How To Use Europe In A Sentence

  • There is a great deal of feeling and perhaps some bitterness, but do you not all agree with me that it is quite possible, since there is a fashion of armament in Europe, and since there has been no withdrawal on the part of the Admiralty from the stand taken by the First Lord some months ago, to have the entire Canadian people approach this situation in a calm and in an impartial manner? Canada and the Empire
  • On arriving in Britain she found herself to be a virtual slave to Dunlop, who exhibited her to curious Europeans who were eager to view Baartman's steatopygous buttocks and genitalia. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Two years later she was omitted from the European squad that relinquished the trophy in Minnesota.
  • This sort of enamel work on a faceted metal body was copied from the enamelled European watches.
  • For him, cruelty was a legitimate and necessary procedure, almost a profession of faith, and European artists showed him how to excruciate a tame local reality.
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  • Europe was last united in neolithic times, before the inseparable meshwork of land, people, community and trade separated into hierarchy, nations and cities.
  • Over Fate of Georgia, Provinces With Russian forces appearing to hunker down in Georgia, U.S. and European officials now face a pricklier challenge: Moscow's insistence that it has the right to help break up the country. U.S.-Russia Relations Turn Cold
  • The focus is on relationships among European countries.
  • So the lands of the dismembered Yugoslav state became not only the scene of Europe's greatest resistance struggle, but also one of its bloodiest civil wars.
  • A second wave of emigrations of Ashkenazic Jews from Eastern Europe at the end of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries brought larger numbers of Yiddish-speaking, traditional Orthodox Jews into the Seattle community. Weaving Women's Words: Seattle Stories
  • Monks from the various orders in Europe had flocked to England to set up religious houses.
  • This is the only country in Europe to deny cancer screening to its citizens.
  • However, outside of Africa, the major regions of Europe, east Asia, and the Americas exhibit three different patterns.
  • On Continental Europe no one ever pays a blind bit of notice to them.
  • I could not but acknowledge that the local governments had, as it seemed to him, evinced but little sympathy with Hindooism; and that whatever might be European policy in respect to religion, the East India Company might have participated in the desire which prevails in Europe to develop ancient customs, and the reasons of those customs. Notes and Queries, No. 209, October 29 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Geneologists, etc.
  • Portuguese later acquired the property and turned it into the European-style Leal Senado Building for municipal chamber and the front square for Portuguese settlers to hold festive celebrations.
  • Rather than be seen as lecturing China on its exchange rate, the United States should be doing even more to push its European allies to allow a larger Chinese voice in multilateral forums. Beyond brinkmanship: A better economic path for the U.S. and China
  • After that, people in Europe started to call shoyu by the name "tamari. VEGAN "LIVERWURST"-- TRUST ME, IT'S DELICIOUS!-- AND INFO ON LIQUID SMOKE
  • The moon passing through the outer region of the Earth's shadow, known as the penumbra, will be visible from Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia's west coast at Stars and Stripes
  • This is Europe's problem too," went the refrain, after more than 1,400 immigrant had arrived in Tenerife and Gran Canaria in the previous week, making 2,000 landing in the month, mostly from Senegal and Mali. The pace quickens
  • These regulations are inapplicable to visitors from outside the European Community.
  • The council's own footballing heroes successfully defended their title in the European Municipal Cup in St Malo, France.
  • British companies are subject to international laws and the same applies to companies in Europe.
  • By 1100 the civilization of Europe was somewhat stabilized.
  • Is that anger enough to overturn governments and rattle the founding idea of Europe? Times, Sunday Times
  • Having spent years working and living in London and across Eastern Europe, the solitude and beauty of the landscape offered a powerful draw.
  • According to him, ‘In Europe the farmers throw dirt around the asparagus in order to blanch it.’
  • Reilly will compare the population status and dynamics of the European common frog in the three different types of peat bogs found in Ireland.
  • Getting involved in European companies is likely to bring a complexity of personnel management that will blow their minds," Graeme Maxton, a Europe-based independent auto industry analyst, told the news service, noting Chinese companies 'poor track record of managing their businesses. DealBook
  • The light is opaque, and the beach looks soft and European like a Monet view of the plage.
  • An alliance with Britain would offer no guarantees with regard to territorial integrity of the Netherlands in Europe.
