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How To Use Ethnic group In A Sentence

  • I would suggest that if they are bent on breaking Bengal they may opt for joining Sikkim which is a state comprising of Nepalese, Gorkhas, Bhutias, Lepchas and some other mongoloid ethnic groups. Is Gorkhaland Movement Entering a Phase of Violence?
  • All the ethnic groups are organized in fairly large kin groups known as clans or lineages.
  • In the end, James concedes that modern Celts exist as a legitimate ethnic group on the grounds that they are self-naming and have a shared sense of difference and history.
  • In general, ethnic Burmans live in the valley, and the minority ethnic groups such as the Karen, Karenni, Shan, and Kachin live in the sprawling hill country.
  • By 1920 the Catholic population numbered about seventeen million and included some twenty-eight ethnic groups.
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  • Is it not obvious that one of the reasons that an ethnic group might do less well in academics is that they are genetically predisposed to lower “intelligence” level, as measured by those academics (regardless of which ethnic group you’re talking about)? The Volokh Conspiracy » 1. Science, Faith, and Not Ruling Out Possibilities
  • They promote social integration and assimilation of minority ethnic groups into the culture.
  • He is an intellectual multilinguist and an experienced negotiator between diverse ethnic groupings. cedric j wrote: The Economist: Correspondent's diary
  • An ethnic group within the state then demands to be united with its kith and kin in a neighboring state.
  • Drawing on data from biological anthropology, historical linguistics, and archaeology, he attempts an etic examination of the processes of formation of ethnic groups in the Japanese islands between 400 BC and the medieval era.
  • Different ethnic groups have different systems of kinship.
  • Irked by Viswa's criticisms of the way some ethnic groups are treated in Singapore, LKY interrupted a medical treatment to angrily refute the "highfalutin" speech in a rare appearance on the parliament floor. SARA - Southeast Asian RSS Aggregator
  • Social races, like ethnic groups, gain their identity or claim to gain their identity from distinctive linguistic and other cultural patterns. Cultural Anthropology
  • As we saw in Chapter 2, a fear of divided loyalties and identities - supposedly the result of unassimilated ethnic groups - has underlain the formation of most nation-states.
  • America is becoming a diverse melting pot of cultures, races and ethnic groups.
  • Australia became a land of many ethnic groups and nationalities.
  • Ethnic groups: Alemannic 86%, Italian, Turkish, and other 14% Liechtenstein
  • With his gosh-darned, aw-shucks demeanor and disarming smile, he is able to insult entire ethnic groups without even realizing he's doing it.
  • Now particular ethnic groups are wanting to associate themselves with particular clubs.
  • The Lisu is an ethnic group deeply influenced by Christianity.
  • By 1918, there was suspicion of German Americans and other ethnic groups who were thought to be too clannish and too attached to their Old World cultures.
  • These policy shifts stem from struggles over social dominance among cultural and ethnic groups within the larger society.
  • Many have experienced racial prejudice from other ethnic groups than my own too.
  • A glimpse of the rural lifestyle and a peep into the culture of various ethnic groups.
  • The first equation that was estimated for each ethnic group included early substance use to estimate its binary effect on school completion.
  • There have been centuries of intermarriage between the different groups, so there are no longer any ‘pure’ ethnic groups in China.
  • So this thesis is an attempt to do a research on the folksongs of Yugur Ethnic Group from the geographical point of view.
  • In addition to being a proscribed ethnic group by the government, the Chinese were predominantly city-dwellers, making them vulnerable to the Khmer Rouge's revolutionary ruralism. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Women and men of any ethnic group, any age, any social condition are seeing their innocent lives destroyed.
  • Yet about the same percentage say their church is predominantly one racial or ethnic group. Christianity Today
  • It should be obvious that the diverse ethnic groups and nationalities that call themselves Muslims are not of one mind.
  • Local authorities appear to have quelled the protests, which erupted last week after a Mongolian herder was killed by a coal truck driven by a member of China's dominant Han ethnic group as a group of herders sought to block a convoy from crossing pastureland. China Says Foreigners Fuel Unrest in Mongolia
  • The Abkhaz are a small ethnic group unrelated to the Georgians, who have shared with them for centuries the same beautiful stretch of Black Sea coastline. Bullies of the Caucasus
  • Brick tea is shaped like a brick, and is a favorite of the Mongolian and Tibetan ethnic groups.
