
How To Use Eugenics In A Sentence

  • All of the discourse about fatness is about pathologizing the individual," she said in an interview, also likening it to the eugenics movement. Archive 2004-05-01
  • Lewis puts this very well, Eugenics have made certain that only demi-gods will now be born: psycho-analysis that none of them shall lose or smirch his divinity: economics that they shall have to hand all that demi-gods require. C.S. Lewis on Evolutionism (the Myth)
  • The person who finally managed to bring obloquy to the ‘science’ of eugenics was of course Adolf Hitler.
  • A world not only of eugenics, but also of tight government control over all aspects of human reproduction.
  • One prong comprised ‘positive’ eugenics, which meant manipulating human heredity and/or breeding to produce superior people.
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  • …er, no. the capo is the one who takes a job as spokesman for the grandson of the chief funder of the american eugenics movement. Now That’s What I Call A Capo | Jewschool
  • In 1883, Francis Galton, a cousin of Charles Darwin, actually coined the term ‘Eugenics’ (good in birth) as a science dedicated to improving human stock by getting rid of so-called undesirables and increasing the number of desirables.
  • Social and ethical concomitants of cognitive and behavioral genetics: eugenics, social Darwisinism, race, sex.
  • Excerpt: In practical terms, "Conservation of IQ" is used to argue for limits on immigration, against various meliorist attempts, and possibly even for eugenics. Schlesinger Obit, Samurai Vader, IQ Scarcity, Floyd/Bee Gees Mashup
  • For people such as Fisher, who was a leading figure in the American eugenics movement, the eugenic program of race improvement was the central concern.
  • : 1) Expelled quotes Charles Darwin selectively to connect his ideas to eugenics and the Holocaust. Archive 2008-04-01
  • An example is the notion of eugenics, a painful memory in the history of science.
  • Once you've got regulated breeding, it's a short skip to selective breeding - eugenics.
  • Since husbandry et cetera influences would predate and influence both eugenics and evolutionary biology as a common ancestor .-, the relationship is both clearly there and clearly confusable. Dr. West, meet Dr. Tinkle, Creationist eugenicist - The Panda's Thumb
  • ‘All of the discourse about fatness is about pathologizing the individual,’ she said in an interview, also likening it to the eugenics movement.
  • Not today, anyway, though there have been times when it has: social Darwinism and eugenics made claims like that.
  • In Erlangen, the University keenly promoted the science of eugenics.
  • As Darwin favourably cited Haeckel, and the father of Eugenics, Galton, he also mentioned, and called a "great philosopher", the father of Social Darwinism, Herbert Spencer, in Descent …. Cue outrage in three, two, one…
  • stirpiculture," at what Mr. Francis Galton now calls "Eugenics," in the mating of the members, and there was also a limitation of offspring. A Modern Utopia
  • His enduring fame, or infamy, rests on eugenics, which means, crudely, the selective breeding of humans.
  • Did we not advocate eugenics some years back?
  • Several of his works advocated nativism and eugenics.
  • [73] The entire field of race betterment and social improvement is divided between _eugenics_, which considers only germinal or heritable changes in the race; and _euthenics_, which deals with improvement in the individual, and in his environment. Applied Eugenics
  • It is easy to criticise the premarital medical examination on grounds of human rights, control, oppression, and eugenics.
  • Hamilton's embryonic ideas seemed to bear the taint of eugenics.
  • Ironically, some eugenics leaders were uneasy about their alliance because they felt it could compromise their then-respectable public image.
  • Shot in North Korea, it features Western actors running purposelessly through a B-movie story about eugenics.
  • As one of his friends once quipped, he may have been the runt of the litter of three brothers, yet with all his charm and humour, he was ‘the best argument against eugenics we have’.
  • Recent radio programs, drawn from a variety of sources and processed for compact bandwidth, that take as given that 9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB to benefit a global, feudalist elite whose plutocratic advance and contempt for democracy and humanity form an ongoing, accelerating agenda of eugenics, exploitation, endless war, environmental degradation, murderous censorship, decimation of human kind and enserfment for those who remain Radio Project Front Page Podcast
  • In order to save the human race from mental illness and other social ills, Dr. Kellogg advocated the use of eugenics and euthenics, and he also advocated the use of a eugenics registry in order to keep the “races pure.” Crazy Genes
  • In so far, then, as euthenics is actually providing man with more favorable surroundings, -- not with ostensibly more favorable surroundings which, in reality, are unfavorable -- there can be no antagonism between it and eugenics. Applied Eugenics
  • After the war eugenicists started to use different names because the term eugenics became unacceptable.
