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How To Use Every In A Sentence

  • I bought a dozen eggs and every one of them was bad.
  • When your bulbs arrive, or you buy them from the garden center, gather everyone together, hand out garden tools and start digging.
  • Their dried dung is found everywhere, and is in many places the only fuel afforded by the plains; their skulls, which last longer than any other part of the animal, are among the most familiar of objects to the plainsman; their bones are in many districts so plentiful that it has become a regular industry, followed by hundreds of men (christened "bone hunters" by the frontiersmen), to go out with wagons and collect them in great numbers for the sake of the phosphates they yield; and Bad Lands, plateaus, and prairies alike, are cut up in all directions by the deep ruts which were formerly buffalo trails. VIII. The Lordly Buffalo
  • Academic excellence was matched with extra-curricular activities of every description - from drama through sport to foreign travel.
  • Everyone's at it - apart from a few notable and honourable exceptions. The Sun
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  • Does the plain, unsugared doughy type bagel look alike surpass the overly decorated with hundreds and thousands and pumped full of sweet chemicals with optional coating of chocolate (half dipped) Tescos Express doughnut win every time? Rabbit Stew. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • You may be trying to invoke the ‘echos from the supernal world’ but they're everywhere and where-ever people say they're doing magic there's a bit of truth there.
  • Here we did everything but lift up the old-fashioned coal-burning Aga cooker, which must have weighed a couple of tons at least. A CONVICTION OF GUILT
  • I blame it all on becca who called me in the middle of the night to talk to me all about how the two best friends names are Kate and Becca and that the main character lives in apartment 601 as my address and other kooky details that i have been trying to forget nightly since i saw that movie, And then every sound is that kid coming out of the television and im only writing about it now in order to expunge as i fear she will grab hold of my foot from under the desk and eat me or turn me into something decomposing or whatever it is she does. I-claudius Diary Entry
  • There are only two kinds of people who are really fascinating, people who know absolutely everything, and people who know absolutely nothing.
  • Lee's debut on the Xbox does not resemble a dragon, but prefers to plod along like a sloth, short on all the crucial fronts, lazily bumbling along everywhere else.
  • Everyone needed time to take stock after the most prestigious solo race had turned into a demolition derby. Times, Sunday Times
  • The aristocracy are made to look like buffoons; the women swoon, the maids are oversexed, and the artist himself - the center of everyone's fawning attention - plays the dandy.
  • Just the other day, I was almost run over by a two-wheeling speed demon who felt that a four-way stop applied to everyone but him and his Schwinn. Keith Ecker: Bikers vs. Drivers vs. Pedestrians: The War Wages On
  • May each hour be a happy one on this special day.Love is always my gift to you for today and every day.
  • After using Gentoo I discovered that they're not that "ricer" community everyone claims they are. Planet Ubuntu
  • A sudden rain sent everyone scurrying for shelter.
  • Oh, and most of the scathe in my post was fairly mild. chouinard and I tend to substitute perjoratives for ... everything, actually. Book Reviewer Backlash
  • For example, I see in yonder cupboard near which you are standing, several of what you call boxes (but like everything else in Flatland, they have no tops nor bottoms) full of money; I see also two tablets of accounts. Flatland: a romance of many dimensions (Illustrated)
  • I'm sure there will be a generous amount of worthies stepping forward to parse every sentence, on the eternal quest for the definitive admission that it's over.
  • I've circulated a good luck card for everyone to sign.
  • "I'm going to hire some movers to pack everything up.
  • Or is the idea of foreign policy beyondmilitary commitmentsso far off the radar that when the polls open, everything will hinge on the pitch-and-toss of national concerns? And Now, The Choice « shattersnipe: malcontent & rainbows
  • They will comment on everything you say and give you their opinion.
  • People are always spouting off with definitive answers about what design is… except that everyone has a different take on it.
  • The authority of the father was absolute, as the head of a hierarchy arranged by generation, age and sex, in which every member of the extended family was related in rank to every other.
  • Thirty unarmed INS agents accompanied the flight, guarding the handcuffed deportees in shifts, standing in aircraft's aisles at every fifth row.