  • Were there differences between people of different racial or ethnic groups or of different ages? Exploring language (6th edn)
  • I do believe it is possible for different ethnic groups to live together in harmony.
  • Even more interestingly, the Asante are part of a larger group of closely related ethnic groups called the Akan which speak very similar languages. The Agonist - thoughtful, global, timely
  • In doing so, they unwittingly adopt the language of participants in such struggles, and contribute to the reification of ethnic groups.
  • A Chance to Dance aims to encourage children of all ethnic groups and social backgrounds.
  • Different laboratory test menus may be needed in different locales to properly serve the ethnic groups in the community.
  • The last decade has witnessed a serious rise in the levels of racism and hostility to Black and ethnic groups.
  • First, he made the tactical error of blaming the civil war on the ethnic groups in the north of the country.
  • Ethnic groups: 20 African ethnic groups 90% (Temne 30%, Mende 30%, other 30%), Creole (Krio) 10% (descendants of freed Jamaican slaves who were settled in the Freetown area in the late-18th century), refugees from Liberia's recent civil war, small numbers of Europeans, Lebanese, Pakistanis, and Indians Sierra Leone
  • What is it like to translate the Bible for a previously unreached ethnic group?
  • Leaders of the CCP envisioned that these reforms in ethnic areas would cause the disappearance of precapitalist societies in which ethnic groups were living. Between Winds and Clouds: The Making of Yunnan (Second Century BCE to Twentieth Century CE)
  • The original gauchos were an equestrian ethnic group similar to North American cowboys and Ukrainian Cossacks.
  • Burmese pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi has issued what she calls an "earnest appeal" for the government and ethnic groups to begin immediate peace talks. Burma Democracy Leader Urges Talks to End Ethnic Conflicts
  • The importance of finding a set of etic dimensions and corresponding and yet valid and reliable measures on which ethnic groups may be compared is stressed by our findings, which may represent a step in this direction.
  • The results of each census are invariably challenged by states and ethnic groups that believe they have been undercounted and therefore will be shortchanged in the sharing of the national pie.
  • But even by marriage Jhabvala was an outsider, since her husband was a Parse, a member of a generally well-educated and prosperous ethnic group whose position in Indian society is not dissimilar to that of the Jews in Europe. Ruth Prawer Jhabvala.
  • To this end Moscow demarcated new political boundaries, entitling each ethnic group to a nation of its own.
  • In the same discourses, women are defined through domesticity where women are reduced to reproducers of race, nation or ethnic group.
  • The dividing lines among the ethnic groups are still clearly delineated.
  • True Guineans are nice people but the peul/fulani ethnic group behave like animals and the police force handled them like such. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Elsewhere, ethnic groups continue to eye one another warily.
  • In general, ethnic Burmans live in the valley, and the minority ethnic groups such as the Karen, Karenni, Shan, and Kachin live in the sprawling hill country.
  • The diversity and fragmentation within ethnic groupings and the balance of tensions between those groups during the twentieth century prevented interethnic civil conflict.
  • She hoped the different ethnic groups in the area could live together in peaceful co-existence.
  • Aeginetan ambush inArtemisia’s ruse inassessment ofbattle cries inbrutality toward enemy swimmers incasualties inchaos ofCorinth’s role indivine apparition inelement of surprise inethnic groups infall of Psyttaleia infirst kill inGreek backward movement inGreek city-states inGreek fleet launched inGreek fleet strength inislet-reef inlegacy ofline abreast tactic inliterature ofnoise ofnumbers engaged inonset of combat inPersian commanders inPersian command style andPersian fatigue inPersian fleet strength inPersian flight inPhoenicians routed insuccessful commanders inwind inSalamis, battle of, aftermath of: The Battle of Salamis
  • The percentages are of all households in each ethnic group with dependent children under the age of 19.
  • They will be asked whether their teachers say negative things or have lower academic expectations of people from some cultural or ethnic groups. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unlike some ethnic groups, they have refrained from importing the kind of issues which have led to sectarian or civil strife in their history or homeland. WHEN SCOTLAND RULED THE WORLD: The Story of the Golden Age of Genius, Creativity and Exploration
  • Given that minority ethnic groups comprise around 10% of the population and are concentrated in urban areas, the statistic itself is not that shocking.
