
How To Use Etd In A Sentence

  • I never managed to get a copy of the book with the violet cover, though on one visit to the Soviet Union I did manage to find a collection of Nezhmetdinov's best games.
  • Anything less would be another big letdown. Times, Sunday Times
  • Brother-in-law Nero and ex-colleague Brig Gen (retd) Saber Ahmed identified the body of the BDR deputy director general, Brig Gen Bari. Trial of killers will be fast-tracked
  • Filter views, custom pane set-ups, and options galore help you keep your TweetDeck experience in check - although the reams of options would likely daunt new users just looking for a way to tweet and read updates. Archive 2010-02-01
  • '' We had that letdown, we didn't get that (second-half) field goal and it kind of deflated us, '' said Kitna, who took over for Palmer and spent most of his time scrambling. - Scores
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  • The only slight letdown is the front seats. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a huge letdown. Times, Sunday Times
  • The process is known as "wind setdown," which is defined as a drop in water level caused by wind stress acting on the surface of a body of water for an extended period of time. Parting The Red Sea: The Scientific Explanation (VIDEO)
  • The slowdown in growth in VAT receipts is perhaps the biggest letdown, particularly given the apparent strength of the consumer. Times, Sunday Times
  • The biggest letdown, though, has probably been the soggy weather. Times, Sunday Times
  • One cannot ignore the similarities between the Savoy attack and the resent Mumbai attack," says Colonel (retd) Jonathan Fighel of the International Policy Centre for Counter-Terror, Israel. The model for the Bombay attacks?
  • Former Fata secretary Brig (retd) Mehmud Shah is of the view these are testing times for political as well as military leaders, who are expected to defend Pakistan against Western-Israeli aims to destabilize and denuclearize Pakistan. Cornering the Nuclear-Pawed Cat
  • Within months came the 'excuse' of nine-eleven which has been the single means to 'justify' such extenuated ends that must surely be the wetdreams of any Texas oilman since 1950. Straight from the top (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • UpdateCommand = "UPDATE prospects SET salespn = @salespn, class = @class, updated = GetDate (), company = @company, contact = @contact, title = @title, street = @street, city = @city, state ASP.NET Forums
  • Anything less would be another big letdown. Times, Sunday Times
  • He had the distinct feeling that he was being dealt a sharp setdown. Slightly Dangerous
  • U detdte INK of jiNir gotro to ralue bknelf opoa, tbat wilhsittiiig still aa bowr in bis stucfy, be bas often made tfaiee kingdoms drank at once. The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift...
  • Netdish has developed an innovative telematic system for data management and transmission between fishing vessels and ichthyic markets.
  • So far the delay has been an hour and a half, but the posted ETD is clearly a lie, since the plane that's taking us out hasn't arrived yet. Archive 2007-04-22
  • The only letdown is in the end, where her grief over her sister Malu's and Shyam's separate suicides are tied in rather too patly.
  • Then copy from the page subdirectory one of your page*. dat files that is the problem case back up to the TARGETDIR so all of the pieces are in the same place. Random($foo)
  • And so to not do it was a huge letdown. Times, Sunday Times
  • Waking up and realising it is Monday was the second biggest letdown. The Sun
  • The power pulses on and off, in cool white corridors with bassy noises, as if from a streetdance movie. Times, Sunday Times
  • Under the general theme Unlocking Scholarly Access: ETDs, Institional Repositories and Creators, ETD 2006 is organized around three sub-themes: open access / open source, intellectual property and institutional repositories and ETDs. Archive 2006-01-22
  • Just one slight letdown - she didn't vote for him. Times, Sunday Times
  • I know the MSM’s collective yawn is kind of a letdown. Think Progress » A bad time to be a senior administration official.
  • Their taste turned out to be a big letdown. Times, Sunday Times
  • I think they will see it as a huge letdown. Times, Sunday Times
  • As grief-stricken parents, they had been a letdown. Times, Sunday Times
  • The only big letdown is the art. Times, Sunday Times
  • From letdown to touchdown, settling the airplane on the runway is a true art.
