How To Use Evaporation In A Sentence
The space left by evaporation is called the ullage, while the liquid lost is sometimes called the ‘angels' share’ and is particularly financially significant in the production of older cognac and Armagnac.
As soon as this began to thicken, Neb carefully removed it with a wooden spatula; this accelerated the evaporation, and at the same time prevented it from contracting an empyreumatic flavor.
The Mysterious Island
HPD has designed and delivered more than 650 systems in 30 countries, including the world's largest MVR evaporated salt crystallizer, the largest multiple-effect evaporated salt crystallizer and the largest kraft pulp black liquor evaporation system.
News -
When such water evaporates, it becomes concentrated, along with the magnesium and potassium salts, in the "mother liquor"; and upon complete evaporation, it crystallizes out as boracite and other rarer minerals.
The Economic Aspect of Geology
The plates were kept under a clear, acrylic cover to reduce evaporation.
They based their predictions on one million-acre feet a year deficit of the Colorado River, massive amounts of evaporation from the lake and the viscous effects of a warming world from climate change.
Dr. Reese Halter: Global Warming, Drought and the Grim Reaper
Crop residue has a nutrient value and will catch snow, reduce evaporation, increase infiltration, and improve soil tilth.
There's more on the Titanian polar lake evaporation spaceprobe boffinry
Signs of the Times
However, after one or two days of use, especially with the screen on, will complete the evaporation process and the yellow "blotches" will disappear.
MacRumors : Mac News and Rumors
Lysimeter and evaporation pans can measure a tree and soil evaporation easily and accurately.
They are plunged in a solution of ammonium chloride A, contained in a glass phial or beaker, which is closed to suppress evaporation.
The Story of Electricity
The crystal is actually a mixture of carnallite and salt with the proportions varying according to evaporation conditions and the stage of the evaporation process.
Volatile compounds in tomato juice have been detected by TCT-GC-MS from the concentrate juice using the methods of nanofiltration, freeze concentration, vacuum evaporation and ultrafiltration.
She had smiled at it as such when Dorcas used to hint at it; but are there no castles in the clouds which we like to inhabit, although we know them altogether air-built, and whose evaporation desolates us?
Wylder's Hand
Water use or evapotranspiration is composed of two parts, transpiration from the plant and evaporation from the soil surface.
O what an evaporation wherewith to bewray the masks or mufflers of young mangy queans.
Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
A glass cover over the tank will do much to eliminate excessive evaporation.
In vinegar that has matured for 12 years, there is an expected 85-percent evaporation.
Warm air can hold more H2O than cold, so you get more evaporation from the oceans and to a lesser extent, the ground.
An Inconvenient Truth | My[confined]Space
Barnes explains that the summer heat warms the ocean's surface and spurs evaporation.
Methods: The nature HA films were prepared by electron beam evaporation and rf - magnetron sputtering techniques.
Such blind pools loose water by evaporation, or if below the water table remain as permanent bodies.
Its evaporation from the skin cools the body.
The Dictionary of Nutritional Health
To study the water-holding capacities of desert soil and the soil amended with coal ash and sewage sludge, experiments were designed to simulate rainfall and natural evaporation.
Straw coverage can weaken the wallop of raindrops and keep the surface ped from being destroyed; it also cut down the evaporation loss of soil water.
Water soluble salts can form sedimentary mineral deposits when they precipitate during evaporation of lake or seawater (evaporite deposits).
AP Environmental Science Chapter 10- Minerals
But planting should not be so dense or with a species that will interfere with soil transpiration or evaporation of leachate.
Perfect plants to place over septic systems
The skin or epidermis that surround the stomata secretes a waxy cuticle that inhibits the evaporation of water from the epidermal area of the leaf.
The pH of the medium was not buffered and the volume in each container was maintained by regularly adding fresh nutrient solution to compensate for plant consumption and evaporation.
He will know how many pints can be got out of a keg of beer, and what percentage can be attributed to ‘evaporation’.
The downstream discharge at the Shabelle river is decreasing rapidly due to losses from seepage, evaporation, overbank spillage due to a low channel capacity, and water abstractions before the flow usually ends in the wetlands beyond Sablaale.
