How To Use Ever so In A Sentence

  • By coming so close to earth, the gravitational field will alter its trajectory ever so slightly.
  • Ever so a person, can in order to my every move and happy or frustrated for a long time.
  • And I cajoled and caroused and codingled a steak dinner from her if she ever sold this novel. November 17th, 2009
  • That said, they are still out to pummel, and their singer's caterwaul has never sounded more throat-shredding.
  • And yet ever so simple, just hard-boiled eggs soaked overnight in beet juice. Archive 2005-03-01
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  • A CALM employee said that he had never solely regarded the forests as a source of timber.
  • She raised her small gloved fist, yawned ever so gently, tiptapping her small gloved fist on her opening mouth and smiled tinily, sweetly. Ulysses
  • Whenever something fell or moved, she'd jump in surprise.
  • What train of wives and concubines was ever so ignominiously placed as the extra husbands carried among the scales of the careful female cirriped, lest she lose one or two! Women and Economics: A Study of the Economic Relation Between Men and Women as a Factor in Social Evolution
  • He was very refined in his conversation -- at least, what I call refined -- for he was one of those persons in whose society one is comfortable from the certainty that they will never say anything which can shock other people, or hurt their feelings, be they ever so fastidious or sensitive. Life of Charles Dickens
  • A cracked bell can never sound well. 
  • If you're used to thick, chunky chips with salt and vinegar, having mayonnaise on them instead may sound ever so slightly disgusting.
  • Nobody has ever solved this problem.
  • There she was, my angel, smiling back at me ever so sweetly.
  • A cracked bell can never sound well. 
  • No selection from the alphabet, no doctorship, no fellowship, be it of ever so learned or royal a society, no knightship -- not though it be of the Garter -- confers so fair an honour. Can You Forgive Her?
  • Also in that contree, and in othere also, men fynden longe apples to selle, in hire cesoun: and men clepen hem apples of paradys; and thei ben righte swete and of gode savour. 74 And thoghe zee kutte hem in never so many gobettes or parties, overthwart or end longes, evermore zee schulle fynden in the myddes the figure of the Holy Cros of oure The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • Sustained by the truth received from her divine Founder, the Church has ever sought to fulfill holily the mission entrusted to her by God; unconquered by the difficulties on all sides surrounding her, she has never ceased to assert her liberty of teaching, and in this way the wretched superstition of paganism being dispelled, the wide world was renewed unto Christian wisdom. Libertas Praestantissimum
  • It also became the most expensive sculpture ever sold at auction.
  • For whatever sophistication guess hitting may require, it's also a touchy subject.
  • After all, we can puff our chests out and congratulate one another: ‘We never sold out our principles.’
  • Whenever someone has money, they invite their friends to go out to a neighborhood bar for a round of drinks.
  • I know "normal" is not technically "whatever someone is" - it's more like, whatever's normal for you in grieving is normal for you in grieving. Intertribal: YOUR MOTHER PASSED AWAY. FUNERAL TOMORROW. DEEP SYMPATHY.
  • Our daredevil ambitions are never so roused as when we're our own audience.
  • I've taken a lot of trips but never something that's taken so much to get to one place.
  • I'm somewhat skeptical because if someone ever solicited me to kill someone, I'd call the police.
  • And I suspect he intentionally allowed She'asta's tail to skid ever so slightly on the ice as he negotiated the deeper curves in the road just to grant those of us in the back a bit keener thrill. ~A Mountain Boy's Christmas Memory~ Guest Post By Eric Schweer
  • This little story has my mouth hanging open incredulously, the way it does whenever something shocks and outrages me.
  • He had known for ever so long why at the head of each battery there rode a stalwart bombardier, and why he was called a bombardier; immediately behind this bombardier could be seen the horsemen of the first and then of the middle units. The Party
  • I'm finally getting around to leveling/playing a warlock myself (just hit 77 yesterday) and I must say turning into a demon and joining my axe wielding friend in melee is ever so much fun. "The lines of uncles dwindled, and the pirate stories stopped."
  • Clarisa had never so much as dusted his butt with baby powder.
  • He leaned forward ever so slightly .
  • Many people have argued that criminal libel laws are unconstitutional, but the Supreme Court has never so held.
  • All this business gloriously kept my attention occupied while my insides tried ever so arduously to deal with the trauma of it all. Sally Fay: Dealing With The Rough Ride Of Divorce
  • People always blame the legal system whenever something untoward happens.
  • Again, Mozart has never sounded better, and it is instantly obvious that the audio track has been remastered.