  • Amongst the designs discussed are the incredible barcoded cow of Food, Inc. and the flat out ridiculous ones for StreetDance 3D and Savages Crossing. Savage Cows in 3D, I Love You
  • Phall if you but will, rise you must: and none so soon either shall the pharce for the nunce come to a setdown secular phoenish. Finnegans Wake
  • Because he is honest and told the truth …. this toerag would never have been so honest – he pleaded not guilty and went to trial …. on July 27, 2009 at 9: 16 pm RocketDodger Police Use Naughty Word *SHOCK* « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • /* metadata. h * /const std:: string& DatabaseMetaData:: getDatabaseProductName (); std:: string DatabaseMetaData:: getDatabaseProductVersion (); const std:: string& DatabaseMetaData:: getDriverName (); const std:: string& DatabaseMetaData:: getDriverVersion (); Latest Developer Updates from MySQL AB
  • Speaking at a ceremony for the launching of the second edition of the Jinnah Anthology in Karachi, Air Marshal (retd) Asghar Khan said: “India has not been hostile towards Pakistan unless provoked or until we created such conditions, as we did in 1971 in East Pakistan, for India to interfere militarily”. OpEdNews - Diary: OEN Is Really Changing The World
  • After all this hype, some fear that the film itself will prove a letdown, although this no longer seems to matter. Times, Sunday Times
  • My meal at the first-floor restaurant is a letdown. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a huge letdown. Times, Sunday Times
  • (retd) Manmohan Singh Liberhan on Monday said he was not a "characterless" person who would hand it over to the media. The Hindu - Front Page
  • • Green frothy poop: In breastfed babies, green frothy poop signals overactive letdown or a foremilk/hindmilk imbalance. Baby Bites
  • Sadly, it was a big letdown. The Sun
  • The biggest letdown, though, has probably been the soggy weather. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was just this past Sunday when the world witnessed one of the wobbliest hours of Fox's golden child, the post-Super Bowl letdown featuring a dazzling "Thriller"-"Heads Will Roll" mashup, a more malicious Sue than we ever needed, and very little else. Watercooler: Has Glee Redeemed Itself?
  • Before I start to answer some of your questions, or charges/insults, I am going to attempt a little clarification of what I meant by my education leading me to doubt that there is any one particularly setdown, tried and true, “scientific method”. Creation Scientist Challenges Intelligent Design - The Panda's Thumb
  • He found himself completely unable to suppress a sense of disappointment, of letdown.
  • After this slam-bang production, the next is sure to be a huge letdown.
  • On your home computer, typing fires up an ssh session over to and concatenates the file called secretdata in your remote home directory.
  • This is a real letdown after the band's wonderful debut. Times, Sunday Times
  • The only slight letdown is the menu at the hotel's main restaurant. Times, Sunday Times
  • WorldNetDaily: Air Force colonel reports lights 'not of this world': In the wake of reports of unidentified objects flying over Chicago's O'Hare Airport, a retired Air Force pilot has his own mystery with a rash of bright, colorful lights he photographed hovering in skies over western Arkansas last week. Archive 2007-01-14
  • Most radio folk have beautiful, sonorous voices that make actually seeing them quite a letdown.
  • I manage the number of people I follow with Groups on TweetDeck so I follow certain feeds of people I am connected with. What You Can Learn From "All A Twitter" by Tee Morris | The Creative Penn
  • The weakest element is the soundtrack - rhythmic rattles and plops, clonks, clicks and plonks, with vague background song - rather a letdown.
  • But anything less than one gold will be a big letdown. The Sun
  • June has been a big wet letdown so far. Times, Sunday Times
  • UpdateCommand = "UPDATE prospects SET salespn = @salespn, class = @class, updated = GetDate (), company = @company, contact = @contact, title = @title, street = @street, city = @city, state ASP.NET Forums
  • Their taste turned out to be a big letdown. Times, Sunday Times
  • And the climax is a huge letdown, lacking the lift-off we need to take the story and its characters to heart. Times, Sunday Times
  • A letdown was to be expected after the intense activities of high holy days.
