How To Use Etna In A Sentence
Under the agreement the Vietnamese can opt out at any time.
The flow of assistance to Vietnam's fragile economy from its ideological allies has virtually halted.
To my mind, Tom Hank's Forrest Gump is a Walter Mitty , for he sometimes was a Vietnamese War hero and later a table tennis diplomat between America and China.
The Socialist Republic of Vietnam came into existence in July 1976 as a communist country modelling its political system after those of the Soviet Union and China.
South Vietnam, NVA and Viet Cong troops again intruded on neutral Laos for sanctuary, as the Viet Minh had done during the war with the French some years before.
Stearns, Roger H.

Unfortunately, alternatives to bombing the North Vietnam were hard to come by.
Older and newly arrived Vietnamese Americans often display indirectness and extreme politeness in dealing with others.
The substitution of mortadella for the Vietnamese bologna/pork roll also worked, but their house-made terrine, which is nice on its own, lacked the wonderful funkiness of Vietnamese head cheese and pâté.
Serious Eats: New York
Shortly after Joe Haldeman received a Bachelor of Science degree in astronomy from the University of Maryland, he was drafted into the army where he served (and received a Purple Heart medal) as a combat engineer in Vietnam.
MIND MELD: The Funniest Writers in the History of SF/F
An unexpected call for a no-confidence vote against Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung over his handling of a debt crisis at one of Vietnam's biggest state-owned firms shows that the political fallout from the country's worst-ever financial scandal might just be starting, analysts say.
Vietnamese Premier Faces Fallout on Vinashin
During both the Vietnam War and the Persian Gulf War, the B - 52's internal stowage of eighty-four 500-pound bombs made it a formidable offensive weapon.
I don't think you can overstress the Vietnam factor in discussing Penn's movie.
A post that requires you to accept that I can do a passable impersonation of Dustin Hoffman in Little Big Man
It has outlived the Cold War, Vietnam, 2 Iraq wars and seems to unresolvable.
Matthew Yglesias » David Petraeus, Jew-Hater
The worst case of fratricide in the Vietnam war occurred during an artillery exchange when the wrong powder charge caused long rounds to hit another U.S. artillery position.
The Washington State History Museum recalls their seaborne journeys and service to country in the new traveling exhibit "Marking Time: Voyage to Vietnam.
The News Tribune Blogs
He served with honor and distinction in Vietnam, earning several medals for his courage and valor.
The 1968 campaign had been divisive as it was fought in the shadow of the Vietnam War.
Thuy came to Australia as a 24-year-old Vietnamese boat person, together with her uncle, aunt and cousins.
At last, the author use the corpus and questionnaire survey to discovers the Vietnamese students' biased error give her advice for the department of teaching Chinese as a second language.
He's the man who helped persuade hawkish editors at influential Newsweek magazine to oppose the Vietnam War.
The term escalate became popular during the Vietnam War and refers to the United States' significantly increasing its involvement, but the term also carries an undertone of blunder.
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Vietnam has played the major role in the recent increase in rhino poaching.
Times, Sunday Times
We urgently need to build a solidarity movement on the scale of those against South African apartheid and the Vietnam War in the past.
His father was killed in action in Vietnam.
The insult to one of the most senior members of the House, a Vietnam veteran, was a violation of the body's customary decorum as well as its rules, which bar members from directly addressing each other.
John fought in Vietnam and commanded a helicopter unit in Somalia.
The logistical snafu was ultimately solved by Sea-Land, which converted Cam Ranh Bay into a containerport and soon had six container ships running between the West Coast and Vietnam.
Shipping News
There was a risk of genuine refugees being returned to Vietnam.
For better or worse, Vietnam remains seared in our national consciousness.
'Debita carminibus libertas ista; sed omnis in vero mihi cura: canam quo fervida motu aestuet Aetna novosque rapax sibi congerat ignes.'
The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
Performer Mark Wahlberg began his public life as a small-time thug, even doing time at one point for the savage beatings of two Vietnamese men.
During the Vietnam war, he moved to Canada to dodge the draft.
Since the Vietnam War, there has been a chilliness between the military and the press, but there was none with the Third Battalion.
