How To Use Eternal city In A Sentence
The Blue half of the Eternal City reverberates to a different beat when the Argentinian plays.
Former U.S. poet laureate Kay Ryan ("The Best of It") and prize-winning poet-translator Anne Carson ("Nox") were poetry finalists, along with Kathleen Graber's "The Eternal City," Terrance Hayes'"Lighthead" and C.D.
Nominees Revealed For Prestigious Book Awards
The year 2000 was a jubilee year for the Eternal City.
The eternal city is eternally visitable, so don't go at it like there's no tomorrow.
The name of the new Jersualem is a promise that we really will enjoy life in God's eternal city someday.

They are striking symbols of the changeless eternal city.
The august destiny of his own eternal city [observe -- '_eternal_,' not in virtue of history, but of prophecy, not upon the retrospect and the analogies of any possible experience, but by the necessity of an aboriginal doom], a city that was to be the centre of an empire whose circumference is everywhere, did not depend for any part of its majesty upon the meanness of its enemies; on the contrary, in the very grandeur of those enemies lay, by a rebound of the feelings inevitable to a Roman mind, the paramount grandeur of that awful Republic which had swallowed them all up.
The Posthumous Works of Thomas De Quincey, Vol. 2
Rome, Italy (CNN) -- A new tax on tourists to the Eternal City is causing controversy, with hotels expressing fears it could hurt their business and scare tourists away.
After occupying Naples, Clark demanded more intelligence on the Eternal City, the next prize he lusted.
Wild Bill Donovan
Out in the hills beyond the Eternal City, the car was delightful to drive, coping competently with small country roads and fast autostrada alike.
And if he gets his way, then there would be another occasion for textual frotteurism and iconographical link-orgy: a sculptural band of friezes in which we see the wannabe urban planner in the guise of the Angel of Modernism β Meier Dux, the liberator of the Eternal City from its own ancientness.
Sewer Zeppelins for the Era of Infrastructural Anarchy & Other Roman Tales
Rome has been called the Eternal City.
The inscription above the arch, "To a happy and prosperous entrance," seemed a mockery in the old douanier days, when delays and extortions vexed the soul of the visitor, and produced a mood anything but favourable to the enjoyment of the Eternal City.
Roman Mosaics Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood
Eternal city of love and faith, of Venus and the Vatican, of sacrament and sacrilege.
After the departure of Totila, the Roman general sallied from the port at the head of a thousand horse, cut in pieces the enemy who opposed his progress, and visited with pity and reverence the vacant space of the eternal city.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Those dreading urbanization should remember that though the Kingdom of God first appeared in a temporal Garden, at the end of the book it is established in an eternal City. (paraphrase, James M. Boice) soli Deo gloria
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The latter, for instance, will tell you where to find the best pizza in the Eternal City at Baffetto, with the "thinnest, crispiest crust on the planet" and why the Villa Farnesina, with its magnificent frescos, is the best place to see Renaissance paintings "without the crushing crowds of the Vatican.
The Best Inβ¦
It's hard to say what you'll find most breathtaking about the eternal city - the arrogant opulence of the Vatican or the timelessness of the Forum.
Although the Pontiff is the universal leader of more than a billion Catholics, the election reaffirms the intimate link between the Papacy and the eternal city.
He points out that the great streams of visitors to the Eternal City for the various jubilees have had a large impact on the city and its monuments.
And if he gets his way, then there would be another occasion for textual frotteurism and iconographical link-orgy: a sculptural band of friezes in which we see the wannabe urban planner in the guise of the Angel of Modernism β Meier Dux, the liberator of the Eternal City from its own ancientness.
Sewer Zeppelins for the Era of Infrastructural Anarchy & Other Roman Tales
Napoleon III's defeat at the battle of Sedan finally made it possible for Italian bersaglieri to enter the Eternal City on 20 September 1870.
Former U.S. poet laureate Kay Ryan ("The Best of It") and prize-winning poet-translator Anne Carson ("Nox") were poetry finalists, along with Kathleen Graber's "The Eternal City," Terrance Hayes' "Lighthead" and C.D.
Nominees Revealed For Prestigious Book Awards
Xi'an , The Civilization City, The Eternal City, Humanity in harmony with nature, The World style.