  • Recruit rich white republicunts (carpetbaggers) to swoop in and scoop-up "devalued" (seized from still-exiled owners) properties and change the entire complexion (race, income, politics, everyfuckingthing) of the ENTIRE GREATER NEW ORLEANS AREA. Your Right Hand Thief
  • I don't think you're playing devil's advocate (a word every/filmer seems to want use) simply by making entirely senseless comparisons between films like Transformers and There Will Be Blood, and ranting on with points of view that even someone in defense of Transformers would never use. Things I Noticed While Watching 20 Minutes of JJ Abrams’ Star Trek | /Film
  • Enforcers in full-face helmets were everywhere, striding through the crowd with arrogance born of unchallenged supremacy.
  • Instead, I was stuck in my little dorm room, answering the phone every time it rang in case it was Clay.
  • Air in free fall does not convect, which means that everything that heats up has to be cooled by fans; the space shuttle is LOUD inside. 8/4/08: Launch Pad, day 5
  • He seems intent on upsetting everyone in the room!
  • Everything else is kind of lumped into the "overbooked" category that people say we see far too often in TNA.
  • Cover images were pin-ups for the people, available on newsstands everywhere.
  • Every jag, every bump on the wall revealed a zone of darkness that was worth to explore, but every time, in the shadows, there was just the sides of the cave, continuing.
  • To explicate this relation, Searle and Vanderveken define weak illocutionary commitment: S1 weakly illocutionarily implies S2 iff every performance of S1 commits an agent to meeting the conditions laid down in the septuple identical to S2 (1985, p. 24). Saving Prostitutes in Sevilla
  • If there was one thing everyday Americans didn't want to hear, it was self-involved celebrities trashing the president.
  • Our friendship is a triumph of overcoming every known barrier.
  • This isn't an attempt to universalize, for there is rich, specific detail everywhere: food, foliage, the course of the conflict. The Times Literary Supplement
  • There were bodies everywhere, with dust slowly settling to the floor.
  • They're performing every night and they have another production in rehearsal.
  • In Britain, one in every three marriages now ends in divorce.
  • At every turn I met with disappointment.
  • It's every girl's dream, and last weekend, restaurateur and fashion aficionada Elizabeth An and couture curator Christos Garkinos of Tina Daunt: A Magical Fusion of Food and Fashion
  • The only use he serves as a coach is that his nose just about crosses the touchline when he's sat in the dugout, so there's every chance he'll be able to trip up a tricky winger with his conk.
  • The kings of the heartogram didn't fail to impress, with a diverse crowd gathered, including everyone from young punks to soccer moms and even a haggard old bat dancing around in lingerie.
  • As such, hemp is legal in virtually every country on Earth except the United States. Harvey Wasserman: Legal Pot or Bust!
  • Now the girl is also changing, consuming everything with such rapaciousness that it startles him. Until the Heart Stops Beating
  • Your situation is not unlike the girl who permits everything but the textbook definition of sexual congress so she can say she's a virgin.
  • There be sixty-and-four flowers-de-luce, and the riddle is to show how I may remove six of these so that there may yet be an even number of the flowers in every row and every column. The Canterbury Puzzles And Other Curious Problems
  • These people write reasonable, well-balanced letters, disclaim any belief in racialism, and back up everything they say with copious instances. As I Please
  • It is patent that dusk found them weary and worn, plodding and wading silently "homewards," shovel on shoulder, across four or five kilos of desolate mud; falling and tripping over stagnant bodies, masses of tangled wire, bricks and jagged wood-work everywhere impeding progress. Norman Ten Hundred A Record of the 1st (Service) Bn. Royal Guernsey Light Infantry
  • Every protestation that she should go on this outing was clearly a plea for her to stay and resist the invitation.
  • It has yet again impressed every one with their creative and stylish design for the Reversible Sarees. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 110
  • Officially, Carter resigned, but everyone knows he was fired.
  • Content is kept to a minimum while style wins over substance every time.
  • Guardian International correspondent Jonathan Steele called Bush's and Blair's denial of the horrors attending the Iraq civil war "Panglossian" - referring to the ever optimistic Dr. Pangloss of Voltaire's novel Candide who, at every disaster, proclaims that ours is the best of all possible worlds. Surge to Purge: The 80% Solution in Iraq
  • If I command him to put the newest posts at the top like every other bleeding blog in the world - are you listening boyo - will he obey?