Vietnamese have jokingly dubbed the shipbuilder "Vinasink. Top Stories
The Hmong are the mountain peoples of Vietnam, Laos and Southern China. treated as savages by the ruling peoples of Vietnam, they were staunch allies of the US during the Vietnam war and after the fall of South Vietnam in 75, the US accepted a fair number as refugees.
"We have to be very careful. We want professors to speak with what they see as their truths."
The decision-making Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam started a plenum Monday in Hanoi to prepare documents for the party's congress scheduled for March next year, according to party sources.
He is both an insider and outsider, in filial and affiliated bonds with his home and his present, and he is connected to the various sectors of Vietnamese society and to the Westerners through a principled ethics.
Products Asia, Tap chi thoi su y hoc, The Employer Magazine, The Trainer Magazine and Vietnam
The Earth Times Online Newspaper
Tests in Puerto Rico using direct applications of picloram to soil at rates four to six times greater than those employed in Vietnam had shown that only the most sensitive plant seedlings, soybeans, suffered ill effects six to twelve months later.
Operation Ranch Hand
According to The Sydney Morning Herald, a Vietnamese man living in Sefton, Australia died earlier this week after being struck in the chest by police using a Taser device, despite warnings from the gun's manufacturer about using the device in that area of the body.
Australian Man Shocked With Taser Gun 13 Times (GRAPHIC VIDEO)
Fourteen wagons of timber left the track at Quintinshill, near Gretna, at 9.07 am.
Those of us who were involved in these activities in the Vietnam War era know that this will work.
Masan Consumer is one of Vietnam's leading diversified consumer companies.
KKR to Buy 10% of Vietnamese Sauce Maker
(This was what she called Mount Etna and Mount Vesuvius.) ‘It does the lemons and grapes good.’
The Pink Fairy Book
Too late, Americans began to realize that the Chinese and Russians and North Vietnamese each had their own, not always matching, agendas, and that if South Vietnam fell to the communists, that did not mean that all the "dominoes" of Southeast Asia would tumble as well.
The Mythology of Munich
The country's only supplies are those it can import by lorry from Vietnam.
Decades after the wartime defoliant Agent Orange was sprayed over the country, dioxin continues to contaminate people through the food chain in present-day Vietnam, according to a study released yesterday.
Not since Clay was stripped of his world title for conscientiously objecting to serving in Vietnam has a sportsman suffered as grave an injustice as this cricketer.
A member of an aircraft reconnaissance squadron, he said he was wounded during a rocket and mortar attack in Da Nang, Vietnam, in February 1968 and in a crash landing there in June 1967.
Paul A Bennett
Forgetting the levels of firepower loosed in Vietnam, the image itself is abidingly odd.
Tom Engelhardt: Going for Broke
Or perhaps pronounced with a coarticulation that is only possible if you have a Vietnamese uvula. VIETNAMESE NAMES.
The presence of North Vietnamese Army regulars intermingled with the Viet Cong was becoming more and more evident.
‘The media furor over Kerrey's role in Vietnam has been very limited, and is now beginning to abate,’ we wrote.
Rove sr. is a chickenhawk draft-dodger for Vietnam, he should have his ass in Iraq NOW.
Think Progress » Rove heckled.
He lifted the trade embargo on Vietnam and pledged to work towards the creation of a trans-Pacific free-trade zone.
He served in Korea as an Air Force intelligence analyst and later served in a riverine unit in Vietnam.
Alger C. Ellis
His Vietnam war career was undistinguished.
Times, Sunday Times
There was a risk of genuine refugees being returned to Vietnam.
Two thousand Vietnamese rivers carry nearly a trillion cubic meters of water to the sea every year, fed by rains that in some parts of the country total an astonishing 10 feet a year.
Vietnam is host to several principal kinds of primates: gibbons (lesser apes), langurs and macaques (which are both monkeys), and lorises (which are prosimians).
The trio play three conscripts who are trying to avoid being sent to fight in the Vietnam War.
The Sun
A load of kids are reading stuff and hearing stuff which refers back to Vietnam, and there is a resurgence in interest in the works of Chomsky.
