How To Use Evangelicalism In A Sentence
Here we have medieval Augustinian evangelicalism at its most pure and sublime.
Unlike Beattie, who was socialized into evangelicalism and unionism, Ivan Foster was recruited after a more dramatic conversion.
This has had a permanent and detrimental effect upon British and American Evangelicalism, and has undergirded a whole range of unbiblical holiness and perfectionist teachings ever since Wesley's day.
Even those who have moved away from or expanded the definition of ‘conservative evangelicalism’ have not lost the impulse to evangelize, he says.
The new face of American evangelicalism is not confined to the mega-churches.

Evangelicalism is the fastest growing mental illness in this nation.
Think Progress » American Family Association: Government is more dangerous than al Qaeda, Tim McVeigh’s terrorism.
Reimer supports Rawlyk's idea that Canadian evangelicalism is more irenic than its U.S. counterpart, but calls for real data to support the thesis.
Secondly, evangelicalism is not a denomination in itself, but is a major trend or theological movement within the mainstream denominations.
Reformed theology has historically been the branch of evangelicalism most strongly committed to the sovereignty of God.
Here, a very profound departure from Christian orthodoxy was made by key figures in Evangelicalism, among them Dobson, Colson, and Falwell.
Hastert goes (back) to work for Turkey « Blog
The plurality of roots feeding both Pentecostalism and evangelicalism explains, at least in part, the diversity of both movements today.
Because of this crisis and because of our love of Christ, his gospel and his church, we endeavor to assert anew our commitment to the central truths of the Reformation and of historic evangelicalism .
I think it is interesting that Richard Dawkins and Daniel Dennett both had religious upbringings rooted in Calvinism (Dawkins some low church evangelicalism and Dennett Congregationalism) and that both have merely switched from a personalist predestinarianism to an impersonalist one.
Science, religion and lucre ...
He saw the Protestant movement and evangelicalism as an offshoot of one of the lungs, and therefore not urgent on the agenda.
“Because there’s no central hierarchy in evangelicalism, the NAE has provided a convenient reference point for those outside of the community for a pulse on what evangelicals are thinking,” said Lindsay, author of Faith in the Halls of Power: How Evangelicals Joined the American Elite.
Top evangelical leader resigns over gay unions remarks
And what of evangelicalism with its positive and perky successful ministers and churches and their how-to sermons?
Overall, how did this papacy influence Protestantism, particularly evangelicalism?
The book is Robert S. McGee's Search For Significance, which looks like an archetypal example of the kind of garbage that has done so much to reduce Evangelicalism from a real religion to a cosmic self-help seminar.
Jefferson Scott's Character Creation for the Plot-First Novelist
Jones is typical of modern-day evangelicalism, which has abandoned any notion of advocacy for the poor and the misfortunate, and instead concentrates itself on gaining wealth and power.
Think Progress » Gainesville, FL rejects homophobic ‘No Homo’ campaign and elects its first openly gay mayor.
Unlike Beattie, who was socialized into evangelicalism and unionism, Ivan Foster was recruited after a more dramatic conversion.
Unlike Beattie, who was socialized into evangelicalism and unionism, Ivan Foster was recruited after a more dramatic conversion.
Reformed theology has historically been the branch of evangelicalism most strongly committed to the sovereignty of God.
During the Great Awakenings interdenominational evangelicalism, Pentecostalism and Christian fundamentalism emerged, along with new Protestant denominations such as Adventism, and new branches of Restorationism, particularly Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormonism.
Think Progress
... within American Evangelicalism about the nature, mission, and identifying marks of "the Church.
Indeed I now find myself troubled by the distinctly nonhistorical stance of much of evangelicalism, and therefore drawn to the arguments of the editors about their two great confessional faiths.
These moments draw on and return to a practice entrenched in evangelicalism: the use of Bible memory verses.
Brian Clark outlines the underlying similarities between ultramontanism and evangelicalism.
The fact that so many evangelicals would rather see the recent HCR legislation, with its guarantee of ending the onerous “pre-existing condition” stuff, go down in defeat is a crisp and clear comment on the utter moral depravity of evangelicalism.
Think Progress » Bachmann claims Romney doesn’t believe RomneyCare was ‘a good thing for’ Massachusetts.
These heterodox opinions have, in some respects, dogged Evangelicalism ever since.
Historic Protestantism is different from evangelicalism in its current incarnation.
Its evangelicalism encouraged personal piety but not social reform and gave only limited attention to building the kind of personal character that made for commercial success.
America Past and Present
Evangelicalism is pushing for more war, in order that the Rapture, Armageddon and the Second Coming should occur.
Think Progress » Palin: Obama could win reelection if he ‘played the war card’ and declared ‘war on Iran.’
Relevant also is the fact that Mormonism and evangelicalism are both proselytizing faiths, and thus are often in head-to-head competition for converts.12
American Grace
Again, it’s the sick and twisted Calvinist virus running rampant in evangelicalism today.
Think Progress » Gregg: Not ‘A Lot Of People’ Would ‘Really Care’ If Democrats Use Reconciliation To Finish Health Care
The topic of this dissertation is a study on the thought of modem Christian Evangelicalism .
Reformed theology has historically been the branch of evangelicalism most strongly committed to the sovereignty of God.
We shall see, however, that while evangelicals were readier to defend racial segregation than nonevangelicals, in part because of where they lived, their distinctiveness on this dimension declined as evangelicalism grew.
American Grace
Corporate evangelicalism is an abomination and a disgrace.
Think Progress » American Family Association Pins SeaWorld Death On Lack Of Christianity: ‘Bible Ignored, Trainer Died’
Having opted to grow on secular terms, American evangelicalism is becoming less hostile to liberal ideas such as tolerance and pluralism.
And The Winner Is...
Jones is typical of modern-day evangelicalism, which has abandoned any notion of advocacy for the poor and the misfortunate, These people have constructed a whole cult focused on the proper placement and function of the male sexual organ. and instead concentrates itself on gaining wealth and power.
Think Progress » Gainesville, FL rejects homophobic ‘No Homo’ campaign and elects its first openly gay mayor.
Corporate-owned evangelicalism is the major threat to our survival as a free people.
Think Progress » Virginia Delegate Fighting To Invalidate Health Reform: Reform Is ‘Criminal,’ An Attempt To Take ‘Your Soul’
Evangelicalism is at it’s very core a religion of self-centered people.
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My view of evangelicalism is not authoritative or infallible.
Losing Their Religion
McGrath is a towering intellect and one of the leading theologians in modern evangelicalism.
Implication : liberalism, neo - orthodoxy and neo - evangelicalism are NOT orthodox.
There are two other dominionist sects within evangelicalism that have escaped in-depth scrutiny from the Left.
Theocratic Sect Prays for Real Armageddon
Fundamentalist evangelicalism is behind this movement, as it is in so many other regressive fascistic movements.
Think Progress » Even Tancredo worries AZ immigration law may go too far: People shouldn’t be pulled over for how they look.