  • From the late nineteenth century Britain and other European powers began to gain control of parts of the Ottoman Empire.
  • A military operations group was formed to shield Western Europe from the communistic Eastern Europe.
  • She speaks with a thick middle European accent, and she is difficult to understand.
  • Leonardo da Vinci was not only one of the earliest European abstractionist, but also a sculptor, an architect , and an engineer.
  • Enfin pourrait-on dire, l´occident, après des décennies de surdité, en vient lentement à combattre ce fléau criminel économique qui gangrène autant le développement de l´Afrique qu´il engraisse l´illégalité fiscale en Europe et de par le monde. Global Voices in English » Paris court investigates three African leaders
  • Aviation regulators closed roughly 80% of European airspace during the Easter holiday, stranding millions of people and upending global commerce. Sky Wars: Europe Battles to Erase Borders in the Air
  • RE: #106 – No one seems to want to have a technical discussion regarding the current mechanisms reponsible for the European drought of Fall 2006 and the zonally dominated current semi wet but warm pattern. More Unthreaded « Climate Audit
  • EU Referendum: Saddam "the federator of Europe" skip to main | skip to sidebar Saddam "the federator of Europe"
  • Lingonberries or cowberries are the fruit of a European relative of the cranberry, V. vitis-idaea; they have a distinctive, complex flavor. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • Arabic influence may have some part in the genesis of the songs, although the tonality of the Cantigas (mainly Dorian and Mixolydian modes) and basic structure are European; the virelai serves as the basic form, already in use with the Latin conductus, and divided into refrain – mudanza – vuelta – refrain (AA-bb-aa-AA, as in N.º 361). Archive 2009-07-01
  • Think of it as a play on European consumers' thirst and spending power. Times, Sunday Times
  • Later translated into Latin by Boethius around 500 AD, Aristotle’s influence spread throughout Syria and Islam whilst Christian Europe ignored him in favour of Plato.
  • In the 16th century, English mastiffs were famous for their courage and ferocity as war dogs, and were used in Spanish armies both in Europe and America.
  • The European middleweight champ needed 1,000 of dental work after the attack. The Sun
  • His plan is to make us all stakeholders in the new European order by giving the national parliaments of Europe more of a say in what goes on in Brussels and Strasbourg.
  • Cooperation and Development (OECD), Bermuda, Israel, South Africa, and the European ministates; also known as the First World, high-income countries, the North, industrial countries; generally have a per capita The 2007 CIA World Factbook
  • There were weighty arguments against this theory, in particular the fact that people with great muscular strength and a welldeveloped panniculus adiposus were often attacked by the disease; and also that European crews, on a diet containing sufficient protein and fat, were not immune, even when they were given virtually no rice at all. Christiaan Eijkman - Nobel Lecture
  • Let's go to Europe for two weeks and live it up.
  • A loose gown, open in front to reveal an underskirt, worn by European women in the 7th and 8th centuries.
  • It is less practised among those Gikuyu who have been Europeanised or detribalised.
  • Crucially, at the heart of this construct is the Commission, comprised of appointed technocrats ruling as benign Platonic guardians, protecting the interests of all the peoples of Europe. Democracy or stability?
  • Indeed, we can show the rest of Europe the way to flourish. The Sun
  • The good weather we've experienced over the past two days allowed us to fully prepare the cars for the forthcoming European races.
  • Getty Images At last year's European championships, Jessica Ennis won the women's heptathlon. The Sad State of British Track
  • Wolves are still found on the continent of Europe.
  • All over Europe, the fringes of suburbia are blighted by the dreary apparatus of industry - undecorated sheds and dour offices in glum lots girdled by sterile acres of parking.
  • Europcar, which has developed the system with UK-based digital agency Fortune Cookie, will equip the system at a number of major outlets elsewhere around Europe from the end of the first half of 2010.
  • Carrying a tent and a small camping stove with him, he camped every night during his journey through Europe and Russia, cooking his own food and therefore remaining self-sufficient.
  • Four British warplanes would also return to eastern Europe this year in an air policing role. Times, Sunday Times
  • The European Union is still feeling its way towards common policies.
  • Nobody can take part in the traditional European contest for possession after the tackle if his nose is more than 6in off the ground.
