How To Use Every night In A Sentence

  • They're performing every night and they have another production in rehearsal.
  • I watch the flowery stars which frighten me; * While cark and care mine every night foreslow. Arabian nights. English
  • Through the rest of elementary school we had sleepovers every night.
  • Carrying a tent and a small camping stove with him, he camped every night during his journey through Europe and Russia, cooking his own food and therefore remaining self-sufficient.
  • Across the land, every night, teenagers are yakking online in chat rooms with friends and Net acquaintances.
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  • When I mentioned that I couldn't quite see that it was the lack of thrift, the intemperance, and the depravity of a half-starved child of six that made it work twelve hours every night in a Southern cotton mill, these sisters of Judy O'Grady attacked my private life and called me an "agitator" -- as though that, forsooth, settled the argument. Revolution, and Other Essays
  • I mean, maybe they'd rather jolly a single party, with all home comforts as wives or mistresses, than be thumped by four different randies every night. Isabelle
  • It is calling me to him, every night his calling grows stronger.
  • Soon the hotel began to resemble an infirmary, with dozens of guests in various stages of illness strewn around the lobby every night.
  • Maybe you suffer from insomnia and barely sleep a wink every night.
  • Every night at bedtime I hide his hairbrush in his pillow and sometimes he hides my shoes in the washing machine.
  • The entire outside of the building is lit up every night in a disturbingly bright shade of aubergine.
  • Watan ala Watar - the title roughly translates as "country hanging by a thread" - has been broadcast every night since Ramadan began on 11 August. Media news, UK and world media comment and analysis |
  • I'm here to please you, I am your man. Every day, every night, I hold you tight.
  • I see his ministerial car waiting for him at 10 o'clock every night - whoosh, he is off into the night in his chauffeur-driven car!
  • Brother Jonathan," then just published by Blackwood in three large volumes, was read to him every night for weeks, and greatly to his satisfaction, as I then understood; though it seems by what Dr. Bowring -- I beg his pardon, Sir John Bowring -- says on the subject, that the "white-haired sage" was wide enough awake, on the whole, to form a pretty fair estimate of its unnaturalness and extravagance: being himself a great admirer of Richardson's ten-volume stories, like The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 16, No. 97, November, 1865
  • The 40 sheep were kept by a common shepherd with the common herd, were taken every day to the downs and brought back every night to be folded on the arable fields, the rule being to fold 1,000 sheep on a 'tenantry' acre (three-quarters of a statute acre) every night. [ A Short History of English Agriculture
  • Tyler Bray is the new Casey Clausen, in that he wears flat bills, goes to the club every night with his hood up, says "holla" unironically, and spends all his time facebooking girls he doesn't know for action. Every Day Should Be Saturday
  • He had hung crude crosses and other charms all around his home and regularly recited the Magnificat, and he fervently entreated the protection of the Lady every night.
  • The little prince shuts his flower under her glass globe every night, and he watches over his sheep very carefully..." Then I am happy.
  • The foxtrot is still danced every night of the week in hundreds of modern sequence dance clubs around the country, along with the waltz, quickstep, tango, rhumba, cha cha, jive, mambo, salsa, saunter, blues, swing and so on.
  • i'm here to please you, i am your man. every day, every night, i hold you tight.
  • She stared at the sun setting over the ocean and the moon rising next to the sun, just like she did every night.
  • Almost every night drunken youngsters are shouting abuse at their neighbours and vandalising property.
  • At that time faddists of various persuasions proliferated up and down the Village: anarchists who dutifully went home every night to their mothers’ kitchens, a Hungarian monarchist with his own following, free-verse poets who eschewed capital letters, cultists who sat rapturously for hours in orgone boxes, cloudy Swedenborgians, and all the rest. What Happened to the Baby?
  • Mrs White is worried about her son, since he spends every night boozing with his friends.
  • He must have a cellar, racks for the beer [called stillage], and the manpower and commitment to properly set up the beer every night.
