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[ UK /jˈuːənˌɪməs/ ]
  1. widely distributed chiefly evergreen shrubs or small trees or vines

How To Use Euonymus In A Sentence

  • Plant up tubs and pots with Euonymus ‘Emerald 'n' Gold ’, winter-flowering heathers and skimmias for winter colour.
  • Plants which will give year-round interest but don't require much work include Mahonia x media, berberis verruculosa, weigela, euonymus, hebe, kniphofia, Sedum spectabile, wild geranium and Arum italicum.
  • Try to include some evergreens in your design, such as ivies or euonymus if you want all-year-round cover.
  • Finally the willow tree was heavily pruned and the Euonymus and three lupins were planted.
  • Adaptable ornamental species such as blue oat grass, boxleaf euonymus, and New Zealand sedge, were also planted because these species are low-maintenance and fit very well in the neighborhood context. Hyperlocalizing Hydrology in the Post-Industrial Urban Landscape
  • _Cleyera Japonica; _ cotoneasters and pyracantha; eleagnus of the types grown under glass in the North; gardenias; euonymus (A); hollies (A); anise-tree, _Illicium anisatum; _ cherry laurels, _Prunus_ or Manual of Gardening (Second Edition)
  • A variegated euonymus stands near the dining pavilion, drawing the eye down towards its pale presence, contrasting with the grey of the slate and brown of the walls.
  • Brooms or Buddleias, cotoneasters, deutzias or euonymus - there are many shrubs available that will suit your garden and climate, so enhance your garden with some shrubs.
  • _Cleyera Japonica; _ cotoneasters and pyracantha; eleagnus of the types grown under glass in the North; gardenias; euonymus (A); hollies (A); anise-tree, _Illicium anisatum; _ cherry laurels, _Prunus_ or Manual of Gardening (Second Edition)
  • I remember Japanese maple trees, forsythia in bloom, the blush pink of a flowering crab, or euonymus branches with their bare, intricately twisted limbs, a few of which she would clip regularly to put in a tall vase in her window. No More Words
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