Things were going poorly — Vietnamese guerrillas, or Vietminh, held the upper hand — and at a strategy session in Saigon the French commander, Gen. Henri Navarre, outlined his latest plan.
The French Connection
The brutal destruction of an entire village was one of the worst atrocities of the Vietnam war.
McCain meanwhile, is a decorated war veteran who spent nearly five years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam.
McCain in Colorado - The Caucus Blog -
Non Aetna, non Vesuvius tantis ardoribus aestuant, ac juveniles medullae vino plenae, addit
Anatomy of Melancholy
He dropped sixty-one cents (two quarters, a dime, and a penny) into the cup by the one-legged Vietnam vet.
While in Nha Trang, I met an English teacher who had been in Vietnam for many years.
Matt Kepnes: Why I'll Never Return To Vietnam
The rare Vietnamese reptiles will grow to about a metre long.
Times, Sunday Times
Mr. Assange believes his leaks, like the Vietnam-era Pentagon Papers, will radically change perceptions of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, which he says he is trying to end," editorialized the Washington Post.
Journalism Scoops WikiLeaks
Among other things, he detonated mines and bombs left behind from the Vietnam War.
Prepare to discard preconceptions about Vietnam.
Times, Sunday Times
Further complicating matters is Faunia's ex-husband Farley, a psychotic Vietnam veteran.
In our first volume we merely described that part of Etna which has been formed during the historical era; an insignificant portion of the whole mass.
Nonetheless, his downfall was caused by his skullduggery in the context of the defeat in Vietnam.
Tourison wrote: "1 case involving 2 airmen from the same loss incident (MIA-KIA/BNR), one parachute was reportedly seen by a wingman, witnesses in Vietnam have testified that a shootdown correlating to this case involved two bodies seen a the crash site.
19 New POW Cases
The Vietnamese army withdrew in 1989, and in 1991 four of the parties involved in the conflict concluded a peace treaty, under UN mediation.
And to be short, who can but woonder, why they should not faine the same prison of damned soules, aswell in mount Aetna, being no lesse famous for fires and inflamations then this: But you will say, that Pope Gregorie fained it so to be.
A briefe commentarie of Island, by Arngrimus Ionas
I served in Vietnam, My sons served in Desert Storm and my youngest is a U.S. Marine.
CNN Poll: McCain and Obama locked in a dead heat
Due to extensive evidence that the identification of the eight Americans and two South Vietnamese crew members aboard this flight is highly inconclusive, the interment will be a difficult time for many family members whose loved ones were lost in this incident.
Williams, James E.
One of the main reasons is the rapid ascent of Vietnam from the bottom to the top of the world coffee production league in the last decade.
That really knows not only what we call hyper - local, which is what is happening in your community, but what is happening in -- you know, in your Taiwan, in your India, in your Vietnam.
CNN Transcript Sep 18, 2009
SINGAPORE—U.S. private equity group Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. will acquire a 10% stake in Vietnam's Masan Consumer Corp. for $159 million, in what will be the largest ever private equity transaction in Vietnam.
KKR to Buy 10% of Vietnamese Sauce Maker
Consider the most famous image to come out of the Vietnam War: a child doused in napalm, naked, arms upraised, shrieking with pain, running down the road toward us.
Nor do we view the tiny flame of our own kindling (guarded in lasting purity as its light ever is) with greater awe than the celestial fires though they are often shrouded in darkness; nor do we deem it a greater marvel than the craters of Etna, whose eruptions throw up stones from its depths and great masses of rock, and at times pour forth rivers of that pure and unmixed subterranean fire.
On the Sublime
After reading your article, ‘Robert Kerrey and the bloody legacy of Vietnam,’ I feel like shouting a hearty ‘God bless you!’
This distributionally-neutral growth led to tremendous improvements in the material well-being of poor Vietnamese.
Growth is Good For Poor People
Since the 1400s, Vietnamese artisans have been making lacquerware.
When the war ended he re-enlisted and commanded an artillery battery in the Korean War and the Vietnam War.
The obverse is true of Vietnam, which over a longer period saw 9 million men in uniform, less than a third of the draft-eligible males in the pool, selected out largely on the basis of education or lack of it.
