How To Use Euphuism In A Sentence
Peele's "Arraignment of Paris, a Pastorall" is a court drama in the style of Lilly, intended to flatter the Queen, "poor in action but all the richer in gallant phrases, provided with songs, one in Italian, and with all kinds of love scenes between shepherds and shepherdesses, nymphs and terrestrial gods"; the diction is interesting, because it shows revolt from the prevailing "euphuism," and therefore Peele must be given the praise of first opposing Lilly's affected style.
The Critics Versus Shakspere A Brief for the Defendant
But 'boobtube' is by far my favorite euphuism for it.
Gary Roszko: Gather Around the Television Children, It's Time for Dinner
Among other resemblances to later growths of Euphuism, its archaisms on the one hand, and [99] its neologies on the other, the Euphuism of the days of Marcus Aurelius had, in the composition of verse, its fancy for the refrain.
Marius the Epicurean — Volume 1
Al – Saj’a, the fine style or style fleuri, also termed Al – Badí‘a, or euphuism, is the basis of all
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Euphuism of the Elizabethan age, and of the modern French romanticists, its neologies were the ground of one of the favourite charges against it; though indeed, as regards these tricks of taste also, there is nothing new, but a quaint family likeness rather, between the Euphuists of successive ages.
Marius the Epicurean — Volume 1
The essential requirement is to remember that Lyly the dramatist is the same man as Lyly the euphuist, and that his audience was always a company of courtiers, with Queen Elizabeth in their midst, infatuated with admiration for the new phraseology and mode of thought known as Euphuism.
The Growth of English Drama
(1600-1700) in which it flourished, and that bore in England the name of "euphuism".
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
| possibility that "euphuism" should have been used, rather |
Tolstoy on Shakespeare A Critical Essay on Shakespeare
Their mutual communication was all conducted in a peculiar style of language, the natural deterioration of which was into a kind of euphuism, such as
Classic French Course in English
If you are looking for a different sort of book – one that you can keep on the bedside table without worrying which page you were at the night before – I recommend this excellent little book, which is full of fascinating and witty definitions of words such as euphuism and orphism.
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The origins of Euphuism and of that later form of preciousness which is sometimes called Gongorism and sometimes Marinism have been much discussed, but the last word has certainly not been said on them.
A History of Elizabethan Literature
The literary affectation called euphuism was directly based on the precepts of the handbooks on rhetoric; its author, John Lyly, only elaborated and made more precise tricks of phrase and writing, which had been used as exercises in the schools of his youth.
English Literature: Modern Home University Library of Modern Knowledge
There — I must stop describing you, or I shall catch the infection of your own euphuism, and talk of you as you would have talked of Sidney or of Spenser, or of that Swan of
Westward Ho!
There has long been speculation about Justice Souter who has been termed a “Confirmed Bachelor” which is often euphuism and has nothing to do with his relationship with his bishop.
"This Supreme Court is quite clearly the enemy of progressivism.... What is to be done?"