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every inch

  1. in every way; completely
    he was every inch a statesman

How To Use every inch In A Sentence

  • It contests every inch of space with man, and, aided by incessant heat and moisture, constantly wrests from him his conquests and buries them in a fury of viridescence. In Seven Stages: A Flying Trip Around the World
  • Prior looked every inch an England prospect for his work behind the stumps and with the bat.
  • With her long black skirt and fruit and flower bedecked hat she looked every inch the children's nanny and as a nursery teacher in real life it's a role she is not entirely unfamiliar with.
  • Two great teams were playing at their highest levels, competing for every inch of ice.
  • She makes a striking entrance in riding boots, looking every inch the aristocrat, but her emotional range is altogether too slender for this beefy role.
  • Like sunlight penetrates every inch of skin feeling faint.
  • My knees ache, my legs are in a tangle, and every inch of my untoned body feels as if it has been put through a vigorous exercise routine.
  • There was Marco in grimy apron plating up, or opening scallops, looking every inch the piratical hero, with his long black hair and sunken eyes and high cheek bones, surrendered long ago to his new-found affluence.
  • Every inch of the canvas is worked to its ultimate conclusion, with the foreground and background given the same intensity of observation and attention.
  • He soon knew every inch of the 1400 parts of the bridge and spent years filing the multitude of dovetail joints which hold the construction together.
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