The Draft
Out back were the Vietnamese pheasants and bantams that Kilroy-Silk breeds.
I chose to interview eleven Vietnamese refugee youths who received scholarships for their academic achievement.
In the afternoon, temple members cooked Vietnamese food and brought it to a cookout at a community center for about 300 people who had tackled other jobs that day.
The irregular rebel army is the racially and sexually integrated volunteer force of the post-Vietnam era.
His description of the origins of the Vietnamese Communist party, for example, is wrong in almost every particular; his warm admiration for John Paul Vann, the mythomaniac American counter-insurgency officer whose career was detailed in Neil Sheehan's Pulitzer-prize winning Bright and Shining Lie (1988), is particularly perverse.
The Atlantic and Its Enemies by Norman Stone
The defoliant was sprayed to destroy jungle cover for Vietnamese supply lines and wipe out crops intended to feed Vietnamese soldiers.
* These Jamaican/Somali young men and boys are all ripe cannon fodder for recruitment by the Turkish heroin barons and Vetnamese cannabis barons, who make most of the money from illegal drugs whilst sitting, usually untouchable, in the background.
British Racists Must Be Condemned
Nothing better illustrated the turbulent state of civil-military relations during this period than the hostility on the part of the uniformed military toward President Bill Clinton, whose antimilitary stance as a young man during the Vietnam War years did not endear him to soldiers.
The War on Terror and the Revolt of the Generals
In more recent years, immigrants from Vietnam and Laos have brought folk religions such as animism into some U.S. communities.
Cyclópés autem pástórés erant quídam quí ínsulam Siciliam et praecipué montem Aetnam incolébant; ibi enim Volcánus, praeses fabrórum et ígnis repertor, cúius serví Cyclópés erant, officínam suam habébat.
Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles A First Latin Reader
In October 1994 another joint team interviewed two other Vietnamese citizens who recalled the shootdown and the burial of the remains of a pilot nearby.
Adams, Lee A.
AET.N), the No. 3 health insurer, told Reuters that Obama's remarks were a "step in the right direction." CEO Ronald Williams also said Aetna would focus on promoting public-private partnerships.
In 1954, after the French had failed to reimpose their rule on Vietnam, delegates to the Geneva Conference agreed that elections would be held in all three of the countries of Indochina.
And the men went to their defensive position and I had been away from troops from combat troops OK I'd had a battalion at Ft. Lewis just before I came to Vietnam on this tour but I'd been away from the war for a couple years and I was nervous as Nellie you know I grabbed the radio and thought, "jeez," I hope I don't blow this thing.
About Face: The Odyssey of an American Warrior
Gretna, meanwhile, are hoping to close the gap on leaders Murton by beating Ferryhill at Raydale Park.
The group studied the antibacterial properties of Vietnamese cajeput oil and ocimum oil in combination with antibacterial agents.
Service Cross holder, a former 75th Ranger Regiment battalion commander, former Asst. U.S. Attorney, Vietnam and
Heroes or Villains?
The current political situation in Vietnam is described in chapter 8.
The Nolan family, including Roger, who was born after his father went to Vietnam, traveled to Maryland for the Silverdocs Festival last week and was crushed to discover upon their very first trip to Washington D.C. that McKinley Nolan, because he is classified as a defector, is not among those 58,000 plus names included on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.
Ashley Wren Collins: The Disappearance of McKinley Nolan: Must-See Vietnam Feature Doc Asks All the Right Questions
U.S. private-equity group Kohlberg Kravis Roberts will acquire a 10% stake in Vietnam's Masan Consumer—a maker of consumer goods such as fish sauce and soy sauce—for $159 million, in what will be the largest ever private equity transaction in Vietnam.
Business Watch
Rice-Paddy Herb Rice-paddy herb is an aquatic plant in the snapdragon family, Limnophila chinensis ssp. aromatica, a native of Asia and the Pacific islands, whose small leaves are used in Southeast Asian fish dishes, soups, and curries, especially in Vietnam.
On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
The jungled mountains of western Colombia, where the drugs are produced and guerrillas operate, look an awful lot like Vietnam's Central Highlands.
In 1985, after his cardinal petitioned the Vatican to beatify 117 Vietnamese martyrs, he was told he could never be released.
