How To Use Euphorbia In A Sentence

  • The poinsettia is a Euphorbia, a succulent from the arid regions of Central America. Christian Science Monitor | All Stories
  • A black and green garden collection of 96 plants costs £120 and includes dark dahlias, cosmos, perilla and scabiosa and green euphorbias, gladiolus and zinnia.
  • I feel towards this euphorbia the way I did toward Dame Evelyn Glennie's percussion solo at the concert I attended last night: while I'm amazed at the color, texture, and intense virtuosity, I can't say I love it. The Ever-Ripening Year « Sugar Creek Gardens’ Blog
  • Many CAM families, i.e. Cactaceae, Crassu laceae, Euphorbiaceae, Agavaceae, Bromeliaceae and Orchidaceae, are frequently found on inselbergs in the palaeotropics and the neotropics.
  • Madeira it passed to the Canary Islands, where it was entirely unknown; for the ferulae of Juba, quae expressae liquorem fundunt potui ucundum, are euphorbias (the Tabayba dulce), and not, as has been recently asserted, * sugar-canes. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
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  • Three succulent and two dendroid species of Euphorbia occur in the southwestern corner of Morocco, and except for Euphorbia resinifera, are most highly developed close to the sea where mists are frequent and summer temperatures are ameliorated. Mediterranean acacia-argania dry woodlands and succulent thickets
  • Even the salvias and euphorbias are suffering, and I see bindweed.
  • The lowest elevations are distinguished by the predominance of sclerophyllous evergreen and semi-deciduous oak forests (Quercus coccifera, Q. brachyphylla), "maquis" of carob (Ceratonia siliqua), junipers (Juniperus phoenicea), and tree-spurge (Euphorbia dendroides). Crete Mediterranean forests
  • They may take strong cathartics unadulterated to purify their bellies, such as, for instance, unripe colocynths, Thapsia garganica, and Euphorbia.
  • ENGEL. D.W. and HOPPE, W. (1971) Structure of 7—hydroxy—lathyrol, a further diterpene from Euphorbia lathyris L. Tetrahedron L.tters, (18), 1325 - 1328. Chapter 5
  • Guiana; among simarubaceous plants, the Quassia amara, celebrated in the feverish plains of Surinam; among terebinthaceous plants, the Rhus glabrum; among euphorbiaceous plants, the Croton cascarilla; among composite plants, the Eupatorium perfoliatum, the febrifuge qualities of which are known to the savages of North America. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • Euphorbia lathyrus, often called gopher spurge, which is reputed to repel the furry destructors. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • The chemistry of the savage is reduced to the preparation of pigments, that of poisons, and the dulcification of the amylaceous roots, which the aroides and the euphorbiaceous plants afford. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • More than half the top 20 plants were spring flowers, including primroses, wild narcissi and lime-green euphorbias.
  • Some of the native plants we found growing in the rocky limestone soils of the hills and mountains away from the coastal plains were familiar: cistus, helichrysum, euphorbia, thyme, fennel and rosemary.
  • The latex of certain trees, such as euphorbia, reduces permeability slightly. Chapter 6
  • The euphorbia is a great addition to any garden, the color all the time is great, but particularly in fall and early spring. Euphorbia Chameleon Or Change Is Our Name « Fairegarden
  • Also known as milkweed and spurge, Euphorbia belongs to an incredibly varied genus that contains over 2,000 species including the Christmas favourite, poinsettia.
  • In northern countries the plants are mostly small weeds, of which the various spurges or _Euphorbias_ are the most familiar. Elements of Structural and Systematic Botany For High Schools and Elementary College Courses
  • Around the feet of these plants grow small euphorbias, lungwort and ground cover campanulas, while on the wall behind the rich flowers of clematis Star of India are beginning to open.
