How To Use Ethanol In A Sentence

  • But he railed against subsidies for ethanol producers and other provisions of the bill that he called unneeded, unnecessary, unwanted sweeteners ' ' to win votes for the package. Tax-Cut Bill Draws Wide Support in Senate
  • Thus basal primates might have used ethanol plumes to locate ripening fruits as well as associated fauna.
  • Baf, Bafilomycin A1; BH, Bcl-2 homology; CHX, cycholoheximide; GFP-74Q, GFP-tagged exon 1 mutant htt fragment; htt, huntingtin; MEFs, mouse embryonic fibroblasts; 3MA, 3-methyl adenine; PE, phosphatidylethanolamine; STS, staurosporin; TNF - Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Reference: "Effect of ozonolysis on bioconversion of miscanthus to bioethanol". RedOrbit News - Technology
  • A significant 2. 5-fold reduction in the added cellulase required for conversion of pretreated hardwood to ethanol; and Sustainable Design Update » Blog Archive » New Process Promises Better and Cheaper Ethanol
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  • For lipid overlay, 0.05 mM biotinylated phosphatidylethanolamine was incorporated to the preparation of PPM or IPM with a 1 / 200 molar ratio toward L-α-lysophosphatidylcholine. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Spores were liberated from asci, and vegetative cells were killed, by treatment with glusulase and ethanol.
  • The fumonisin was eluted with pure methanol and measured in a calibrated fluorometer.
  • Ten millilitres of pure methanol can cause blindness and 30 millilitres death, so it is just small amounts.
  • A heightened female sensitivity to ingested ethanol could possibly serve useful functions.
  • Using switchgrass for ethanol production results in even higher energy gains: up to 72 percent.
  • Other alkalis, such as ammonium carbonate, sodium tribasic phosphate, acetone, and various glycols (such as triethanolamine, pH 8 at 1% dilution), are sometimes used.
  • Samples were evaporated to dryness under vacuum, redissolved in 20 mm of methanol, then diazomethane added to methylate ABA.
  • I'm taking a bit of a liberty here by omitting alcohols, ethers, and other oxygenated compounds, partly because, ethanol and MTBE notwithstanding, they still don't amount to a large fraction of the mix, and partly because their photochemistry is pretty close to that of paraffins, or ketones that don't photolyze, i.e. break up by the direct action of sunlight. Hot Buttered
  • Dole, with farmers and agribusiness at the core of his Kansas constituency, has strongly supported tax credits for ethanol.
  • The cassava - based fuel ethanol is a potentially significant green fuel for automobile.
  • Beef and dairy farmers in Midwestern states that produce most of the nation's ethanol are able to feed their cattle with less expensive grains leftover from distilling that fuel. Archive 2007-06-24
  • Pushing our body's happy buttons with a cool swim on a hot day, or a fermented drink containing ethanol, or even just some good old-fashioned genital manipulation can elicit the sort of enjoyment that transcends angst and that does not need to be reconciled against the overbearing reality of our inconsequence. Manufacturers to Riders: Go Sponsor Yourself
  • In Brazil, ethanol from fermentation of sugarcane is used pure or blended with gasoline to yield gasohol, which contains 24 percent ethanol.
  • In this article, we describe such a structure determination method that is then applied to aqueous dispersions of various phosphatidylethanolamines (PEs).
  • Mortality in vials containing sucrose solution without ethanol was negligible.
  • Decontamination includes washing the skin with alkaline soap and then ethanol.
  • Remember that there may technically be stronger drinks in the desert, but since ethanol is deliquescent, any such drinks would absorb water from the air to remain at most 96% by volume alcohol.
  • Take America's supposedly verdant ethanol subsidies.
  • Allenes are prepared by the removal of bromine and hydrogen bromide from 1,2, 3 tribromopropane and its derivatives under the action of potassium hydroxide, zinc, and ethanol.
  • Instantly, one of the hydrogen atoms on the ethanol molecule is ripped off.
  • I saw that this formulation contained a high concentration of absolute ethanol.
