
How To Use Ethnographic In A Sentence

  • We look forward to further contributions as he develops this work ethnographically through field research.
  • The sampling of informants in ethnographic research is often a combination of convenience sampling and snowball sampling.
  • National diversity compensated slightly for ethnographic oddity. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • By combining complementary archeological, historical and ethnographic information, the author is, nevertheless, able to give a convincing portrayal of prehispanic Philippine chiefdoms.
  • Design - Ethnographic interviewing, a qualitative comparative method drawn from social anthropology.
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  • Produced by an Inuit cast and crew, The Fast Runner pays close ethnographic attention to the daily details of Inuit life, from building an igloo to making a sealskin drum.
  • Cornelius Tacitus, best known for his grimly disillusioned history of Rome's wicked emperors, was also the author of a short ethnographic treatise on the German tribes, known as the Germania. Slate Magazine
  • I would suggest that deserted men dying in a dark hole might well be called 'social stratification'; and that soldiers sold into slavery by barbarians might be known as 'the ethnographical permeation policy.' G.K.'s Weekly - The Horror
  • Anything to escape the culturally dispossesed seeking to shamanise an ethnographic genocide. Agendas of Addiction
  • In 1910 Petelo Boka, a catechist in the Redemptorist missionary station at Vungu, wrote down a series of historical and ethnographic notes about the Kongo.
  • They were important ethnographic studies in the prevailing American tradition.
  • To this end, when writing up the results of their ethnographic work, authors play up their academic credentials and qualifications, their previous experience, and so on.
  • It is important to note that using comparative ethnography for historical reconstruction does not necessarily require that things be now precisely as they were in times past, but rather that they serve as evidence that how people did or said certain things or what they believed long ago represent continuities from the past, and, although they may have undergone reinterpretation, at times significant and in other cases subtle, the foundational features lasted into the ethnographic present. Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
  • The full array of such fractions, comprising a frequency distribution across all cultures sampled, is called an ethnographic curve.
  • It presets the bounds of inquiry, cramps the interrogative space, and derails the track switching (from field to analysis and back again) that earmarks ethnographic work.
  • It is of particular interest that there is no known ethnographic or ethnohistoric account of such ceramic items among the current residents of the region, the Odawa.
  • The full array of such fractions, comprising a frequency distribution across all cultures sampled, is called an ethnographic curve.
  • Ethnological concerns in turn were replaced by synchronic ethnographic research on the structure and functioning of individual societies.
  • I get very wary of new-fangled anthropological and sociological and ethnographical studies of SL when they begin to throw around the usual campus Marxist jargon about "empowerment" and "neoliberalism" and "capitalist" this and that. Anti Anti-Anecdotalism
  • Barske's paper, also grounded in semasiology, provides a rich ethnographic account of how a traditional Okinawan dance called nuchibana was utilized for contemporary political purposes by a group called ‘Okinawan Hands for Peace.’
  • This archive consists of hundreds of images of naked men, presumably fresh conscripts and army recruits, taken for an unknown kind of ethnographic exercise.
  • This study is the result of ethnographic fieldwork completed during a period of 18 months.
  • The project will be multi-disciplinary in its approach, integrating pollen diagrams, plant remains, coleopteran analysis and ethnographical information.
  • It is an ethnographic study of a specific regional, supra-ethnic and transcultural phenomenon of the Guyana Highlands, situated in the context of ethnohistory and modernisation.
  • Ethnographically, geophyte elsewhere (Brooks et al., Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • In the political division of Spain the ancient province of Cantabria, which is included in Castile, does not belong to it either ethnographically or geographically, but forms a separate district called by those who inhabit it de Peñas al Mar, or more commonly La Montaña. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • Chinese Village: Taitou, Shantung Province is one important ethnographical work about rural society in North China. It is a landmark work as Golden Wing in the early anthropological study in China.
  • Her previous film and video work shows a distinct concern for documentary visual practices and a fascination with ethnographic films, exampled in her 1999 film Facing Forward.
  • The key ethnographic chapters deal with cosmologies, the idea and practice of sacrifice, and the power of ritual speech, in the context of this ‘translation’ project.
  • Such ethnographic explorations of film, video and television elsewhere place the book at some distance from many ongoing discussions that conjoin film and anthropology.
  • The abyss of ethnographic otherness has been momentarily bridged.
  • His earliest wood sculptures, suggesting unlikely mergers of Constructivism and West African ethnographic objects, displayed joinery worthy of a piano builder or luthier.
  • ethnographical data
  • Is Anonymity an Artifact in Ethnographic Research?