In Chinese and Vietnamese cultures, the pig represents prosperity and abundance.
Soung (highland) including the Hmong ( "Meo") and the Yao (Mien) 9\%, ethnic Vietnamese/Chinese 1\%
The 2000 CIA World Factbook
During an ill-natured Senate hearing on the treatment of Vietnam veterans he and another senator found themselves in violent disagreement.
We should have learned about ratlines long ago, from hard experience -- the Ho Chi Minh Trail was the biggest ratline of them all, a bustling ant trail through the jungles of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia swarming with men and women on foot, on bicycles, in battered Chinese-made trucks, delivering fresh troops and war supplies to the south.
Nick Mills: Mixed Messages
Money will also go into local development projects in Vietnam.
Obama seemed to be severing himself from Sen. McGovern, who diabolized the war, from John Kerry, who came home from Vietnam to say Americans were acting like war criminals, and from Jimmy Carter, who in 1976 called Vietnam a - Latest Articles
Most of these U.S. and Indochinese lives could have been saved had Kissinger negotiated a deal with the North Vietnamese in 1969, as urged by Averill Harriman, Clark Clifford, Cyrus Vance and many others.
Fred Branfman: Hillary Clinton's Promoting Kissinger: An Insult to History
Vietnam is renowned for its history, culture, spectacular scenery and the warm hospitality of its people.
Not nearly enough for a walk in the jungles of Vietnam, but he figured it was plenty for the dark environs of a city.
Vietnam is to the south of China.
The July-August 2001 eruption at Etna was heralded by a seismic swarm initiated during the night of 12-13 July.
Yet as we proceed in Afghanistan, even the most well considered of PowerPoint policy recommendations read like parodies of the social-scientist-in-uniform pitches that cloyed in the Vietnam jungles.
Magic and Mayhem
He is remembered as a benevolent ruler who increased agricultural production and built dams, dikes, and bridges for the Vietnamese people.
The enemy quickly overran most of the South Vietnamese position, but not even a furious 5-hour assault could dislodge the Americans.
Those same frozen fries gain similar respectability sopping up the cognac-tinged pan juices of rock 'n' roll beef, a staple of local Vietnamese menus that grew on me here.
He steered a neutral course between the USA and the USSR, which became all the more difficult after the outbreak of the Vietnam War.
During the Vietnam War, Buddhist monks were active in efforts to bring hostilities to a close, and many of them immolated themselves publicly to protest the war.
The Continental became the meeting place for journalists covering the Vietnam War and for all the multi-plumed hangers-on anxious to make a dollar out of chaos.
But the Vietnam he founded is not one that wallows in the injustices and hardships of the past.
That's why these two political nonentities are stuck in the political quagmire of Vietnam.
Dell teased us with the Mini 5 aka Streak MID at the CES and now thanks to this teardown from the Vietnamese site, we know few more important details.
Tech Ticker
Our growing military engagement in Guatemala, Cuba, and Vietnam created a counter-insurgency mentality among political and military leaders who hoped to stifle spreading "brushfire" wars through the deployment of counter-guerrilla forces of their own.
A Special Supplement: Anthropology on the Warpath in Thailand
And thus, with one line, Jeff Singer connects the dots between the Vietnam dolchstoss legend and Likud irredentism, creating the perfect multicultural self-parody of right-wing asshattery.
Matthew Yglesias » Contemptible
Vietnam vets, once culturally ostracized, had become deservedly more sympathetic in the eyes of the media, and everything countercultural was now unhip - or worse.
They had talked unstoppably about Marx and Freud, Vietnam and America, Red Army Factions and alternative societies.
At its best, the Obama candidacy is about ending a war — not so much the war in Iraq, which now has a momentum that will propel the occupation into the next decade — but the war within America that has prevailed since Vietnam and that shows dangerous signs of intensifying, a nonviolent civil war that has crippled America at the very time the world needs it most.
Mjh's blog — 2008 — January
Vietnam is suffering from food shortage.
But that year, he announced his membership in the Black Muslim movement and changed his name, and in 1967, he refused induction into the U.S. armed forces for service in Vietnam.