  • The finish was a letdown and it's totally counterproductive to put Shawn over ANYONE at this point, but Shawn adjusted his style and put forth a much more solid, non-garbagy effort than he did with HHH. Scott's Blog of Doom
  • A secret US document, marked as releasable to the Government of Pakistan, has linked former Inter-Services Intelligence chief Lt-Gen (retd) Hamid Gul to the Taliban and al-Qaeda networks. Letter incriminates gul
  • Apparently the saddo had the intercoms printed AND DNAd!!! on March 3, 2010 at 2: 28 am RocketDodger I’m Here For An Argument. No You’re Not! Yes I am! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • The only slight letdown is the menu at the hotel's main restaurant. Times, Sunday Times
  • THIS is going to be the biggest letdown in years. The Sun
  • I think they will see it as a huge letdown. Times, Sunday Times
  • Within months came the 'excuse' of nine-eleven which has been the single means to 'justify' such extenuated ends that must surely be the wetdreams of any Texas oilman since 1950. Straight from the top (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • One was left to conclude that Moyes was still furious after seeing Diniyar Bilyaletdinov harshly sent off five minutes after coming on, a decision which effectively ended the match just as Everton were building up a head of steam in their effort to equalise. Roy Hodgson praises scouting head after West Brom defeat of Everton
  • I have a column in Tweetdeck to follow them: -) 21: 30: 06 Cary Harrod: cary. harrod EdTechTalk
  • The author's exhortatory enthusiasm must work splendidly at a streetdesign convention, but at book length it's rather tiring. Times, Sunday Times
  • But anything less than one gold will be a big letdown. The Sun
  • Sadly, it was a big letdown. The Sun
  • The revelation of the big secret is a bit of a letdown.
  • However guitar aficionados might consider the remixes a bit of a letdown after all the nimble plucking, strumming and fingering which precedes them.
  • Now it had become a reality in a queer way, but what a letdown it was, dreaming of the celestial and getting the terrestrial.
  • You kissed Minerva, and she gave you a setdown to blister your ears. How to Woo a Reluctant Lady
  • Amarnath Yatra Sangarsh Samiti convenor, Brig. (retd) Suchet Singh has also strongly condemned the police action against the displaced Pandits who were protesting at Muthi and demanding the simplification of voting procedure for migrants. Police lathi-charged protesting Kashmiri Pandits migrants in Jammu
  • For example, if you put the backup and restore scripts in a folder called h: \backup and your run the backup script, it will create a folder called h: \backup\tweedeckbackup and copy into it all your TweetDeck settings. TechLifeWeb
  • The atmosphere is claustrophobic; but the film's final twist is a letdown. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not until we got to the airport 2 hours before, and then just after we've checked in they finally decide that yes, the incoming flight really will be late and then push our ETD back by 90 minutes. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Collectively, our findings implicate dSETDB1 in postembryonic Elites TV
  • UpdateCommand = "UPDATE prospects SET salespn = @salespn, class = @class, updated = GetDate (), company = @company, contact = @contact, title = @title, street = @street, city = @city, state ASP.NET Forums
  • June has been a big wet letdown so far. Times, Sunday Times
  • REPLACE (convert (varchar (8), getdate () ,112) +'_'+convert (varchar (8), getdate () ,114), ':', '') + '. sql Articles
  • It will be an evening celebrating the passion and dedication of those who dance in the borough, whether it be for ballroom or ballet, streetdance or salsa, tango or tap.
  • The truth of the matter is that he has breached the time scale of his ETD and thinks government may arrest him," government spokesman ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The clinics which have been set up in every district of UP are manned by students of law colleges, retd and serving Judges and advocates. Taking the Law in Their Hands
  • Password = "pwd"; setDBLOGONforREPORT (myConnectionInfo); archu136 ASP.NET Forums
  • The flimsy tonearm is a letdown. Times, Sunday Times
  • The only slight letdown is the front seats. Times, Sunday Times
  • • Green frothy poop: In breastfed babies, green frothy poop signals overactive letdown or a foremilk/hindmilk imbalance. Baby Bites
  • There are also very good reasons for believing that the House of Lords and ECJ will continue to uphold in the question of access to goods and services or employment, the principles contained in the Equal Treatment Directive 2004/113 ETD 113 will follow the principles of the ETD 76/207. i.e. that a person is recognised as a member of their new gender from the day they transition. Archive 2009-06-01
  • ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException at Sample2. setData (Native Method) at test2. main (test2. java: 7) native data = 123 Exception in thread \ "main\" java. lang. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Their names say everything - dragon fish, devilfish, viper fish, gulper eels, blacktail netdevils, ghost sharks.