  • She fits in a gentle game of tennis every week.
  • Instead of seeing dodgeball as a game where alpha males can relive their schoolyard dominance, they see it as a game for everyone.
  • Building anew on the old sacred texts, these innovations brought a spiritual renewal to every major faith.
  • That point may seem self-evident to you, as it does to me, but it is not self-evident to everyone. Publishing
  • Virtually everyone in the sport suspected that he was on the juice.
  • Big Brother will now know every financial tidbit about you, every ATM withdrawl, account deposit, creditcard charge, what you bought .... Senate's Wall Street bill in homestretch
  • An hour later dawn had come, and as the early morning mist cleared every man could see that the cre st they had reached was a false one. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • We've had a bouvier for 7 years, and I can honestly say that they're not for everyone. I've never had a dog.
  • I will loveyou with every beat of my heart.
  • Not sure what a 'twofer' is, but if what you mean is that the '2050' scenario is ridiculous, then you're way into denial and every bit as susceptible to the blinkers of 'You Know You Are Right' as those you ridicule. John Terry’s sacking as England captain tells us something interesting...
  • And like at school, the headmaster and his associates want to make sure everyone is on best behaviour.
  • The term comprehended the whole nation, and no one will contend that the choice spoken of indicated that every Jew was safe for eternity. The Doctrines of Predestination, Reprobation, and Election
  • Last night as I slept I dreamed everyday dreams - I can't even remember now what they were.
  • The program design is based on bus time sharing and interrupt servicing. It can renew the speeds and the directions of every motor at real time.
  • It was the hub of activity in milk delivery and milk churns were a feature of every station.
  • My disorganization was a chaotic river that I waded through every day, somehow coming out the other end dry only due to the comparatively placid pace of being a Londoner. Ed Zitron: Ride the Whirlwind: Making a New York Minute Last
  • She is confident that everybody is on her side.
  • Murder, rape, road rage, dacoities and rampant acts of terrorism have become an everyday affair in all the provincial capitals including the federal capital. Whether A Dictator Or Democrat: Please Explain
  • I was working all hours and constantly fretting about everyone else's problems.
  • Following three young people with dwarfism, with the focus on normal everyday challenges. Times, Sunday Times
  • The German military party -- which, as everyone knows, holds the reins of policy in Germany entirely -- have, as far as I can see, done all they could to overthrow Kerenski and set up Im Weltkriege. English
  • When you see this poor guy being followed everywhere he goes by hordes of people, it's actually terribly sad.
  • In the strict sense overfine speeches are yet almost everywhere. Robert Louis Stevenson: a record, an estimate, and a memorial
  • I love to cook, but I don't feel like spending the energy every evening.
  • Even if an agreement is cobbled together it will not please everyone.
  • Every so often a rabbit would make a desperate, lung-bursting bid for freedom, only to provide an easy target for the twelve-bores.
  • Getting deeper into the study of morality showed me that human nature is very much two-sided; for every bad side to our nature, there's a good one.
  • Finally she says to me: You could at least clean that damn thing every once in a while.
  • Every time I turn around he seems to be checking up on me.
  • Be genuine and conceal noting.I write every wiod I wand to say on this small card.I wish my honey a happy Valentine's day.
  • This shows that _for every tone an air column of a certain size most powerfully reinforces that tone_. Resonance in Singing and Speaking
  • An ideal culture is one that makes a place for every human gift. Margaret Mead 
  • She makes a mouth in a mirror before she goes out every morning.
  • Pass the rest of the notices round the table so that everyone can have a copy.
  • Not surprisingly, there are about three Joes for every Jane – but even so, that means there are over 8 million Janes.
  • I watch the flowery stars which frighten me; * While cark and care mine every night foreslow. Arabian nights. English
  • I am afraid to lose, I fear this time, and I love it but memories. I could not forget the sweat on the pitch with the sway of the brothers, forget accompany me cry close friend, and forget the bright Star of that everynight, and those words have touched me deeply.
  • He has been using every opportunity to boost his credibility as a budget cutter.