  • Every night, Chettier and other observers walk the streets, tail police officers, and document their activities.
  • I mean, once they vomit a few times and have their first experience of a stonking hangover, they're not going to go out and do it every night.
  • Every night, Father would light the Menorah and let it burn itself out.
  • For days together, the trenches remain open, getting deeper and wider every night as groups of workers go about their task with hammers, pick axes, crowbars and shovels.
  • I'm here to please you, I am your man. Every day, every night, I hold you tight.
  • I tune in to the film channal every night.
  • One-night picture books require parents to select and begin a new story every night.
  • I hate all these old films they keep showing on the box every night.
  • If everything went through okay, I'd be able to sleep with Selina every night for the rest of my life.
  • That word "tantalising" is one you'll hear a lot from lunar geologists - although we can see the Moon every night, we still don't know what it's made of and have yet to prove categorically how it got there. Tantalising hint of knowledge
  • Violent protests and clashes with armed riot police have continued every night since and have spread to other working class suburbs.
  • i'm here to please you, i am your man. every day, every night, i hold you tight.
  • For most of them, a room of their own, where they can bathe, wash their clothes and sleep in their own bed every night, with a fridge and a hot plate and a door they can lock, would be Eden.
  • She ate a lot of processed snack foods and the same big dinner every night and still felt hungry.
  • I put my contact lenses in sterilizing solution every night.
  • They're certainly giving the book the hard sell, with advertisements every night on TV.
  • Overhead, uncounted billions of stars, planets, and satellites swirl, creating a heavenly light show that changes every night, and it's one the entire family can share.
  • Every night, you know, we try to close with a musical number of an uplifting nature.
  • Also phonics, is great, they teach letter sounds and how to blend, maybe that is his problem. also reading to him every night is very important, and getting him to follow along! csucdartgirl How to help 6 year old with reading skills? « Reading Skills Help « Literacy Help « Literacy News
  • he watched television every night
  • On one occasion she held a mission at the Methodist chapel in Baldersdale which went on every night for two weeks.
  • He dines with friends almost every night.
  • The O'Brien Hall is now open every night of the week except Sunday night for pool, billiards, snooker, and cards.
  • The minor downsides are the relative infrequency (every 30 minutes outside peak times) and the inexplicable fact that it stops dead at 8pm every night. Finding Cheap Airport Transfers From Australian Airports | Lifehacker Australia
  • He sits in the same chair every night.
  • The overnight train runs every night of the week except Saturdays.
  • At the same time, I can't just sit here in my own little cocoon every night, can I?
  • the gossip columnist got his information by visiting nightclubs every night
  • But the scratchy kinescope replay makes it appear as if Mays simply ran back and caught the ball, not unlike any ESPN Web Gem shown every night of the season. WILLIE MAYS
  • Every night she'd come up and turn herself into position, put her head down on my chest and purr.
  • At midnight every night, the bell in the bell tower was rung to summon the spirits.
  • The second big problem was that it was getting dark - just like it does every night, whether you're working on your first gig in the bare-knuckled world of tabloid TV journalism or not.
  • The gossip columnist got his information by visiting nightclubs every night.
  • She's a bit of a fitness freak. She goes running every night.
  • And every night, when they start turning the crank, the children come.
  • It buzzes with life every night, and features a band with a phenomenal balalaika player that has practically everyone on their feet cheering.
  • Be reasonable! We can't work late every night.
  • I once heard that, during peace negotiations with Israel, Anwar Sadat read a Barbara Cartland romance novel in the bathtub every night to relax. Meg Cabot: Why Reading for Pleasure is Serious Business
  • Everyone remarks on my dishevelled appearance and opines that perhaps I've being going out too much - every night since rehearsals started on June 11 by my reckoning.
  • I shall write in this diary every night, so that if something happens, there'll at least be some kind of record.
  • Jim would go out every night during and that's when I got addicted to all manner of flu pills and I hallucinated cats on the ceiling.