  • Though it would please me to think marrying outside my ethnic group has afforded my spawn a clearer shot at intellectual greatness, any mad 'brainiac' DNA my children might possess more likely arrives via their crazy, drunken, Mensa-smart goyishe grandfather than from their closest Ashkenazi kin. Michele Somerville: Many Are 'Chosen People' -- And a Few Even Know What It Means
  • The agreement's stated purpose is to facilitate cultural exchanges and friendly relations between the ethnic groups.
  • The terms Hmong (pronounced [m̥ɔ̃ŋ]) and Mong ([mɔ̃ŋ]) refer to an Asian ethnic group in the mountainous regions of southeast Asia. Swollen Pickles
  • The complete measurement and path model was tested for configural invariance across ethnic groups.
  • Few could afford polygamous marriages, although polygamy varies both between rural areas and urban centers, and between ethnic groups.
  • Nations and ethnic groups, similarly, would have equal rights, at least within the Soviet federation.
  • In the USA black puddings are not generally popular, but are eaten by some ethnic groups.
  • Pakistan is an artificial puzzle piece that, unlike India, has no logical frontiers, so different, territorially based ethnic groups exist uneasily together.
  • Political boundaries splitting ethnic groups have produced bloodbaths everywhere.
  • They did this despite warnings from a number of quarters that the secessionist acts would provoke violent conflicts between ethnic groups.
  • Ethnic groups: Austronesian (Malayo-Polynesian), Papuan, small Chinese minority Timor-Leste
  • ISAF, like the Soviet army, has established solid-looking structures in the north, which is largely inhabited by smaller ethnic groups, such as Tajiks, Uzbeks and Hazaras.
  • They are ethnic groups based on culture and language. afp Obama's Census form – signed, sealed, delivered
  • The cultural capital exchanged in ethnic intermarriage is considerably greater than that within ethnic groups. Interracial Intimacy
  • I do believe it is possible for different ethnic groups to live together in harmony.
  • Both relationships are made difficult by a shared awareness of a history of mutual antagonism between ethnic groups.
  • Many ethnic groups have been assimilated into American society.
  • What one person finds beautiful in women, in clothes, in buildings, in sculp - ture, in music, may not appear beautiful at all to another who is older or younger or is from a different ethnic group or “subculture.” Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • The evidence for that shows that some ethnic groupings are very intolerant to certain groups of food.
  • The school teaches pupils from different ethnic groups .
  • The role of poverty in diminished marriage prospects may be illustrated by comparing various U.S. ethnic groups that differ in average earnings.
  • Born in northern Makeni in 1953, Koroma, a Temne, one of the two largest ethnic groups in Sierra Leone, graduated from the country's ANC Daily News Briefing
  • In our context, the Diocese consists of 22 different ethnic groups, some of which are inimically inclined towards others.
  • Many of Indonesia's ethnic groups have strong kinship groupings based upon patrilineal, matrilineal, or bilateral descent.
  • The vast 17-acre site is populated with members of the Sarawak's various ethnic groups and their longhouses.
  • The cult of the ancestors is practiced among many of the ethnic groups.
  • The Plan stresses that point and also underlines the need to make sure that minority ethnic groups are catered for.
  • Second, the massive immigration of recent years has contributed to a great deal of contact between different races and ethnic groups. Sociology
  • Moreover, DNA testing for employment purposes should not be performed if a large ethnic group would suffer.
  • Many of Indonesia's ethnic groups have strong kinship groupings based upon patrilineal, matrilineal, or bilateral descent.
  • Few could afford polygamous marriages, although polygamy varies both between rural areas and urban centers, and between ethnic groups.
  • Around the world, asthma affects people of all ethnic groups, socio-economic levels and age groups.
  • After the war ended, the Tai returned to their ancestral families in their original homeland constituting one ethnic group in the multiethnic Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
  • There are two major ethnic groups in Djibouti, the Afars (sometimes also called the Danakil) and the Somalis.
  • And so he comes, through these various transgressions, into conflict with the mandates of the ethnic group and religion to which he belongs by birth.
  • Pakistan has allways dominated over the other ethnic group such as Sindhi and Balluchis. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • They also uphold the unity of our ethnic groups and our nation, and are able to consciously safeguard the interests of the nation, which reflects their good sense of civic responsibility.
  • People generally marry within their own religious sect and ethnic group, although interethnic marriages are not uncommon.
  • We need to move away from this ethnic groupthink.
  • The government is understandably reluctant to do anything which might spoil the harmonious relations between the country's ethnic groups.