  • The history of Christian missions, after all, is the chronicle of Western missionaries and their exploits, and the notion of missionaries from the East preaching to a godless Europe is the stuff of creative fiction. The Chinese are Coming
  • European visitors to the site on the Wells Estate are often dismayed to find a landmark where undrinkable water leaks from crumbling walls.
  • Putting it all together yields a compelling story: European banks are shifting their cash assets out of European banks and putting much of them into US banks.
  • Economics will not stop Europe's politicians complaining when jobs are lost in their own backyard.
  • The education system bears / stands no comparison with that in many Eastern European countries .
  • His involvement with the project began when he was on secondment from NASA to the European Space Agency.
  • Sclavonic blood, or from the descendants of Rurik's companions, differ little in regularity of feature and expression of countenance from the handsomest races of Europe. Glimpses of Life and Manners in Persia
  • The geographical proximity of European countries has permitted fewer channels for terrestrial broadcast services in a single country than elsewhere. Television - policy and culture
  • He acted as a pro-American power broker and an alternative voice to the German-French axis within the European Union.
  • But marketing alone cannot explain why "onanism" and related terms began to show up in the great eighteenth-century encyclopedias or why one of the most influential physicians in France, the celebrated Samuel Auguste David Tissot, took up the idea of masturbation as a dangerous illness or why Tissot's 1760 work, L'Onanisme, became an instant European literary sensation. Me, Myself, and I
  • Here the mufti, or jurisconsult, appears to play a role remarkably similar to that of the roman jurist or contemporary European law professor (in providing Gutachten or opinions to courts).
  • This can entail harming companies that would be as efficient and as effective as Google is in these areas but for their limited access to consumers, creating a clear violation of Section 2 of the Sherman Act, of American law on monopolization, and on European competition law. Eric K. Clemons: One Click Away? Maybe and Maybe Not
  • Not only does it cover the levant, Asia minor and southern Europe but it is a fascinating cultural trek that covers many cultures and languages Wandering Neanderthals
  • The movement's admiration of non-European art unwittingly offered artists from minority cultures the opportunity to value their own visual traditions.
  • The first great European ocean sailors were sent out in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries to explore the world.
  • Nevertheless, the only East European country to sign up has been Romania (and the Romanian government is now back-pedalling, claiming that it was intimidated by Washington).
  • Süleyman the Magnificent in the sixteenth century extended his reach from the Sudan and the northern shore of Africa to Baghdad and far into Europe, where - twice - Turkish rams would batter at the gates of Vienna.
  • Prior to European settlement (pre-1850), a wide variety of disturbances characterized the region, ranging from frequent small-scale and localized events such as treefall gaps to rare, large-scale events such as stand-replacing fires and epizootic outbreaks. Eastern Cascades forests
  • European missionaries converted thousands to Christianity.
  • The second item of news is that Europe has caught up considerably with the United States.
  • By offering protection, not suffocation, Europe could set an example for the world in the best way to foster digital innovation.
  • She says she will resist a single European currency being imposed.
  • Many in southern Europe refuse to pay taxes, and rampant corruption in government and the public sector is the norm. Times, Sunday Times
  • The French writer, Reybaud, in his "Reformateurs Modernes," published in 1840, made the term equally familiar to the reading public of Continental Europe. Socialism A Summary and Interpretation of Socialist Principles
  • The country also presents a huge contrast with slowing US growth and stagnant growth in Europe. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, reflecting trends in Europe, sales of semi-skimmed milk boomed in Japan during the review period to represent 12 percent of sales by 1998.
  • During 18th and 19th centuries this area was known as the Barbary Coast and was feared for its regular piracy of European shipping. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • Then my mind wandered to how Marija Gimbutas and others have earned a bad rap for their insistence on skewing historical perspective with their matriarchal/matrifocal ideals of an 'Old Europe', i.e. Matriarchy and women rulers
  • The similarity between their names is due to coincidence and European mispronunciation -- "Mahican" comes from the word Muheconneok, "from Drag to Playlist - Articles related to Ten tips for expectant mothers
  • Even the geographical boundary of Europe to the east has been a matter of some debate.
