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How To Use Eucharistic In A Sentence

  • A literal offering of bread and wine has in the course of time been included in the eucharistic ritual.
  • When she was well again, her confessor directed her to the Society of Mary Reparatrix whose members were dedicated to Eucharistic adoration in union with Mary at the foot of the Cross, making reparation for the sins of the world.
  • As a consequence of this fact it is possible to delineate the proper role of the congregation in the eucharistic prayer.
  • Christ willed it to be, and finally complete ingrafting in eucharistic communion. A bit more on Holy Communion and non-Catholic Christians
  • Though we know little about early Christian worship, it is safe to assume that these common Eucharistic meals were celebrated with little ceremonial.
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  • He is present in the sacrifice of the Mass, not only in the person of His minister, "the same now offering, through the ministry of priests, who formerly offered himself on the cross" (20), but especially under the eucharistic species. The Knights of the Holy Eucharist
  • Faith, holding her chalice and Eucharistic wafer, stands to the right of Charity, while Hope, with her back turned to the viewer, looks to Charity from her left.
  • The induction of the Eucharistic Ministers by Bishop Fleming takes place on Sunday next, January 23rd in Knockmore Church at 11 am Mass.
  • The Eucharistic vestments in the Church of England date back to late Roman antiquity - the surplice is an enlargement of the late Roman tunic for convenient use over warm undergarments in colder climates.
  • Cocksworth (1991) and Douglas (2006) argue that Anglican eucharistic theology is characterized by multiformity, that is, a multiplicity of views with many voices actually competing against each other. Archive 2007-04-01
  • Most, or all, of the witnesses agree in representing him as an atrocious Satanist, an invoker of Lucifer, a celebrater of black masses, and an adept in the practical blasphemies of Eucharistic sacrilege; all of them father either upon the Palladium or upon Pike a variety of documents containing gross thefts from Lévi; some of them, directly and upon their own responsibility, cite passages from his works, always with conspicuous bad faith. Devil-Worship in France or The Question of Lucifer
  • When the altar boy poured water from a cruet into the chalice, it was over the joined fingers and thumbs of the priest — the so-called consecrating fingers which hold the eucharistic host when pronouncing the words that transform it into Christ's body. Scandal
  • Implicit in that answer is the understanding that Eucharistic fellowship without unity in faith and ministry would be the end of ecumenism.
  • Some theologians of today would seek to come to an understanding with modern science, which bases all natural processes upon the very fruitful theory of energy, by trying with Leibniz to explain the Eucharistic accidentia sine subjecto according to the dynamism of natural philosophy. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • He also thanked the choir, the reader, the collectors, Eucharistic ministers, altar servers and all present.
  • It donated the framed dossals of St. Francis and St. Clare, which were blessed and placed in the Eucharistic Chapel in November 1996.
  • This meant that the festive Eucharistic meal celebrating the election of Israel and anticipating the final ingathering constituted the ‘sacrifice’ of the community.
  • The eucharistic recall of the paschal mystery was simply inserted into this thank-offering context.
  • However, as we have seen, the Sanctus is likewise a part of the eucharistic prayer.
  • We kneel in reverence for the eucharistic prayer, also called the canon, a Greek word meaning “standard,” or “rule of measure.” Archive 2007-03-01
  • What is also interesting is that it has been pointed out by Welch that the Second Adam headship which is explained by Cyril is Eucharistic. Archive 2007-05-01
  • The Pope said Catholic priests were forbidden to celebrate Eucharistic liturgies with Protestant ministers.
  • Is it really true, for instance, as the pastor has heard from a brave few, that a majority of the older parishioners would like to have noneucharistic church services conclude with Benediction?
  • But doctrine as essentially 'eucharistic' language retains its celebratory energy and its capacity to augment our joy. The Creed and the Eucharist in the Fourth and Fifth Centuries Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität, Bonn
  • God in the so-called eucharistic prayers of the Didache. The Beginnings of Christianity. Vol. II.
  • In pursuit of his theory Mazza ignores much evidence of somatic realism in patristic thought, in order to concentrate on those liturgies and theologians who saw the Eucharistic act in terms of typology and likeness.
  • Is a recently written Eucharistic prayer, composed by a couple of self-proclaimed experts, a better statement of tradition than a conciliar creed which was itself an innovation in the patristic era?
  • The placement of the tabernacle, the gestures of adoration (especially kneeling during the whole Eucharistic prayer), and the renewal of perpetual adoration are all based on the desire to reinforce belief in the Real Presence.
  • A truly contemporary eucharistic prayer might safely break away from the berakah.
  • To further support the position of the woman deacon being ordained, it is especially important to consider that deaconesses were ordained during the course of the Eucharistic liturgy.