  • Everything could have been normalized quite swiftly. Inside Perestroika: The Future of the Soviet Economy
  • Every time he put any weight on his left leg he winced in pain.
  • Worse still, every paper lists him as a definite starter in Sunday's game.
  • In Iowa, he didn't just win over the Democrats, the college-educated over $55K under 60 crowd, he won overjust about everybody that wasn't a die-hard Republican. Hillary's NH Lead In Suffolk Tracking Poll Cut By Nearly Half
  • In the early years of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), and even one author's experience under the CISP program, the term compensating control was used to describe everything from a legitimate work-around for a security challenge to a shortcut to compliance. CSO
  • Oprah wore red, but everyone else was in white-tie formal for her big bash over the weekend.
  • McGregor is saddled with a tiresome everyman role, but Spacey, Clooney, and especially Bridges make some of their scenes work better than they should. Your mind won’t be blown watching “The Men Who Stare at Goats” » Scene-Stealers
  • Everyone has someone in their life that keeps them looking forward to the next day.
  • There's no insight into Alexander's transition from beloved leader to drunken megalomaniac; one minute he has his subjects hanging on his every word, and then next thing you know he's declaring himself a god.
  • Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
  • She seemed unfamiliar with the concept that everyone should have an equal opportunity.
  • But everything of mine seems so tacky (trouser wise) but luckily, I found a ripper pair in the shop which are simply perfect.
  • God makes fowl and whales and every living creature.
  • He expanded this idea to the propose the ‘deep, hot biosphere’ which both generates methane and adds biogenic signatures to inorganic petroleum, and that part, at least, is looking more correct every year.
  • I believe that in a free market without a competition law your worst nightmares would come true, that everything would be monopolised or cartelised.
  • This company's workhorse is lemna, also known as duckweed-a tiny, aquatic clonal plant that doubles its biomass every 36 hours-and is skilled at making proteins that mammalian cells struggle, and often fail, to produce. News from The Scientist
  • On top of this, contracted moderators check marked student work in every subject from every school, every year.
  • NEWPORT, Wales — Phil Mickelson came to the defense of Rory McIlroy on Wednesday, calling him one of the classiest players in golf and his desire to play Tiger Woods is the goal of every player who wants to beat the best. Phil Mickelson Addresses Tiger Woods Feud
  • 't think that when people grow up, they will become morebroad-minded and can accept everything. Conversely, I think it's aselecting process, knowing what's the most important and what's theleast. And then be a simple man.
  • The sound is a direct descendant of old skool UK garage, the bumpy beats of yore with rubbery basslines and cutting edge sampling techniques, taking in everything from soul to electro to jazz to blue grass.
  • Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
  • Go into just about every boulangerie in France nowadays and a standard baguette costs 80 centimes.
  • He is liked by every one in the auberge, which is more than can be said of yourself; he is always good tempered, and is quiet and unassuming. A Knight of the White Cross : a tale of the siege of Rhodes
  • The mud beneath my feet was soft and with every step, I sunk in to my ankle or deeper.
  • everyone was fair game
  • I know there are some psychoanalysts who theorize that every creature which appears in a dream or waking dream is an aspect of the dreamer. GALILEE
  • Hundreds die everyday without the seemliness of a proper investigation since there is never anyone to care.
  • The acting was hammy, the jokes were forced, and the entire thing came across like a high school play - actors overdoing everything in cringe-worthy performances.
  • Paul Williams is a master of talking horseshit, but even a guffer like him finds it hard to fill pages every week with shite sensationalism about the Irish criminal underworld. Irish Blogs
  • There was no doubt at all that every Brownie there was determined to think hard and hunt hard for a new Pack Meeting place.
  • A swarm of princesses totter on stage, got up like topiary on legs in every shade of scarlet, crimson, cerise, cochineal, each foolishly imagining Prince Charming must choose her as his red queen. Cendrillon; Rinaldo – review
  • Every sport has its areas in which you can make the most spectacular eejit of yourself.
  • What about the other evidence about him in the toilet pacing backwards and forwards, with expletives and asking everyone who came in for a line of drugs - speed?
  • Of course, all returning players are comped for their loyalty in the rewards program where they earn 1 point for every $10 wagered.
