How To Use Eucharist In A Sentence

  • Fr Benjamin blesses the faithful with the Most Holy Eucharist. Oxford Corpus Christi Procession 2009
  • A few months ago a friend sent me an article entitled "The Eucharist in the West" by the Irish Jesuit Michael McGuckian (New Blackfriars, March 2007), which also draws on De Lubac's work which had showed that prior to 1050 the term Body of Christ had referred to the Church and that the Eucharist had been referred to as the Mystical Body, but that that after this the Eucharist became the Body of Christ and the Church came to be referred to as the Mystical Body. Orrologion
  • A young woman was accepted as being in a stage of preparation for receiving the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation.
  • It would entail suspension from Eucharistic communion and taking one's seat in a special part of the church building reserved for penitents.
  • Said stories were so popular that they grew into a religion known today as Catholicism/Christianity and featuring dark-age, daily wine to blood and bread to body rituals called the eucharistic sacrifice of the non-atoning Jesus.
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  • Since worship is the primary, often exclusive means of Christian catechesis, what will be the effect of language in which the doctrinally ill-equipped worshiper must impute the Nicene faith to the Eucharistic prayer?
  • It is said that from that day forth, he was solely nourished by the Holy Eucharist.
  • On the doctrine concern the two kinds, (in the Eucharist,) he adduced the history of the sons of Eli, who desired bread to eat; and wished to prove by it, that it becomes laymen to be satisfied with the mere bread in the _Eucharist_. American Lutheranism Vindicated; or, Examination of the Lutheran Symbols, on Certain Disputed Topics Including a Reply to the Plea of Rev. W. J. Mann
  • That would see ordained lay deacons performing most of the functions of a priest, apart from celebrating the Eucharist.
  • The thurifer carries the thurible and boat when incense is used at the Eucharist or other celebrations.
  • Both were described in the future tense since both took place in the context of the Eucharist, of which the novice had no direct experience.
  • In 1890 Edward King was tried before Archbishop Edward Benson for ritual practices, after a churchwarden from Cleethorpes witnessed the bishop celebrate the Eucharist at St Peter at Gowts Church in Lincoln. Bishop of the Poor: Edward King reinvented the role of diocesan bishop
  • They prayed God would forgive their faults and, for their hopes hereafter, they relied on God's mercy pleaded in the Eucharistic memorial of Christ's redemption and on the intercession of the Church both living and departed.
  • In any event, the sense at the meeting was that the bishops need to focus on putting the Catholic house in order, concentrating on evangelization, catechesis, the Eucharist, and the priesthood.
  • It is precisely as the ‘servant-leader’ of the gathered community that the presbyter rightly presides at its Eucharistic celebration.
  • I really liked how the authors chose to use the term Eucharist "the Good Gift" instead of the term Gospel "the Good News. RVABlogs
  • The function of the clergy is essential and irreplaceable in announcing the Word and celebrating the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist. ... Pope Benedict XVI
  • The ciborium is the bowl that contains the consecrated eucharistic Host prepared for Holy Communion. A Handbook of Symbols in Christian Art
  • And then follow it up with Eucharistic adoration and benediction services in every parish.
  • We will start by looking at each Reformer's Eucharistic theology in particular, and then we will turn to the Reformers' views of Christ's humanity and their debate over "flesh" and "spirit.
  • Women now have the right to be ministers of the Eucharist and readers of the Word, but not priests.
  • Catholics, therefore, are a sacramental people and the Eucharist is the center of Catholic life.
  • The Catholic Mass is composed of the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist, but when Catholics speak of ‘going to Mass’ it is chiefly the second they have in mind.
  • And most amazing, we get to receive the Eucharist into our spirits, souls and bodies.
  • I remember in particular going with the local bishop to an early morning Eucharist.
  • Meantime, EBay has moved to stop the auction of a Eucharist wafer said to have been blessed by Pope John Paul II.
