How To Use Etiology In A Sentence
The etiology of asthma is unknown, but it has been linked to occupational exposures, genetics, and environmental factors.
Both caseation and calcification are highly suggestive of a tubercular etiology, neither being common in malignancy related lymphadenopathy.
To understand the etiology, pathogenesis and classification criteria of uremia.
Acne vulgaris is a decorticate model with a multifactorial etiology including androgen stimulation of sebum production.
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The etiology of preeclampsia is unknown, but widespread pathologic changes can result in pulmonary edema, oliguria, seizures, thrombocytopenia, and abnormal liver enzymes.
The diagnosis of brain abscess mandates other studies seeking the etiology, which may include HIV serology, sinus studies, and transesophageal echocardiogram.
The majority of jawbone intra-osseous lipomas are found in adults, and of uncertain origin and etiology but are usually associated with molar teeth.
Until science has a better understanding of the etiology of this infectious protein, medical professionals must remain vigilant in asepsis and patient advocacy.
The fornices should be palpated around the cervix for nodules suggestive of endometriosis, and may also be the etiology for fixed adnexa or may result from pelvic inflammatory disease.
The aetiology remains unknown, but much circumstantial evidence suggests that immunological mechanisms are involved in the pathogenesis.
Objective To determine the etiology, diagnosis and treatment of functional delayed gastric emptying ( FDGE ) following subtotal gastrectomy.
Functional dyspepsia is a clinical syndrome with high incidence, but poor understanding of etiology and pathogenesy.
(nephrolithiasis) in patients with renal tubular acidosis (RTA) with calcium stones, hypocitraturic calcium oxalate stones of any etiology and uric acid lithiasis, with and without uric acid stones.
Medindia Health News
Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are idiopathic inflammatory disorders of unknown aetiology.
Methods:Using digoxigenin-labeled probe, 75 sera of known or unknown etiology, and 17 blood donors were detected by dot blot hybridization.
The aetiology of acute liver failure was viral hepatitis in all but one patients.
Its etiology also is far from homogeneous, with many likely contributory factors.
The majority of these patients were initially suspected of having an infectious etiology for their diffuse pulmonary disease.
Acquaint with the etiology , pathogenesis and syndrome differentiation of Dysmenorrhea.
Advances in molecular techniques have by and large established the aetiology of regional ileitis (Crohn's disease) due to M. paratiibercnlosis, a species closely related to M. avium.
The etiology of the systemic granulomatous disease sarcoidosis remains obscure.
Aristotle displays some hesitation in his discussion of desire and its relation to practical reason in the aetiology of animal action.
No single ‘explanation’, no minimalist aetiology, can catch the richness and multivalence of the event.
As to the etiology of this state of spiritual decline, many historical factors can be held responsible.
Helicobacter pylori is recognised as a significant cause of chronic antral gastritis and important in the aetiology of peptic ulceration.
Researchers study etiology in order to develop more effective approaches to treatment and, ultimately, prevention.
We searched Medline using strategies for studies of causation and aetiology described by McKibbon.
This is not to disregard the importance of treating the etiology of CHF by improving coronary circulation or correcting valvular abnormalities.
I do not think that the aetiology of Autism and the link to the MMR vaccine is too unlikely in this context.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Another patient developed a persistent hepatitis of unknown aetiology at six months followed by a normal biopsy specimen at 15 months.
The authors concluded that genetic factors play a major role in the etiology of alcoholism in women.
In effect, each developer and tester samples a semi-random set of the program's state space when looking for the etiology of a symptom.
Host factors, such as age, disease severity, concomitant drugs, and disease etiology, can affect responses.
For cases where the etiology cannot be determined, ilio-inguinal nerve block or microsurgical denervation may relieve the pain.
The etiology of these lesions has been under investigation for decades.
Based on these results, they proposed that Helicobacter pylori is involved in the aetiology of these diseases.
Press Release: The 2005 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Early reports of an association between autism and epilepsy helped implicate biological rather than mere psychogenic factors in the etiology of autism.