Water profile of Somalia
Sheeting cards and membership cards produced by solvent evaporation so that the ink dry.
Topical agents such as petrolatum provide an occlusive film over inflamed skin, decrease fissuring, and reduce evaporation.
Its evaporation from the skin cools the body.
The Dictionary of Nutritional Health
The moist water of the earth is exhausted by evaporation.
I think it is due to their forereaching science, which assures them that this world has entered upon the last stage of its existence which began with the arrest of its axial rotation, and which will end with the total extinction of life through the evaporation of all the waters under the never-setting sun, and the consequent complete desiccation of this now so beautiful land.
A Columbus of Space
These shells are associated with much common salt, a little sulphate of lime (both probably left by the evaporation of the spray, as the land slowly rose), together with sulphate of soda and muriate of lime.
Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
Some of this increase can be attributed to the evaporation of remaining nitric acid from the condensed phase as temperatures rise.
In the oven, the dissolved sugar hangs onto the water molecules and so delays their evaporation in the high heat until after ovalbumin has had time to coagulate and reinforce the raw foam.
On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
The technique minimizes water evaporation and allows roots to be fed by normally damaging briny water.
For example, if the sun warms a parcel of air, the liquid water molecules speed up and become vapor, so evaporation dominates.
Volatile compounds in tomato juice have been detected by TCT-GC-MS from the concentrate juice using the methods of nanofiltration, freeze concentration, vacuum evaporation and ultrafiltration.
Humans have several avenues of heat loss available to them: conduction, convection, radiation and evaporation.
In all cases, evaporation from the pots was minimized by covering the exposed surface with a layer of filter paper.
The atmospheric disturbance caused by rapid evaporation from these sudden, heavy rainstorms over a large land mass has a major effect on water supply forecasts in the West.
Due to their superior hygiene, they are recommended for use in the fermentation of night soil and for cases involving pronounced scumming, e.g. due to rapid evaporation, since the gasholder cannot get stuck in the scum.
5. Biogas technique
Over the past sixty or seventy years, rainfall has varied by 17%, population has risen 340%, the storage capacity of dams has increased by 390%, the area under irrigation has risen by 290%, the lake inflow from the Lerma river has decreased by 79% and the amount of water extracted from the lake (excluding evaporation) has decreased (Yes! decreased) by 89%.
Lake Chapala: a review of "The Lerma-Lake Chapala watershed: evaluation and management"
There is a widespread salinization of soils caused either by irrigation which draws salts to the surface in dry areas or else the evaporation of irrigation water that leaves salt in its stead.
Finally, mosses may, like higher plants, also have a waxy cuticle and stomata to help control evaporation.
Methods Prepare multilaminar liposome by film evaporation combined with lyophilization, then mix with influenza split vaccine at a certain ratio and lyophilize.
It didn't boil, either; helium II is a "superfluid," so what evaporation there was had to take place evenly, all over the surface.
The Forever War
In Australia, salt is produced by solar evaporation from sea water, saline lake waters, underground brines and harvested from dry lake beds.
Evaporation is faster (and accompanied by a slower loss of strength) in a dry cellar, resulting in an undesirably harsh style of brandy.
When the system becomes too warm, the blood vessels on the surface expand, the blood fills them, the fluid exudes into the perspiratory glands, pours out upon the exterior, and by evaporation cools the body.
Hygienic Physiology : with Special Reference to the Use of Alcoholic Drinks and Narcotics
Ice cold beverages desensitize the taste-buds and prevent the evaporation of the volatile components that contribute aroma.
Its evaporation from the skin cools the body.
The Dictionary of Nutritional Health
Current methods involve many solvent extraction cycles and vitrification after nitric acid treatment and evaporation.
Also, a mat of threadlike filamentous algae floating on the surface greatly increases the rate of water loss through evaporation.
The small water droplets have a large surface area which allows for a great deal of evaporation.
For example, if the fragrance flashpoint is 130, with a normal paraffin, soy or beeswax candle, evaporation or flash-off is a factor.
Archive 2007-10-01
The opposite of evaporation is condensation where vapor changes to a liquid.
A reticle is a cross hair placed within half a micron of accuracy on the film plate by metal evaporation at Zeiss.