  • Even the names by which they were known (capsa, capsella, theca, pyxis, arca etc.) are quite general in character, and it seems certain that the same names also designated receptacles for the Blessed Eucharist, the holy oils, and other pious objects. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • A paten is a shallow circular dish of metal on which the bread is placed for the Eucharist, and represents the dish used at the Last Supper. A Handbook of Symbols in Christian Art
  • You can see this year's programme here; but one point certainly worth noting is that the conference will conclude with a Pontifical Mass according to the usus antiquior in the Papal Basilica of St. Peter in the Vatican (Chapel of the Eucharistic Adoration), celebrated by H.E. Msgr. Raymond L. Burke, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, on Sunday 18 October at 10 a.m. Usus Antiquior Pontifical Mass in St. Peter's, Rome
  • I cooked alone, ate alone, and walked alone four times a day up the steep hill to the monastery to participate in the Eucharist and the Liturgy of the Hours.
  • The Indonesian bishops have been petitioning for some 30 years now to ordain some of their married catechists in order to provide the Eucharist mass and the sacraments for people.
  • It seems wonderfully natural and without vanity that he takes the Eucharist from a splendid golden challis but blesses the babies, the brides, grooms and the dearly departed from a salsa bottle. Small Brown Bishops
  • The controversial doctrine of transubstantiation recognised the miraculous transformation of bread and wine into the actual body and blood of Christ during the Eucharist.
  • This kind of evangelism is far more persuasive than simply publishing the world's best book of new collects, calls to worship, or Eucharistic prayers.
  • Remember that at this time the special eucharistic celebration of Christians took place during the course of a meal of fellowship.
  • The procession into the Church was lead by Crossbearer with two acolytes, Ministers of the Word, Ministers of the Eucharist, Altar Servers, Priests and Bishop.
  • Putting an end to abortion is just one of many reasons why every parish should have perpetual Eucharistic adoration.
  • At the Consecration of the Mass, when the Eucharist was held high for the world to see His triumph—grant Francie her life and take mine—Franklin had felt a twinge in his neck. Shortcut Man
  • And the whole celebration will be rounded off at 6pm with a festal Eucharist in the parish church.
  • The Congress opens with a celebration at 7: 30 p.m. today and closes with a Eucharistic Celebration at 2 p.m.
  • Although the lay possess no sacerdotal power and rely upon the priest as mediator between them and God, they do assist the priest in offering up the Mass through their collected prayers for the Eucharistic sacrifice.
  • Having been anointed with chrism, they would put their clothes back on and enter the church to participate in the Eucharist for the first time.
  • His comment on the hymn itself traces its wording to several passages of Revelation and notes how the antiphon relates the hymn to the Eucharistic banquet of which it is a part.
  • A recent Eucharistic Congress in Washington, D.C., called the paschal mystery a "Sacrifice of Enduring Love. Spero News
  • Using so-called "artifical" contraception, engaging in heresy and being remarried after divorce can all lead to automatic self-excommunication -- especially if one receives the Sacrament of the Eucharist while engaging in such excommunication-worthy conduct. Michele Somerville: Roy Bourgeois Detained At The Vatican For The Crime Of Primacy Of Conscience
  • The painting does not have to contain a Eucharistic reference if it has a tabernacle standing in front of it.
  • In the Eucharistic service, the priest confects the bread as Christ's body.
  • Calvin tried to work with a concept of mystical real presence that avoided the empirical absurdities of transubstantiation with regard to the Eucharist.
  • It is given to us again each day in the Eucharist, in which the paschal mystery is renewed: in a sacramental, mystical way the sacrifice of Christ is made present with its culmination in the mystery of the resurrection.
  • My guess is that the Shona Anglican, if asked what makes Anglicans different from other Christians, would cite, at least, prayer book, Eucharist and episcopacy.