  • The European Union and Japan ratify the Kyoto protocol on climate change, binding themselves to cut greenhouse-gas emissions - by eight per cent from 1990 levels by 2008-12 in Europe, and by six per cent in Japan.
  • EUROPEAN football chiefs are heading for war. The Sun
  • He wants to make the French socialists ‘cosmopolitan, internationalist, solidary, and pro-European again’.
  • “hydrometry,” still in an imperfect state, was little to be depended upon in the days when European ideas concerning the Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
  • Hence if China, Europe, or any other country is having a glut of money this cannot do much for the prices of American assets.
  • The early European navigators arriving in South America, believed they had reached the Earthly Paradise.
  • Imagine - the European Commission might want to harmonise uniforms and cap badges, or even metricate them.
  • Computers are now widely and fruitfully used in classrooms throughout Europe.
  • Aides to the Chancellor also suggested his big offer may one day mean compensation for companies who export to Europe if trade tariffs are imposed. The Sun
  • Unlike his characters, known for galumphing around European capitols, his team is on a far more appreciable quest of rooting though Washington, Philadelphia and New York.
  • When the three greatest rulers of Europe -- Philip Augustus, [13] king of France, Richard I, king of Early European History
  • The plane in which the Europeans arrive in San Theodoros is shown flying over an impoverished shanty town.
  • European diplomats and Croatian officials also claim Britain is doing Washington's bidding.
  • The nuclear weapons are targeted on Western Europe.
  • And by 1947 Europe had largely exhausted its dollar reserves.
  • This war will inevitably lead to a realignment of/within European politics.
  • The highlight of President Bush’s European tour may well be his visit on Sunday to this tiny country, one of the few places left where he can bask in unabashed pro-American sentiment without a protester in sight. Someone Likes Him
  • The expansion of the SVHC list is part of a long term European Union strategy to regulate and limit the use of hazardous substances. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • The European badger (_Meles taxus_ or _M. meles_) is from 25 in. to 29 in. long, with a tail of about 8 in.; the general hue of the fur is grey above and black on the under parts; the head is white, with a black stripe on each side. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • European officials, however, tend to be more confident about their ability to predict, based on theory, likely effects in the future and are somewhat more skeptical of the self-correcting nature of markets.
  • Punters expected earnings to have been pressured by unseasonably warm weather in Europe and production to have been hit by dampened demand and disposals. Times, Sunday Times
  • Besides the majority Sinhala Buddhists, the nation also includes Sri Lankan Tamils, Tamils of recent Indian origin, Muslims, and Burghers, descendants of intermarriages between Sri Lankans and Europeans.
  • This made for an expensive month when you take into account that the average European household's budget over the same period was just €725.
  • The Urnfield cultures were a group of central European Bronze Age cultures associated with the Celts.
  • EINDHOVEN - September 1st 2009 - Marmitek BV, European supplier of Marmitek X-10 domotics, immediately takes over the entire XanuraHome ™ product line from Eaton-Holec. HomeToys News
  • Later migrations from northern and eastern Europe brought the Brythonic Celts and Nordic tribes to the area.
  • The European Union boycott and American prohibitions are not seriously handicapping Burma.
  • But the British Museum is refusing to back down and insists the chessmen are the highlight within the new Paul and Jill Ruddock Gallery of Medieval Europe. Evening Standard - Home
  • Ray then spent thirteen years travelling around Britain and Europe collecting specimens and studying animals.
  • One senior European diplomat said that it was a one-sided account. Times, Sunday Times
  • Never mind York's links with Europe, the city's business people spend more time gabbing on the blower to Americans than they do to French or Germans.
  • Instead of an old country there is a continent made up of lands that were divvied up and named by European and Middle Eastern conquerors. Walter Mosley Talks About 47
  • The 2003 competition attracted hundreds of entries from across the UK and Europe.
  • A region and former kingdom of southern Europe along the northeast Adriatic coast.
  • There is a wind in southern Europe called the sirocco, known in Berdych's Czech Republic as the jugo. The Championships, Wimbledon 2010 - Grand Slam Tennis - Official Site by IBM
  • In Russia, the ethnic and geographic diversity of the population ensured its transition would be more difficult than that in the more homogeneous and smaller Baltic states or eastern European countries.