  • A key adaptation allowing a continued high level of glycolysis in crucian carp is the production and excretion of ethanol as the glycolytic end-product, thereby avoiding lactate self-poisoning. Evolution versus "Intelligent Design" - The Panda's Thumb
  • Dead snakes brought to the hospital were labelled and preserved in 10% formalin or 70% ethanol.
  • Other clostridia have the capability to ferment sugars to produce ethanol, butanol, isopropanol, acetic acid, acetone, and similar products, and perhaps the genes responsible for these properties can be incorporated into organisms that can produce alcohols directly from cellulose. 3 Ethanol Production
  • Meanwhile, the European Commission has proposed new legislation to promote the use of alternative fuels for transport, starting with the regulatory and fiscal promotion of biofuels, such as biodiesel and bioethanol.
  • At around $20, the puck-sized disposable device runs on sodium borohydride instead of the typical fuel-cell food methanol, which is illegal on airplanes because it is highly flammable. CES Feeding Frenzy 2006 Nine Fresh Finds From CES
  • Time will tell, but vehicles could conceivably be manufactured to use vegetable oil as the standard fuel, much like the flex-fuel vehicles designed to run on ethanol.
  • Biofuels, such as ethanol, can reduce carbon dioxide, ozone formation and carbon monoxide by as much as 90 percent.
  • The mediator for the action of ethanol on the parietal cell is not known.
  • Hay and corn prices used to feed dairy cattle have doubled because of the rising demand for corn to ferment to make ethanol, the biofuel. Times, Sunday Times
  • Methanol is still a good carrier of hydrogen for fuel cell use,’ Browning says.
  • We have also made measurements in aqueous mixtures with four other alcohols: methanol, n-propanol, isopropanol, and isobutanol.
  • The positive and overwhelming figure reflects the BRUNEI: Methanol produced in Brunei will be ready for export mainly to - Articles related to Brunei to mark World Tourism Day
  • Glass coverslips were washed with ethanol followed by distilled H2O and allowed to air dry for 30 min before sample adsorption.
  • Given the opportunity to allow blends of up to 15 percent ethanol (E15) in gasoline sold for cars and light trucks, EPA equivocated yet again. Bob Dinneen: EPA's Indecision on Ethanol Blends: Retreating From a Clean Energy Future
  • The ethanolic solutions were combined and evaporated to dryness at 40°C with the aid of continuous ventilation.
  • They dissolve more easily in, for example, sodium dodecyl sulfate or ethanol.
  • The reactants and the catalyst remained in the heptane layer, which was recycled by adding additional acylating agent and fresh aqueous ethanol.
  • Ethanol and gasoline will be blended to generate electricity on a sustainable basis through the use of bagasse, a by-product of the milling process.
  • Similar studies need to be done to evaluate the role of the cholinergic nerves in the gastric response to intragastric ethanol.
  • This was followed by a 5-min rewash in 50% (v/v) ethanol after which the gels were allowed to destain overnight in 1 M KCl solution at 10°C and photographed.
  • A SPE-UPLC-MS/MS method was developed and established to rapidly determine phenylethanolamine A in pig urine.
  • I'm fairly certain that the Motorola product doesn't pressurize the methanol and thus with no pressure, there's nothing to explode at all.
  • A FULLY flex-fueled vehicle can use any alcohol fuel - methanol, ethanol, propanol, or butanol - as easily as gasoline. Autoblog Green
  • Under the Caribbean Basin Initiative, the company will enjoy duty-free entry status into the United States, supplying them with fuel ethanol up to seven per cent of their requirements.
  • These cross-purpose directives underscore the corn-ethanol conundrum. Robert Howarth: Record Corn Crop Spells More Trouble for Gulf of Mexico Fisheries
  • The bike will run on an explosive mix of around 20% nitromethane and 80% methanol. Times, Sunday Times
  • The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of a dietary supplementation in n-3 fatty acids in female rats during gestation and lactation on fatty acid pattern in brain glial cells phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and phosphatidylserine (PS) in the neonates. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • The cells, which run on a methanol-water mixture, can be mass-produced using a lithographic process to ‘print’ the metal electrodes and catalysts onto a porous plastic film.