  • This was followed by other uncatholic writings, e.g. one against the doctrine of the Church on confession (Augsburg, 1521) and a sermon on the Holy Eucharist The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • The Cardinals and Bishops members of the Congregation voted almost unanimously in favor of a greater sacrality of the rite, of the recovery of the sense of eucharistic worship, of the recovery of the Latin language in the celebration, and of the remaking of the introductory parts of the Missal in order to put Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
  • The Holy Eucharist and Benediction are celebrated daily, morning and evening respectively.
  • All housebound parishioners will be able to receive Holy Communion on Christmas Day from the Eucharistic Ministers.
  • The relation between the body of Christ which is the holy Eucharist and the body of Christ which is his Church passes through the sacrament of holy orders.
  • He is present in the sacrifice of the Mass, not only in the person of His minister, ‘the same now offering, through the ministry of priests, who formerly offered himself on the cross,’ but especially under the eucharistic species (Sacrosanctum Concilium, 7). The Knights of the Holy Eucharist
  • Transformed by the Eucharist we have received, we are sent to minister Jesus' presence to the lonely, downtrodden, and oppressed.
  • The bread we share is the bread of life which is the Body of Christ, and it is no co incidence that the term 'Body of Christ' therefore is used for both the Church and the Eucharist. Standing on My Head
  • It was self-evident that the presidency at the Eucharist should be given to those commissioned by ordination for this work.
  • Like manna in the desert and the Eucharist, the psalm evokes the joyful knowing of God with our physical hunger.
  • They talk about how they have come to see the Eucharist in a whole new light, as a joyful experience of intimacy with a close friend.
  • A truly contemporary eucharistic prayer might safely break away from the berakah.
  • In the early Church, as in the Synagogue, the altar was a sacred table upon which were placed the books and instruments used to celebrate the Eucharistic sacrament, or Mass.
  • The Pope said Catholic priests were forbidden to celebrate Eucharistic liturgies with Protestant ministers.
  • This sacrament is called the Eucharist because it is the Church's sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving.
  • The Church in the diocese manifests herself in the most visible way when the Bishop celebrates the Eucharistic Sacrifice in his cathedral church, with the concelebration of his priests, the assistance of the deacons, and the participation of the faithful (cf. SC 41). Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
  • A dozen worshippers surround the altar on a rainy Thursday evening as The Reverend William Rich—an elaborate purple chasuble over his white alb—administers the 6:00 P.M. Holy Eucharist. American Grace
  • It is said that from that day forth, he was solely nourished by the Holy Eucharist.
  • This is a far cry from Corbon's more simplistic description of the Eucharistic canon as prelude, liturgy of the word, anaphora, communion, and finale.
  • Instead we get strange transfigurations between the literal, the metaphorical, and the conceptual, which move polemically into a defense of the Catholic position on the Eucharist.
  • And if you must impute some spiritual importance to the wine and the moment, think of it as the fellowship of commensality, even sort of a secular eucharistic feast. Mondosapore
  • She took the Eucharist every week, but that was from Father Damien. THE LAST REPORT ON THE MIRACLES AT LITTLE NO HORSE: A NOVEL
  • The reverence shown for relics has roots in the celebration of the Eucharist over the graves of the first Christian martyrs.
  • The eucharistic vessel known as the paten is a small shallow plate or disc of precious metal upon which the element of bread is offered to The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • Jam recense paucis quinam fructus dignam Eucharistæ sumptionem sequantur? Notes and Queries, Number 189, June 11, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • So important is the Decalogue that it is given prominence by placing it in the chancel facing the altar, where the Eucharist is celebrated and the cathedra, the chair of the bishop, is found.
  • They rejected the sacrament of baptism and denied the presence of Christ in the Eucharist - the Christian sacrament commemorating the Last Supper by consecrating bread and wine.
  • Centuries later during the Counter-Reformation, the feast became still more important as an occasion to reassert the Tridentine dogma of transubstantiation against the various alternatives proposed by the Reformers, from "consubstantiation" to outright denial of the Real Presence in favor of seeing the Eucharist as a memorial alone. The ambiguity of Corpus Christi
  • A related influence on liturgical ceremonial was imperial court practice, contributing still more to the transformation of the Eucharistic liturgy from common meal to hieratic pageant.