  • As we know, they had maintained the practice of ordaining women deacons during the Eucharistic liturgy.
  • During the weekdays of Great Lent, the regular Eucharistic Divine Liturgy is not celebrated in Orthodox churches since the Divine Liturgy is always a paschal celebration of communion with the Risen Lord.
  • Peter's profession of Christ, whom he declares to be the Holy One of God, fits into the context of the Eucharistic Discourse in which Jesus announces the Day of Reconciliation through the sacrificial offering of himself: "the bread I will give is my flesh, for the life of the world" (Jn 6: 51). Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
  • Tears, blood and bread combine to sacramentalize the penitential psyche so that the weeping heart undergoes a kind of reverse alchemy, the alembic of Eucharistic topoi dispersing the self among the dust and dew shrouded by night sky.
  • The twofold number of the Eucharistic elements of bread and wine does not interfere with the unity of the sacrament; for the idea of refection embraces both eating and drinking, nor do our meals in consequence double their number. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • In certain dioceses in the Eastern united States, according to CNN this morning, they have cancelled the traditional Eucharistic Sacraments of partaking of the body and blood of Christ by passing around wine and unleavened bread as parishiners may contract swine flu from such intimate contact with the priest and all I can say is: Talk is Cheap
  • The influence of Brand on the document was palpable and emphasized anamnesis, community with Christ and his body, the church, Eucharistic sacrifice, and the foretaste of the Messianic banquet.
  • Hallmarks of the rite include paschal essence, pneumatic nature, corporate understanding, Eucharistic context, and ritual character.
  • I know well that, following the publication of the Instruction "Eucharisticum mysterium" of 25 May 1967 and the promulgation, on 21 June 1973, of the Document "De sacra communione et cultu mysterii eucharistici extra Missam", the insistence on the theme of the Eucharist as the inexhaustible source of holiness has been a concern of the first priority for the dicastery. Pope Benedict on Eucharistic Adoration
  • In 1562 the Eucharist was discussed, and a doctrine of transubstantiation affirmed against all varieties of Reformation Eucharistic theology.
  • the Eucharistic cup
  • The singing of psalms, provision of a confessor, entreaties for repentance, and the Eucharistic offering followed age-old traditions for those close to death, natural and otherwise.
  • The eucharistic epiclesis in its classical form is a potent indicator of the deeper question concerning the relation of the Holy Spirit to the liturgy.
  • A Eucharistic celebration for separated people and those who have experienced the loss of an intimate relationship will take place at the centre on Sunday, May 23 at 3pm.
  • The congregation suggests organizing Eucharistic adoration for young people around Palm Sunday.
  • Also let us pray to Sts John Vianney and Pio of Pietrelcina during this "Year for Priests", that all priest may grow in orthodoxy and orthopraxy, which cannot be had without deepening Eucharistic and Ecclesial communion. Fellay speaks: The talks begin in the autumn of 2009
  • Putting an end to abortion is just one of many reasons why every parish should have perpetual Eucharistic adoration.
  • In the early Church, as in the Synagogue, the altar was a sacred table upon which were placed the books and instruments used to celebrate the Eucharistic sacrament, or Mass.
  • A truly contemporary eucharistic prayer might safely break away from the berakah.
  • He is present in the sacrifice of the Mass, not only in the person of His minister, ‘the same now offering, through the ministry of priests, who formerly offered himself on the cross,’ but especially under the eucharistic species (Sacrosanctum Concilium, 7). The Knights of the Holy Eucharist
  • All housebound parishioners will be able to receive Holy Communion on Christmas Day from the Eucharistic Ministers.
  • The Cardinals and Bishops members of the Congregation voted almost unanimously in favor of a greater sacrality of the rite, of the recovery of the sense of eucharistic worship, of the recovery of the Latin language in the celebration, and of the remaking of the introductory parts of the Missal in order to put Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
  • In the Eucharistic service, the priest confects the bread as Christ's body.
  • The painting does not have to contain a Eucharistic reference if it has a tabernacle standing in front of it.
  • A recent Eucharistic Congress in Washington, D.C., called the paschal mystery a "Sacrifice of Enduring Love. Spero News
  • His comment on the hymn itself traces its wording to several passages of Revelation and notes how the antiphon relates the hymn to the Eucharistic banquet of which it is a part.
  • Although the lay possess no sacerdotal power and rely upon the priest as mediator between them and God, they do assist the priest in offering up the Mass through their collected prayers for the Eucharistic sacrifice.
  • The Congress opens with a celebration at 7: 30 p.m. today and closes with a Eucharistic Celebration at 2 p.m.
  • The Pope said Catholic priests were forbidden to celebrate Eucharistic liturgies with Protestant ministers.
  • Remember that at this time the special eucharistic celebration of Christians took place during the course of a meal of fellowship.