This is a native of the Mekong river delta in Vietnam.
Times, Sunday Times
Ms. Hui's movie-making career has spanned more than three decades, and she has covered topics that include the plight of Vietnamese boat people, Alzheimer's disease and lesbianism.
These Navy awards were a result of an assault behind enemy lines in which the SEAL unit was sent in to free friendly Vietnamese who were held captive an {one word illegible} in which half of the Americans were lost in combat.
Heroes or Villains?
I spent a year in Vietnam and came home without a scratch.
The douc langur (Pygathrix nemaeus, EN) is a primate species found in Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia.
Biological diversity in Indo-Burma
Last week, the Bureau of the IADL, meeting in Hanoi, presented President Nguyen Minh Triet of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam with the final decision of the Tribunal.
Marjorie Cohn: Agent Orange Continues to Poison Vietnam
Still, there are jarring moments, such as the author's assessment of the effect on the counterculture of the expansion of America's war in Vietnam.
Establishments sell grass openly and the customers (Vietnamese rarely smoke) roll and lazily smoke reefers like a cigarette.
Even during the long Vietnam war, successive administrations were able to leave ‘their’ war out of transatlantic relationships.
The conventional Vietnamese wisdom was that certain foods were low-class, common food, even though these foods were nutritious.
But gin is truly an international spirit with ingredients such as cardamom from Sri Lanka, cassia bark from Vietnam, orange peel from Spain, coriander seed from the Czech Republic, angelica root from Germany.
Unfortunately, the reality is that the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is far from seeking to explore the way of reconciliation and of peace.
Cambodia in Modern History: Beauty and Darkness
The flow of assistance to Vietnam's fragile economy from its ideological allies has virtually halted.
ASEAN has been striving to integrate newer members Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam into the group as quickly as possible.
When the time came to cook the beast of an impromptu feast, I took the precaution to preboil some basmati rice, and clean and trim some broccoli and pick from the garden no less and wash some parsley and Vietnamese mint.
Archive 2006-06-01
It's the kind of dancing the semi-retired Vietnam veteran learned growing up near the beach in Virginia back in the 1950s, back when everybody he knew called it fast dancing.
There are many theories about Vietnam of course.
U.S. forces conducted massive sweeps of areas thought to contain North Vietnamese Army and Viet Cong units.
Between War and Peace
Representatives from U.S. business organizations join Vietnamese businesspeople to participate in discussions on the U.S.
Fact Sheet On New Opportunities For The Us And Vietnam
A genuine rebel who could not deal with authority on any level, he had been put to work in Special Forces in Vietnam.
More than Vietnam, it was the Cuban missile crisis of October 1962 that taught Kennedy vital lessons about the limitations and dangers of expansionism and brinkmanship in a thermonuclear age.
Thirty-five years after fighting in Vietnam, a vet has been formally recognised for his service by the Army.
We understand today that in the Indochinese countries, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, there are three species of wild cattle: the gaur, the banteng and the nearly extinct Kouprey.
Wow, a president who gathers data and considers it vs. an adolescent one who studiously avoided serving in Vietnam yet launched two incredibly costly (in blood and dollars) wars impetuously, with the Iraq war based solely on deceit and arrogance and in violation of the UN and the Geneva Conventions.
Obama: Decision on U.S. troop strength in Afghanistan 'soon'
The Vietnamese gave me terrific confidence to go up against the big battalions as a small commando unit.
Times, Sunday Times
Chomsky did not speak Vietnamese, and so he depended on government translators, tour guides, and handlers for information.
A Vietnam veteran who after the war loses himself in drugs and failed relationships, Francisco finds his calling as a santero, a maker of bultos (figures of saints carved from wood), whose creations are guided by divine inspiration.
The so-called rediscount rate—the rate the central bank pays commercial banks on their surplus funds—has been raised to 12% from 7%, the State Bank of Vietnam said in a statement posted on its website.
Vietnam Raises Key Interest Rates
He understands how to employ our military more effectively - despite dodging the draft during the Vietnam War.
Even my fiancé, whom I met in a pub, turns out to resigned from the Young Socialists over Vietnam.