  • An Imber Day was also introduced so previous residents could return annually to tend graves, meet old friends and participate in Eucharist and evensong at St Giles' Church.
  • It is, as is to be expected in an encyclical, a reprise of Catholic teaching on the Eucharist, drawing richly on scriptural, patristic, and conciliar sources.
  • They accepted the same Biblical books as canonical; their public worship centred on the Eucharist, and authority in all of them was vested in bishops.
  • The accounts of the institution of the Eucharist are very important to Christians.
  • The angels are dressed in priests' vestments to emphasise this link with the Eucharist.
  • The role of confessional statements in the search for unity and the effect of participation in the Eucharist to establish the fellowship of believers with each other and Jesus Christ are seen as forging an inner link.
  • That faith-filled genuflection communicated very powerfully the sense of awe and mystery which ought to be associated with the Eucharist.
  • The real presence of Christ in the Eucharist is a magnet drawing lost sheep home and keeping would-be strays from the deathly snows outside. Protestantism
  • On the whole, however, I would be more conservative with regard to the use of the Sanctus because of its hallowed place in the history of the Eucharistic prayer.
  • The disciples, by their participation in that First Eucharistic Celebration, proclaim loyalty to Jesus as Messiah and king.
  • A training course for Eucharistic ministers is now being undertaken at the Pastoral Centre, Charlestown starting on Wednesday, October 5, at 8pm.
  • Have you considered being a cup bearer, alter server, Eucharistic minister, and/or reader?
  • In addition, for reformers, the focus on the Eucharist as a physical rather than spiritual restorative led to an attack on the materialism of transformation.
  • The monstrance containing the Eucharist came in procession from the North Cathedral, down Roman Street and across the Lee to make its way to Daunt Square.
  • It is this understanding that explains the fact that the so-called monarchic episcopate-one bishop in each Eucharistic community or Church-became generally accepted in the ancient Church. News from SVOTS.Edu
  • Macarius the Eucharist was a palmary argument against Nestorianism. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • Private reading and study of scripture takes place, by implication, within the larger framework of the church's praise of God and proclamation of the Word in common prayer and Eucharist.
  • Consider, too, that, were we now to act on our desire for a common celebration of the Eucharist, that would be the end of ecumenism, of the quest for the unity that Christ intends for his disciples.
  • In the museum we have a pyxis that was once a container for the Eucharist and stored in a church treasury. Why Should We Care?
  • He paid tribute to the concelebrating priests, the choir for the lovely singing, the sacristans, the Eucharistic Ministers, collectors and all others who do such wonderful work in the parish.
  • Yet this does not mean that some critical observations cannot be made about the role of Eucharistic presidency as it has evolved.
  • The decline in the proper understanding of the Holy Eucharist and the consequent decline in reverence and adoration, are not phenomena in isolation.
  • The Holy Eucharist and Benediction are celebrated daily, morning and evening respectively.
  • The clusters of white and purple grapes and red cherries recall Christ's sacrifice and the Eucharistic sacrament, which open the way to redemption.
  • AMANPOUR: We're entering now what's known as the holiest part of the Catholic mass, which is the Eucharistic liturgy and this will be fairly lengthy. CNN Transcript Apr 24, 2005
  • It also states that as the two churches share the same beliefs about the presence of Christ in communion, Anglicans should not be excluded from receiving the Roman Eucharist.
  • Farwell's logic sits uneasily with the fact that confirmation, and the catechesis that goes with it, are no longer viewed as conditions for participating in the Eucharist.
  • This bread is called eulogia, because it is blessed and because a blessing accompanies its use; it is also called antidoron, because it is a substitute for the doron, the real gift, which is the Holy Eucharist. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • John takes this opportunity to provide his reader with something equally important to Eucharistic liturgy.