  • Be it ever so humble, there is no place like home. 
  • To locate objects in relation to interest and power, however sophisticated and non-reductionist, is only one perspective upon mass consumption.
  • Yet even the conservative AR4 arguably supports the term by considering, however soberly, probably consequences that could reasonably be construed as involving the "ravaging" of this or that. RealClimate
  • We leaned yet closer, still ever so slowly, and soon our foreheads touched, resting against each other.
  • Shall I then shower you with wondrous remnants of scent from field and forest, and warm you ever so slowly, until you give up your magical elixir, as precious as life itself?
  • After hours spent quelling the fire with cold water, ‘he succumbed to a fever so malign that in just a few days he expired in the icy embrace of death.’
  • Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye ever so to them. 
  • His horse shifted its weight apprehensively, its muscles bunching and smoothing beneath the saddle, causing the leather to creak ever so slightly.
  • For instance Central Australian Aborigines never sold churingas, because they were central to their belief system.
  • Ever so slightly and slowly, they lent in and kissed each other on the lips softly, savouring the moment in each other's arms.
  • We used to go to union halls, schools, to wherever somebody wanted a work read or dramatized, and we would do a staged reading of a novel, or some poetry or whatnot, and we would get enough money—Carnovsky, Da Silva, Ruby, myself, and others—to help pay the week’s rent. Life Lit by Some Large Vision
  • Few studio recordings have ever sounded so live and spontaneous.
  • So that you need not wonder much, if you see the greatest part of women (tho they trick themselves never so finely up) can hardly get husbands; and their Parents are fain at last to give a good sum of mony with them, that they may disburthen themselves of them. The Ten Pleasures of Marriage and the Second Part, The Confession of the New Married Couple
  • Whatever some fiscal economists may say, capital gains are not the same as income.
  • Anyway, this highly loungey piece probably never sounded better than it does here, played by the Salon Orchestra.
  • Previously chicken was regarded as mere peasant food, but the ever socially aspirant Portuguese saw the nobs taking an interest in the chicken stones and started to eat more chicken and chicken related products.
  • They need to do some good publicising and push their product and beat whatever Sony and MS can do in the marketing.
  • Home is home, be it never so homely. 
  • For the next 60 days, it will be known as Pom Wonderful Presents: The Greatest Movie Ever Sold, Pa. Marshall Fine: Morgan Spurlock: Mr. Product Placement
  • The splitting of the rostellum, curiously enough, never happens without insect aid; but if a bristle or needle be passed over it ever so lightly, a stream of sticky, milky fluid exudes, hardens, and the boat-shaped disk, with pollen masses attached, may be withdrawn on the bristle just as the bee removes them with her tongue. Wild Flowers Worth Knowing
  • Be it ever so humble, there is no place like home. 
  • EU iPods have a sound limiter to comply with noise safety levels, however sometimes users hack through this in order to listen to it louder.
  • Intensive scouting is continuing throughout eastern North America from the Gulf coast to southern Ontario wherever soybean is grown.
  • She wore no makeup and her neat ungroomed eyebrows joined ever so slightly.
  • Whenever something goes wrong, everyone blames it on me.
  • Ever so slowly she began to relax, at one with her body that had seemed disembodied just a while before.
  • Reasonably oaty, but with an ever so slightly gummy sensation. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was not only the Olympic Games, but whenever somebody would be in the gymnasium or the palaestra they used to apply olive oil on their body surfaces. Olives and People, Past and Present
  • Evidently, whatever sort of debilitating bug was on that disk, it had so far managed to get past one of the best protective programs available.
  • Home is home, though never so homely. 
  • A man without ambition is dead. A man with ambition but no love is dead. A man with ambition and love for his blessings here on earth is ever so alive. Pearl Bailey 
  • Newer: the password validation - even mmmm … I think the st. john’s mmmm … I think the st. john’s wort is kicking in. this afternoon/evening I’ve gotten some amazing work done. all the goofy little problems with the work order database are just unravelling themselves, ever so neatly. Mmmm…I think the st. john’s - emergency weblog; or: epersonae; or: elaine nelson
  • Her head was splitting and she felt cold, ever so cold, and tired.
  • Clarisa had never so much as dusted his butt with baby powder.
  • There will obviously be a considerable overlap of requirements for these categories of musician - real life is never so simple.
  • Men belch out at superdramatic volumes (nothing ever sounds natural), and mezzos sound nothing short of ridiculous, their voices denatured by the attempt to imbue the music with highbrow seriousness and high volume.