  • This kind of evangelism is far more persuasive than simply publishing the world's best book of new collects, calls to worship, or Eucharistic prayers.
  • You can see this year's programme here; but one point certainly worth noting is that the conference will conclude with a Pontifical Mass according to the usus antiquior in the Papal Basilica of St. Peter in the Vatican (Chapel of the Eucharistic Adoration), celebrated by H.E. Msgr. Raymond L. Burke, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, on Sunday 18 October at 10 a.m. Usus Antiquior Pontifical Mass in St. Peter's, Rome
  • We will start by looking at each Reformer's Eucharistic theology in particular, and then we will turn to the Reformers' views of Christ's humanity and their debate over "flesh" and "spirit.
  • And then follow it up with Eucharistic adoration and benediction services in every parish.
  • The ciborium is the bowl that contains the consecrated eucharistic Host prepared for Holy Communion. A Handbook of Symbols in Christian Art
  • It is precisely as the ‘servant-leader’ of the gathered community that the presbyter rightly presides at its Eucharistic celebration.
  • They prayed God would forgive their faults and, for their hopes hereafter, they relied on God's mercy pleaded in the Eucharistic memorial of Christ's redemption and on the intercession of the Church both living and departed.
  • Since worship is the primary, often exclusive means of Christian catechesis, what will be the effect of language in which the doctrinally ill-equipped worshiper must impute the Nicene faith to the Eucharistic prayer?
  • Said stories were so popular that they grew into a religion known today as Catholicism/Christianity and featuring dark-age, daily wine to blood and bread to body rituals called the eucharistic sacrifice of the non-atoning Jesus.
  • He paid tribute to the concelebrating priests, the choir for the lovely singing, the sacristans, the Eucharistic Ministers, collectors and all others who do such wonderful work in the parish.
  • The non-divine, but human-made Eucharistic elements of bread and wine can affect only the material body.
  • In the traditional orientation of some Christian churches, the south side of a chancel or sanctuary when the altar or Eucharistic table faces east.
  • The annual parish Eucharistic procession took place in Ballydesmond in glorious summer weather on Sunday, June 13, and was attended by a very large crowd.
  • Openly lesbian and gay people act as Eucharistic ministers, lectors, and cantors and fully participate in many of the parish programs.
  • But the Eucharistic synaxis soon entailed other prayers; the custom of going to the Temple disappeared; and the abuses of the Judaizing party forced the The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • Spirit of God, in holy eucharistical ordinances, are the marriage-feast; and the whole collective body of all those who partake of this feast is the bride, the Lamb's wife; they eat into one body, and drink into one Spirit, and are not mere spectators or guests, but coalesce into the espoused party, the mystical body of Christ. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • John takes this opportunity to provide his reader with something equally important to Eucharistic liturgy.
  • AMANPOUR: We're entering now what's known as the holiest part of the Catholic mass, which is the Eucharistic liturgy and this will be fairly lengthy. CNN Transcript Apr 24, 2005
  • The clusters of white and purple grapes and red cherries recall Christ's sacrifice and the Eucharistic sacrament, which open the way to redemption.
  • Yet this does not mean that some critical observations cannot be made about the role of Eucharistic presidency as it has evolved.
  • It would entail suspension from Eucharistic communion and taking one's seat in a special part of the church building reserved for penitents.
  • It is this understanding that explains the fact that the so-called monarchic episcopate-one bishop in each Eucharistic community or Church-became generally accepted in the ancient Church. News from SVOTS.Edu
  • Have you considered being a cup bearer, alter server, Eucharistic minister, and/or reader?
  • A training course for Eucharistic ministers is now being undertaken at the Pastoral Centre, Charlestown starting on Wednesday, October 5, at 8pm.
  • The disciples, by their participation in that First Eucharistic Celebration, proclaim loyalty to Jesus as Messiah and king.
  • On the whole, however, I would be more conservative with regard to the use of the Sanctus because of its hallowed place in the history of the Eucharistic prayer.
  • A related influence on liturgical ceremonial was imperial court practice, contributing still more to the transformation of the Eucharistic liturgy from common meal to hieratic pageant.
  • The eucharistic vessel known as the paten is a small shallow plate or disc of precious metal upon which the element of bread is offered to The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • And if you must impute some spiritual importance to the wine and the moment, think of it as the fellowship of commensality, even sort of a secular eucharistic feast. Mondosapore
  • This is a far cry from Corbon's more simplistic description of the Eucharistic canon as prelude, liturgy of the word, anaphora, communion, and finale.
  • The Church in the diocese manifests herself in the most visible way when the Bishop celebrates the Eucharistic Sacrifice in his cathedral church, with the concelebration of his priests, the assistance of the deacons, and the participation of the faithful (cf. SC 41). Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:

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