  • And certain devotional emphases, particularly devotion to Christ's suffering humanity and to the Eucharist (although not, as is often said, to the Virgin) were characteristics of women's practices and women's words. 19 Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • The debate would come to an unhappy close, with the Christological questions keeping the Reformers apart on the doctrine of the Eucharist.
  • Spirit of God, in holy eucharistical ordinances, are the marriage-feast; and the whole collective body of all those who partake of this feast is the bride, the Lamb's wife; they eat into one body, and drink into one Spirit, and are not mere spectators or guests, but coalesce into the espoused party, the mystical body of Christ. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • But the Eucharistic synaxis soon entailed other prayers; the custom of going to the Temple disappeared; and the abuses of the Judaizing party forced the The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • The pope in his distinguishing robe and tiara carries a monstrance containing the holy Eucharist, as clerics process before him and the laity behind.
  • In his CALL OF THE HORNED PIPER, Nigel Jackson gives a simple sort of ‘Eucharist’ consecration for hallowing bread and some milk or ale to the fey.
  • Catholic doctrine teaches that the Eucharist is the body of Christ as He is now in heaven in his glorified state, not the body of Christ before his resurrection.
  • Openly lesbian and gay people act as Eucharistic ministers, lectors, and cantors and fully participate in many of the parish programs.
  • The annual parish Eucharistic procession took place in Ballydesmond in glorious summer weather on Sunday, June 13, and was attended by a very large crowd.
  • She took the Eucharist every week, but that was from Father Damien. THE LAST REPORT ON THE MIRACLES AT LITTLE NO HORSE: A NOVEL
  • In the traditional orientation of some Christian churches, the south side of a chancel or sanctuary when the altar or Eucharistic table faces east.
  • The deanery will say farewell to him at a Eucharist at Holy Trinity, Skipton, next Friday, October 24.
  • Less obviously, the ramifications of his predestinarian views changed his understanding of the role of clergy in the Eucharist.
  • The old typology understands the president at the Eucharist not in terms of a bare symbolism, but in terms of a symbolic realism.
  • She took the Eucharist every week, but that was from Father Damien. THE LAST REPORT ON THE MIRACLES AT LITTLE NO HORSE: A NOVEL
  • Dominio divino libri tres, to which are added the first four books of the treatise 'De pauperie Salvatoris,' by R.chard Fitzralph, archbishop of Armagh, "ed.R. L. Poole, 1890;" De Ente prædicamentali, "ed.R. Beer, 1891;" De Eucharistia tractatus maior; accedit tractatus de A Literary History of the English People From the Origins to the Renaissance
  • The Mass omits the Credo and takes as its central point, the Holy Eucharist as narrated in the story of Christ's meeting with the disciples on the road to Emmaus.
  • According to the ritual of Communion established during the late twelfth century, it is the gesture of elevation that marks the moment of the Eucharist's transubstantiation.
  • But then he talks about the Eucharist and transubstantiation and sounds very serious and almost reverential.
  • Leading the Liturgy of the Word that forms the first part of every service of Holy Eucharist, lectors proclaim the Word of God from the Old and New Testaments.
  • The non-divine, but human-made Eucharistic elements of bread and wine can affect only the material body.
  • This being done, we proceed unto the communion, if any communicants be to receive the Eucharist; if not, we read the Decalogue, Epistle, and Gospel, with the Nicene Creed (of some in derision called the “dry communion”), and then proceed unto an homily or sermon, which hath a psalm before and after it, and finally unto the baptism of such infants as on every Sabbath day (if occasion so require) are brought unto the churches; and thus is the forenoon bestowed. Of the Ancient and Present Estate of the Church of England. Chapter V. [1577, Book II., Chapter 5; 1585, Book II., Chapter 1
  • In certain dioceses in the Eastern united States, according to CNN this morning, they have cancelled the traditional Eucharistic Sacraments of partaking of the body and blood of Christ by passing around wine and unleavened bread as parishiners may contract swine flu from such intimate contact with the priest and all I can say is: Talk is Cheap
  • The Eucharist in particular was transformed from a celebration whose origins in a shared meal were still recognizable into a hieratic pageant at which the laity were increasingly spectators rather than active participants.