  • In ceremonies in Mandalay, members of ethnic groups such as Mon and Kokang were also asked to attend, together with businessmen and shopkeepers from the city's market.
  • White children from well-off homes were the top-performing ethnic group at the age of 11, while white pupils eligible for free school meals had among the worst test results.
  • Today the Caucasus is shared by four countries and about a dozen autonomous regions with as many as fifty ethnic groups among them, each with its own language or dialect. Where Europe Vanishes
  • Moreover, DNA testing for employment purposes should not be performed if a large ethnic group would suffer.
  • The cross ethnic groups, cultures and languages experiences of the writers are expressed via writing, which compose a complex ethnical and cultural "third space" for the readers.
  • The patients and the controls were randomly selected and belonged to the same ethnic group.
  • Second, the massive immigration of recent years has contributed to a great deal of contact between different races and ethnic groups. Sociology
  • We tested this in women of all ethnic groups, and it was effective," said Roberto Romero, principal investigator of the trial and chief of the NIH's perinatology research branch. Gel Lowers Preterm-Delivery Risks, Study Finds
  • I do believe it is possible for different ethnic groups to live together in harmony.
  • Though the Protestant Christianity is lonesome in the Tibetan ethnic group, the course of the propagation reflected the cross swords of two world view.
  • These concentrations of ethnic groups can be explained partly by residential segregation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr. Obama's father was a Luo from Kenya, an ethnic group, like many groups in East and West Africa, which venerates the wisdom of elders. Paul Stoller: Imagining President Obama's Council of Elders
  • The percentage of Americans of mixed race is growing significantly among people under 18; in California and Nevada mixed-marriage rates are at more than 13 percent, and in the rest of the Southwest a heavily Latino population increasingly intermarries with other ethnic groups. AOL News Collection:opinion collection
  • When newborn empires and monotheism end the era of tribal society, states come into being and become the supreme form of communities, ethnic groups and various religious ethical culture.
  • The Beja represent the dominant ethnic group of eastern Sudan, numbering an estimated three million inhabiting a vast arid region that encompasses three countries: Egypt, Sudan and Eritrea.
  • By 2015, two populations, composed of very different ethnic groups, faced each other as adversaries across a great divide.
  • An ethnic group called the Nuba live in South Kordofan, and they appear to be on their own. rss feed
  • Quoth Volokh: “Whether there are genetic differences among racial and ethnic groups in intelligence is a question of scientific fact. The Volokh Conspiracy » 1. Science, Faith, and Not Ruling Out Possibilities
  • Communal riots/disturbances have once again broken out between the two ethnic groups.
  • A squad of armed policemen ferried the villagers of Yao ethnic group afflicted by the heavy downpour in China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Saturday. China's Floods Leave Millions Homeless
  • Native Canadian ethnic groups include: the Indians, the Inuits and the Metis who live generation after generation on the North American continent.
  • Librarians and teachers, book talk or assign a new title featuring a protagonist from a completely different class or ethnic group than your audience. The CSK Is Dead (Long Live the CSK)
  • Myanmar has eight major ethnic groups - Bamas, Kayins, Shans, Rakhines, Mons, Kachins, Chins and Kayahs.
  • Jawara continued to receive support from rural voters and the Mandinka ethnic group. 8. Gambia
  • Pathans are the predominant ethnic group in Afghanistan
  • A century ago, in a multi-cultural America comprised of separate cultural enclaves, ethnic groups were more involved in the affairs of their own communities than the larger society.
  • But others at the Tuskegee meeting cautioned against dismissing too casually possible genetic differences in health outcomes among racial and ethnic groups.
  • Gifted children are not peculiar to one ethnic group or to a particular social class.
  • A Chance to Dance aims to encourage children of all ethnic groups and social backgrounds.
  • Some names were what they had given themselves; some were what they were called; some were named after their professions; some were named after their hometowns; and some were named after their sub-branch of ethnicity. 46 The first task of the Provincial Minzu Affairs Commission was to find out the composition of ethnic minorities. 47 Ma Yao's office examined these names and straightened out more than a dozen ethnic groups with large populations. Between Winds and Clouds: The Making of Yunnan (Second Century BCE to Twentieth Century CE)
  • Mr Pejic has consistently refused to broadcast propaganda for any one ethnic group.
  • The Plan stresses that point and also underlines the need to make sure that minority ethnic groups are catered for.