  • There were two summits taking place in Europe at the end of last week. Times, Sunday Times
  • They point out that the single market and European Union expansion are not being built on a strong social platform.
  • the Marshall Plan helped Europe recover from World War II
  • In the 17th century, the Dutch emerged as the most powerful of the Europeans, ousting the Spanish and Portuguese.
  • The Ontario government, backed by other provincial governments, argued against the lower court rulings, saying the Metis existed as a community only after European settlers arrived in Canada.
  • They are for a single market, but a politically disunited Europe.
  • He will use it to win the European Championship. The Sun
  • European settlers nearly wiped them out and mass battles ensued with cowboys. The Sun
  • Public opinion, already highly skeptical and suspicious of European Institutions, reached new lows.
  • But there will be no democracy in the country called Europe. The Sun
  • Leonardo clearly believed that wealth, patronage, and political power lay in the courts to the east of mainland Europe.
  • I then wandered down Whitehall, passed the great Offices of State, to view the Mother of Parliaments and ponder the fact that 70 years on Britain has a Government led by a Prime Minister never elected to that Office, who has refused to consult the People for fear they oppose him and happily transfered that once so precious prized sovereignty to a new European Superpower. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • • En route to Europe, Clinton called the multibillion-dollar American reconstruction effort in Afghanistan "heartbreaking," because she said there was little to show for it.
  • With luck, we'll find definitive proof that Solutrean peoples came over from Europe, built the pyramid, and colonized the New World," says Coe. Pyramid Found in New England
  • Africa was once parceled out among the European powers.
  • Beauvoir, Alphonse Karr, Émile Souvestre, who, to no small extent individually and to a very great extent when taken in battalion, helped to conquer that supreme reputation for amusingness, for pastime, which the French novel has so long enjoyed throughout Europe. A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 To the Close of the 19th Century
  • While the warmbloods of France, Germany, Sweden, Poland, Hungary and other European countries have produced a number of good individuals, their pedigrees are riddled with recent Thoroughbred, Arabian and other outcrosses.
  • No loaded American troop transports were sunk en route to Europe, although several empty vessels were torpedoed while returning to the United States.
  • What can European companies learn from Japanese business practices?
  • The announcement marks the end of an extraordinary period in European history.
  • Europe's intransigeance is forcing them to make at least a temporary alliance with the Pan-Islamic and Nationalist groups, even though the liberals know that anything like a holy war would dig a gulf between The New World of Islam
  • The European Court's decision has been greeted with dismay by fishermen.
  • Their lowly status meant they were refused entry to Europe the next season. Times, Sunday Times
  • He relishes an opulent lifestyle with palatial homes in Europe and America, private jets, two yachts and a helicopter.
  • Small European crayfish and larger signal crays form a large part of a carp's diet.
  • Eastern Europe has become a testing ground for high-speed privatization.
  • I have to make the most of this good spell of form, and am pleased that we are doing well in Europe.
  • By this date Loango had become an important commercial power, trading with Europeans, especially Dutch, in ivory, hides, red dyewood, and raffia but relatively few slaves. 1576-1671
  • Second, real economic conditions within Europe are likely to be more variable and volatile.
  • Ranging from antiquities and ethnographia through medieval manuscripts and quattrocento panel paintings to Bacon and Polke, it is of course the European Fine Art Fair at Maastricht.
  • Yet those who might write off the Commonwealth and European medallist have short memories.
  • He departed from traditional European norms by privileging the extemporaneous sermon over the scripted delivery.
  • Seriously, I would like to see all of you bluebook editors write an article on European Competition law and not kill yourselves. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Case for Abolishing the Bluebook
  • Europe's monetary system is falling apart.
  • Some European policymakers mock the argument that any adjustment is necessary in the surplus countries. Times, Sunday Times
  • They spent the summer kicking around Europe.
  • This gap is important in even-numbered years in order to accommodate the spectacle of the World Cup or the Summer Olympics, perhaps even the Commonwealth Games or the European Football championships.