  • Puck-sized disposable device runs on sodium borohydride instead of methanol, which is illegal on airplanes because it is highly flammable. Best of CES
  • The Prime Minister's called oil company chiefs and fuel retailers to a meeting next week to discuss the outlook for petrol prices and boost the consumption and production of biofuels such as ethanol.
  • We stained the gels in 0.1% Coomassie blue for 1 h and destained them in a 40% methanol and 10% acetic acid solution overnight.
  • Ingredients: Deionized Water, Glycerin, Butanediol, Aloe Extract, HA, Allantoin, Phenoxyethanol, Ethyl Ascorbic Acid, PEG-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, EDTA-Disodium Salt, Essence.
  • To investigate Penthorum Chinese Pursh for dispelling effects of alcohol in mice, the disappearing status of righting reflex was recorded and the concentration of ethanol in blood was measured.
  • Objective To determine the correlation between the changes of visual evoked potential(VEP)and the concentration of blood methanol in patients suffered from acute methylismus.
  • Further, some pundits are opining that only when non-food crops and agricultural waste are enzymatically convertible by biotechnology to ethanol on an industrial scale, should they form even 10% of car fuel. Sunil Chacko: Robert Zoellick's Slightly Tardy Clarion Calls
  • At this scale, a single ethanol molecule is roughly the size of a corpulent Labrador retriever.
  • Sections were dewaxed in xylene and hydrated in ethanol.
  • Methanol fuel cells can work off small, nonpressurized cartridges of the liquid while hydrogen-fuelled PEFCs require pressurized hydrogen gas.
  • By contrast, nonyl-phenoxy polyethoxy ethanol, the spermicide in a popular vaginal contraceptive cream, produced obvious irritation. 7 Medicinals
  • This enzyme converts methanol into a closely related molecule: formaldehyde.
  • The ethanol used, contained butylated hydroxytoluene as an antioxidant.
  • Using a proprietary fermentation process, Mountain View, Calif. -based Cobalt has turned lodgepole into the biofuel butanol, which is more like gasoline than ethanol. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • Among those are variations on fuel cells, some of which use liquid methanol, water and a catalyst to drive a reaction which generates electricity.
  • Mr Beattie says the partnership will hopefully encourage fuel users to convert to ethanol.
  • Namely, ethanol has both the hypoglycemic effects through decreased gluconeogenesis and increased glucose oxidation and the hyperglycemic effects through decreased glycogenesis and increased glycogenolysis.
  • Pyrene was incorporated into oleate micelles and vesicles at 0.5 mol% by addition from a 5 mM stock solution in methanol.
  • After premedication with atropine intravenous ethanol failed to stimulate acid secretion.
  • The energy is bound up in the cellulose (especially the hemicellulose), which has to be freed from the inert lignin and then converted into sugars (a process called, naturally enough, saccharification), which can then be fermented into ethanol. Spinning straw into liquid gold
  • This results in the release of acidic pectins and methanol as well as increased cell wall rigidity and calcium chelation.
  • Leaf discs in ethanol were then stored at - 80°C in stoppered test tubes prior to carbohydrate analysis.
  • The ethanol extracts were combined, the ethanol evaporated and the sugars redissolved in deionized water.
  • There are two types of biofuel: biodiesel made from plant oils and bioethanol made by fermenting grains.
  • Briefly, cholesterol, phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylcholine (all from Sigma) were dissolved in chloroform at a concentration of 10 mg / mL. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Methanolic sodium methoxide efficiently transesterified the fats and oils on the feathers to fatty-acid methyl esters.
  • Objective: To explore the estrogenic activity of ethanol extract from adzuki bean Phaseolus angularis and its effect on progesterone receptor(PR) level of human breast cancer MCF-7 cells.
  • In establishing the overall 36 billion gallon goal, the government assigned subtotals to ethanol on the one hand and all advanced biofuels on the other. The Real Promise Of Advanced Biofuels
  • The fuel cell also needs moisture in the electrolyte as well as water at the anode to control the supply of methanol.