  • It takes time to perform ethnographic research correctly and to build the level of intimacy that takes researchers beyond what they could learn in a focus group setting.
  • A broad distinction may be drawn between interpretive and non-interpretive approaches to ethnographic inquiry.
  • Well, this is not a point that would count against the viability of the setting, but coincidentally "Sunda" is the traditional geographical and ethnographical term for West Java, the place where I live right now! HH Com 126
  • Yet, however timeless many peasant traditions, sayings and beliefs may seem, ethnographic evidence cannot transport us to the world of three centuries ago.
  • It's also worth stating that one of the theoretical approaches associated with ethnographic research is an idiographic, rather than nomothetic, approach to data -- a concern with the particular, rather than the general. Anti Anti-Anecdotalism
  • Such research suggests that the proscription concerning the recourse to ethnographic particulars is honoured more by some discourse analysts than others.
  • After the book's publication, it was treated as an example of ethnographic research.
  • 27Another way that ethnography is useful, particularly when it is representative of the societies of speakers whose languages are being reconstructed, is that after vocabulary data sets and fieldwork interviews are completed, the ethnographic details of particular events that occurred in recent times can be assessed as expressions of a societal feature whose occurrence has been shown to belong to a proto-language society. Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
  • Elsewhere, he simply stitched bags together and hung them on stretchers, forming grids that recall framed fabrics in ethnographic galleries.
  • Each of the authors draws on ethnographic fieldwork they have conducted separately in Tanzania and Malawi.
  • This reissue of a classic ethnographical study is based on the fieldwork and interviews with Crow elders Lowie conducted from 1907 to 1931. New & Noteworthy
  • In 1912 Bartók noted that he had given nearly 1000 phonographic cylinders to the Ethnographic Museum in Budapest.
  • Evidence suggests that people studied tea crates, seeing them as legitimate conveyors of ethnographical and topographical information. The Romance of China: Excursions to China in U.S. Culture: 1776-1876
  • Other ethnographic techniques Ethnographic research is not carried out only by means of participant observation and unstructured interviewing.
  • A good ethnographic or art historical photograph blends technique and composition with information and context.
  • Ethnographically informed accounts of the persuasive power of regular practice, of habitual denial, and of structured routine are badly needed.
  • I went to the Ethnographic Museum, which charged four leva admission.
  • After conducting fieldwork together in New Guinea, Bateson and Mead coproduced ethnographic films and photodocumentation of Balinese kinesics.
  • This archive consists of hundreds of images of naked men, presumably fresh conscripts and army recruits, taken for an unknown kind of ethnographic exercise.
  • My radio city christmas rutland contemporaneous me for the convening of resultant lardizabala perithecium ethnographic by the graded epistaxis for the overshot klotho. Rational Review
  • Performed by the Chroma chamber orchestra on instruments as diverse as the guitar and celesta, the music is partly influenced by ethnographical recordings made in the Belgian Congo in the 1950s. Pilgrimage Into a Dark Night of the Soul
  • The full array of such fractions, comprising a frequency distribution across all cultures sampled, is called an ethnographic curve.
  • Performed by the Chroma chamber orchestra on instruments as diverse as the guitar and celesta, the music is partly influenced by ethnographical recordings made in the Belgian Congo in the 1950s. Pilgrimage Into a Dark Night of the Soul
  • This community-focused, bottom-up approach tends to produce highly detailed, ethnographically derived accounts of socioecological changes within particular localities.
  • This in - depth ethnographic study looks at buna for several generations of Muslim Oromo.
  • It is important to note that it is homonymous with Ruvu's * Mulungu, "Creator" and its likeness has resulted in some wrinkles in the ethnographic record because investigators commonly did not recognize the distinction between * mulungu the "potentially evil spirit" versus * Mulungu "Creator. Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
  • Based on preliminary ethnographic research in five Javanese communities with major Hindu temples, I explore the political history and social dynamics of Hindu revivalism.
  • But the interest of portraiture is not merely historical; it is also ethnographical. Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers
  • In ceramic studies, the application of ethnographically observed patterns of the deployment of decorative styles provides socio-functional explanations of pottery usage.
  • Posed against its use first as evolutionist trophy and then as ethnographic evidence, this aestheticization is not entirely value-free for it allows the work to be both decontextualized and commodified.
  • In ethnographic studies, the orientation of the researcher is termed etic or emic.
  • Using ethnographic methodology, she and other educators studied how the children developed mathematical knowledge in everyday life, then used this information as a foundation for an experimental math curriculum.
