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  1. a large group of bacteria having rigid cell walls; motile types have flagella

How To Use eubacteria In A Sentence

  • This was for various eubacteria such as Escherichia Giron et al. Flagellum evolution -- how's your German? - The Panda's Thumb
  • The former tended to have a flora similar to that typical in western Europe during the 1970s, including a preponderance of lactobacilli and eubacteria, while the latter tended to have more clostridia species, including C. difficile.
  • These sequences included proteins from a diverse range of organisms, ranging from eubacteria and archaebacteria to algae, fungi, and plants.
  • Because the molecular motor proteins, and the pedigrees of the parties agree to some bacterial species, and because the motor genes are widespread on the eubacteria, Liu & Ochman conclude that the core proteins were created of the motor before the diversification of the eubacteria. Flagellum evolution -- how's your German? - The Panda's Thumb
  • Good point though – those resources don't spend much time on the cellular and molecular evidence linking not just phyla but kingdoms in the tree of life, and I don't have a handy reference for that, but generally the evidences surround the cellular and molecular homologies between animals, plants, fungi, protists, eubacteria and archea. But it's not Science!
  • Indeed, in his seminal 1987 review Bacterial Evolution, Carl Woese (34) stressed the incompatibility of ribosomal RNA phylogenies with even those few higher taxa that microbiologists still believed in and noted that “not only did we know very little about eubacterial phylogeny before the advent of the rRNA approach, but what we thought we knew tended to be wrong.” A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • Initial sequence annotation has revealed an unusually high number of genes with no obvious similarity to previously described genes from eubacteria and archaea.
  • The protein composition of the mitoribosome has been estimated to be about 75%, which indicates that large parts of bacterial rRNA domains have been replaced by protein components during mitochondrial evolution from a eubacteria-like endosymbiont in eukaryotic cell progenitors. Best Protest Signs. Ever. - The Panda's Thumb
  • The most startling (and, for some people, unbelievable) such event was the origin of the eukaryotes by the fusion of an archaebacterium with some eubacteria.
  • All protein sequences from 21 complete chloroplast genomes are analyzed in comparison with selected archaea, eubacteria, and eukaryotes.
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