  • Rum, miscetur aqua -- dulci miscetur acetum, fiet et ex tali foedere -- nobile Punch. and our worthy grand-fathers used to take a dose of it every night in their lives, before going to bed, till doctor Cheyne alarmed them by the information, that they were pouring liquid fire down their throats. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 13, No. 353, January 24, 1829
  • ‘We ate out at restaurants or I cooked huge, high-fat meals every night,’ she recalls.
  • He used to go out every night, but now he's a reformed character.
  • They had been in rehearsal every night for the past two weeks, so they knew what they were doing.
  • They're certainly giving the book the hard sell, with advertisements every night on TV.
  • She stayed at the store late every night to get extra practice and work more on her guitar.
  • She's a bit of a fitness freak. She goes running every night.
  • They believed priests were Christ's representatives on earth and that missing Mass was a mortal sin, and they made sure the rosary was said every night.
  • The National Sleep Foundation says a drug called clonazepam stifles symptoms in nine of 10 patients if taken in the proper dosage every night. CNN Transcript Apr 30, 2006
  • He sits in the same chair every night.
  • he read a chapter every night before falling asleep
  • Two hours before the first show in York, the crowd was queuing beneath the theatre marquee that read ‘Bingo every night (except Thursday)’.
  • Jesus, I had to laugh at the way he came out with that about the old one with the winkers on her, blind drunk in her royal palace every night of God, old Vic, with her jorum of mountain dew and her coachman carting her up body and bones to roll into bed and she pulling him by the whiskers and singing him old bits of songs about Ulysses
  • North-West Opera played to full houses every night.
  • Skye was a devout opposer of alcoholic beverages and spent much of her time at the parties lecturing on how they were all breaking the underage drinking law with the keggers that were faithfully donated every night.
  • I have never been giddy, dear Stella, since that morning: I have taken a whole box of pills, and kecked [26] at them every night, and drank a pint of brandy at mornings. The Journal to Stella
  • I do the dishes every night after dinner, but there is little attention to the quality of my efforts.
  • Apprehensive that the more urgent symptoms were caused by water in the lungs, I directed an Infusion of Digitalis, with an ounce of diacodium to the half pint to prevent it purging, a wine glass full to be taken every night at bed-time, and a mixture with confect.cardiac. and pulv.ipecac. to be given in small doses after every loose stool. An Account of the Foxglove and some of its Medical Uses With Practical Remarks on Dropsy and Other Diseases
  • When applied in lotions every night for five or six times consecutively, it will heal indolent ulcers; and its rubefacient effects serve instead of those produced externally by mustard. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • Hypnic headaches begin during sleep, awakening the person - usually at the same time every night.
  • But watching all the stabbings, murders, guns and violence that can be seen every night on prime time television elicits not even a whimper.
  • Anyhoo, I'm getting off the point, that being ... drive I can do - it's just a matter of coffee, cigarettes and a slow build-up of thujone in the bloodstream from a glass or two of absinthe every night - but discipline, shit, discipline is something I'm going to have to learn if I want to go full-time eventually. Archive 2004-09-01
  • However I'm conscious of not wanting to sound twee, and I'd been practicing every night so I felt really prepared to do my own thing.
  • The Evening Press reported the 39-year-old kept all his worldly possessions on the back seat, shaved in the rear-view mirror, and bedded down on the driver's seat every night wrapped in a waterproof smock.
  • It's the energy of these shows, the ones that are on every night at 7pm, that exerts a powerful control over us - flat, unvarying and constant.
  • But then they won't lemme sleep there -- guv'ner's orders, by Harry -- home every night, sir! The Jungle
  • He's been working late with her every night this week - I smell a rat!
  • Every - every night he and his - he and his friends kind of organized a little brigade.
  • So I do it every night before going off to dreamland.
  • SEE YA! "or did things like mentioning a pitcher's" zaftig "ERA (which he really did on at least one occasion), I began to look forward to hearing his Kay-isms every night. Tony Sachs: Hey Fans! Iiiiiiiit's the Fake Michael Kay On Twitter! Who But!