  • Upon these, and along the walls, which in most castles were topped by a parapet and a kind of embrasure called crennels, the defenders of the castle were stationed during a siege, and from thence discharged arrows, darts, stones, and every kind of annoyance they could procure, upon their enemies. Traditions of Lancashire, Volume 2 (of 2)
  • So get on down the bierkeller, even if everyone knows the figures are next to meaningless. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ever since, leftish malcontents have taken every opportunity to condemn the iniquity of holding all applicants for admission to the same standards.
  • Every citizen may claim the protection of the law.
  • Otherwise this irritable maunderer would have known that, everything else apart, I am heartily tired of the responsibilities of youth under any such constant surveillance. Jurgen A Comedy of Justice
  • In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equals nothing.
  • It was his custom to approach every problem cautiously.
  • Everything from tobacco sacks and cigarette papers to a spare cinch and a rope, from a change of clothes to a picture of his family or his girl, from old letters and reading material to a marlinespike, was kept in it. This Calder Range
  • He neglected to point out that the current policies have failed miserably, in every way.
  • Very interesting that our Member of Parliament seems to think spending every waking hour in horning is more important than being in Parliament. Campaigning in Horning
  • During the hustle of everyone getting underway someone tripped the anchor that we used to stabilize our dinghy.
  • If the contract is cancelled, it'll be a catastrophe for everyone concerned.
  • Every single one of his intended blows was blocked and parried, even when the man tripped and fell backwards.
  • Being alone, working overtime everyday in Germany totally rocks!
  • She goes swimming every morning before breakfast. What you wear for this activity is usually called a swimming costume in BrE and a bathing suit in AmE.
  • And everyone is in favour of flexibility.
  • I'm complaining about a life just outside every failed or unpublished writer's reach.
  • Everyone needs to have access both to grandparents and grandchildren in order to be a full human being. Margaret Mead 
  • What was supposedly impossible, rapid large swings in currency values, became an almost everyday event.
  • Everyday there will be an opportunity to smile or to frown, to dance or to drown, to be glad or sad. It's a choice! RVM 
  • After we had waved everyone goodbye, the Gamekeeper wandered in to confer about concrete.
  • everyone involved in the bribery case has been identified
  • The fact that his acting was flawless in every way while talking to his other ... gv 2010 Academy Awards Winners | /Film
  • It would be rash to assume that everyone will agree with you on this.
  • The boss always panics over/about the budget every month.
  • Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
  • Encaenia was kept everywhere throughout the whole land. From the Talmud and Hebraica
  • Brown, OTOH, is attractive and charming, with a compelling tie to the military – MASS National Guard Units (like everywhere) have been heavly involved in the wars over the last 8 years, and stories about them abound on local news. Matthew Yglesias » The Limits of Scott Brown
  • The lexical diarrhoea, the mememe contents, the Pennine Chain I-Know-Everything certainty. Fancy Forking Out £80 for Breakfast with Stephen Timms?
  • For a week after the headlands of Tarifa and Spartel have sunk under the eastern horizon, the vessel is kept every day upon her course, -- her top-gallant and studding sails all distent with the wind blowing freely from over Biscay. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 17, No. 104, June, 1866
  • Interrupted by just the squat Marble Mountains, we sit insignificantly at the hub of a huge disc of sand curving to every horizon, beneath a dome of stars and the ghostly light of a thin crescent moon.
  • And the Bridal Show, for married women, seemed to do just that by focusing on the Indianess of contestants who were draped in variety of colourful sarees and mesmerizing gagra cholis that dazzled with every step.
  • But the city nixed both ideas, which sent everybody back to the drawing board.
  • We have holidays to suit every purse.
  • And she would tell us wondrous stories of her youth, of the lands she had seen, and the darbar s of the olden days; of kings who were gods, and women whose friendship was victorious over every accident. Love and Life Behind the Purdah
  • Black color is sentimentally bad but, every black board makes the students life bright. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam 
  • The following year police raided an exhibition of Lawrence's paintings and seized every canvas on which they could descry any wisp of pubic hair.
  • We don't charge extra for the activities-everything is included in the admission fee.
