How To Use Eudemonism In A Sentence
He had, after all, made the world a slightly better place as a result, and eudemonism was the creed to live by.
He states, ‘Whereas Marxism called for the power of capital to be destroyed, eudemonism [the politics of happiness] calls for it to be ignored.’
To make my own happiness the end of my moral activity-eudemonism-is irrational and immoral; for, because of the fortuity of the outward conditions of happiness, and of the heterogeneousness of claims upon happiness, the moral would be rendered dependent upon accident and. caprice.
Christian Ethics. Volume I.���History of Ethics.
Having never been happy myself, I am not a disciple of eudemonism; but I see life as struggle and change; and though I do not know what it means, I know thought will not be at rest, that hopes will not cease, and that dreams of liberty will fascinate the minds of future Lincolns and
Children of the Market Place
He suggests ‘eudemonism’: a political philosophy that proposes a society in which people can pursue the activities that truly improve their individual and collective wellbeing.

Here, then, is in brief Aristotle's ethical theory of eudemonism; and in its main features it has been made the basis of the chief
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
Moreover, it may be thought that the primary moral principle of love of neighbor as oneself is another reason to doubt (despite appearances) the strategic role of eudemonism in his ethics.
Aquinas' Moral, Political, and Legal Philosophy
English moralism lingered in general in a state of capricious wavering between the principle of happiness and the principle of spiritual perfection, between the principle of subjective eudemonism and the principle of objective spiritualism.
Christian Ethics. Volume I.���History of Ethics.