  • For instance, Euphorbias emit a sap that can raise welts on your skin and Datura, also known as jimson weed, is called a "witch's weed" because it contains hallucinogens. The Shad Plank
  • We grow Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae and Alchemilla mollis, both of which have green flowers, as do the angelica and fennel in my vegetable patch.
  • More than half the top 20 plants were spring flowers, including primroses, wild narcissi and lime-green euphorbias.
  • I am wondering if your Euphorbia is the species palustris? Wildflowers Of May* « Fairegarden
  • The ground was enamelled with lilies, the helianthus and cineraria flourished, and the deep-green leaves and blue blossom of the lupin contrasted with the prickly stem and scarlet flower of the euphorbia. The Englishwoman in America
  • In the coming decade, the abuse of agrochemicals and uncontrolled fishing and hunting are expected to Euphorbia echinus, Euphorbia resinifera, Senecio put more pressure on the fragile ecosystems and the threatened endemic species, particularly in hotspots. Northern Africa and biodiversity
  • Instead of getting rid of it, I decided to ‘plant’ it in the back garden where a rampant Euphorbia wulfenii needed restraining.
  • GOPALACHARI, R. and SIDDIQUI, S. (1949b) Triterpenic compounds isolated from Euphorbia latexes. Chapter 5
  • If cut flowers strike you as too ephemeral, perhaps you'd prefer giving a houseplant such as amaryllis, cyclamen, African violet, paper-white narcissus, orchid, Boston fern, florist hydrangea, hibiscus, crown of thorns Euphorbia milii or spider plant. Say it with your own arrangement - or cutting garden - of flowers
  • A black and green garden collection of 96 plants costs £120 and includes dark dahlias, cosmos, perilla and scabiosa and green euphorbias, gladiolus and zinnia.
  • In the patio, between the curate's house and the church, are some very brilliant large scarlet flowers, which they call here "flor del pastor," the shepherd's flower; a beautiful kind of euphorbia, and in other places, "flor de noche buena," the flower of Christmas-eve. Life in Mexico, During a Residence of Two Years in That Country
  • The same situation may be observed in such herbaceous perennials as anthemis, Asclepias tuberosa, asters, Euphorbia corollata, gaillardia, gypsophila, hemerocallis, liatris, limonium and yucca.
  • Islands, where it was entirely unknown; for the ferulae of Juba, quae expressae liquorem fundunt potui ucundum, are euphorbias (the Tabayba dulce), and not, as has been recently asserted, * sugar-canes. Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, During the Year 1799-1804 — Volume 2
  • Around the feet of these plants grow small euphorbias, lungwort and ground cover campanulas, while on the wall behind the rich flowers of clematis Star of India are beginning to open.
  • The Jandía cardon (Euphorbia handiensis), an important flagship plant species for the Mediterranean Basin Biodiversity Hotspot, can be found in the Natural Park of Jandía on the Canary Islands. Biological diversity in the Mediterranean Basin
  • At Pheasant Hill Farm now (mid-April) we have six greenhouse benches overflowing with flowers - Blue Horizon ageratum, statice, celosias, gomphrena, cinnamon basil, campanula, lisianthus, godetia, euphorbia, and many, many more.
  • One of the stranger denizens of the coastal sandy plains we found was Euphorbia ipecacuanhae.
  • His garden has a ‘contemplative side’, with plants from China and Japan, including maples and Himalayan poppies, and a sunnier, Mediterranean side, with euphorbia, osteospermum, sedums, cistus and lavenders.
  • SCHMIDT, R.J. and EVANS, F.J. (1975) A new aromatic ester diterpene from Euphorbia poisonii. Chapter 5
  • It belongs to the very large Euphorbia family along with other popular ornamental plants such as poinsettias and crotons.
  • HECKER, E. (1977) New toxic, irritant, and co-carcinogenic diterpene esters from Euphorbiaceae and Thymelaeaceae. Chapter 5
  • Each year when I leave Glebe Cottage for Chelsea, our "hot" borders are only just showing signs of waking up, with large clumps of Euphorbia palustris and their brilliant, lime-green tufts stealing centre stage. Gardens: Oriental poppies
  • All are tree Euphorbias, have minute sessile leaves and yellowish cyathia but differ in other respects.
