the temple of our heart and lives therein with us eternally. RVM
Most retentions sit in everyday bank accounts, with no insolvency protection.
Times, Sunday Times
The quartet begins with the dancers - dressed in everyday clothes, but colorful so as not to be dull under stage lights - standing in a square formation along a slight diagonal.
They relate to the problems of everyday life, and it would be pointless to quote from them at any great length.
he rode a bicycle to work everyday
Our modern metric units, like the gram or the centimetre, originate from their handy description of everyday quantities.
Recycled liquid fuel is made from liquids created in the manufacture of everyday products like paint and cosmetics.
So what other simple ergonomics am I neglecting in everyday life?
suggesting in a review of Neil Young's Le Noise that the fact that this record had already been dubbed "unlistenable" by one "august rock critic" might actually be a good sign - had a series of intriguing ramifications that reached beyond the cut and thrust of everyday pop debate.
The Guardian World News
A natural, casual, everyday type of voice worked best with radio mikes, and that is exactly what the crooners supplied.
In Russia it is part of everyday life that one goes regularly to the theatre.
Everyday life is much more interesting to me than big, abstract theories. Through my poetry, I aim to reflect our times. I don’t want to dwell on the olden days, although it is a period I mention often. Gulzar
All of this material becomes part of the prefigurative, the everyday world from which program creators construct narrative.
It had little relevance to their everyday concerns and displayed contempt for the Yiddish language-their mother tongue.
Consultancies have been slow to invest in the available new technology for the efficient detailing of their everyday work.
Their modern-day equivalents are merely bureaucratic nonentities completely remote from everyday life.
The wines will include both special occasion vintage wines together with wines suitable for everyday use.
The small Greek figurines known as Tanagra statuettes were mass produced from moulds, and reproduce everyday life as well as copies of famous statues.
The solitariness of the job gives shepherding an aura denied everyday employment, and sheep a distinction and poetry not offered other animals.
She smoothed the wool tartan skirt that she had bought fifteen years ago and still used for everyday wear.
If high politics often seems strangely apolitical, everyday life is extraordinarily politicised.
These times make it especially necessary to be in touch with the asurdity, the ridiculous, the funniness, and the irony of the everyday.
These theories contrast starkly with the reality of everyday life.
The dish is named for Norcia, a town on the other side of Spoleto that is worth visiting for the picture it gives of untouristed everyday life.
Green-Hearted Italy
No antibiotic heroics, no psychosurgical wizardry, just ordinary everyday caring.
Beyond Meds
We must relate these principles to our everyday work.
Scientific truth is always paradox, if judged by everyday experience, which catches only the delusive nature of things.
She also can only pick things up with her right hand and everyday tasks such as opening a bottle are impossible.
‘We've found that people are tickled by the idea of seeing such a familiar, everyday product used in a novel way,’ says Miller.
Fortunately, they are aid workers who are trying to aid people in their everyday lifes.
Pate now reads the sports pages everyday to keep up-to-date with the latest teams, games and players.
Company finance is to provide funds for the everyday operation of the business.
I knew I had him in the first round. Almighty God was with me. I want everyone to bear witness, I am the greatest! I'm the greatest thing that ever lived. I don't have a mark on my face, and I upset Sonny Liston, and I just turned twenty- two years old. I must be the greatest. I showed the world. I talk to God everyday. I know the real God. I shook up the world, I'm the king of the world. You must listen to me. I am the greatest! I can't be beat! Muhammad Ali
Also known as brominated flame retardants, they are used in many everyday products, including electronics, furniture and textiles.
The suspension is tuned for a balance between comfort and handling and is OK by me for everyday motoring.
Indeed, when looking at the catalogue of Baby Cow's bleakly funny programmes – Marion and Geoff, Human Remains, Nighty Night, Sensitive Skin, Sarah and Lizzie – one could scarcely find a better description of them than Chekhov's own words for his subject matter: "the sad comicality of everyday life".
Chekhov Shorts: 'I'm Ivan Nyukhin, aha!'
Breaking Bad has a way of investing everyday objects — a teakettle, a box cutter, a local car wash — with ominous significance, reminders in a bleak sun-blasted Albuquerque landscape that the wages of sin are messy and a corrupted soul can't be easily cleansed.
Roush Review: Breaking Bad and Other Weekend Picks
Everyday, mundane energies dictate that you let go of dishonest or negative relationships, especially those that undermine you, or draw forth your lower self.
People judged to be functionally illiterate lack the basic reading and writing skills required in everyday life.
It's not everyday you see the grand thespian as a scheming womanizer who will stop short at nothing, save ‘a bit of crackling,’ to revive his stagnant career.