  • Ethnic groups: Nigeria, Africa's most populous country, is composed of more than 250 ethnic groups; the following are the most populous and politically influential: Hausa and Fulani 29%, Yoruba 21%, Igbo (Ibo) 18%, Ijaw 10%, Kanuri 4%, Ibibio 3.5%, Tiv 2.5% Nigeria
  • The position of women in pre-colonial Nigeria obviously differed in the vast number of ethnic groups in Nigeria.
  • Today there are three main minority ethnic groups in the city - Germans, Poles and Indians.
  • The last decade has witnessed a serious rise in the levels of racism and hostility to Black and ethnic groups.
  • Over time, the different ethnic groups have intermarried.
  • Sierra Leone20 African ethnic groups 90% (Temne 30%, Mende 30%, other 30%), Creole (Krio) 10% (descendants of freed Jamaican slaves who were settled in the Freetown area in the late-18th century), refugees from Liberia's recent civil war, small numbers of Europeans, Lebanese, Pakistanis, and Indians Ethnic groups
  • Various ethnic groups in the country have their distinct artistic traditions related to the decoration of houses, clothing, leatherwork, and artifacts.
  • This wave consisted of both professionals and non-professionals and included persons from various ethnic groups within Georgia.
  • But others at the Tuskegee meeting cautioned against dismissing too casually possible genetic differences in health outcomes among racial and ethnic groups.
  • The Kurds are the largest single ethnic group without a national homeland.
  • Bullu Raj/Associated Press Two rival ethnic groups forced a four-month blockade of major national highways connecting the north-eastern Indian state of Manipur to the rest of the country. Indian Politics in 2011
  • NigeriaNigeria, Africa's most populous country, is composed of more than 250 ethnic groups; the following are the most populous and politically influential: Hausa and Fulani 29%, Yoruba 21%, Igbo (Ibo) 18%, Ijaw 10%, Kanuri 4%, Ibibio 3.5%, Tiv 2.5% Ethnic groups
  • The last decade has witnessed a serious rise in the levels of racism and hostility to Black and ethnic groups.
  • He constructs a complex set of interrelationships between the different ethnic groups.
  • The finding that this gene appears to play a role across ethnic groups is very exciting.
  • Though marriage outside the ethnic group was tolerated, these people practiced a high rate of endogamy, which strengthened family and community bonds.
  • The main congregation is divided into ethnic groups for time of worship, study and fellowship.
  • Many ethnic groups had carried into Islam their own social customs, military traditions and administrative rules.
  • There will also be a segment devoted to racial reconciliation, with pastors of different races and ethnic groups meeting onstage.
  • Particular ethnic groups circumcise their women during pregnancy, when they are in labour or when they have given birth to their first child.
  • Ethnic groups: 20 African ethnic groups 90% (Temne 30%, Mende 30%, other 30%), Creole (Krio) 10% (descendants of freed Jamaican slaves who were settled in the Freetown area in the late-18th century), refugees from Liberia's recent civil war, small numbers of Europeans, Lebanese, Pakistanis, and Indians Sierra Leone
  • Indeed, yaba is rumoured to be produced inside Burma by the United Wa State Army UWSA, a Chinese-speaking ethnic group and a significant producer of South East Asia's narcotics. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Thus, centuries of Turkic migration and turkification of the region helped to formulate the modern Azerbaijani ethnic group.
  • Hostility and suspicion between the two ethnic groups in Krajina escalated.
  • Finally, the concept of discrimination refers to the unequal and unfair treatment of one racial or ethnic group by another group. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
  • While the provenience is cited as Duala, it is not always clear if this term refers to the ethnic group, the location of the same name, or all groups, no matter their ethnicity, who inhabited the region at the time of collection.
  • The concern of this chapter, however, is with vertical inequalities - between social classes, ethnic groups and the sexes.
  • There exists a common faith in the demagogic witchery among the ethnic groups of Yunnan Province, and the erotic sorcery is one of the types.
  • In the early hours of Monday, young pro-Ratsiraka militiamen rounded up "hundreds" of people in Antsiranana they suspected of supporting Ravalomanana or being of the same ethnic group, witnesses said. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • When the Chaldean empire was absorbed into the Achaemenid, the name Chaldean lost its meaning as the name of an ethnic group, and came to be applied to a class. Think Progress » Defending ‘Tea Party Profiteers,’ Odom Tells Activists ‘We Should Reward Them With Our Pocketbooks’
  • For many years, there has been deep enmity between the two ethnic groups.