  • Is it really true, for instance, as the pastor has heard from a brave few, that a majority of the older parishioners would like to have noneucharistic church services conclude with Benediction?
  • The Pope said Catholic priests were forbidden to celebrate Eucharistic liturgies with Protestant ministers.
  • What is also interesting is that it has been pointed out by Welch that the Second Adam headship which is explained by Cyril is Eucharistic. Archive 2007-05-01
  • As Episcopalians, not having an ordained priest available meant we could not celebrate the Eucharist.
  • We kneel in reverence for the eucharistic prayer, also called the canon, a Greek word meaning “standard,” or “rule of measure.” Archive 2007-03-01
  • In Maine they gave a bunch of money to anti marriage equality groups while closing parishes, in D.C. threatening to pull out of charity work there if there is marriage equality, denying vocally and publically the Eucharist to pro-choice politicians, and preaching on these subjects from the pulpit. datingjesus Where are the Protestants? « Dating Jesus
  • Two comments that often reveal a lack of understanding of the liturgy-doctrine connection are these: "all that matters in the Mass is that Our Lord is present in the Eucharist" or "to be concerned about vestments, music, and other externals in the Mass is pharisaical. The Sacred Liturgy: The First School of the Faith
  • In the paschal event and the Eucharist that makes it present throughout the centuries, there is a truly enormous ‘capacity’ that embraces all of history.
  • However, as we have seen, the Sanctus is likewise a part of the eucharistic prayer.
  • His chancellor Nicephorus burst open the Latin tabernacles, and trampled on the Holy Eucharist because it was consecrated in azyme bread. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • This spiritual authority is often signified by the bodily gestures of the priest while he or she is consecrating the elements while presiding at the Eucharist.
  • Is not the cost of keeping our churches open, offering the liturgy, and reserving the Eucharist a price the Church can afford, no matter the monetary price?
  • The eucharistic recall of the paschal mystery was simply inserted into this thank-offering context.
  • The guidelines for the celebration of this sacrament in the liturgy of marriage are the same as for any congregational Eucharist.
  • This meant that the festive Eucharistic meal celebrating the election of Israel and anticipating the final ingathering constituted the ‘sacrifice’ of the community.
  • It donated the framed dossals of St. Francis and St. Clare, which were blessed and placed in the Eucharistic Chapel in November 1996.
  • In one of the more memorable scenes Huguette's religious advisers held a ciborium over Leonarde's head, and she was required to lower herself continually so that her head never rose above the Eucharist within it.
  • The pope in his distinguishing robe and tiara carries a monstrance containing the holy Eucharist, as clerics process before him and the laity behind.
  • Outside of the Episcopal church, the term Eucharist isn't used very often. RVABlogs
  • He also thanked the choir, the reader, the collectors, Eucharistic ministers, altar servers and all present.
  • Cyberspace will not eclipse the Eucharist or destroy Protestant hymnody, although it might frustrate a lot of liturgists and composers!
  • Thanks to the Ministers of the Word and Eucharist, the Pastoral Team who provided us with powerful symbols of the Passion, death and Resurrection and help in organising the Liturgies.
  • Sunday the Mass is concelebrated by a Protestant and a Catholic, with one presiding over the liturgy of the Word and the sermon, and the other over the liturgy of the Eucharist, in alternation. Food and Drink
  • They are deacons, women religious, or lay ministers who effectively serve as pastors of congregations, though they are unable to celebrate the Eucharist.
  • Among much broader goals, they affirmed a form of consubstantiation - that the Eucharist remained physically bread and wine, while becoming spiritually the body and blood of Christ.