  • On Monday, a ship loaded with Norwegian iron ore is expected to dock in Qingdao, China, marking the first passage of a commercial cargo ship from Europe to Asia through the Arctic waters. Global Warming Gives Boost to Commercial Cargo Business
  • Expanding subsidy options in Europe has made companies much choosier beggars, but it hasn't yielded the efficiency breakthroughs that would let this technology stand on its own. Unsustainable Development
  • Uncertainty in the euro area is also likely to damp demand for Central European goods and to discourage investment by Western European firms in the region, Mr. Kalisz said. Growth in Emerging Countries Slows Significantly
  • In this context , Asia - Europe scientific and technological cooperation has a great relevance and strong complementarily.
  • His remarks are also particularly insensitive as we approach the 60th anniversary of the D-Day landings when so many soldiers gave their lives to help liberate Europe.
  • Contacts in Europe identify vessels that will command a hefty ransom and follow their voyage until they are within range of the gangs. Times, Sunday Times
  • BRUSSELS—Russia's failure to rescind a ban on European Union fruit and vegetable imports, agreed at a summit last week, has riled the European Commission, which is requesting the ban be removed immediately. EU: 'No Justification' for Russia Vegetable Ban
  • Our American friends are touring Europe.
  • In England you must drive on the opposite side of the road to the rest of Europe.
  • Cooperation and Development (OECD), Bermuda, Israel, South Africa, and the European ministates; also known as the First World, high-income countries, the North, industrial countries; generally have a per capita The 2007 CIA World Factbook
  • She's writing a new history of Europe.
  • Sure enough, the book has sex, death, trains and double-crosses in far-flung corners of Nazi-occupied Europe.
  • The Vespa scooter became emblematic of sophisticated urban culture across Europe.
  • So while artists in 1860s Paris were discovering the beauty of Japanese "floating world" — or ukiyo-e — woodblock prints, many Japanese artists were heading to Yokohama, scouring European publications and creating their own genre of exotica: the Yokohama-e. How Japan Saw Us
  • Enlargement is more than just an historic opportunity to heal the post-war division of Europe.
  • The owner seems intent on exploring one of the most remote and beautiful coastlines in Europe. Times, Sunday Times
  • The list is the result of collaboration between the SANS Institute, MITRE, and " many top software security experts in the US and Europe".
  • My answer was the Black Death chopped population way down so that not until Galileo's generation was there as many Europeans as in Oresme's time and, if brilliant scientific minds are a constant proportion of the whole, never until then was there a "critical mass" of scientific thinkers. March 25th, 2009
  • The great white hope for the German aircraft industry was the European airbus.
  • The three visiting prime ministers also met with their Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, who blamed Ukraine for failure to honor a multilateral agreement to resume shipment of gas to Europe.
  • NASA, the European Space Agency (ESA), and the Baltimore-based Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) have released new pictures from the telescope this week, to celebrate Hubble's anniversary. by sam-kiley April 24, 2010 4: 29 PM EDT coucou .. Breaking News: CBS News
  • My response to those accusations was to relocate to Madrid – the only city in Europe where I could unravel the Islamic Andalusian influences that pervade Spanish culture.
  • He laments the passing of the tradition of European genre filmmaking.
  • During the winter it is an important resort hub for locals and visitors from all over Europe. Times, Sunday Times
  • Over that time frame, the European Union's eastward expansion will place Berlin at the heart of the continent.
  • South Africa supplies most of its deciduous fruit (apples, pears, plums and peaches) to Europe.
  • It is already obvious that all four American systems have leapfrogged over the European versions.
  • One of the best things about the better old European opera houses is the division of the lobby spaces into many different rooms, rather than a single huge and indistinctive space. Lobbies
  • The European Central Bank refrains from meaningful credit ease as Euroland economies slide towards downturn.
  • The 44-year-old leader has reportedly been taking soundings from party grandees over his strategy for the election and the referendum on the European constitution, which is likely to follow soon afterwards.
  • The 1970s seemed to be the age of the groupuscules, the tiny, fissiparous radical activist groups which spread across Western Europe.
  • Europe, you can see how easily legumes and gramineous plants are combined. Fidel Castro Addresses ICA on Livestock
  • Australia is not a big enough market for us, so as well as expanding land-based exports to China and the rest of East Asia, we send manufactures and services to the US and Europe.
  • This emphasis upon a shared European cultural and biological heritage allowed Anglos to claim the social privileges of whiteness for their Mexican spouses.
  • Stronger European standards would have provided a basis for negotiating more effectively for multilateral standards.

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