  • It is one of only four of the continent's countries that are based on a single ethnic group. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are four major ethnic groups: Kru, Akan, Mande and Voltaic.
  • Pakistan is an artificial puzzle piece that, unlike India, has no logical frontiers, so different, territorially based ethnic groups exist uneasily together.
  • AfriKa CRY BLOOD noted the response of the police commissioner, who said he was willing to meet with the Rastafari community to hear their concerns, but denied that the Barbados police singled out members of any religious or ethnic group. Global Voices in English » Barbados: Questions about Maloney inquest verdict
  • By 2015, two populations, composed of very different ethnic groups, faced each other as adversaries across a great divide.
  • Second, the massive immigration of recent years has contributed to a great deal of contact between different races and ethnic groups. Sociology
  • Certain ethnic groups are at higher risk for developing diabetes.
  • Data adjusted for age at diagnosis of diabetes, ethnic group, smoking status, presence of albuminuria, haemoglobin A 1c, high and low density lipoprotein cholesterol, and triglyceride
  • The whole point of amoral familism is that among many of the world’s ethnic groups honesty to those with whom one does not have close kinship ties is not normal and accepted behavior. Amoral Familism And Baby Formula
  • They belonged to the same ethnic group and all were right handed.
  • While the federal political structure has worked remarkably well in the context of India, where coexistence of several ethnic / linguistic states acts as buffer to any chauvinism from the Hindi heartland, it is unlikely to work in Sri Lanka where there are only two main ethnic groups. TamilNet Newswire
  • They also have the highest level of education of all ethnic groups in the country.
  • If the r-square of the bi-variate model would have been .8 would you have really been that much more confident that any potential relationship was not actually caused by some unmeasured variable (e.g., average age of population, cost of living, presence of alternative tax programs, presence of racial or ethnic groups known to consume alcohol at higher rates)? sfesler A Failed Experiment « PubliCola
  • Sometimes we have to talk badly about our people, which can mean our fellow citizens, our racial or ethnic group or in this case our coreligionists.
  • They promote social integration and assimilation of minority ethnic groups into the culture.
  • Sometimes we have to talk badly about our people, which can mean our fellow citizens, our racial or ethnic group or in this case our coreligionists.
  • She comes from every class, every ethnic group, every walk of life.
  • Certain images, differing somewhat in form and purpose by ethnic group, stand for various aspects of personhood.
  • When the Chaldean empire was absorbed into the Achaemenid, the name Chaldean lost its meaning as the name of an ethnic group, and came to be applied to a class. Think Progress » Defending ‘Tea Party Profiteers,’ Odom Tells Activists ‘We Should Reward Them With Our Pocketbooks’
  • I do believe it is possible for different ethnic groups to live together in harmony.
  • As well as age differences, ethnic groups also show differences in their occupational structure and family patterns.
  • Individuals who belong to high risk ethnic groups or who are in a consanguineous relationship might also benefit from a genetic evaluation and counseling.
  • Even with Owen's political definition, they came out below other national and ethnic groups.
  • He is also leader of the Romanian Socialist Workers' Party, which is wedded to nationalist policies accused of breeding dissent between the region's ethnic groups.
  • Local authorities appear to have quelled the protests, which erupted last week after a Mongolian herder was killed by a coal truck driven by a member of China's dominant Han ethnic group as a group of herders sought to block a convoy from crossing pastureland. China Says Foreigners Fuel Unrest in Mongolia
  • Nkunda, also urged the region's disparate ethnic groups to "cohabit" peacefully. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • These family compounds accommodate the large extended families and polygamous marriages that are common among the Maninka ethnic group.
  • This is where Aboriginal groups rendezvoused, camped and exchanged goods and stories with each other and with French entrepreneurs and traders of various ethnic groups.
  • If the constitution is accepted it will divide the country into semi-autonomous regions, each dominated by different religious and ethnic groups.
  • Childbirth is likened to smithery by the Zaramo, as by many other ethnic groups. Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
  • These ethnic groups that followed Islam once also believed in Zoroastrianism.
  • Sharp inequalities between different classes and ethnic groups and between men and women are often exacerbated by debt and economic crisis.
  • The survey, conducted between mid-April and mid-June, found most ethnic groups were evenly split on the issue of national identity.
  • African Americans represent the third racial-ethnic group present in parishes, constituting 2.43 percent of average parish membership.

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