  • Ever so a person, can in order to my every move and happy or frustrated for a long time.
  • He did not like so much the unproportionate blows that Don Belianis gave and took in fight; for, as he imagined, were the surgeons never so cunning that cured them, yet was it impossible but that the patient his face and all his body must remain full of scars and tokens. The First Part. I. Wherein Is Rehearsed the Calling and Exercise of the Renowned Gentleman, Don Quixote of the Mancha
  • They turned me to face downwards and I had my head in a vice, but the surgeon was ever so nice and set me at ease straight away.
  • The sides of his lips curled upwards ever so slightly that if you had even blinked for a millisecond you would have missed it.
  • Nobody has ever solved this problem.
  • The songbirds had returned, but their calls sounded ever so plaintive and piteous.
  • Besides, there is no king, be his cause never so spotless, if it come to the arbitrement of swords, can try it out with all unspotted soldiers: some peradventure have on them the guilt of premeditated and contrived murder; some, of beguiling virgins with the broken seals of perjury; some, making the wars their bulwark, that have before gored the gentle bosom of peace with pillage and robbery. The Life of King Henry the Fifth
  • He was lionised in fashionable and clever society.
  • Quietly, ever so quietly, I watched two worlds briefly collide before one exited into the sunlight and the other stayed behind in the dim twilight.
  • With Eric Clapton at the summit of his powers on guitar - be it wah-wah, fuzzy, powerchorded or bluesy - the trio never sounded better in their short career.
  • The songbirds had returned, but their calls sounded ever so plaintive and piteous.
  • I messed up slow foxtrot which isn't surprising, but ever so slightly annoying. Archive 2008-09-01
  • In addition to the laugh and I do agree with Icanhasyarn that this one looks like a gallows, which is a particularly horrific motif for a birthday cake, I also have the comfort of knowing my birthday cake - since I will be making it myself - will look ever so much more festive and happ. One Really IS the Loneliest Number
  • And with that his ever so silent manner seemed to return and he was headed off to the biting cold and howling winds.
  • Wars never solve anything.
  • This is the view that the fossil record in general is explained better in terms of the universal Flood, recorded in Genesis 6–8, than it is by means of the evolutionary ideology known as gradualism, the notion that the fossil record was laid down, ever so gradually, over millions of years. I Feel Earthquakes More Often Than They Happen
  • Besides, there is no king, be his cause never so spotless, if it come to the arbitrement of swords, can try it out with all unspotted soldiers. Act IV. Scene I. The Life of King Henry the Fifth
  • Perhaps, on the other hand, the intervenient is modified only by the accident of its midway position, so that, failing any intervenient, whatsoever sound two bodies in clash might make would impinge without medium upon our sense? The Six Enneads.
  • My first thought was that it was some sort of translation issue -- either H-I-D-E is a perfectly reasonable thing to put on a sign like this in some other language and it's just a coincidence it's spelled like the English word "hide," or the people making it got a really bad translator who chose "hide" to translate whatever sort of warning they were intending to convey. Things that crack me up #48
  • The assistant was ever so helpful.
  • One of the honest men said, they should all have taken it as a hugeous favour, were they allowed to wish the bride joy, though at ever so great a distance. Sir Charles Grandison
  • In fact, the Army private did get to see his father in uniform - and in action, though it was ever so brief.
  • A cracked bell is never sound
  • But there is a worse thing in store for the bold man who habituates himself to eat a dozen dishes at once: when there are but few dishes served, out of pure habit he will feel himself half starved, whilst his neighbour, accustomed to send his sop down by help of a single relish, will feast merrily, be the dishes never so few. Memorabilia
  • One site that does a quality job (however sobering and gloomy) of collecting dismal dots to connect, is so-called Mike Ruppert's so-called blog. Take me out to the shell game (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Nobody has ever solved this problem.
  • Home is home, though (it be) never so homely. 
  • Journalists from other papers can confirm that I never sought them out.
  • The reasoning was: "Boiling has killed all forms of vitality _in_ the flask; by the hermetical sealing nothing living can gain subsequent access to the fluid; therefore, if living organisms do appear when the flask is opened, they must have arisen in the dead matter _de novo_ by spontaneous generation, but if they do never so arise, the probability is that they originate in spores or eggs. Scientific American Supplement, No. 470, January 3, 1885
  • It is fortunate, and not to be wondered at, that the Scotsman so seldom goes home: for he is never so attractive as when, five hundred or five thousand miles away from them, he is agreeably engaged in beholding the Hebrides. Try Anything Twice
  • You allow yourself to ponder for a moment, ever so briefly, if the other person had the slightest indication of your inner thoughts.