  • So important is the Decalogue that it is given prominence by placing it in the chancel facing the altar, where the Eucharist is celebrated and the cathedra, the chair of the bishop, is found.
  • They observe seven sacraments: the Eucharist, Baptism, Confirmation, Penance, Matrimony, Holy Orders, and the Anointing of the Sick.
  • Early Christian writers saw the Eucharist as spiritual refreshment and as a pledge of the Church's unity: they stressed commensality, the gathering of the faithful in the communion of a liturgical repast. Crash Diets
  • The next issue will include an examination of the new encyclical, Ecclesia de Eucharistia, issued this past Holy Week, looking with particular interest at what it says about intercommunion between Catholics and other Christians.
  • Coetus autem sacros sic peragendos esse censemus, ut ante omnia verbum Dei in publicum plebi quottidie propronatur, Scripturae abdita per idoneos ministros quottidie eruantur edisseranturque: sacra Eucharistia celebranda piorum subinde fides exerceatur, precationi pro omnibus omnium necessitatibus assidue instetur. The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • These are joined by meditations on the Jesuit martyrs of El Salvador, the Eucharist, the prayer Anima Christi, and the stigmata.
  • Some theologians of today would seek to come to an understanding with modern science, which bases all natural processes upon the very fruitful theory of energy, by trying with Leibniz to explain the Eucharistic accidentia sine subjecto according to the dynamism of natural philosophy. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • Even now, in our celebration of the Mass, the Liturgy of the Word comes before the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
  • Certainly proclamation of faith is essential in the Eucharist, but do we need the Creed to accomplish that?
  • A literal offering of bread and wine has in the course of time been included in the eucharistic ritual.
  • And the average age of an American nun is around 70 — except in traditional orders such as the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist in Ann Arbor, Michigan, which now [in 2006] have 73 members with an average age of 24. Jesuit: Obama is "the most effective spokesperson" for "the spirit of Vatican II"
  • When the altar boy poured water from a cruet into the chalice, it was over the joined fingers and thumbs of the priest — the so-called consecrating fingers which hold the eucharistic host when pronouncing the words that transform it into Christ's body. Scandal
  • That the words [sic] mass is used in its appropriate specific sense in this Article, and not as synonymous with Lord's Supper, or eucharist, as the Plea for the Augsburg Confession [Note 33] asserts, is proved by the fact, that _if you substitute either of these words for it, many passages in the Article will not make sense_. American Lutheranism Vindicated; or, Examination of the Lutheran Symbols, on Certain Disputed Topics Including a Reply to the Plea of Rev. W. J. Mann
  • To partake of the Eucharist is to partake of Christ himself, and to enter into sacramental communion with our Lord we must all be properly disposed.
  • Most, or all, of the witnesses agree in representing him as an atrocious Satanist, an invoker of Lucifer, a celebrater of black masses, and an adept in the practical blasphemies of Eucharistic sacrilege; all of them father either upon the Palladium or upon Pike a variety of documents containing gross thefts from Lévi; some of them, directly and upon their own responsibility, cite passages from his works, always with conspicuous bad faith. Devil-Worship in France or The Question of Lucifer
  • After Mass the Blessed Eucharist was brought to the Altar of Repose and the Tabernacle was left open, bare and empty.
  • But baptism is only the beginning, for it "seeks for the attainment of the fullness of life in Christ" (Directory for the Application of Principles and Norms on Ecumenism, n. 92), and thus for the common reception of Christ in the Eucharist. Television
  • Cocksworth (1991) and Douglas (2006) argue that Anglican eucharistic theology is characterized by multiformity, that is, a multiplicity of views with many voices actually competing against each other. Archive 2007-04-01
  • The Eucharistic vestments in the Church of England date back to late Roman antiquity - the surplice is an enlargement of the late Roman tunic for convenient use over warm undergarments in colder climates.
  • The induction of the Eucharistic Ministers by Bishop Fleming takes place on Sunday next, January 23rd in Knockmore Church at 11 am Mass.