  • Each patrol day ends with uniforms soaked in sweat, and the soil of the deadland is powder under the hoofs of the patrol mounts, rising and infiltrating boots and uniforms, and leaving every lancer's skin dry and itchy from salt and sweat and dust. The Magi'i Of Cyador
  • They sat in silence, and with tireless patience watched our every motion with that vile, uncomplaining impoliteness which is so truly The Innocents Abroad
  • He examines orders of elements and proves (although not in this notation) that there is a subgroup for every number dividing the order of a cyclic group.
  • Everyone became equally loud, crude and garrulous, the technically sober behaving identically to the genuinely drunk.
  • On the ground she was fêted with lavish hospitality by friends waiting at every far-flung airfield to whisk her off to a celebratory feast.
  • Every Est é e Lauder formula has undergone stringent evaluation for ingredient integrity, non - irritancy and overall efficacy.
  • This week's retail sales and events include grand opening parties, trunk shows, and parking lot sales for everything from clothing and accessories, to furniture, textiles, and giftware. Los Angeles Shopping Events and Sales Round-Up
  • We have to remind every free citizen of this world about our lack of freedom.
  • He has been called everything from Fenty's godfather to 'consigliere' to 'vice mayor,' a gibe that he is the Richard B. Cheney to Fenty's George W. Bush. DeMorning DeBonis: Sept. 10, 2010
  • Evidence of the region's turbulent history is everywhere.
  • Your logic is a shock to rational minds everywhere. Think Progress » DOJ official reportedly clears torture architects John Yoo and Jay Bybee.
  • Every navigation point navPoint has a unique navigation point id and a play order, with the label of that oint and the content source specified. Creating eBooks: An ePub Tutorial | Spontaneous ∂erivation
  • Normally, even in icy winter, the furnace in constant use gave warmth enough, supplemented by an electric convector heater in the gallery, but by the time help arrived for Baxter I had wrapped him in my jacket and everything else handy, and he was still growing cold to the touch. Shattered
  • Choose illustrative examples from the children's everyday experience.
  • Every morning he would be up before sunrise raring to go, throwing clods of earth at the windows of staff to awaken them.
  • The nurse tried to catch drips before they hit the bedspread and wiped his chin after every other spoonful.
  • Most everybody puts a plastic bag in the bathroom basket as a liner, so emptying is just a matter of lifting out the plastic bag and tying it up. Bugs and Wastebasket W.C.
  • Every day she eats beans on toast followed by an egg mayonnaise sandwich for breakfast.
  • These aetherial lines of force stretch out into space on every side of the sun, and in fact form concentric magnetic shells around the sun; which magnetic shells coincide with the equipotential surfaces of the Aether and Gravitation
  • Talking to BBC Leeds, Mr Silverman said that every Friday morning Sir Jimmy held what was known as the FMC, or Friday Morning Club, at his flat. BBC News - Home
  • One's feet were cold and the uncertainty of everything made one yawny but not sleepy.
  • Everywhere one feels the influence of the Mediterranean and particularly on the specific xerophilous flora and fauna of the region.
  • Every few minutes a piercing ringing sound could be heard when the inspector examined each alarm.
  • About a year ago, we took everything out of the rooms, stripped out the floor, put in new 1-inch pavers through the whole area, and then brought in the new pasteurizer and re-piped the entire system.
  • The mark of every successful entrepreneur is his or her willingness to borrow from family and friends.
  • Prayer, and receive the Sacrament every day; because they do not subject and submit themselves wholly and entirely to him that hath Light, nor deny and conquer themselves, nor give up themselves totally to God, with a perfect divesting and disinteresting of themselves: In a word, till the Soul be purified in the Fire of Inward Pain, it will never get to a State of The spiritual guide which disentangles the soul / by Michael de Molinos ; edited with an introduction by Kathleen Lyttelton and a note by H. Scott Holland.
  • Every few months they serve notices on the owners that they should make the building weatherproof and vandal proof.
  • The church was full, and everyone listened in rapt attention.
  • Here is strong evidence of the need to reform the electoral system so every vote counts.
  • It is reasonably priced in the context of what everything else costs this day.
  • On every side my heart is in despair; nor is there any help for my pain; but it burneth ever thus. The Argonautica

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