  • When Wynton Marsalis is in town, he's there almost every night.
  • I don't know how Ann stands for her husband's behaviour; he comes home dead drunk nearly every night.
  • Hugely respected acts from both Ireland and Wales will fill every venue, every night - and Sunday afternoon too - bringing a real festival flavour to this unmissable weekend of fun.
  • Greg, who was the only one who knew how to do it properly, had been banking the fire every night so they would have embers to start the morning's fire with.
  • She started going out every night, and when she back home in the early hours of the morning she was always wasted.
  • It didn't prevent him from giving voluminous notes on their performance every night or changing a thing or two, however.
  • ‘You look lovely every night, my darling,’ he responded, stretching his hand towards her.
  • She not only insists that her husband tell her he loves her every night, but she's ravenous for information about how much he loves her.
  • Every night an estimated forty million people watch the news on the major networks and millions more watch local news coverage.
  • We eat off beautiful porcelain flatware every night but we don't own a bed.
  • i'm here to please you, i am your man. every day, every night, i hold you tight.
  • Gorillas construct nests out of foliage every night to sack out.
  • I'm not one of those church-going kids who prays the rosary every night.
  • This is where, every year, the world's keenest young chefs have come to stand for hours over long stainless steel tops podding peas, fiddling with strange foodstuffs and helping in the minutely detailed preparations of the 44 dishes served to each of the 50 privileged customers every night. How a wartime romance gave birth to the best restaurant in the world
  • The cinema was packed every night for "Shrek".
  • She changed it, sharpened it, honed it, every night a new angle, a fresh thought.
  • He dines with friends almost every night.
  • Money doesn't stretch to going out every night but films, almost all of which are pirated, are cheap to buy.
  • I intend Henceforth every night to sit With my lewd, well-natured friend, Drinking to engender wit.
  • She found it easily, an old teddy bear that she had used to soothe her to sleep every night when her parents fought.
  • After a week of putting mascarpone, crème fraîche and cream on the table every night to accompany hot, fruity desserts, I still went back to my old favourite.
  • If it was up to you I'd have to drink schnapps and sake every night!
  • Every night, they go through the same routine: he throws open the bedroom window, she closes it.
  • And every night we wore these golden circlets when we sat at table in the hall.
  • If the children had been with us they'd have been in the disco, fortunately soundproofed, every night.
  • And I would do a feature every night, a little editorial feature, something that they didn't have on any other sportscast that night.
  • Using a cotton swab, apply a few drops of vitamin E from a capsule or a dab of zinc ointment inside the tip of your nose every night before bed until your nosebleeds stop.
  • The foxtrot is still danced every night of the week in hundreds of modern sequence dance clubs around the country, along with the waltz, tango, rhumba, cha cha, mambo, salsa, swing and so on.
  • MARY WARREN, her sobs beginning: He wake me every night, his eyes were like coals and his fingers claw my neck, and I sign, I sign… The Crucible
  • She said she managed the stress and exhaustion of the treatment for her brain tumour by getting as much sleep as possible and relaxing with her favourite tipple - a whiskey - every night.
  • As an objective observer, as you turn on the news every night, and you see what's going on in the Gulf Coast down there, so many people have lost so much.
  • she made the boy brush his teeth every night
  • The head waiter gave parties every night in the kitchens, at which he and his local friends drank the cellars out.
  • Instead of getting drunk every night or coming up with another act to fool doctors into prescribing them drugs, they funnel their money and creative energies into “vast, echoless complexes” whose “stalactites have been precision-cut by CNC-milling machines, the walls shaped by computer-programmable routers.” Archive 2008-03-01
  • He sits in the same chair every night.
  • Hurricanes, tornadoes, typhoons, lightning storms, nothing was a match for what was experienced almost every night in our house.
  • And Amonte's new team, the Blackhawks, played to adoring capacity crowds every night in one of the grand old shrines of the NHL.
  • I love pretending I'm in the competition, wowing the crowds every night.
