
How To Use Evenhanded In A Sentence

  • Although they bend too far backwards to be "evenhanded" with Palin, they nonetheless acknowledge her "tendency to refuse to acknowledge any error in judgment and to offer instead a version of events that could easily be proved false. Geoffrey Dunn: Sarah Vain and Simple
  • Recently, he completed his rigorous and evenhanded biography, "Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention" (Viking; $30), but, in an echo of his subject's fate, he died on the eve of publication.
  • He provides an evenhanded account of the continuing debate over Solzhenitsyn's stern views on the pridurki or trusties - prisoners who collaborated with the camp administration in return for various privileges.
  • As longtime observers of Bill O'Reilly, we choose to regard the man with the unjaundiced eye, impassive reason, and evenhanded solemnity of an ancient Athenian stoic. Joseph Minton Amann and Tom Breuer: Media Drunk Tank
  • Staff members, while lamenting Fay's legendary parsimoniousness, praise his evenhandedness and juggling of the three key constituencies of the USGA: the staff, the Executive Committee and the past presidents.
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  • When someone like R. Crumb dominates an era, Sabin gives him a lot more space than some mindlessly "evenhanded" survey would. All I Want For Christmas...
  • Enemy Combatant has been praised in Britain for Begg's outstanding liberality of mind and evenhandedness toward his captors, some of whom are described as unfeeling brutes, others as decent human beings who become his "friends. The Prisoners Speak
  • Obama's self-declared "evenhanded" approach to solving the Middle East "problem" would appear to consist of continually pressuring Israel to give up its secure borders while simultaneously enabling grave threats to Israel's very existence, refusing to engage the United States in taking action to halt Iran's nuclear weapons program. Lloyd Greif: Israel Stands Alone
  • Whether the evenhanded value or the value of account book is adopted is a dilemma in the new accountancy standards of our country in the establishment.
  • Arabs, particularly Palestinians, are nervous that Obama seems prepared to give the job of top diplomat to a senator from New York who has spent eight years cultivating her pro-Israel constituency and would continue, they think, a lack of U.S. evenhandedness in refereeing the Israeli-Palestinian dispute. The Sunday Word: Axelrod on the Auto Bailout - The Caucus Blog -
  • When Howard Dean proposed during the 2004 campaign that the United States take a more "evenhanded" role in the peace process, he was severely criticized by prominent Democrats, and a rival for the nomination, Sen. Joe Lieberman, accused him of "selling Israel down the river" and said Dean's comments were "irresponsible. Thursday, January 31, 2008
  • evenhanded justice
  • Virtually the antithesis to the other noted Iraqi war documentary Farenheit 911, No End in Sight takes a more evenhanded approach at American involvement in Iraq.
  • Obviously the only alternative is absolutely NO regulation, and anybody asking for effective regulation that is evenhanded and doesnt pick winners and losers is just so unprogressive. The Volokh Conspiracy » Anti-Wal-Mart Astroturf
  • Shouldn't there be some evenhandedness, with bad buildings by good architects also receiving a public airing?
  • Unfortunately, "evenhanded" isn't in Bush's vocabulary. Printing: Bush and Israel: It's Politics, Stupid
  • My MIL is an absolute darling - she's very evenhanded, doesn't interfere, and is incredibly supportive.
  • President Obama's new, "evenhanded" policy in the Middle East is anything but fair and balanced. Lloyd Greif: Israel Stands Alone
  • Further, the dysphemistic way that conservatives are characterized by Bob Burnettmakes it clear that this is not a serious, evenhanded political commentary. What Do Liberals Believe?
  • Then, on Sept. 9, he told the Washington Post that America should be "evenhanded" in its approach to the region. Monday, July 21, 2008
  • As you say, many of them denounce the document as the "Roadmap to hell," and Gary Bauer calls "any attempt to be 'evenhanded' ... 'morally reprehensible'. Mail Call
  • This will also allow a more evenhanded and efficient distribution of already scarce supplies. T2®: THE FUTURE WAR
  • Blond day you are to plastically gallinacean evenhandedly how stupefied you beatrice you are, constitutive day i barebacked draftee skeptically how null the fishily contagiously is and what i can do for him. Rational Review
  • As ultimate commander of the military, he must now move decisively and evenhandedly to disarm the antagonists.
  • If there is a silver lining to be drawn from these twin failures, it is this - the Senate was evenhanded in its tightfistedness. Sandip Roy: Don't Ask Don't Dream
  • To show that he was an evenhanded admonisher, Pyrrpallinda also turned his ire on the second counselor. Running From The Deity
  • This bleakness is Simon’s stamp on the show, and it suggests that his political passions ultimately trump his commitment to accuracy or evenhandedness. The Angriest Man In Television

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