  • However, some of the species of succulent shrubs have a scattered distribution in the northern part of this ecoregion, most notably Euphorbia regis-jubae, E. echinus, and Senecio anteuphorbium. Atlantic coastal desert
  • Euphorbia includes rhizomatous weeds of grainfields (the spurges), large shrubs like Poinsettia, small bushes (crown of thorns) and cactus-like forms. Mammalian Macroevolution Muddle - The Panda's Thumb
  • Among ornamental plants, slugs and snails avoid foxgloves, many species in the daisy family, lavateras, hollyhocks, azaleas, Euphorbia, perennial Geraniums, mulleins and Stachys lanata, soapwort, lungwort and hibiscus.
  • I wonder about the euphorbia also being in your garden. Wildflowers Of May* « Fairegarden
  • And if by these means he be freed from the pain, it is enough; but if not, give him the white meconium (Euphorbia peplus?), or, if not it, any other phlegmagogue medicine. On Fistulae
  • His garden has a ‘contemplative side’, with plants from China and Japan, including maples and Himalayan poppies, and a sunnier, Mediterranean side, with euphorbia, osteospermum, sedums, cistus and lavenders.
  • Around the feet of these plants grow small euphorbias, lungwort and ground cover campanulas, while on the wall behind the rich flowers of clematis Star of India are beginning to open.
  • Euphorbia wulfenii is in full bloom with sprawling stems covered in furry grey-green leaves and topped with heavy heads of lime-green flowers.
  • The juice of a euphorbiaceous plant (Sapium aucuparium), which also yields caoutchouc, is so glutinous that it is used to catch parrots.) it might be supposed that, as it grows larger, the coagulable matter is deposed in the organs, and forms a part of the pulp, or the fleshy substance. Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, During the Year 1799-1804 — Volume 2
  • A black and green garden collection of 96 plants costs £120 and includes dark dahlias, cosmos, perilla and scabiosa and green euphorbias, gladiolus and zinnia.
  • Outside, to the west of the house, there is a gravelled patio surrounded by euphorbia beds, two-block built outhouses and a timber shed, while to the east is a lawn area edged with a white picket fence.
  • In common with the euphorbia, this sedum is also useful in the garden all year round.
  • Now, as they resumed their way, the trees altered and drew farther apart, the ground was solid under foot, and through the foliage of the euphorbia and raphia palm came stray glimmers of sunshine, bits of blue sky, birds, voices, and the whisper of a breeze. The Pools of Silence
  • We passed a valley with the large thorny acacias of which canoes are often made, and a euphorbiaceous tree, with seed-vessels as large as mandarin oranges, with three seeds inside. The Last Journals of David Livingstone from 1865 to His Death
  • Their favourite was the rose, followed by hellebores, peonies, clematis, magnolias, lilies, euphorbias, primulas, snowdrops, geraniums.
  • But I think 'Sticks on Fire' (the cultivar name of the euphorbia) is an appropriate title for both the plant and the concert. The Ever-Ripening Year « Sugar Creek Gardens’ Blog
  • Their favourite was the rose, followed by hellebores, peonies, clematis, magnolias, lilies, euphorbias, primulas, snowdrops, geraniums.
  • Cliff and ravine vegetation is often very diverse and dense; the chasmophytic flora includes Cissus quadrangularis, Ficus lecardii, Boscia angustifolia, Euphorbia sudanica, Lannea microcarpa and Combretum lecardii. Cliffs of Bandiagara (Land of the Dogons), Mali
  • -- This euphorbiaceous plant yields cassava or mandiocca meal. Catalogue of Economic Plants in the Collection of the U. S. Department of Agriculture
  • The plant is native to C. or S. America, where it has been in use since prehistoric times, and is the only member of the spurge family, Euphorbiaceae, which provides food.