He studied architecture at the University of British Columbia as an undergraduate and earned a master's in architecture from the University of California at Berkeley -- where he was given a teaching job in ethnic studies after students, angry about Vietnam, protested for a less Eurocentric curriculum.
Profile of Vancouver architect Bing Thom
I remember when thousand of hippies and yippies surrounded the Pentagon during the Vietnam War and held an exorcism to drive out the evil demons.
Vietnamese potters in the clay-rich Red River Valley near the northern border with China had learned to make high-fired stoneware from the Chinese, somewhere around the first to third century.
Vietnamese Vessels for the Heart and Soul
However, in Vietnamese "chon" appears to be ambiguous - "weasel" or "civet" - and some descriptions mention caphe cut chon ( "fox-dung coffee", to confuse the biology) as being processed by the civet.
The secret of Kopi Luwak
Here is a a model I built of the 4th Oiler I served on during the Vietnam War 1963 three years before she was jumboized.
The single was a worldwide No 1 hit in 1966 and was taken up as an anti-war anthem by activists opposed to the Vietnam war.
But his labored effort to show that it is possible to get to the Cambodian border from Vietnam via the Mekong River is a little more trouble than it's worth.
Consequently, our operations at Vietnam remains limited, they operate in a kind of hibernated form.
Vimpel Communications CEO Discusses Q3 2010 Results - Earnings Call Transcript -- Seeking Alpha
Mr Kerry, a decorated Vietnam veteran, calculated that he didn't need to add foreign policy heft to the ticket.
He was a Vietnam veteran, a man's man who liked to hunt and ride his motorcycle.
And then the Vietnam War heated up after that, along with civil rights, etc., and TV became the real conveyor of the narrative here.
Join us each day for stories about serpents, from flying snakes to Vietnamese cobras and North American copperheads.
Delivering the Vietnam Veteran's Day speech, Premier Paul Lennon said he was pleased the veterans were now receiving proper recognition.
These include lacquerware, ink block prints, and ceramics, all of which employ distinctive themes developed by Vietnamese artists.
Pacification was the CIA's reader-friendly word for its extermination of civilian opposition to the US war machine in South Vietnam.
Vietnamese (official); English (increasingly favored as a second language); some French, Chinese, and Khmer; mountain area languages (Mon-Khmer and Malayo-Polynesian)
The criminal and vandalic acts of the imperialists in Vietnam will not make the people cease in their struggle, but the struggle will increase.
Influenced by Dorothy Day and the pacifist Catholic Worker Movement, as well as by his experience with the worker-priest movement in France, Berrigan became an early voice of opposition to the war in Vietnam.
Los Angeles Chronicle
The bulk of the book is about his experiences in Vietnam.
Case brings to light Vietnam POWs 'attempts to track "phonies" and post-traumatic stress disorder
Heroes or Villains?
And rather than win swiftly and brutally as we had with a mighty Japanese Empire, LBJ fought Vietnam as the conflicted war president he was, babbling on about building “a Great Society on the Mekong.”
Matthew Yglesias » The War
The most bitter objection that has been leveled at U.S. civilian leaders for the air war against North Vietnam was that they micromanaged the campaign by picking bombing targets themselves.
Despite his bulldog effort, Burkett will never get it all back for the Vietnam vets.
MLK at 79 Would Still be Debating the Slaughters and Lies of Capitalist Imperialism yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'MLK at 79 Would Still be Debating the Slaughters and Lies of Capitalist Imperialism'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: Corporate media blocks public knowledge of the fury of King\'s outcry over U.S. wars of occupation and the powerful indictment of his government in his Beyond Vietnam speech, that made bold headlines in newspapers around the world.
MLK at 79 Would Still be Debating the Slaughters and Lies of Capitalist Imperialism
He served with honor and distinction in Vietnam, earning several medals for his courage and valor.
The peace movement has learnt a thing or two from Vietnam.
There is no bridge, and crossing is only possible by a ferry used to transport illegal timber to Vietnam and Cambodia.
Then there is of course the wholesale wiping out of some 300 hamlets and villages in the Central Highlands of Vietnam.
This will be the first helicopter and Vietnam-era aircraft to join our flying fleet.