Indeed, the lemma paella has become so deeply entrenched in our everyday parlance that it has lost its connection to the etymon patina (patena) and later patella, meaning
Do Bianchi
The account represents the customer's liquid funds available for everyday expenditure.
Living among creeks, lagoons, and salt marshes makes fishing and the salt trade part of everyday life in the area.
Acquisition and immediacy are highly important in our everyday comings and goings as chattels and goods have become status symbols and brands have developed to be instantly recognisable.
A head-teacher needs to remain in close touch with teachers' everyday concerns.
It carried luxury and everyday goods, including large amphorae and small vessels, such as perfume bottles.
Times, Sunday Times
People DO get together and plan grand strategies, figuring out ways to get advantages over the everyday schmo.
Did you know that Jews control the Washington Post? [Bumped.] - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
For her travel was an escape from the boredom of her everyday life.
I knew I had him in the first round. Almighty God was with me. I want everyone to bear witness, I am the greatest! I'm the greatest thing that ever lived. I don't have a mark on my face, and I upset Sonny Liston, and I just turned twenty- two years old. I must be the greatest. I showed the world. I talk to God everyday. I know the real God. I shook up the world, I'm the king of the world. You must listen to me. I am the greatest! I can't be beat! Muhammad Ali
The art of divination is important in our everyday life whether we recognize it or not.
She has published over one hundred stories and poems in journals such as Gigantic, Gargoyle, Wigleaf, Annalemma, SmokeLong Quarterly, Necessary Fiction, Keyhole, and Everyday Genius.
How to Write Engaging Work in a Land of Rules
They watch football to lose themselves in the game and take a break from the everyday monotony of their lives.
They borrowed the idea of the tea ceremony, adapting it to the tea gardens meant to separate people from everyday concerns.
The basic idea, in short, is that the problem of individuation should be approached from the horizon of ordinary everyday experience.
From the album "Armchair Apocrypha" (2007) When I was just a little boy I threw away all of my action toys I became obsessed with operation, oh Hearts and minds and certain glands You got to learn to keep a steady hand And thus began my morbid fascination Tore all the spines out from all of these self-help books Made myself a gun that not only shoots but looks real Yeah it shoots through steel with rays of dark matter Rays of dark matter Just the thought of all this red and black Thought of tongues that tasted bad Fill you with the nausea-ausea-ausea-alation Do you wonder where the self resides Is it in the head or between your sides And who would be the one who will decide it's two locations The noose is loosed around our necks made of DNA And everyday it's growing tighter, no matter what you do or say But you can shoot right through with rays of dark matter Right before they kick out, they kick out the ladder Rays of dark matter When I was just a little boy I threw away all of my action toys I became obsessed with operation Hearts and minds and certain glands You got to learn to keep a steady hand And thus began my morbid fascination - Financial News
They sought solace in religion from the harshness of their everyday lives.
I could be doing the sun coffee time cross word, cutting my toenails, making balls out of elastic bands the postman drops outside my gaff everyday.
Everyday stamps are called definitives, and are available continuously, being reprinted as necessary.
Skiing originated as a means of everyday winter transportation in Scandinavian countries.
There is a bar code plus thirteen digit number on the front of this copy of Everyday Electronics.
Robbery is now an everyday occurrence.
The stone pages of the law have, by definition, become the absolute of literature, thus achieving a dominion over the literary world of which everyday insufferable literary critics can only dream.
I wear a pentacle everyday as a symbol of protection and of my faith.
Expressions of sexuality are a major currency in everyday school life exchanges.
Take a piece of candy everyday and tell yourself :the day is sweet again.
The word ‘hunk’, which was slipping from everyday usage, staged a valiant comeback.
The brigadier said it was a good opportunity for the kids to have a break from their normal everyday environment.
Everyday features of the countryside from sheepfolds to packhorse bridges carry all kinds of fascinating clues about how man's activities have shaped the Lake District landscape.
The virtue of a man ought to be measured not by his extraordinary exertions, but by his everyday conduct.
Buildings are not only artefacts of expressive culture, but important sites for the continuous enactment of culture in everyday life.
The entries are a mix of the everyday, such as honeymoon and fury, and ones you probably don't think about, such as portmanteau and gorgonize.
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The ordinary everyday notion of a continuant individual substance is in its own humble terms all right as it is.
Frankly, I find the minutia of everyday life much more interesting than the glaring important life changing events that shape our lives.
It is hard to underemphasize the tension between autocratic church structures and the everyday expectations of most parishioners.
By following the tips below, you can make thankfulness an everyday habit.
He has one hour to skim over the newspaper everyday.