  • * Panis et vini transubstantiatio in Eucharistia, ex sacris literis probari non potest, sed apertis scripturae verbis aduersatur, sacramenti naturam euertit, et: [10702] 1 The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • The most potent Indian preparation of cannabis called 'charas' has the same religious importance to many Hindus that wine has to Christians celebrating the Eucharist. Cannabis Culture Magazine
  • Faith, holding her chalice and Eucharistic wafer, stands to the right of Charity, while Hope, with her back turned to the viewer, looks to Charity from her left.
  • Sister Mary Eustasia explained to her that it meant that Hamlet's father had died without benefit of the ` housel ' or Eucharist. INSTANCES OF THE NUMBER 3
  • The real presence of Christ in the Eucharist is a magnet drawing lost sheep home and keeping would-be strays from the deathly snows outside. Protestantism
  • His bodily gestures at the altar in presiding at the Eucharist, especially in consecrating the bread and wine, were important.
  • He is present in the sacrifice of the Mass, not only in the person of His minister, "the same now offering, through the ministry of priests, who formerly offered himself on the cross" (20), but especially under the eucharistic species. The Knights of the Holy Eucharist
  • Though we know little about early Christian worship, it is safe to assume that these common Eucharistic meals were celebrated with little ceremonial.
  • Saint Austin erected a _cross_ and _altar_, whereon he offered the _holy eucharist_, by which he countercharmed those hellish fiends, and broke their haunts. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 277, October 13, 1827
  • When the Litany is sung or said immediately before the Eucharist, the Litany concludes here, and the Eucharist begins with the Salutation and the Collect of the Day.
  • Practically all Christian communities meet for the ritual meal of bread and wine called the Holy Communion and sometimes referred to as the 'Eucharist' (thanksgiving) or 'Mass' (sending out in mission). What is Christianity?
  • This comprises choir psalters for the Eucharist, breviaries and antiphonaries as well as missals, lectionaries and graduales, which were used during mass.
  • Christ willed it to be, and finally complete ingrafting in eucharistic communion. A bit more on Holy Communion and non-Catholic Christians
  • As a consequence of this fact it is possible to delineate the proper role of the congregation in the eucharistic prayer.
  • The worship of the Eucharist outside of the Mass is inestimable value for the life of the Church.
  • When she was well again, her confessor directed her to the Society of Mary Reparatrix whose members were dedicated to Eucharistic adoration in union with Mary at the foot of the Cross, making reparation for the sins of the world.
  • The highest authority rests with the Church Jesus built, and the Roman Catholic Church is the only Church that traces directly back to Peter and the Apostles and believes the Eucharist is indeed the real Body and Blood of our Lord. Texas Faith: Is health care a moral imperative? | RELIGION Blog |
  • Implicit in that answer is the understanding that Eucharistic fellowship without unity in faith and ministry would be the end of ecumenism.
  • The egalitarianism by which aristocrats and their slaves shared in one and the same eucharist was extraordinary.
  • At Rome they carried not only the eulogia (q.v.), or blessed bread, when occasion required, but also the Blessed Eucharist from the Pope's Mass to that of the priests whose duty it was to celebrate in the churches The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • Also let us pray to Sts John Vianney and Pio of Pietrelcina during this "Year for Priests", that all priest may grow in orthodoxy and orthopraxy, which cannot be had without deepening Eucharistic and Ecclesial communion. Fellay speaks: The talks begin in the autumn of 2009
  • Historically, the word immolate had been used by Fathers and theologians of the Church to refer to the eucharist as a commemoration of the once-for-all sacrifice of Christ. Reformation Theology
  • Andrewes (and many other Anglican theologians) does not take this view, but speaks instead of Christ's nature being instantiated (my interpretation) in the bread and wine of the Eucharist, like the nature of Christ was instantiated in person of Jesus in the cratch (to follow Andrewes analogy). Why Should I Even Respond?

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