
View Synonyms
[ US /ˌɛvəˈnɛsəns/ ]
[ UK /ˌɛvənˈɛsəns/ ]
  1. the event of fading and gradually vanishing from sight
    the evanescence of the morning mist
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How To Use evanescence In A Sentence

  • His is a strain of conceptualist evanescence that is highly material in its rudiment - a matter of celluloid disintegrated into acrylic emulsion. ArtScene: This Month's Top Exhibitions in the Western United States
  • Short of death, there are few things that remind one of the evanescence of life as profoundly as the realization that when loved ones go they often take with them, and forever, information they would have had at their fingertips. History, One Photo at a Time
  • We fought our way - and we mean fought our way - through the crowd waiting to get into the Evanescence show.
  • PLEASEEEEEEEEEEE nononononononononononono evanescence would definetly be good on the soundtrack … Twilight Lexicon » Jonas Brothers New Moon Hopes
  • The gliding motion of the sails, their white flimsiness and quick transformations gave whatever formations they shaped and the places they represented a distinct air of insubstantiality and evanescence.
  • Legality documentary been had present award winning range director Branko Istvancic, he said that it is ‘sad story talk about evanescence life as we whilom live’.
  • The gliding motion of the sails, their white flimsiness and quick transformations gave whatever formations they shaped and the places they represented a distinct air of insubstantiality and evanescence.
  • the evanescence of the morning mist
  • She wore mint-colored scrubs and had just blown a blizzard of bubbles for a crowd of Jamaican children, whose hands were raised in an effort to seize the evanescence. Live and Let Love
  • It was only the soft evanescence of gossamery things which now seemed to him permanent.
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