  • There are more than 25 world-scale units exporting principally ammonia, methanol, steel products and, more recently, liquefied natural gas.
  • Ethanol is primarily metabolized to acetaldehyde by the action of alcohol dehydrogenase.
  • These specific environments include anhydrous methanol/halide solutions, nitrogen tetroxide, and liquid or solid cadmium.
  • It generates no harmful gases, sparks or soot and runs on ecofriendly bioethanol. Times, Sunday Times
  • The odonates were removed and preserved in 70% ethanol for later identification and counting.
  • Oxidative properties of nitrous oxide were shown on a glowing wooden stick, burning sulphur, ethanol and propanone applied on cotton, and steel wool. - Business News
  • But this normally impenetrable barrier is easily breached by fat-soluble ethanol molecules, which slip through like little ghosts.
  • About one third of the American corn crop is used in ethanol production, which then is added to gasoline. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most of the crude waragi, Dr Tusiime said, has been contaminated with methanol, although authorities are still waiting for results from the government chemist -- on actual levels of concentration. AllAfrica News: Latest
  • Ethanol teratogenesis in the zebrafish, Danio rerio. AAAS Dismisses Blogs - The Panda's Thumb
  • Contributions to total vapor pressure of non-ethanol volatiles are ignored.
  • It will also act on other small molecules, including methanol and ethylene glycol.
  • Alcohol contains ethanol, a chemical that causes blood vessels to expand, which can give you a headache.
  • The transiting phase was modulated by 0.1 M of citrate buffer solution, sodium octyl sulphonate, methanol, and EDTA-Na.
  • In addition, we suggest that ingested ethanol may be an appetitive stimulant.
  • In his optimism, Sale has even talked about exporting ethanol, at the same time touting Manitoba as a cheap place to grow the grain used to distil ethanol.
  • For his part, Berzin calculates that just one 1,000 megawatt power plant using his system could produce more than 40 million gallons of biodiesel and 50 million gallons of ethanol a year. Using algae to clean power plant exhaust
  • Ingredients: Deionized Water, Glycerin, Butanediol, Hamamelis Extract, Cucumber Extract, HA, Allantoin, PEG-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Phenoxyethanol, EDTA-Disodium Salt, Essence.
  • Total lipid was extracted into chloroform-methanol, dried under a stream of nitrogen and redissolved in isopropanol.
  • Ethanol was the only component that significantly increased baseline DNA damage rate, however, this effect was negated in the mixture.
  • The 33-year-old woman drank the Valkanov vodka - laced with methanol - which was probably brewed in a home-made still.
  • Brazil has attracted increased attention from global oil majors seeking exposure to the domestic market, where more than 80% of all new cars sold are flex-fuel models that can run on any mixture of ethanol and gasoline. BP Expands Biofuels Business In Brazil
  • One of the many industrial uses of ethanol involves blending it with gasoline to make gasohol.
  • Objective : To explore the estrogenic activity and its mechanism of ethanol extract from black soybean ( BSE ).
  • In this process, liquids are diluted (with water or ethanol) and shaken by ten hard strikes against an elastic body ( "succussion"), to get the next, succeeding higher potency. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • The global ethanol market is estimated to be valued in excess of $16 billion by 2005.
  • About 24 hours before assay the sample was placed in 80% ethanol to extract platelet activating factor from the tissue.
  • Azeotropes or azeotropic mixtures occur for a number of important chemical compounds but perhaps the most important is the ethanol-water mixture.
  • Some insist that this syrupy sugar alcohol, a byproduct of ethanol fermentation, is as important to a wine's mouthfeel (texture) as ethanol itself.
  • Ethanol is completely miscible with water and in the manufacture of ethanol it is found that a constant boiling mixture of 95.6% ethanol and 4.4% water is produced.
  • Ethanol functions as a carrier for the perfume oils.
  • A cross-cultural survey of the use of ethanol in 139 largely preliterate human societies, showed that in all societies in which drinking was present in one sex but not in the other, it was present in males.