Efflorescences are powdery encrustations of minerals that form on the surfaces of rocks by evaporation of their pore water.
In addition, the mulch improves soil quality over time, minimizing water waste caused by run-off and evaporation.
As such, the Mackenzie River system offers the best example of a northern lentic system that is unlikely to be significantly affected by changes in hydrologic processes operating within the north (e.g., direct lake evaporation and precipitation) but will be dependent principally on changes in water-balance processes operating well outside the Arctic.
Effects of climate change on general hydro-ecology in the Arctic
The patterns formed by the processes of etching and/or evaporation of the conductor make the electrical circuitry of the integrated circuit.
Mineral extraction industries have also played a part by helping to accelerate 12 evaporation.
By adopting blowing side protective gas, the problem that gas hole was easy to form owed to evaporation of zinc and moisture of circumstances in laser...
They claim the water is contaminated with heavy metals that have leached from the unlined evaporation ponds which cover two square kilometres of the 15-square kilometre site.
A high degree of soil exposure also results in high surface evaporation resulting in years of low rainfall becoming severe droughts.
On the degree of evaporation or reduction to which the tomatoes are subjected the flavour of the sauce very largely depends.
Evaporation is an endothermic process, so the heat inside the refrigerator is absorbed by the coil and the refrigerator is cooled.
Unlike overhead sprinklers, no water is lost to evaporation.
Some of this increase can be attributed to the evaporation of remaining nitric acid from the condensed phase as temperatures rise.
The Foggaras, a network of underground galleries, conducted water from one place to the other over very long distances so as to avoid evaporation.
I told my Bacardi friends what I had learned years ago in Haiti, that when the rum is resting in its barrels, it loses a portion due to evaporation ... which is known as angel's share.
Jay Weston: Yo Ho Ho & a Bottle of Rum
Leaking pipes, unlined channels, evaporation from reservoirs and canals and poorly directed spraying mean that 60-85 per cent of the water never reaches the plants' roots.
In each of these settings, progressive evaporation of seawater leads to precipitation of calcite and gypsum followed by halite.
The traditional drying control system sometime could not meet evaporation rate requirements in all kinds of environment conditions, and wasting energy seriously.
Eventually it will be dispersed by a combination of the natural processes of evaporation and marine bacterial breakdown.
These sources are particularly important because the rivers drain watersheds that don't receive much summer rainfall and where rates of evaporation are relatively high.
Devices that measure the evaporation of water such as atmometers may be useful.
Taking some azotic acid, he mixed it with glycerine, which had been previously concentrated by evaporation, subjected to the water-bath, and he obtained, without even employing a refrigerant mixture, several pints of an oily yellow mixture.
The Mysterious Island
What we liked: Since it's made of nylon, you can dunk it in creeks and enjoy the cooling evaporation as it drip-dries on your head.
SFGate: Top News Stories
Transpiration is commonly measured in combination with evaporation, which is referred to as evapotranspiration (ET).
5. How plants live and grow
Secretions become viscous and inspissated (ie, glutinous and thickened by evaporation or absorption), and calcium carbonate precipitates, which results in ductal stone formation.
They found that the rate rose over the study period from 1994 to 2006 and that the strongest component of that increase was an increase in evaporation over the ocean.
Bill Chameides: Where Has All The Water Gone?
If the basin be large in proportion to the amount of the incurrent water, this evaporation may exceed the supply, and produce a sea with no outlet, such as we find in the Dead Sea of Judea, in that at Salt Lake, Utah, and in a host of other less important basins.
Outlines of the Earth's History A Popular Study in Physiography
Clothing should be light-colored and lightweight and limited to one layer of absorbent material to facilitate evaporation of sweat.
Its evaporation from the skin cools the body.
The Dictionary of Nutritional Health
Results from the experiment show that there exists a maximum coefficient of performance and it depends on the evaporation temperature and outlet temperature of the gas cooler.
Mr Thomas said there is a range of things people can do to save water, including mulching the garden and covering swimming pools to reduce evaporation.
The solvent was removed by evaporation with a N 2 stream and the dried lipid film was resuspended in decane to form a final total lipid concentration of 25 mg/ml.
