How To Use Eulogize In A Sentence
President Barack Obama has eulogized U.S. diplomat Richard Holbrooke as a clear-eyed realist whose legacy of peace reaches around the world.
World Leaders, Officials Honor Late US Diplomat Holbrooke
The dead woman was eulogized at the funeral
An excellent article by Julie Burchill on the habit of Western women travel writers to eulogise over holidays in Muslim countries despite the appalling restriction on the lives on native women.
Archive 2008-07-01
This cult of sacrifice is eulogised in a number of inscriptions on tablets called the hero-stones found in this part of the country and these glorify the warrior clans and their valor.
Such is very nearly the euchology which man adopts; such are the discordant, absurd requests which he continually puts up to the Divinity, whose wisdom he extols; whose intelligence he holds forth to admiration; whose providence he eulogizes; whose equity he applauds; whilst he is hardly ever contented with the effects of the divine perfections.
The System of Nature, Volume 2

In 1991, during his first show after his son, Rick, died in a car accident, Carson took a few moments to eulogize him.
Our Favorite Johnny Carson Moments
Ignotus pecori, 'as eulogised by the virgin-chorus in the beautiful epithalamium of Catullus, might be recognised in the youthful' religieuse 'if only human passion could be excluded; but the story of Heloise and Abelard is not a solitary proof of the superiority of human nature over an impossible and artificial spirituality.
The Superstitions of Witchcraft
Still, when Thoreau died in 1862, Emerson eulogized him as a failure, albeit beloved: ‘He seemed born for greatness and I cannot help counting it a fault in him that he had no ambition.’
I hope your other remarks are not going to be on this level and the English Literature you eulogise (quite correctly) appears to stop with the Elizabethans and before the novel - some mistake surely.
Phillip Shipley MP Wants Union Jack on Mosques
He was eulogized as a hero.
From pride, ignorance, or fashion, our foes are almost as many as our readers; and while the abilities of the nine-hundred-and-ninety-ninth abridger of the history of England are eulogised by a thousand pens, there seems a general agreement to slight the performances which have only genius, wit, and taste to recommend them. '
Some Private Views
Our joys and heartbreaks are permanently eulogized in each CD each year.
Did anyone NOT get a little teary watching 8 year old Bindi Irwin eulogize her daddy, the Crocodile Hunter?
21 « September « 2006 « Adventures in Juggling
Barry Davies eulogized Keegan's part in the operation.
He was never one to palliate or eulogise, he was never a regulation aesthete.
Robin gets graphically shot in the arm with a dart, Batman enters an "Adults Only" nightclub (where he performs the Batusi later reprised by Uma Thurman and John Travolta in PULP FICTION -- Holy Trivia Question!) and gets "doped," and Jill St. John as Molly (probably the best of the show's many "moll" characters) actually meets her death in the Batcave, her demise unforgettably eulogized by West: "What a way to go-go!
Archive 2006-01-08
Zoe was a beautiful brown-and-white spaniel, with eyes that were almost human in their soft beseechingness, and Mrs. Broderick often lamented that she could not eulogise his doggish virtues as Mrs. Browning had immortalised her Flush.
Doctor Luttrell's First Patient
A common link is that they played in the capital and couldn't tackle but the press eulogised them as flair players.
The poem does not eulogize the dead soldiers.
He admires and eulogizes them because they all have good hearts.
Local legends invariably eulogize a small band of the faithful who arrive as torch-bearers of the faith in the hostile terrain and face the resistance of the infidel populace.
The poem does not eulogize the dead soldiers.
My point is that some people spend their entire lives breaking down traditional morality and then when they die they are eulogized as if they did as much for the world as Mother Theresa.
As with the recent Halston film, Ultrasuede, the absence of the central figure means there's something of a vacuum at the centre of proceedings, but Bergé, who is interviewed at length, proves an articulate and empathetic eulogiser.
Yves Saint-Laurent: L'Amour Fou – review
Lulu appeared before royalty and was eulogized in Punch.
That exalted monarch then entered his own palace, worshipped by exalted Brahmanas conversant with the Vedas, eulogised by chanters of panegyrical hymns and congratulated by the citizens.
The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 1 Books 1, 2 and 3
Martinia to panegyrize the tails of eminent monkeys, as it is with us to eulogize the beauty of women.
Niels Klim's journey under the ground being a narrative of his wonderful descent to the subterranean lands; together with an account of the sensible animals and trees inhabiting the planet Nazar and the firmament.
The prominent policymakers' belief that economic growth can solve everything has created a system so wasteful and inefficient that now it seems that the only hope we have is in those grassroots organizations that a decade ago we were laughing at but that today, in a very different world, we are starting to eulogize.