  • Combined with methanol's indirect use in power system, methanol and dimethyl-ether steam reforming use gas turbine exhaust gas to constitute the chemically recuperative gas turbine cycle.
  • Sugar concentrations in the tips were measured after extraction two times in 4 ml of 80% ethanol boiled with reflux for 20 min.
  • It can also be seen in heightened spending on solar, wind, hydrogen, ethanol and clean coal technologies, as well as on other energy-investment decisions. About: Blinded by Science
  • Barcelo F, Escriba PV (2003) Effects of oleic acid and its congeners, elaidic and stearic acids, on the structural properties of phosphatidylethanolamine membranes. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Absinthe traditionally was distilled from a variety of plant products extracted into an ethanol base.
  • Slide 12: EUS-guided ethanol lavage pancreatic cystadenoma Denuded epithelium ↓ cyst fluid epithelium ↓ DNA, is ↓ CEA cr os e ll n Ce 80\% ethanol Cyst fluid cyst Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Production is potentially dangerous, as you need to heat volatile methanol with caustics.
  • The bill calls for doubling the use of ethanol as a gasoline additive by 2012.
  • We should also pass an open-fuel standard for 95 percent of the new cars sold in the United States, allowing the construction of flex-fuel vehicles (FFVs) that can run on a variety of fuels, including ethanol. Our Tanks Are On Full
  • It is rich in phosphatidyl choline, phosphatidylethanolamine, and phosphatidyl inositol. The New Super-Nutrition
  • Concentrated sulphuric acid and 50 l of carbazole reageant (0.1% (w/v) in ethanol 100%) were then added.
  • South American sugar cane ethanol also relies on slash and burn agriculture on thin topsoil creating ever increasing dead zones in the rain forest. Archive 2009-10-18
  • The petrol is blended with 5% bioethanol, a renewable fuel which shouldn't affect engine performance.
  • The fuel cell generates electricity as a by-product of a chemical reaction involving dilute methanol.
  • The ethanol will then be trucked to a Total refinery to be used to add oxygen to gasoline.
  • Methods 122 cases of ovarian cysts at ultrasound-guided puncture, took the allantoic fluid, ethanol inactivated cyst wall after normal saline washed cysts.
  • After incubation the agarose was washed successively with dioxane solution, dioxane, distilled water and ethanol.
  • Hurricane lights provide natural firelight, as do outdoor bioethanol fireplaces. Times, Sunday Times
  • Recent findings on the sensitivity of primate olfaction and gustation to ethanol are consistent with this notion.
  • Fructose, either as a monosaccharide or in sucrose, was also found to decrease the negative effects of ethanol in rats.
  • French, Central neurons are depressed by iontophoretic and micropressure application of ethanol and tetrahydropapaveroline, Drug and Alcohol Dependence 4 1979: 239-43. Alcohol and The Addictive Brain
  • Stability: It causes reactivity of vulcanization with water molecule in air, and release methanol gas.
  • But the company’s method solves that problem because ethanol could be made locally from whatever feedstock is available, Tobey said. Startup Says It Can Make Ethanol for $1 a Gallon, and Without Corn « Isegoria
  • Ethanol can be made from virtually any starch feedstock, such as sugar cane, wheat or milo, but most of the fuel ethanol used in the U.S. today is produced from corn and America grows a lot of corn.
  • Enzymatic hydrolysis of the glycoside with b-D-glucosidase, gave 2,5 - dihydroxybenzyl alcohol from the ethyl acetate extract, identified as its triacetate, whereas acid hydrolysis with 5% ethanolic sulphuric acid gave 3 - hydroxy-2, 6-dimethoxyethyl benzoate and glucose, as the sole monosaccharide in the aqueous solution (TLC). Chapter 7
  • These projects include promotion of ecovillages both in urban and rural areas; rural energisation, renewable energy technology such as biomass gasification and ethanol production; community based greening and waste recycling, low-tech energy solutions such as thermally efficient and renewable energy solutions in housing, clean transport systems; carbon sequestration and conservation, industrial energy efficiency. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The powdered tuber was extracted successively with dichloromethane, methanol and water at room temperature. Chapter 7
  • Five percent polyvinylpyrrolidone and 0.1% 2-mercaptoethanol were added to the buffer prior to use.