The aetiology of obstetric cholestasis is undoubtedly multifactorial, with genetic, environmental, and hormonal factors having important roles.
Objective: To discover the etiology , pathology , clinical course, therapy and prognosis of optic disk vasculitis.
Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are idiopathic inflammatory disorders of unknown aetiology.
This component of overproduction may therefore be an additional aetiology to that of the clearance defect described above.
An alternative classification emphasizes etiology: regurgitant murmurs from semilunar insufficiency versus ventricular filling murmurs.
No clinical data regarding the aetiology of superficial gastritis in these patients are given.
Collinge J, Sidle KCL, Meads J, et al. Molecular analysis of prion strain variation and the aetiology of ‘new variant’ CJD.
Mad-cow Disease
Teenage hoopman's hurt and relative etiology is researched in this paper.
Study findings have sparked research on the etiology of acute salpingitis, new approaches to treatment, and the immunopathogenesis of C. trachomatis infection in women.
The main causes of the death of one fetus in twin pregnancy were cord elements(5 cases), fetal deformity(3 cases), velamentous insertion(4 cases)and unknown etiology(15 cases).
No clinical data regarding the aetiology of superficial gastritis in these patients are given.
Conclusion X - ray film can diagnose synovitis of knee joint, but the etiology needs further investigation.
These findings are concordant with the conclusion that occupational factors contribute to the etiology of CHD in the traffic-control officers studied.
He made outstanding contributions to all branches of children's surgery but his lifelong interest was the aetiology of malformations.
In other words, out of the 1,300 cases now being studied on the programme, several dozen new diseases should soon be identified and their exact aetiology unravelled.
In pursuit of diseases that have no name
Infectious origins are suspected for many human diseases of unknown etiology, on the basis of epidemiologic and clinical features.
Rajit's been playing with it in lab, trying to nail its etiology and pathogenicity, and make sense of the PCR test.
I took my systems surrender, hypnotic it inhumanely etiology indistinguishable the ramous intransitively orumiyeh, and acquaintanceship out isopteran ajax of retrieval.
Rational Review
Even the etiology of amphotericin toxicity was vehemently disputed by these nephrologists; my husband's renal disease was considered to be a result of his diabetes, in spite of his history and a kidney biopsy.
'Complications': An Exchange
To study the relationship between the etiology of gonorrhea syndrome and venereal nosophobia, We tested chlamydiae.
The etiology of nocturnal leg muscle cramps is not clear.
Collinge J, Sidle KCL, Meads J, et al. Molecular analysis of prion strain variation and the aetiology of ‘new variant’ CJD.
Mad-cow Disease
[HzH] Well, my personal conviction that there must be ... first of all there must be an infectious aetiology of this type of malignant disease, but secondly also I was in-between always encouraged – in spite of the fact that we didn't find directly this virus – by the fact that I saw how many questions there remained open in the papilloma virus field.
Harald zur Hausen - Interview
In most cases, the underlying etiology is atherosclerotic disease of the arteries.
Underlying microscopic mucosal inflammation coexists with JRP and this may be a risk factor or possible etiology for the development of JRP.
Clinical studies: relationship between IBD and other conditions
The etiology, natural history, and optimal treatment of respiratory failure have been the subject of active investigation for over 100 years.
The etiology of a pulmonary exacerbation is likely a variety of airway insults including respiratory viral infections, reactive airway disease, and pollutants.
This suggests the existence of another source of long-term inadvertent and unintentional hormonal exposure common among men and women to support a common etiology between prostate and breast cancer.
Health News from Medical News Today
Following chronic liver injury of any etiology, there is progressive fibrosis.
More detailed prospective clinical and pathologic studies may assist in clarifying the etiology and pathogenesis of these disorders.
Rheumatoid arthritis is a debilitating, chronic multisystem disease with an unknown etiology.
Malignant melanoma and lymphoproliferative malignancy: is there a shared aetiology?
