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Euterpe oleracea

  1. Brazilian palm of genus Euterpe whose leaf buds are eaten like cabbage when young

How To Use Euterpe oleracea In A Sentence

  • Large areas are dominated by pure stands of the economically important buriti palm Mauritia flexuosa and acai-palm Euterpe oleracea. Marajó varzea
  • Palm exploitation is a major problem in some areas, and commercially used species such as Euterpe oleraceae and Mauritia flexuosa are often heavily exploited in the more accessible regions. Orinoco Delta swamp forests
  • Species found associated with these mangroves because of their location adjacent to tropical forests and because of high freshwater input include the tropical forest species, leguminosae vine (Dalbergia brownei), and Apocynaceae liana (Rhabdadenia biflora); freshwater macrophytes, Araceae Montrichardia arborescens, and Leguminosae Mora oleifera; and palm species, Euterpe oleracea and Orbygnia martiana. Pará mangroves
  • Large areas are dominated by pure stands of the economically important buriti palm Mauritia flexuosa and acai-palm Euterpe oleracea. Marajó varzea
  • Species found associated with these mangroves because of their location adjacent to tropical forests and because of high freshwater input include the tropical forest species, leguminosae vine (Dalbergia brownei), and Apocynaceae liana (Rhabdadenia biflora); freshwater macrophytes, Araceae Montrichardia arborescens, and Leguminosae Mora oleifera; and palm species, Euterpe oleracea and Orbygnia martiana. Pará mangroves
  • No country in the world is as rich as Brazil in its natural growth of rubber trees; nor have I ever seen anywhere else such beautiful and plentiful palms: the piassava (_Attalia fumifera_ M.), the assahy (_Euterpe oleracea_ L.), the burity (_Mauritia vinifera_ M.), the carnahuberia (_Copernicia cerifera_ M.), the palmito (_Euterpe edulis_ M.), and many others. Across Unknown South America
  • The most abundant species of palms are Astrocaryum murumuru, Raphia taedigera, Euterpe oleracea, Maximiliana regia, Oenocarpus bacaba, Jessenia bataua, Mauritia flexuosa, Manicaria saccifera, Socratea exorrhiza, and various species of Geonoma. Marajó varzea
  • Farmers are planting stands of Euterpe oleracea for the commercially valuable açaí fruits, replacing. naturally dense stands of the native buriti palm Mauritia flexuosa. Marajó varzea
  • Some of these important trees include yellow mombim (Spondias mombim), palms such as buriti (Mauritia flexuosa) and açaí (Euterpe oleraceae), socoró (Mouriri ulei), and tarumã (Vitex cymosa). Gurupa varzea
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