  • Early studies by Cooke showed that ethanol in concentrations of 1% to 20% did not stimulate gastric acid secretion.
  • The alcohol stream is next distilled, first to give a 95: 5 ethanol: water mix and, if required, redistilled with a water-entraining agent such as benzene or cyclohexane to give anhydrous ethanol. 1 Production and Use
  • They are powered by 700 - horsepower, methanol-burning engines and reach speeds of 170 mph.
  • In his optimism, Sale has even talked about exporting ethanol, at the same time touting Manitoba as a cheap place to grow the grain used to distil ethanol.
  • For instance, consider the difference between ethyl alcohol and methanol.
  • After removal of the methanol of the combined eluates under reduced pressure, the pH of the aqueous fraction was adjusted to 3.0 and partitioned three times against ethyl acetate at pH 3.
  • There are several other USDA decisions on modified crops coming soon, Vilsack said, including on modified sugar beets and corn amylase, which is made to produce ethanol fuel. Breaking News: CBS News
  • The company makes a positive contribution to sustainable environment management and there are plans to start producing ethanol, which will be used in the refining and production of leaded petrol.
  • Nor palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylethanolamine (a lipid bilayer found in nerve tissue). The Sun
  • Ingredients: Deionized Water, Glycerin, Butanediol, Cactus Extract, Hamamelis Extract, Melarrest L, HA, Allantoin, Phenoxyethanol, PEG-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, EDTA-Disodium Salt, Essence.
  • To fill the channels with the aqueous buffer solution, the hydrophobic surface of PDMS was wetted with ethanol, which was gradually replaced by water.
  • Methods:In 53 patients, the embolization was achieved with the gelatin sponge, thread segment, NT CRE, self blood coagulum or absolute ethanol.
  • Glyphosate is mainly produced from two kinds of glycine and IDA; other raw materials include glycine, dimethyl phosphite, paraformaldehyde, iminodiacetic acetonitrile, diethanolamine, phosphorous acid, liquid caustic soda, sulfuric acid, hydrogen peroxide, and hydrochloric acid. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • E. coli SSADH was purified and crystallised in the presence of the reducing agent β-mercaptoethanol, and accordingly, the structure we report most closely resembles the active form of human SSADH (2w8o) and superposes with a root-mean-square deviation of 0.79 Å over 472 Cα (2w8o and Monomer A, PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • From "field-to-wheel" the emissions of Dacia Logan MCV 16v 105 Bioethanol amount to 116g CO2/km. Autoblog Green
  • It offers huge subsidies for the production of ethanol from corn. Times, Sunday Times
  • This means that most petrol sold on forecourts around the country will be a blend with at least 5 per cent ethanol. Times, Sunday Times
  • I recently discovered that I have an allergy to alcohols, including ethanol.
  • Therefore, it was concluded that the use of butanol instead of chloroform/methanol may decrease the oligomerization of SP-B.
  • In the report, the researchers tested the nanosensors on five different chemical odorants, including methanol and dinitrotoluene, or DNT, a common chemical that is also frequently a component of military-grade explosives. DNA Coating Creates Tiny, Highly Sensitive Sensors | Impact Lab
  • Unlike conventional ethanol, bioethanol is made not from grain, but from cellulosic biomass, such as wheat straw, sugar cane bagasse, and corn stovers and stalks left over after harvesting.
  • Now in a double twist of fate, as demand for ethanol drives corn prices to record levels, Mexicans are left with no farmers to grow corn and high priced corn from the US as their only (unfordable) choice. Food Sovereignty or Food Dependence?
  • Corn-based ethanol is economically inefficient and the US does not have the climate, or many climatic areas, where sugar cane can can be grown cheaply and efficiently enough to provide sugar cane-based ethanol, which is seven times more efficient than corn-based. Bush Slanders Freedom « Blog
  • While methanol is a naturally occurring chemical found in tomato juice, formaldehyde is a poison used to kill fire ants and to preserve dissected specimens in biology lab.