Potential impacts of direct mechanisms of climate change on human health in the Arctic
The poem's thought about the aetiology of war, its main theme, is based on Christ's reproach of the Pharisees, who had upbraided the disciples for not washing their hands before eating.
Here , we review Legionaires disease aetiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical symptom, pathological change, therapy and prophylaxis etc.
Their etiology and teleology are explicable within a moral and historical paradigm.
She presented one year ago with fever, weakness, hepatitis and pneumonitis of unknown etiology.
As well, information about the prevalence, etiology, and treatment of disorders in Canada provides a base from which comparable findings from other countries are discussed.
Aphthous ulcers that occur in conjunction with symptoms of uveitis, genital ulcerations, conjunctivitis, arthritis, fever or adenopathy should prompt a search for a serious etiology.
The frequency of multicentrosomal cells in the mutant's MEF cells was higher, and it commonly occurred concurrently with a binuclear phenotype, suggesting cytokinesis failure etiology.
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Despite the above measures septic shock, regardless of aetiology, continues to have a mortality of 60-90%.
In other words, out of the 1,300 cases now being studied on the programme, several dozen new diseases should soon be identified and their exact aetiology unravelled.
In pursuit of diseases that have no name
The aetiology of cholesterol gall stones has not been completely elucidated.
Objectives:To investigate the affection of pelvic anatomy and sagittal balance of the spine to isthmic spondylolisthesis etiology and clinical symptom.
Some kinds of alcohol problems may have a genetic etiology; others are environmentally based.
In the Middle Ages compassion and support for persons with mental illness subsisted along with the belief in demoniac possession as a primary aetiology of mental illness.
He made outstanding contributions to all branches of children's surgery but his lifelong interest was the aetiology of malformations.
The etiology of most anxiety disorders, although not fully understood, has come into sharper focus in the last decade.
This component of overproduction may therefore be an additional aetiology to that of the clearance defect described above.
The study is a prospective cohort study designed to investigate the aetiology of major chronic diseases.
DNA samples from 195 children with chronic lung disease of unknown etiology were analyzed.
To determine whether cryptogenic infantile spasms had abnormal structural grey matter. To reveal the etiology of cryptogenic infantile spasms and investigate the pathogenesis.
Moreover, a theoretical link has been established between externality and the etiology of depression.
Understanding of the role that deprivation has in epilepsy gives insight into its aetiology and management.
Lesions that were frequently coexistent in HEV-affected placentas included villitis of unknown etiology, chorionic thrombi, villous fibrosis, erythroblastosis, and primary infarcts.
Objective : To summarize and discuss the aetiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis and management of gallbladder carcinoma.
Helicobacter pylori is recognised as a significant cause of chronic antral gastritis and important in the aetiology of peptic ulceration.
Effects from 2 to 12 Hz. Tolerance in this frequency range is usually limited by substernal or subcostal chest pain, with thresholds at approximately 1 to 2 Gz and 2 to 3 Gx. The etiology of the pain is the same for both axes of vibration: displacement of the abdominal and thoracic viscera induces stretching of the chest wall, with torsion at the costochondral junctions of the ribs.
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The aetiology is different in both cases and the muscle spasms that accompany these dysfunctions are not always present in osteoporosis.
Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are idiopathic inflammatory disorders of unknown aetiology.
Whatever the etiology of this success for Harvard University Press, Hardt and Negri have evidently hit upon what people want to hear.
The viral etiology of measles- or rubella-like illnesses after MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccination was studied prospectively in 993 acutely ill Finnish children with fever and rash in 1983-1995.
The authors of this study suggest that the etiology of the syndrome is multifactorial, including anxiety and, possibly, asthma.
Several doctors have told me that illness in general, or at least in numerous common cases, has a profound psychological component in its aetiology, so the idea that all or a great deal of illness is due to the general psychological impact of sin strikes me as quite plausible.
Behe challenges Miller
It has been established that cervical infection with human papillomavirus is important in the aetiology of neoplasia.
Different extrinsic and intrinsic risk factors might be involved in the etiology of these injuries.
Results.-Lesions that were frequently coexistent in HEV-affected placentas included villitis of unknown etiology, chorionic thrombi, villous fibrosis, erythroblastosis, and primary infarcts.
It is unsettling that he discounts many physical findings, such as herniated vertebral discs and osteoarthritic changes, as being coincidental findings and not the actual etiology of the pain.
One particular seventh-grader came up to me one day, relating that she told her parents of our class on the tower of Babel story as an etiology, a creative mythic account explaining why things came to be for a particular audience.
Lee Jefferson: Legislation of Biblical Proportions: Can We Really Have an 'Academic' Study of the Bible in Public Schools?
There are several explanations for the etiology of pressure damage.
The etiology remains unclear, and the association with cardiac pathological changes is uncertain.
Conduct disorder has a multifactorial etiology that includes biologic, psychosocial and familial factors.
Objective To investigate the etiology of two Chinese familial Budd Chiari syndrome ( BCS ).
This ethnography of alleged links between child-rearing practices, rural economic decline and mental illness probably did get the aetiology of schizophrenia in Ireland wrong.
Making Light: Scholarly works to avoid citing at all costs
For example, case histories often place the etiology of women's madness in a failure to fulfill the social roles of the memsahib, and psychiatrists often found that men went mad when they failed to meet military standards for discipline.
Our conclusions may be helpful in the further investigation of etiology, diagnosis, and therapy for MCS.
The exact etiology of osteoarthritis is unknown.
Here , we review Legionaires disease aetiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical symptom, pathological change, therapy and prophylaxis etc.
This common condition of unknown aetiology, which affects about 10% of children and adults, is characterised by map-like red areas of atrophy of filiform tongue papillae in patterns that change even within hours.
Interestingly, despite the common aetiology, concomitant cirrhosis and chronic pancreatitis is rare.
Etiology was idiopathic in 50.8%, remote symptomatic in 27.8%, and cryptogenic in 21.3%.
While the varied symptomatology of SLI suggests that no unified theory of its etiology might be forthcoming, the cause of the disorder is comparatively well understood in the case of one subtype, involving a severe disruption of morphosyntax (i.e., the rules governing the formation of words from smaller semantic units, or morphemes).
Innateness and Language
Siegel further highlighted the role of abuse in the etiology of female crime in an investigation of women survivors of childhood sexual abuse.
The etiology of caries is a combination of elements: susceptible teeth, dental plaque, food and the length of time food remains in contact with the teeth.
Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor, also referred to as inflammatory fibrosarcoma, is a rare tumor composed of myofibroblastic spindle cells of uncertain etiology and disputed nosology.
A viral etiology is strongly suggested by the absence of fever or the presence of conjunctivitis, coryza, cough, or diarrhea.
Research in disease aetiology has shifted towards investigating genetic causes, powered by the human genome project.
Developing a core knowledge of the broad array of clinical diagnoses seen in developmental behavioral pediatrics, as well as the principles and scientific bases of etiology, intervention and research
Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics Fellowship
According to Ayers '“divine architect” interpretation, Locke makes no distinction in etiology by calling a property superadded; he means only that God selected the property with particular care when first creating matter.
Locke's Philosophy of Science
And I know a little about Crohn's...enough to know that it does not have an emotional aetiology. *hugs*
From the data presented in Table 3, it appears that a close interlesional association exists between HEV and villitis of unknown etiology, fetal-placental vessel thrombi, villous fibrosis, and erythroblastosis.
Although it is uncommon, swelling in the thenar or midpalmar spaces of the hand suggests an infectious etiology.
Deep knowledge of anatomy physiology, etiology, embryology, digestion, metabolism, genetics and immunity is also found in many texts.
The main objective of our study was to identify chromosomal regions possibly containing putative disease loci involved in the etiology of anal atresia.
After her retirement, she took up the challenge to understand the etiology of bipolar disorder.
Objective To analyze the etiology and the clinical features of angio-immunoblastic lymph-adenopathy were discussed.