  • Every night after lights out, Pedar climbed the spiral stairs to Danlo's chamber. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Then she added, O man, the neighbours use to see us light our oven every night; and, if they see us fireless this night, they will know that we are destitute. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • He fancied himself a poet and Bohemian, smoked and drank every night, held court on politics and literature, took home a lengthy succession of women, and dropped Day's anarchism, pacifism and religion, in that order.
  • The lecturer is booked for every night of the week.
  • Just about every night of the Games, one or more of the Dreamers was the featured attraction at a corporate event.
  • If lipstick ‘bleeds’ into lines around your lips, drench them with moisturisers and use a balm every night.
  • Every night at eight o'clock, as dependably as the sunset over the Gulf of Mexico, the dirty window of a dilapidated cigar-maker's cottage on Catherine Street in Key West was suddenly haloed with a reddish glow.
  • Mr. Adams read nursery rhymes aloud every night in an effort to "remap" his brain and was able to recover much of his speaking ability. Foreign Accents, Alien Hands and Other Medical Oddities
  • The enduring memory Charles Hutchinson has of his brother James as a boy is of a sandy-haired 11-year-old with his limbs splinted every night before he went to sleep.
  • Faith, I will not promise to write to you every week; but I will write every night, and when it is full I will send it; that will be once in ten days, and that will be often enough: and if you begin to take up the way of writing to Presto, only because it is Tuesday, a Monday bedad it will grow a task; but write when you have a mind. — The Journal to Stella
  • we watch the 7 o'clock news every night
  • At the same time, feared gnawed at her every night.
  • Every night she prays and finds the Almighty uncommonly accommodating.
  • Every night an estimated forty million people watch the news on the major networks and millions more watch local news coverage.
  • He relives the horror of the crash every night in his dreams.
  • Watan ala Watar – the title roughly translates as "country hanging by a thread" – has been broadcast every night since Ramadan began on 11 August. Palestinian TV satire Watan ala Watar unites political rivals – in anger
  • What's more, they win every night at roulette, tripling their earnings.
  • She creams her face every night
  • The overnight train runs every night of the week except Saturdays.
  • Another winner is to pair the a light sleeper with inhumanely early morning classes with a socially alcoholic roommate who has adopted the habit of bringing home several drunk friends every night to have loud, heart-to-heart conversations about who is “floorcesting” and who can't hold their liquor. Stressed-Out Frosh On Brink Of Mental Breakdown Encouraged To Live With Complete Strangers Of Questionable Habits
  • And now every night bedtime is tears and fighting. Psst, Shhh, Hey: WE’RE SLEEPING | Her Bad Mother
  • Here the encumberment was less remarkable, but one wall had completely disappeared behind volumes, and the bookishness of the air made it a disgusting thought that two persons occupied this chamber every night. The House of Cobwebs and Other Stories
  • Women smitten with hystero-epilepsy see phantoms beside them in broad daylight and mate with them in a cataleptic state, and every night couch with visions that must be exactly like the fluid creatures of incubacy. Là-bas
  • She wasn't just there on Halloween night - she was there every night… Especially on dark, inky black winter ones.
  • So this house is where there were stones flung on the roof every night, making an unholy racket and spooking the family inside.
  • Every night, it seems we read of yet another instance of a local trader virtually forced out of business by the hike in car park charges or, however tenuous the link, the introduction of car parking charges during the evening.
  • Your fruits and flowers, your birds, your tree frogs wakening me every night, man I have to return just for that!
  • Trapped in his hotel and suffering from severe jetlag, Bob takes refuge in the hotel bar and gets gently sozzled every night, killing time until he has to go back home to his stale marriage and whiny kids.
  • Because the dustcarts come every night to pick up the rubbish left out by the restaurant and bar next to us, we also leave our refuse sacks out in the evenings to be collected along with everything else.
  • I have mature skin and I massage my face every night with creams to prevent ageing.
  • He prayed for her safe return every night.