  • During his residence he collected a plenitude of ethnographica for the ethnographical museums in Berlin, Leipzig, and Stuttgart.
  • A more ethnographic approach would have shed some important light on how the Navajo community mediated the changes.
  • Thus, anglophone scholars may read not only the ethnographic descriptions of the items exhibited, but also Sonia Silva's thoughtful essay about collecting and presenting basketry.
  • He described the results of both his reading of the ethnographical literature and, even more importantly, the surveys he had conducted among the elderly in Sweden.
  • The information panels and labels, on the other hand, are strongly ethnographic so that the exhibition can work at both levels.
  • The course aims at presenting an overview of the most important tools and processes of ethnographic museography, with special attention to the theoretical debates on the subject.
  • The past as ethnographic material is reconstituted, not only by exploring encoded records of the past, but also by suggesting that there is a constant relation of decoding.
  • The aim of the ethnographic papers is to understand violent and peaceful behaviour in different societies.
  • The abyss of ethnographic otherness has been momentarily bridged.
  • This has generated considerable concern about the ethnographic experience itself, and specifically about the subjective nature of the process.
  • Denyer thought his series was affectionate, so he was surprised at complaints from some who felt that it portrayed the island and its cloth in an overly folkloric way, viewing Harris tweed as an almost ethnographical curiosity. Cut From Woven Cloth
  • These two groups have a more shallow history, at least in textual terms, coming into clear view only through the early ethnographic accounts of colonial authorities. Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
  • In ethnographic studies, the orientation of the researcher is termed etic or emic.
  • The unique fieldwork and " ethnographical " methods of modern anthropology provide an approach to solving this thorny aesthetic problem.
  • However, it is not easy to generalize about the ethnographic research process in such a way as to provide definitive recommendations about research practice.
  • Ethnographic research delves into the everyday lives of consumers to go beyond what they say - and record what they do.
  • This transposition of ethnological themes onto contemporary life is a form of domestic primitivism: the use of ethnographic narratives of social origins to explain elements of modern life.
  • Patriarchs, ten postdiluvian; seventy descendants of Jacob are named on the occasion of Israel's going into Egypt, though some of them were dead at that time, others had not yet been born; the ethnographical list of Genesis enumerates seventy nations, though it gives some names of little importance and omits others of great importance; I Par., ii, 3-55, gives seventy descendants of Juda; I The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • This in - depth ethnographic study looks at buna for several generations of Muslim Oromo.
  • The implications of this essay, when read in conjunction with the earlier historic and ethnographic chapters, are manifold, and indicate fertile ground for further ethnohistorical investigation.
  • Her head and her beautiful black hair are now in the Ethnographical Department of the Natural History Museum at South Kensington, and her precious papyrus is in the Bodleian Library at Oxford. Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers
  • However, I get very wary of new-fangled anthropological and sociological and ethnographical studies of SL when they begin to throw around the usual campus Marxist jargon about "empowerment" and "neoliberalism" and "capitalist" this and that. Anti Anti-Anecdotalism
  • This course is a practicum - style seminar in anthropological methods of ethnographic fieldwork and writing.
  • The full array of such fractions, comprising a frequency distribution across all cultures sampled, is called an ethnographic curve.
  • The ethnographic study of crack houses and base houses (where freebase cocaine is smoked) has further contributed to understanding the kinds and contexts of drug-related HIV risk that occur in those settings.
  • The idea of fine art and artists in an ethnographic museum possesses its own set of difficulties, but Faber succeeds in assimilating visual art into the context in a way that has proved relevant, interesting and educational.
  • This ethnographical museum (ethnography being the study of a particular society and culture) contains many prehistoric and historic instruments and textiles.
  • First of all, one of the most striking aspects of the notes is the interest Marx shows in detailed ethnographic description.
  • At one level, this consolidation is a fundamental premise of the quasi-ethnographic gaze which now mediates all of Equiano's observations on the The State of Things: Olaudah Equiano and the Volatile Politics of Heterocosmic Desire
  • The what and how of a living embodiment, as of a living world, are entirely indeterminate horizons of facticity which can only be made determinate through concrete ethnographic research.
  • . Her online papers on fables and myths of the mobile telecom industry are fascinating, and not least because of her creative approach to ethnographic writing.
  • Through an analysis of ethnographically collected data, the meanings participants constructed around their experiences were explored.
  • Some in the comments section of the article have taken issue with the ethics of this ethnographical study. Archive 2005-07-01
  • The question of ‘ethnographic authority’ is paramount in narrative or reflexive ethnography because subjective or interpretive response becomes part of the story.

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