Shelley A. Lewis: Reclaiming Our Sense of Self In A Globalized World
He and King had had an agreement, he said, that whoever died first would be eulogized by the other.
Burial for a King
The minister eulogized her as a faithful loving wife, a woman who truly personified the Christian spirit, full of love and forgiveness, someone who brought light and joy into her home.
Critics everywhere have eulogised her new novel.
Mist in my eyes, I'd proceed to eulogize her as "such an odd duck, that one!
French Word-A-Day:
Critics everywhere have eulogized her new novel.
And this is a man that was eulogized across the world.
If it is written as no woman would write, condemn it with spirit and decision--say it is bad, but do not eulogise and then detract.
Nava Atlas: Based Upon the Book: An Interview with Charlotte Brontë
Chaucer was fairly heavily influenced by Boccaccio 'Decamerom and the English Literature you eulogise (quite correctly) appears to stop with the Elizabethans and before the novel - some mistake surely.
Phillip Shipley MP Wants Union Jack on Mosques
One of MacNeil's most important roles as clan bard is to eulogise and lament the deaths of important clan members.
Their music is peaceful and rhythmic, the lyrics are poignant – they eulogise the mountain and list the gifts it has given them.
The battle for Niyamgiri
Critics everywhere have eulogised her new novel.
During the Victorian period, successive imperialist wars of plunder were eulogised by the military and political elite as a worthy social challenge and likened to a game played between great powers.
It 'eulogises the male experience and sidelines, patronises and objectifies the female experience'.
Times, Sunday Times
Critics everywhere have eulogized her new novel.
Arnold Schwarzenegger, David Lynch and Baz Luhrmann eulogise film producer who 'fought big' and 'dreamed big'
Hollywood stars pay tribute at Dino De Laurentiis's funeral
Even though nightclubs and rock shows are notoriously wicked places, those who died will be eulogized as being ‘good’ people who did not deserve to die.
Odd that people should eulogise hindsight, when principled foresight is a far more wonderful thing.
So just what did we go into politics for then, Danny Alexander?
Although not a direct prophecy, in Deuteronomy 34 the Holy Spirit "eulogized" Moses and his standing before the Lord: "There has not arisen a prophet since in Israel like Moses, whom the v. 10)" This remained the case until the One "worthy of more glory than Moses (
Ask the Pastor
We should eulogize liberalism not for its death, but far worse, its silence.
Byron Williams: Mourning the Silence of True Liberalism
And though his essays never made it to popular publications, mainstream newspapers and web sites have eulogized him.
A few writers got together and eulogized the front man.
As each august eulogizer in turn stepped solemnly to the podium, one large, open-faced fellow in a ski jacket, carrying the Star as well as the Post, loudly asked from his seat a couple of rows behind the family, ‘Who's that?’.
He has been eulogized as the savior of the modern world.
Saad Khan: Why Steve Jobs Is Not My Hero?
In tributes and memorial speeches Paul has been eulogized by political friends and foes as honest, principled, and unpretentious.
The purpose of Gould's effervescent new book is to eulogise the distinctive rationalities of story-telling and other non-scientific ways of thinking.
Odd that people should eulogise hindsight, when principled foresight is a far more wonderful thing.
So just what did we go into politics for then, Danny Alexander?
I eulogize the tall and straight trunk of the white poplar.
However, to eulogize the American/Iranian puppet (and his brother before him) as Iraqi “heroes” is a bit much.
Global Voices in English » Iraq: Death Of Shi’ite Leader Abdul Aziz Al Hakim
The 12-tonne, all-terrain vehicle with two tracked cabs is eulogised.
Times, Sunday Times
Wilkes was eulogized as a caring, helpful man and a good father.
Nehru eulogized him and lionized him as a great secularist and anti-feudal.
The game has been much eulogised in poetry, some of it doggerel, some of it very good.
It can take a person and canonise them, demonise them, or eulogise them.
Archive 2006-04-01
The flags which bore his image inside the ground are gone, too, the songs which eulogised his name scrapped from the songbook of the Kop. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
The opening track unfurls at a crawl, like a narcotizing drip of slow realization, as he eulogizes the rock aspirations of his younger self, and it's unclear whether he's damning music or his belief in it.
Then the president demonstrated the right way to produce a larger message to the nation even as he eulogized the victims as individuals.
Bill Lasarow: The Art Lessons of Tucson
Obama, in April 2010, also eulogized 29 coal workers killed in the worst mine accident in a generation.
Obama Arizona Speech To Honor Memories, Speak Of Hope
The Mussolini application was created by a 25-year-old from Naples, Luigi Marino, who said he in no way wanted to "eulogise" the fascist era. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph