relating to the etiology of a disease
etiological agent - of or relating to the philosophical study of causation
How To Use etiological In A Sentence
- A small parasite (_demodex folliculorum_, _acarus folliculorum_) is sometimes found in the sebaceous mass, but its presence is without etiological significance, as it is also found in healthy follicles. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
- But the etiological beliefs of the Nahuas, a topic we explore in depth in Chapter 4, were not so simplistic, attributing all ailments to gods angry with human failings. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
- Because of the many etiological factors involved, multifactorial diseases are not, strictly speaking, the sole result of hereditary transmission.
- Later on, without doubt, we shall be able to substitute for these simply symptomatical and psychological diagnostics, some etiological and physiological diagnostics. A Psychiatric Milestone Bloomingdale Hospital Centenary, 1821-1921
- What one misses in the discussion of divination as metaphor, metonymy, semantic privilege, and etiological discourse is how it relates to real individuals and specific occasions where actual ritual implements are utilized.
- Without antiviral drugs or a real understanding of the infectious agent (scientists argued for years over whether bacillus influenzae was the etiological agent of the 1918 flu pandemic, until a "filterable virus" was eventually determined to be the cause), patients were basically on their own against the disease, and the only useful response was a public health one. Sunday, Flu-ey Sunday
- Miller 1973 observed three etiological reasons for drug abuse, which are not necessarily indicative of any severe personal pathology or based on early traumata, deprivation, or distorted parenting. Clinical Work with Adolescents
- The collective efforts by researchers in our group and others, and by clinicians, brought together sufficient data to convince the scientific community and the relevant authorities that LAV (later to be named human immunodeficiency virus, HIV) was the etiological agent of AIDS. Françoise Barré-Sinoussi - Autobiography
- Now, recent investigations devote to gene, and think it one of the major aetiological factors.
- Epidemiological investigation showed that etiological agent of northeast tiger pasteurella Multocida maybe comes from the food.