Acne has a complex aetiology, involving abnormal keratinisation, hormonal function, bacterial growth, and immune hypersensitivity.
The precise etiology and pathogenesis of laryngeal amyloidosis remain unknown.
Although the exact etiology for placenta accreta and increta is not known, it is thought that damage to the decidua basalis may lead to abnormal placentation and its sequelae.
I took my systems surrender, hypnotic it inhumanely etiology indistinguishable the ramous intransitively orumiyeh, and acquaintanceship out isopteran ajax of retrieval.
Rational Review
King2 in America had suggested in 1883 that mosquitoes played a part in the aetiology of malaria but he did not know of my work on the haematozoon of malaria and could not specify what part the mosquitoes played, so that in saying that the mosquito acted as a temporary host of the malarial parasite I had obviously got closer to the problem than King had been able to do.
Alphonse Laveran - Nobel Lecture
This reading implies a distinction in etiology for superadded qualities.
Locke's Philosophy of Science
These findings suggested that substance misuse probably played a significant role in the aetiology and self-medication of anxiety disorders and some cases of depression or psychosis.
An inflammatory dermatosis of unknown etiology, lichen planus classically presents as shiny, violaceous, flat-topped, polygonal papules, 2 mm to 10 mm in diameter.
Since insomnia has many causes, the indications for treatment are dependent on the etiology.
These patients have a higher than normal incidence of migraines, suggesting vasospasm as an etiology.
Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory facial dermatosis of unknown aetiology characterised by erythema and pustules.
Our data demonstrate that membrane cholesterol content is a critical determinant of ABCB11 / ABCC2 transport activity, provide an explanation for the etiology of ATP8B1 disease, and suggest a novel mechanism protecting the canalicular membrane
Journal of Biological Chemistry current issue
These findings support the hypothesis that peripheral buccal nerve compression could be an etiology of paroxysmal neuropathic pain in the unilateral orofacial region.
Objection The etiology, diagnosis,(sentence dictionary) malignant tendency and therapy of adenomyomatosis of gallbladder(ADM)are discussed.
As to the etiology of this state of spiritual decline, many historical factors can be held responsible.
The aetiology and pathogenesis of three types of root resorption - surface, inflammatory and replacement - are reviewed, and their occurrence after certain types of orthodontic, periodontal, paedodontic and endodontic treatment is described.
Abnormal scars can cause unpleasant symptoms and be aesthetically distressing, disfiguring, and psychosocially and functionally disabling. Appropriate treatment depends on scar type and aetiology.
Further, sociocultural mechanisms have been identified as important predisposing factors in binge eating and as underlying factors in the etiology of bulimia.
In each of these cases, once the iatrogenic etiology of this syndrome was recognized, the patients' symptoms improved rapidly and dramatically with administration of anticholinergic medication.
Compromised host defences have been implicated in the development of cryptogenic abscess and may have a role in the aetiology of most hepatic abscesses.
A psychologist I know gives her last lecture of each year on a paper entitled ‘The aetiology and treatment of childhood’.
New NICE guidelines on ADHD and Ritalin
The etiology of reduced diaphragm strength is potentially multifactorial.
The etiology of these is uncertain.
Further research regarding the etiology, natural history, pathophysiology, and treatment of subclinical hyperthyroidism is warranted.
Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory facial dermatosis of unknown aetiology characterised by erythema and pustules.
The aetiology, clinical characteristics, and management of this case are discussed.
This article reviews the epidemiology, etiology, and diagnosis of seizure disorders in the elderly.
The subject is treated under the following headings: "Generalities," in which is discussed the historical development of our knowledge of the effects of traumatism, the etiology, the evolution of the various disturbances, and the legal side of the questions at issue.
The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
Lin Dongxin, Specialty Committee of Etiology-Institute of Tumor of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Topic: Genetic Variation and Tumorous Susceptibility of Death Signal Channel.
For certain disorders, conflicting theories emerged about their aetiology and pathogenesis, at times engendering negative attitudes among workers in one or the other field, including derision and incivility.