  • Days later, pictures of the residents' ashen faces were plastered over the papers and broadcast on the news every night, invariably showing tightly strapped face-masks.
  • I have never been giddy, dear Stella, since that morning: I have taken a whole box of pills, and kecked [26] at them every night, and drank a pint of brandy at mornings. — The Journal to Stella
  • She had discovered that, if every night she could hunt, run down, and kill one sheep, life might again become worth living, and the coarse-clodded grave in the little lonely cemetery might be forgotten. The Watchers of the Trails A Book of Animal Life
  • A council spokesman defended the procedures and said gardaí at both Anglesea St and Bridewell stations are made aware of all uncollected cars at the pound at close of business every night.
  • Be reasonable! We can't work late every night.
  • Our function room is booked virtually every night of the week with weddings, christenings and funerals.
  • Bill and I chummed up shipboard and got into the habit of taking our constitutional together every night after supper.
  • He describes how he was put on suicide watch in January, how he is currently being stripped naked every night, and how he is in general terms being subjected to what he calls "unlawful pre-trial punishment". Stripped naked every night, Bradley Manning tells of prison ordeal
  • At ten o'clock sharp every night he would go to a bar or a club.
  • Dodd and I weren't the type that made love every night and attempted to have climaxes and get kids.
  • Hugely respected acts from both Ireland and Wales will fill every venue, every night - and Sunday afternoon too - bringing a real festival flavour to this unmissable weekend of fun.
  • She says it appears to her in her bedroom every night; but she knows I'm so timersome that she keeps her door always locked for fraid I'd see it, poor child. The Evil Eye; Or, The Black Spector The Works of William Carleton, Volume One
  • Still in his twenties, he swanked his way through the Belfast-based international news media, lunching with key opinion-makers, opining every night on local television.
  • A former gospel choirgirl, Staton cultivated her scratchy moan during her years at Muscle Shoals (1969-73, collected here for the first time on CD) by intentionally singing herself hoarse every night.
  • Being with my family, cozied up on the couch with only the Christmas tree lights on while we watch a holiday show (ABC family channel has a couple of classics every night!) – is what has been comforting me. Comfort and Joy
  • He too will be in the same uniform every night I see him.
  • My mom wound it up every night and it plinked its way though the melody until I fell asleep.
  • Mrs White is worried about her son, since he spends every night boozing with his friends.
  • he persisted to call me every night
  • It was actually quite beautiful, and it was fun to cause a little traffic jam, as it was peak flota passing time (Busses leave Sucre around 7pm headed for Coch every night and pass through La Palma around 8pm). ¡Que Viva Sucre! « Wanderings
  • Every night I was sinking deeper into a foam-filled valley, next to an empty gulley. Brenda Peterson: The Single Bed That Saved My Life
  • The prostitute is street-walking every night
  • These people are on the air every night spouting certitudes about life as they see it and dramatically influencing public opinion. Lou Dobbs, evil idiot
  • We ate chips every night, but hardly ever had fish.
  • A man intelligent enough to know that he stands on the edge of despair every night he dons that cape, and passionate enough to do it anyway.
  • ‘When we moved the 10, everyone said the dull and stodgy BBC would get hammered every night by ITN,’ he said.
  • Every night I come in and tap dance in costumes.
  • A liability to the formation of gall stones may be remedied by giving one grain of the oleoresin (iridin) every night for twelve nights. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • For the past two weeks, tens of thousands of demonstrators have taken to the streets in Vienna and in other Austrian cities every night to protest the ascendency of racism and neo-fascism.
  • He relives the horror of the crash every night in his dreams.
  • All the misdemeanours and malpractices of the town, -- and they were happening every day and every night, -- were all reported to the Recorder; they were all, so to say, charged home upon the Recorder, and he was held responsible for them all; till his office was a perfect laystall and cesspool of all the scum and corruption of the town. Bunyan Characters (3rd Series)
  • After all, that's the version that gets airplay every night on network and cable newscasts.
  • Or scream and yell , as some inmates did every night.

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