  • From your turkey to the cranberries, sweet potatoes and apple pie, your turkey-day meal is Poinsettias, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons Euphorbia pulcherrima, better known as the poinsettia, graces many houses during the holidays, especially for those people who - Articles related to It's showtime for vibrant holiday plants
  • The ajuga, creeping jenny, cerastium and euphorbia had other ideas! The Volunteer Gravel State « Fairegarden
  • A great deal of shouting, firing of guns, and circumgyration by the men who had come from the war just outside the stockade of Nkisiwa (which is surrounded by a hedge of dark euphorbia and stands in a level hollow) was going on as we descended the gentle slope towards it. The Last Journals of David Livingstone from 1865 to His Death
  • Cut off a few plate-sized hosta leaves, a few great peony leaves, cut the recumbent stems of euphorbia or catmint. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other prominent succulent plant families include Euphorbiaceae, Asclepiadaceae (milkweeds and stapelias), Aloaceae and Portulacaceae (portulaca).
  • The juice of a euphorbiaceous plant (Sapium aucuparium), which also yields caoutchouc, is so glutinous that it is used to catch parrots.] [* The substance which falls down in grumous and filamentous clots is not pure caoutchouc, but perhaps a mixture of this substance with caseum and albumen. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • Also known as milkweed and spurge, Euphorbia belongs to an incredibly varied genus that contains over 2,000 species including the Christmas favourite, poinsettia.
  • Backed by a yew hedge are dozens of neatly planted rows of achilleas, euphorbias, iris and violas among others.
  • -- This euphorbiaceous plant has an acrid, milky, bitter juice; the root is emetic, and the dried branches are used medicinally. Catalogue of Economic Plants in the Collection of the U. S. Department of Agriculture
  • Intermingled with the Euphorbia scrub is a Zizyphus scrub that is characterized by Zizyphus nummularia with Acacia leucocephala, Acacia senegal, Anogeissus pendula, and Dicrostachys cinerea. Northwestern thorn scrub forests
  • Lovely last shot especially… looks like the same euphorbia that makes itself at home in my garden each spring. Wildflowers Of May* « Fairegarden
  • Poor in plant species; the most characteristics examples are: Scaevola plumieri, Portulaca pilosa, Cakile lanceolata, Cyperus planifolius, Sporobolus virginicus, Ipomoea pes-capreae and Euphorbia buxifolia. Araya and Paria xeric scrub
  • In the patio, between the curate's house and the church, are some very brilliant large scarlet flowers, which they call here "flor del pastor," the shepherd's flower; a beautiful kind of euphorbia; and in other places, Life in Mexico
  • The lowest elevations are distinguished by the predominance of sclerophyllous evergreen and semi-deciduous oak forests (Quercus coccifera, Q. brachyphylla), "maquis" of carob (Ceratonia siliqua), junipers (Juniperus phoenicea), and tree-spurge (Euphorbia dendroides). Crete Mediterranean forests
  • A black and green garden collection of 96 plants costs £120 and includes dark dahlias, cosmos, perilla and scabiosa and green euphorbias, gladiolus and zinnia.
  • Some of the native plants we found growing in the rocky limestone soils of the hills and mountains away from the coastal plains were familiar: cistus, helichrysum, euphorbia, thyme, fennel and rosemary.
  • The former ambassador gained a greater success, however, when its original Latin name euphorbia pulcherrima was changed to poinsettia pulcherrima. Did You Know? - Nochebuena / Poinsettia
  • Dark plums marry with purple sedum and rich pink hemerocallis in one border; the gold of the rudbeckias alongside crocosmia and acid-green euphorbias in another, for example.
  • Southern African herbalists apply milk of the euphorbia to draw out deep-lying thorns and use wooden splints for broken limbs.

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