  • Approximately two shot glasses of ethanol could yield enough hydrogen to generate 350 watt-hours of electricity, enough to power half a dozen 60-watt lightbulbs for an hour.
  • From ethanol to wind power to hydrogen fuel cells, interest in bioenergy continues to grow.
  • Dennis Buckmaster, in foreground, and research assistant Bart Coffman found that shredding corn plant residue, know as stover, rather than chopping, may provide easier access to the cellulosic matter used to produce ethanol. Home
  • In this stage pyroligneous liquids in the form of methanol and acetic acids are expelled and a small amount of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide is emitted (Fernandes, 1991). Chapter 5
  • The coefficient of performance (COP) of adsorption refrigeration cycle using activated carbon-methanol pair has been studied experimentally and theoretically in this paper.
  • This might one day lead to mass-production of lycopene from ethanol coproducts, rather than by extracting and purifying it from tomatoes.
  • To suppress the effects of iron and manganese, 5 ml of triethanolamine were added.
  • An electronic device that claims to allow petrol cars to run on 100% bioethanol could speed the introduction of biofuels on forecourts.
  • This includes a cartridge containing methanol that is diluted to a 20 percent to 30 percent concentration to produce power in the fuel cell.
  • Australian firm, Marinova has for several years been working in the area of seaweed fucoidan extraction and it previously claimed to be the only company to have developed a coldwater, ethanol-free process to extract fucoidans, which unlike ethanol based extraction does not degrade the product. NutraIngredients RSS
  • Maybe someone should squawk about the availability of ethanol fuel.
  • Biofuel from Corn Ethanol Is Not Renewable, Does Not Address Climate Change Electric cars labelled 'overhype' at Shanghai Auto Show EcoEarth.Info Environment RSS Newsfeed
  • The methanol extract was evaporated and partitioned with n-hexane, benzene, trichloromethane, ethyl acetate and n-butanol, consecutively.
  • Spent grain, yeast, ethanol, and acids and caustics used for cleaning are all sent out to be used for feed for cattle or reprocessed and reused industrially.
  • Fluorescence quantum yields were determined relative to cresyl violet in methanol.
  • Others look out of place at a competition, like the stodgy 1994 Buick Regal station wagon retrofitted to run on a mix of hydrogen and corn alcohol, or ethanol.
  • More's the pity, then, that potentially toxic irritants like polybutene, cyclopentasiloxane, and phenoxyethanol rear their heads in the ingredients list. TreeHugger
  • All colonies were composed of bacilliform cells and showed the ability to utilize methanol as a sole carbon source.
  • We purify the oil through a chemical process that uses methanol and sodium methylate to strip the glycerin out of the oil," Baker said. PHOTOS: From Yankee Stadium French Fries To Biofuel
  • Figure 6.29: Gasoline ethanol (kpa/% v/v), 2008 114 The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • The eluent was 20 mM sodium acetate / 10 mM citric acid buffer containing 10% methanol.
  • Methanol is great because it ups the alcohol content and also adds a subtle flavour detectable only by the distinguished palate.
  • Jackson said existing bio-ethanol resulted in a 16% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Alcoholic beverages with low ethanol content stimulate gastric acid secretion by additional mechanisms.
  • Ethanol was then replaced with amyl acetate in preparation for critical point drying with liquid carbon dioxide.
  • Weight reduction, purine restriction, and cessation of ethanol use should be accomplished.
  • So, motorists hoping that the use of ethanol in petrol will cut their fuel bills are set to be disappointed.
  • I thought you mixed this bioethanol with petrol? The Sun
  • When you mix ten parts oil with one part of methanol and a pinch of lye (the catalyst), the mixture settles out into about ten parts biodiesel and one part glycerine.
  • But since the early 1920s, the oil companies have been blocking ethanol use - while using toxic substance like lead, benzene, toluene and xylene.
  • The fuel cell also needs moisture in the electrolyte as well as water at the anode to control the supply of methanol.
  • At the moment the main players are biodiesel and bioethanol. The Sun

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