  • The Eugenics Review reflected the broad cross-section of eugenic interpretations of demography and degeneration.
  • He devoted the latter part of his life to eugenics, i.e. improving the physical and mental makeup of the human species by selected parenthood.
  • After World War I they were less sanguine about progress and more inclined to the hereditarian pessimism of eugenics.
  • He believes the history of eugenics is the history of government out of control, not geneticists.
  • Her peaceable kingdom ” where birds and moths and small mammals lie down with oil tycoons and lumber barons, and dainty bathroom fixtures and lovely things to eat and lawn dresses and eugenics and God and fringed gentians are all mixed up together ” is the product of an imagination of an almost life-threatening febrility. Catacomb Efreet
  • The rise of the eugenics movement in the early twentieth century crystallized the intellectual and political imperatives of evolutionary biology.
  • The eugenics aspect is the usual – segregate and/or 'euthanize' GLBT individuals – unless the 'right color' gays go ahead and toe the reproductive line. A Curiosity
  • Social and ethical concomitants of cognitive and behavioral genetics: eugenics, social Darwisinism, race, sex.
  • Or, if he did not intend to ridicule for the sake of ridicule, then he intended to indicate that Watson's eugenicism cannot be extricated from the moral condemnation that we direct at Hitler's eugenics program, involving as it did, racism, forced marriages, forced sterilisations, and mass murder. A Scientific Worldview?
  • It was a drastic form of eugenics, a desire to improve the race by eliminating genetic defects.
  • On the one hand it was a repository for formalized superstition; on the other it stood ready for interpretational abuse in criminology, eugenics, ethnography, and the construction of racial stereotypes.
  • Social and ethical concomitants of cognitive and behavioral genetics: eugenics, social Darwisinism, race, sex.
  • Not only was eugenics said to be good science, it was also supported by Scripture.
  • Here's where it gets a little scary … eugenics, then known as stirpiculture, was introduced in 1869. God is for Suckers!
  • The most important reason why the harsher negative eugenics program displaced the mild positive one in the 1930s was the coming of the Great Depression.
  • It takes multiple centuries for dysgenics to inflict a significant toll or, on the flip side, traditional eugenics to achieve anything; history is now moving too quickly for that sort of thing to be relevant. Where Dysgenics Goes Wrong: Comparative Advantage Strikes Again, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • An implicit appeal to eugenics persuades the reader that the innate badness of the suicidal killer can be known just by looking.
  • The rise of the eugenics movement in the early twentieth century crystallized the intellectual and political imperatives of evolutionary biology.
  • But the origin of eugenics was simply a desire to increase the odds that a child would be born healthy.
  • The rise of the eugenics movement in the early twentieth century crystallized the intellectual and political imperatives of evolutionary biology.
  • Ironically, some eugenics leaders were uneasy about their alliance because they felt it could compromise their then-respectable public image.
  • Cat's stories create a similar kind of disjunction when they recast slavery and eugenics in a fantasy setting. MIND MELD: More Nebula-Worthy Works of Fiction...Picked By Some of This Year's Nebula Nominees
  • A poisonous racist, a supporter of eugenics, a proponent of mass murder, a vile imperialist and… an apologist for Fascism?
  • Although critics insist that eugenics was based on bad science, they often ignore the link to evolution.
  • Just to stop us getting too excited, we were cautioned by stories of eugenics and mutant pigs.
  • Ironically, some eugenics leaders were uneasy about their alliance because they felt it could compromise their then-respectable public image.
  • Francis Galton, a strong believer in the hereditarian position, founded the discipline of eugenics, which sought to improve the quality of human heredity by manipulating human reproduction.
  • The kid probably deserves First prize, but, by daring to attack the field of Goebbels Warming, probably managed to get a unique censure from the prize committee typically reserved for Science Fair projects that attempt to justify Eugenics or Lysenkoism — and totally unlike that kid who did a baking soda volcano and still got a “blue ribbon” … everyone gets an award these days, you know … unless their project is clearly unPC. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Awesome Analysis of Urban Biases on Surface Temperature Records
  • Such research into the genetics of gender identity is inevitably controversial — especially given the dark history of the eugenics movement, which viewed conditions such as transsexualism as 'diseases'. Brain development: The most important sexual organ
  • In the United States in recent years, interest in eugenics has centered around genetic screening.