It is claimed for the albo-carbon material that it is perfectly inexplosive, safe and portable, that it causes no obstruction and leaves no residuum, and that the receivers can be replenished almost indefinitely without any accumulation taking place, so perfect is the evaporation of the albo-carbon.
Scientific American, Volume 40, No. 13, March 29, 1879 A Weekly Journal of Practical Information, Art, Science, Mechanics, Chemistry, and Manufactures
Filtration, decantation, distillation, evaporation and crystallization are physical separating Methods: Without formation of new substances.
Where a trap seal is subject to loss by evaporation, a deep-seal trap consisting of a 4-inch (102 mm) seal or a trap seal primer valve shall be installed.
An evaporation system is used to dissipate heat from the sun and protect the shuttle's electronics.
There are four processes by which the body rids itself of excess heat: conduction, convection, radiation, and evaporation.
Our bodies can sweat, thereby losing heat by evaporation.
Strongly scented plants like nepeta, calamintha and perovskia produce volatile oils that increase air density, reducing evaporation.
Times, Sunday Times
Aquatic weeds use more water in evapotranspiration than is lost by evaporation from the equivalent area of open water.
Lake Chapala: Can Mexico's largest lake be saved?
These improve the microclimate by evaporation in hot weather.
Bilayers of Ni / Au and Al / Ti were deposited by e-beam evaporation as p- and n-type ohmic contacts for current injection.
Climatological stations make more detailed data collection covering rainfall intensity, temperature, evaporation, hygrometry, wind speed and direction, etc.
1.1. Aims
The drainage basin of Lake Oloidien is hydrologically closed so that water losses are due almost entirely to evaporation.
It is noted that all these four schemes are economically feasible. The one based on a direct evaporation of refrigerant and low-temperature air supply system enjoys the best economy.
We are safe, then, in saying that the humidity evaporated from any artificially watered soil is increased by a quantity bearing a large proportion to the whole amount distributed over it, for most even of that which is absorbed by the earth is immediately given out again either by vegetables or by evaporation; and the hygrometrical and thermometrical condition of the atmosphere in irrigated countries is modified proportionally to the extent of the practice.
Earth as Modified by Human Action, The~ Chapter 04 (historical)
The observatory contained a seismograph to record mining tremors, an evaporation pan and a device to record lightening strikes which are particularly virulent on the Witwatersrand.
Empedocles says, that the similitude of children to their parents proceeds from the vigorous prevalency of the generating sperm; the dissimilitude from the evaporation of the natural heat it contains.
Essays and Miscellanies
In the meantime, the relationship between water evaporation rate and water content was also investigated.
Heat gain or loss results from four heat exchange processes - convection, conduction, radiation and evaporation.
The soothing, cooling effect is caused by the evaporation of the sweat on the skin.
Downdraughts can be accelerated on its path by evaporation, and this can cause downbursts to occur.
HA - ADH films were prepared with a solvent evaporation method.
The results showed that at higher evaporation rate the air replacement time can be reduced.
Heat gain or loss results from four heat exchange processes - convection, conduction, radiation and evaporation.
Mulching is a simple process of covering the soil surface with materials to prevent direct evaporation of soil moisture.
The liquid evaporates in the heat pipe's evaporation section.
The heating was provided not for the comfort of the prisoners but to create a better setting for the evaporation of gas.
It is the evaporation from the big lagoons -- there are so many of them," McCoy explained.
Wind satisfies these conditions in the highest degree (fire only becomes flame and moves rapidly when wind accompanies it): so that not water nor earth is the cause of earthquakes but wind-that is, the inrush of the external evaporation into the earth.
Contractors are also encouraged to use evaporation retarders when weather conditions could cause excessive water evaporation from the slab.
Moisture wicking fabrics will help evaporation and keep you cooler than heavier fabrics that retain heat.
Only by extreme siccity is such land possible when more water rises in evaporation than falls by precipitation.
Arizona Sketches
After the evaporation of the steaming vapour of spring has gone forward, and the farmer has operated in the way of ploughing and sowing, on whatever ready-prepared land he may have for the purpose, the first dry "spell" is looked forward to most anxiously to burn off the land which has been chopped during the winter – it is bad policy, however, to depend for the whole crop on this
Sketches and Tales Illustrative of Life in the Backwoods of New Brunswick, North America
Some of this increase can be attributed to the evaporation of remaining nitric acid from the condensed phase as temperatures rise.