  • Convulsive motions agitate his legs, so that though he wills it ever so much, he cannot by any power of his mind stop their motion, (as in that odd disease called chorea sancti viti), but he is perpetually dancing; he is not at liberty in this action, but under as much necessity of moving, as a stone that falls, or a tennis-ball struck with a racket. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  • Amanda could not help but notice the tetherball swinging only ever so slightly back and forth behind Red.
  • Sir," saith Lucan, "Lancelot well knoweth that and you had taken no counsel but your own, he would not have been thus entreated, and I dare well say that never so long as he liveth will he misdo in aught towards you, for he hath in him much valour and loyalty, as many a time have you had good cause to know. The High History of the Holy Graal
  • Home is home, be it never so homely. 
  • Whenever soil is highly contaminated with sclerotia, growers must rotate to a crop like wheat, which is prone to scab, instead of to other Sclerotinia-susceptible broadleaf crops, such as soybeans, dry beans, or canola.
  • For there it plainelie appeareth, that the adder heareth not the voice of the charmer, charme he never so cunninglie: contrarie to the poets fabling, Some Meme or Other
  • However some important operations may take us outside the realm of the natural numbers-the simplest being subtraction.
  • I didn't go to school been as I had no education what so ever so Tiger taught me over time teaching me the basic stuff.
  • Hence, Plato introduces Socrates as observing that "the sages who introduced the Teletæ had positively affirmed that whatever soul should arrive in the infernal mansions _unhouselled_ and _unannealed_ should lie there immersed in mire and filth. Mysticism and its Results Being an Inquiry into the Uses and Abuses of Secrecy
  • According to the OFT, these chains have been inflating pre-sale pricing far beyond what products were ever sold for.
  • The allegory is so interchangeable over the decades and speaks to that inner paranoia of whatever society is watching it. Fave Five: Sci-Fi Horror Movies
  • The boys looked at Will in mock horror and disgust, moving away from Will ever so slightly in supposed contempt.
  • And I cajoled and caroused and codingled a steak dinner from her if she ever sold this novel. November 17th, 2009
  • He is beginning, ever so slowly, to think about the legacy he has built for himself.
  • And a circus happens where and whenever some tatterdemalion body discards itself in leaps and somersaults.
  • This isn't fatal, but grants him the ability to turn into a big, dumb green guy whenever someone cheeses him off.
  • Now there is a phrase bantered about by the Repugs and Bush Adminstration, but ever so hypocritical they do the bait and switch. Hillary And Obama To Vote Against Cloture On FISA
  • Whatever it becomes will have to be handwashed, and quickly, as I've learned that angora shouldn't ever soak in water (nor should alpaca, for that matter).
  • Nirvana never sounded as detached as the Pixies, or as fluid, or as fun.
  • Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye ever so to them. 
  • Experts agree that the rate at which the Earth travels through space has slowed ever so slightly for millennia.
  • Blue eyes blinked in shock, then the colour rose ever so slowly into her face.
  • ‘The soccer was never sold out when I was a kid,’ I said, lunging irrevocably into the world of fogydom the instant the words left my lips.
  • Poly-andria, and ever so many more of them, will be up the Camp Hill; and then there will be monogamia, and cryptogamia, and ever so many more games, here, there, and everywhere. Hollowdell Grange Holiday Hours in a Country Home
  • Science is always wrong. It never solves a problem without creating ten more. George Bernard Shaw 
  • A cracked bell can never sound well. 
  • A shiver racked his body, making his step ever so slightly falter.
  • A cracked bell can never sound well. 
  • Celt, and certainly no Barney McCrea of her day would have kissed her if she had spilled ever so many pitchers of sweet buttermilk over the plain; so we took the railway, and departed with delight for Limavady, where Thackeray, fresh from his visit to Charles Lever, laid his poetical tribute at the stockingless feet of Miss Margaret of that town. Penelope's Irish Experiences
  • There are however some traditional dramatic devices which function to heighten the atmosphere of absurdity, including the use of string tremolandi to underline Ubu's plotting and mistuned brass fanfares to herald courtly meetings.
  • He tries ever so hard to play down the significance of this glaring omission from an otherwise impeccable CV but he doth protest too much, methinks.
  • Doc Charlie would casually flirt with the nonchalant female who would ever so calmly refuse.
  • To locate objects in relation to interest and power, however sophisticated and non-reductionist, is only one perspective upon mass consumption.
  • Again, it made me nervous, because basically, spicy calamari is Korean oh-jing-uh bokkeum, a tasty tangle of squid, vegetables, and ever so sweetened super spicy ggoh-choo-jahng sauce. Zero, Zilch for Zip Fusion, West LA
  • That soul cannot perish, nor that concern fall to the ground, though ever so weighty, that is by faith hung upon Christ. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • Nobody has ever solved the mystery.
  • So they hem and haw and appear ever so grave and thoughtful.
  • Whenever something bad happens or is just sprung upon you, you always try to see that positive silver lining lurking beneath the surface somewhere.
  • Yesterday, however, the stakes were upped ever so slightly when the club's ents manager asked me if I would like to be a judge of the amateur strip competition which forms the on-stage entertainment tomorrow.
  • A real lady she died as she had lived ever so quietly and peacefully in the company of her family.
  • In the late 1980s, to the ears of an angry young man, a lot of English music seemed to concentrate on colouristic dynamism, display of technique, and filling time with rapid successions of clever sonic gestures.
  • Soybean mosaic disease caused by SMV occurs worldwide wherever soybean is grown and is regarded as one of the most important soybean diseases in many areas of the world.
  • What's troubling you, dear? You look ever so worried.
  • The trickle of blood flowed from his nose ever so much more slowly.
  • By doing so, I readily acknowledge that we are changing, ever so slightly, the role of the Crown with regard to sentencing.
  • Following the trial, the people of New York City awarded Hamilton the 'freedom of the city' and gave him a gold box inscribed with "For let the laws be never so much overborne by some one individual's power, let the spirit of freedom be never so intimidated, still sooner or later they assert themselves. Jury Nullification: The Right of Free Americans
  • Eric ever so gallantly closed the door behind him and took off his shoes very neatly.
  • Home is home, be it never so homely. 
  • But the star product, in my opinion, was this clever solution to the "strapless" dilemma. Sicily Scene
  • Obviously, she missed it or she tried to deflect from the question ever so unsuccessfully john Roberts: McCain grapples with major fundraising challenge
  • To locate objects in relation to interest and power, however sophisticated and non-reductionist, is only one perspective upon mass consumption.
  • While you're at it could you please add some space lines or whatever so that the title of a post doesn't overtype the first comment? Blears Takes Action After 'Ginger' Bullying
  • That the square of the hypothenuse is equal to the squares of the other two sides, cannot be known, let the terms be ever so exactly defined, without a train of reasoning and enquiry. An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
  • All about the house, with its numerous corners, turrets, gussets, and corbie-stepped gables, the fury of the world rose and wandered, the fury that never rests but is ever somewhere round the ancient universe, jibing night and morning at man's most valiant effort. John Splendid The Tale of a Poor Gentleman, and the Little Wars of Lorn
  • Forget the unwieldy title and worthy subject matter, this is a breathless piece of reportage, like a vintage New Yorker feature put to film: expansive, comic, digressive and ever so slightly demented.
  • There is a laconic drawl, an ever so slight nasal twang to his voice.
  • Then she ran her fingers ever so softly through his hair.
  • You said that was an amply sufficient qualification, and that no aquatic reporter who respected himself and his readers, had ever so far degraded himself as to row in a boat and to place his body in any of the absurd positions which modern oarsmanship demands. Punch, Or The London Charivari, Volume 101, July 11, 1891
  • About two hours later Arrius stood under the aplustre of the galley; in the mood of one who, seeing himself carried swiftly towards an event of mighty import, has nothing to do but wait-the mood in which philosophy vests an even-minded man with the utmost calm, and is ever so serviceable. Ben-Hur, a tale of the Christ
  • I don't think anyone has ever solved what is the deep feminine and the deep masculine.
  • The weather station also carries a simple microphone to record whatever sounds are made on Titan.
  • I was never so thankful that she was so bouncy and playful.
  • Can a tub of ice cream ever soften moral beliefs, or do mottos like 'Hubby Hubby' only freeze and harden these views?
  • He was clever so much so that he can solve it in a few minutes.
  • No commentator has ever sounded foolish by emphasising the obstacles to peace.
  • The document contains an explicit denial that the company ever sold arms.
  • She was constantly jumpy whenever someone mentioned my mother, and we eventually stopped hanging around each other.
  • OK, Italian would've been better - I'm ever so slightly Dutch-challenged, but I think I can manage by and large, enough to prefer the whole thing at anye rate ... Oltretomba Kleur #1
  • There is a laconic drawl, an ever so slight nasal twang to his voice.
  • He flew into a whim and went swimming on a cold winter day, and got a fever soon afterwards.
  • Astolpho, that English duke in Ariosto, which never sounded but all his auditors were mad, and for fear ready to make away with themselves; [771] or landed in the mad haven in the Euxine sea of Daphnis insana, which had a secret quality to dementate; they are a company of giddy-heads, afternoon men, it is Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Neighborhood work is concerned with political forces whenever social action is desired.
  • Then Redell pointed the aircraft's nose down the runway and accelerated ever so smoothly.
  • Killing American sailors on the USS Cole in the port of Aden was praiseworthy since no modern Muslim power had ever so humbled an American man-of-war. The Slaughter That Muslims Could Not Ignore
  • Unless someone has a brainwave we'll never solve this problem.
  • It was the ceaselessness of the work which tried her so severely, and began to make her wish that she had never some to Flintcomb-Ash. Tess of the d'Urbervilles
  • Thanks ever so much for your help, I really appreciate it.
  • Put in a drop or so of red food coloring, and mix thoroughly for pink or stir ever so slightly with a toothpick to get a swirly effect.
  • Emily had broken her arm falling off a piano stool and was ever so desperate to tell me all about it!
  • He just sat there, with an expression crossbred between reverence and desire, whenever some big old gal got up to shake and shimmy. Goodnight, Irene
  • This time he would remain ever so slightly in the rear, in order to run the other three captains and to deal with "deconfliction" issues. Five Days in Fallujah
  • Now, in case development took place in the above sense, it may have passed ever so gradually; the epochs of preparation between that which we know as highest animal development and that which constitutes the substance of man, may have stretched over ever so many generations, and, if the friends of evolution desire it, we say over ever so many thousands of generations; yet that which makes man The Theories of Darwin and Their Relation to Philosophy, Religion, and Morality
  • He was a born "scrapper," and never so happy as when annoying others. The Chums of Scranton High Hugh Morgan's Uphill Fight
  • The ability to control ants is well .. u could almost just say tony stark invented a way to do it and added it to his suit - there is no need to have a hero in the line up with that ability cuase well there is only ever so much u can do with the ant man. Did Jon Favreau Just Reveal The Avengers Line-Up? «
  • 'Then you'd better stop whispering like some Dago conspirator and finish your pudding like a good little wife, Mrs Beauchamp Comber, and smile ever so sweetly at Mr (' omber, and insist on cutting his cigar for him ... why, thank'ee, my dear! THE NUMBERS
  • On the ground, NASA engineers poring over images of that chipped heat shield and some tiles, and the leading edge of the left wing seen there, which was hit ever so slightly with a micrometeor yesterday. CNN Transcript Dec 12, 2006
  • 'Then you'd better stop whispering like some Dago conspirator and finish your pudding like a good little wife, Mrs Beauchamp Comber, and smile ever so sweetly at Mr (' omber, and insist on cutting his cigar for him … why, thank'ee, my dear! Flashman and the angel of the lord
  • And though ye cut them in never so many gobbets or parts, overthwart or endlong, evermore ye shall find in the midst the figure of the Holy Cross of our Lord The Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • Princess Grace, ever so carefully, untied the golden silk cords to the snow white carrying cloth, in which her dagger was kept.
  • I'm neither inclined nor really in any way interested in disabusing people of their political positions, however ridiculous they may be or however sound they may be.
  • He barely got his pants down before his sphincter relaxed, ever so slightly, which allowed a brief "pfft" to escape before the contents of his colon shot forth, much like the waters of a broken dam.
  • A cracked bell can never sound well. 
  • If, from the loftiest epic to the tritest novel, a heroine is often little more than a name to which we are called upon to bow, as to a symbol representing beauty, and if we ourselves (be we ever so indifferent in our common life to fair faces) feel that, in art at least, imagination needs an image of the Beautiful -- if, in a word, both poet and reader here would not be left excuseless, it is because in our inmost hearts there is a sentiment which links the ideal of beauty with the Supersensual. What Will He Do with It? — Volume 07
  • Recognition, acknowledgment, praise, and rewards are ever so important and are a demonstration of the fact that you care.
  • Oh how it so repulsed her, her father tee-heeing ever so loudly in the room next to hers.
  • He leaned forward ever so slightly .
  • The action reversed a trend in which the two countries appeared to be edging ever so slightly toward increased cooperation.

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