  • Plotz deftly neuters Graham's ridiculous eugenics, putting his noxious opinions in their historical context of the KKK and the rise of fascism in Europe in the 1930s.
  • From the beginning the emphasis in these journals has been mainly on organismic genetics in a wide variety of animals and plants, and in the early years, on eugenics.
  • In the early twentieth century, Malthusian ideas on population control were linked to theories of eugenics and social Darwinism.
  • Clearly, contemporary views of heritability are populist market eugenics in a new form.
  • He describes an idea to build a “Web site with a biblical basis” that will be a “one-stop shop for people who want to talk intelligently about life issues,” which seem to include everything from eugenics to euthanasia to abortion. American Grace
  • After World War I they were less sanguine about progress and more inclined to the hereditarian pessimism of eugenics.
  • Guardian | Nazi eugenics, Virginia Woolf and the morality of designer babies A grande virtude do nazismo está em ter enterrado de vez com os ideais de eugenia. Leituras
  • This antimodernist nativism pervaded the 1920s, but it was particularly visible in the scientific racism of the eugenics movement, the xenophobia of the "100 percent American" movement, the sharp resurgence in the Ku Klux Klan, the post – World War One Red Scare (directed primarily at immigrant radicals), and in a series of draconian immigration restriction acts. 11 Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
  • Most people shudder at the thought of positive eugenics.
  • The latest technologies like fMRI get misused in the service of biological reductionism and neo-eugenics (euphemistically called sociobiology and evolutionary psychology). Boing Boing
  • Guardian | Nazi eugenics, Virginia Woolf and the morality of designer babies A grande virtude do nazismo está em ter enterrado de vez com os ideais de eugenia. Leituras
  • On the other hand, negative eugenics, which came to dominate the politics and policy of the movement in the early 20th Century, focused on controlling or eliminating the polluted "germ plasm" from the population by "scientific" social sorting via primitive IQ tests, by the passage of mandatory sterilization laws, and by segregating "defective" populations. Archive 2009-02-01
  • [B] efore this mission I myself had begun branching out into the more positive aspects of eugenics -- Schafer is more intent on justifying his quest for the mythical yeti: 'I've been mocked for devoting my life to a legend. Archive 2007-11-01
  • We must educate the ordinary mother who is so busy over her wash tubs and babies that she has no time to seek information upon subject which she doesn't even know exist, who does not even know how to feed her baby as well as the scrubbiest cat does her kitten, who does not know what eugenics means and is interested in it even less. The Eugenic Marriage, Vol. 3 (of 4) A Personal Guide to the New Science of Better Living and Better Babies
  • The eugenics movement lobbied fiercely in favour of measures of forced sterilization for entire categories of the population.
  • It is, in essence, a buddy piece: a fugitive, arrested 30 years before for protesting his government's eugenics program, forms a grudging friendship with an alien.
  • The chapter, in fact, encompasses many different issues: evolutionary theory, eugenics, oralism and the Milan Congress of 1880.
  • Revulsion against Nazi eugenics is deep and uncontroversial.
  • And as you know eugenics is defined as the science of improving the qualities of the human race.
  • It was predicated on the pseudo-sciences of eugenics and craniology.
  • Eugenics and ‘social Darwinism’ are perversions of evolution based upon logical fallacy and misapplication.
  • Neither Hogben nor Haldane had any objection to a biologically based eugenics programme enforced by the state in a classless society.
  • That direction converges at the New York Museum of Natural History where dioramas and taxidermy reconfigure notions of exhibition, eugenics and conservation.
  • Racism and eugenics were very popular among Leftists in Hitler's day.
  • It turns out that spaying or neutering your cat or dog is the same thing as eugenics!
  • The eugenics movement obviously horrifies this film maker and Mr. Peter Cohen communicates that horror most effectively in this interesting and artful documentary.
  • How does our habitual practice of everyday eugenics shape our view of the world and of creation?
  • The idea of licensing parents, or licensing parenting, is quite new, but the concept of promoting eugenics or discouraging dysgenics have historical roots, as does the idea of producing many children for the good of society-without regard to their genetic quality. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Eugenics, practiced from the time Germany used it, could have made us stronger and smarter by design. What a Bunch of Apes! « L.E. Modesitt, Jr. – The Official Website
  • Eugenics is, however, an Anglo-American idea, and the United States was indeed the pioneer in state-sanctioned programs of better breeding, which included forced sterilization, antimiscegenation, and immigration restriction. Harry Bruinius - An interview with author
  • As the explosion in genetic research continued, the temptation of eugenics grew ever more alluring.

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