The liquor undergoes a process of further evaporation and fermentation to remove volatile compounds like methanol, furfural and ethanol.
Katwe, a volcanic crater fed by several streams, has no outlet, meaning that intense evaporation during the dry seasons concentrates minerals in the hypersaline water.
Why the salt miners of Uganda's lakes are dying for a deal on climate change
Their shade reduces evaporation and keeps the soil moist during the dry season, and their roots protect the banks from erosion.
The evaporation of the juices of trees and other plants is doubtless their most important thermoscopic function, and as recent observations lead to the conclusion that the quantity of moisture exhaled by vegetables has been hitherto underrated, we must ascribe to this element a higher value than has been usually assigned to it as a meteorological influence.
Earth as Modified by Human Action, The~ Chapter 03 (historical)
Helium-3, if it is ever really usable for fusion, can probably be produced on earth by the fusion-evaporation process more cheaply than it can be transported from the moon.
Leroy Chiao Seeks Your Input - NASA Watch
An allelopathic plant releases potentially toxic substances into the environment through its roots, its leaves or processes such as evaporation.
Much of the solar energy that falls on a natural forest is dissipated high in the tree canopy through "transpiration," the evaporation of water transmitted from the soil through the roots, stems, and foliage of plants, a process that consumes solar energy and cools the environment.
The Green vs. the Brown Amazon
The solvent was removed by rotary evaporation followed by desiccation under vacuum.
Be careful not to lose too much liquid by evaporation.
The calcium sulphate was probably concentrated by evaporation of shallow lakes, though wind-borne gypsum dust may have contributed in places.
Commonly used in processed foods of all kinds, it's also found in varnishes, lacquers, pesticide products, cosmetics, and perfumes to reduce the evaporation rate and improve stability.
Dr. Joseph Mercola: What's In The Non-Chicken Half Of The McNugget
Water losses are through evaporation to the atmosphere and minimal leakage or seepage.
Much spare room is enclosed by the town walls: evaporation and Nature's scavengers act succedanea for sewerage.
First Footsteps in East Africa
Another reason why large towns and cities are generally warmer is due to decreased amounts of evaporation.
The results show that the evaporation rate of surface water by theoretical calculation agrees well with experiments and the mean error is about ...
On the other hand, exposure to wind lowers temperatures and increases evaporation; cold air trapped in a hollow can cause a pond to freeze for long periods.
Times, Sunday Times
Thus McCollum has shown that while benzene is of little value as an extractant of this vitamine, if we will first extract the vitamine with alcohol or water and deposit this on dextrin by evaporation it is then possible by shaking the activated dextrin with benzene to cause the vitamine to pass into solution in benzene.
The Vitamine Manual
With the increase of inlet air temperature of the condenser, evaporation pressure, condensation pressure increase, but supercooling and superheat degree, refrigerating capacity and COP decrease.
If the ionization electrode is located at an appropriate position in the vicinity of the evaporation source and a positive voltage with respect to that of the evaporation source is applied to the electrode, thermions and secondary electrons from the evaporation source migrate toward the ionization electrode.
Soil transpiration around a septic system is the movement of oxygen into the soil to aid in the process of breaking down matter and the evaporation of leachate or extra septic moisture.
Perfect plants to place over septic systems
Oil floating at the ocean's surface has a limited lifespan - it's been collected and destroyed by skimming, booms, chemical dispersants, evaporation, photolysis, biodegradation - and took a beating from wind and waves when tropical depression Bonnie blew through over the weekend.
Georgianne Nienaber: Flyover at the Macondo Wellhead: Damage Control at "The Source"
A general list of technologies that accomplish liquid concentration includes evaporation, reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration, and freeze concentration.
A general list of technologies that accomplish liquid concentration includes evaporation, reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration, and freeze concentration.
Excessive heat build-up in an attic can shorten the longevity of composition roof shingles by causing premature evaporation of the oils in the asphalt.
Mr. Hoepfner however thinks the dispersion of the diamond by this great heat should be called a phosphorescent evaporation of it, rather than a combustion; and from its other analogies of crystallization, hardness, transparency, and place of its nativity, wishes again to replace it amongst the precious stones.
The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
Cadmium sulphate, CdSO_4, is known in several hydrated forms; being deposited, on spontaneous evaporation of a concentrated aqueous solution, in the form of large monosymmetric crystals of composition 3CdSO_4·8H_2O, whilst a boiling saturated solution, to which concentrated sulphuric acid has been added, deposits crystals of composition CdSO_4·H_2O.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
Mulch the soil well to help absorb runoff and to block evaporation of moisture.
Although there is a sensation of heat, evaporation of sweat from the forehead and chest results in a drop in temperature in these areas.
Oil floating at the ocean's surface has a limited lifespan - it's been collected and destroyed by skimming, booms, chemical dispersants, evaporation, photolysis, biodegradation - and took a beating from wind and waves when tropical depression Bonnie blew through over the weekend.
Georgianne Nienaber: Flyover at the Macondo Wellhead: Damage Control at "The Source"
This involves evaporation of water from the body surface, and active secretion of sweat onto the skin surface will be initiated.
Evaporation involves heat loss through the vaporization of sweat.
A glass cover over the tank will do much to eliminate excessive evaporation.
With increasing of welding speed , evaporation and loss of Mg reduce while fusion penetration diminish.
Evaporation will fractionate the isotopes and result in the residual water becoming enriched in oxygen 18.
New Thompson Article at PNAS « Climate Audit
Let the weight of the extract, freed from ether-alcohol before treatment with bisulphide of carbon, equal A, and the weight of extract after treatment with CS_ {2} and evaporation of the same equal B; and weight of the residue which is left after evaporation of the CS_ {2} and the camphor in solution equal C, the percentage of camphor will be A - B - C.
Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise
The casserole is fairly shallow with a large surface area allowing maximum evaporation.
Strongly scented plants like nepeta, calamintha and perovskia produce volatile oils that increase air density, reducing evaporation.
Times, Sunday Times
The evaporation of the juices of trees and other plants is doubtless their most important thermoscopic function, and as recent observations lead to the conclusion that the quantity of moisture exhaled by vegetables has been hitherto underrated, we must ascribe to this element
The Earth as Modified by Human Action
Yet, in a world where the boundaries between film/video/DVD and real life are wearing thin almost to non-existence, with the ghastliest events filmed on mobile phones and then immediately beamed around the world, it may be that the time has come for film-makers to exercise at least a modicum of self-censorship, now that institutional censorship of films has vanished pretty well to the point of total evaporation.
Only about 30% of the soil was of the type susceptible to laterization, and defoliation did not produce bare dirt which might increase the evaporation rate of ground water, possibly hastening the precipitation of ferrous iron and its oxidization into the insoluble ferric form.
Operation Ranch Hand
Our bodies can sweat, thereby losing heat by evaporation.
Intermingle CaO in electronic emission materials evaporation of BaO and increase the emitting current.
They fall into three main groups — latent heat losses (through evaporation/condensation), sensible heat losses (by conduction/convection), and hydrometeor losses (from rain, snow, hail, sleet, graupel, etc.)
USCCSP: Temperature Trends in the Lower Atmosphere « Climate Audit
Strongly scented plants like nepeta, calamintha and perovskia produce volatile oils that increase air density, reducing evaporation.
Times, Sunday Times
Outdoor irrigation accounts for up to 50 percent of water use in Florida, and up to 50 percent of the water applied to lawns is lost to what SFWMD calls "evapotranspiration" -- the sum of evaporation and plant transpiration from the earth's land surface to the air
This evaporation principle was also adopted to lower the temperature inside ambulances by means of a cuscus tatty; this consisted of a four-sided wooden frame with chicken wire front and rear, the cavity was filled with what we called camel thorn.
Coming of Age: 1939-1946
If this then led to more evaporation from the oceans, causing increased cloud cover, this could be a feedback, because clouds have a number of effects: they reflect more sunlight back into space (because they are whiter than the land and ocean surfaces they cover) and they trap more of the surface heat (because water vapour is a strong greenhouse gas).
2010 January | Serendipity
Its evaporation from the skin cools the body.
The Dictionary of Nutritional Health
Hales conducted hundreds of experiments on plants that demonstrated the flow of sap in the roots and stalks of plants as well as leaf-based evaporation of water (a process known as transpiration).
Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
The researchers also used the satellite to estimate "evapotranspiration" - the evaporation of water from soil and the transpiration or use of water by plants - to learn more about how defoliation of tamarisk affects water use. - latest science and technology news stories
Lake Mead, already shriveled to 60 percent of maximum capacity in 2004 it fell to its lowest level in four decades, was doomed to shrink further: An average 9.0 million acre-feet a year came in, but demand in the lower basin and apportionments to Mexico subtracted 9.5 million, and another 800,000 acre-feet were lost to evaporation.
I thought that evaporation was what caused stalagmites, not precipitation.
The other principal productions of the colony are a species of salsola, or saltwort, called by the natives canna, which affords potash for the soap which is manufactured for domestic use; salt, which is obtained by mere evaporation from numerous lakes; and aloes, natural plantations of which cover a large tract of ground.
Three Weeks in the Downs, or Conjugal Fidelity Rewarded: exemplified in the Narrative of Helen and Edmund
In the book of Job, there is a remarkable description of how evaporation works: “He draws up the drops of water water vapor NLT, they distill rain from the mist; which the clouds pour down” 36:27–28 NASB.
Modern Science in the Bible
The extraction raffinate can be concentrated by one-stage evaporation to obtain sulfuric acid with 80% of mass fraction.
Wet curing prevents the evaporation of untrapped water from within the blocks which is vital for the lime-clay reactions to occur.
Chapter 6
Now since, as we have said, the moist and the dry evaporations are mixed, some quantity of this stuff must always be included in the clouds and the water that are formed by condensation, and must redescend to the earth in rain.
In arid places the same physics amplify evaporation and drought, visible in the dust-dry farms of the Murray-Darling River Basin in Australia.
Consequently, evaporation loss of Mg element can be controlled in a reasonable range with insured fusion penetration by proper increasing of the three parameters.
Insecticides are not very active at low temperatures and considerable spray is lost to evaporation or inversions at high temperatures.
It can also make the difference between success and failure in controlling evaporation between placing and curing the concrete.
One is the harvesting and conveyance of water from the water source, the river typically in the Murray-Darling system, and how much water is lost through soakage and evaporation and so on, just to get it to the farm gate.
Greater surface area provides more exposed skin to perspire and cool the body through evaporation, he says.
One is the harvesting and conveyance of water from the water source, the river typically in the Murray-Darling system, and how much water is lost through soakage and evaporation and so on, just to get it to the farm gate.
This oil possesses characteristics of high viscosity, high flash point, low ash, low residual carbon and low evaporation loss, so as to meet the requirements of users.
During drought years, the amount of residue is even less, which exposes the soil to greater evaporation and erosion.
As the moisture decreases, the evaporation curve inflects at a point referred to herein as the peat evaporation inflection point.
On the other hand, exposure to wind lowers temperatures and increases evaporation; cold air trapped in a hollow can cause a pond to freeze for long periods.
Times, Sunday Times
Of the various climatological elements such as sunlight, humidity, temperature, rainfall, evaporation, and wind, the canopy has greatest effect on sunlight, wind, and evaporation.
In this vessel, which is in communication with another vessel called the absorber, containing cold water or very weak ammonia liquor, evaporation takes place, owing to the readiness with which cold water or weak liquor absorbs the ammonia, water at 59° Fahr. absorbing 727 times its volume of ammonia vapor.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 647, May 26, 1888
Topical agents such as petrolatum provide an occlusive film over inflamed skin, decrease fissuring, and reduce evaporation.
The patterns formed by the processes of etching and/or evaporation of the conductor make the electrical circuitry of the integrated circuit.
If warm water affects evaporation, let's see if cooling water vapor affects condensation!
Among the many changes accompanying the evaporation of my bachelorhood, one in particular stands out: I now watch "American Idol.
Edward Muzio: 'American Idol': Good Show, Probably Not A Good Work Environment