  • It must be quite the letdown knowing that the dweeb chose her over you.
  • During card insertion, orinoco_cs, like legacy network device drivers, invokes register_netdev to get an ethX network interface name assigned to the WLAN interface.
  • Just one slight letdown - she didn't vote for him. Times, Sunday Times
  • We will suspend shipping service for etd 10.13, and after National day ...
  • The weakest element is the soundtrack - rhythmic rattles and plops, clonks, clicks and plonks, with vague background song - rather a letdown.
  • THIS is going to be the biggest letdown in years. The Sun
  • After all this hype, some fear that the film itself will prove a letdown, although this no longer seems to matter. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tsvangirai has not had a passport for months and must seek an emergency travel document (ETD) each time he leaves the country. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Metd recently began collaborating with Duke University (Durham, NC) to develop miniaturized ultrasound devices.
  • Waking up and realising it is Monday was the second biggest letdown. The Sun
  • Expressing my love of sports, I sent this note to the Bronx with the hopes that a kid from the West Brighton Projects on Staten Island might actually be picked as a batboy for the best team in town; only to have my heart broken when the response came in the form of a neatly typed letdown. One Season
  • Vision . Technology . Innovation, ETD Drives dedicates to Initiate Brand-new Value ForCustomer.
  • The flimsy tonearm is a letdown. Times, Sunday Times
  • The only big letdown is the art. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unfortunately, it was something of a letdown, mainly related to video performance and DVD playback.
  • The slowdown in growth in VAT receipts is perhaps the biggest letdown, particularly given the apparent strength of the consumer. Times, Sunday Times
  • And the climax is a huge letdown, lacking the lift-off we need to take the story and its characters to heart. Times, Sunday Times
  • To compare the influence and reach of Fox News & WorldNetDaily to that of the broadcast networks and major dailies is ludicrous. Waldo Jaquith - A letter from Mike Stark.
  • Mr. Jobs cited the example of TweetDeck, a program used by people to access Twitter, to argue that Android fragmentation is a problem for app developers. Tech Rivals Wage War of Words
  • The traces of these days of raid and foray are to be found in abundance all over Coquetdale, as indeed all over Northumberland, in pele-tower and barmkyn, fortified dwelling and bastle house. Northumberland Yesterday and To-day
  • The popular multicolumn Twitter client TweetDeck got some serious competition last night, when Twhirl publisher Seesmic launched Seesmic Desktop, a direct competitor. Internet News: April 2009 Archives
  • Such slavish acceptance of Santa as fact may well be happily entertaining for parents, but a build-up of dangerously pure faith brings with it the threat of a crushing letdown when that heart - warming belief is shattered.
  • I can get around this by defining a body class and calling it, but would like to understand why it is behaving the way it is. getDB (); if (($calculate-validateUser ($userName, $password) = = "FALSE") or ($calculate - abduraooft
  • It now boasts the headquarters of Microsoft Business Systems and firms such as PacketDigital, which makes microelectronics for portable electronic devices and systems. Why North Dakota Is Booming
  • When her mother, who is clearly only concerned with her own prosperity, deserts her, it is only the first of a series of betrayals and letdowns.
  • Since they began in the 1990's, electronic theses and dissertations ETDs have been associated with the idea of unlocking access to scholarly publications. ETD 2006
  • « Reply #15 on: September 29, 2008, 10: 36: 34 AM » jaydot - try the "bg", "soft" and "_netdev" options PCLinuxOS-Forums
  • Noted and eminent personalities of national and international level graced the occasion, who included: Commerce Minister Col (retd.) Surer Dhara organized MATTIR TAANEY SURER DHARA
  • CONCLUSION Going with aged, the function is letdown. It is necessary to develop the agedness healing and establish community nurse troop.
  • This is a real letdown after the band's wonderful debut. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tsvangirai, head of the Movement for Democratic Change which won national elections in March, is in Botswana with only an expired emergency travel document (ETD) issued to him last month when he left the country, and he has said he cannot return because he does not have ANC Daily News Briefing
  • DSETDB1 is involved in postembryonic DNA methylation and silencing of Elites TV
  • Fortunately (not at all obvious from the GT Library main page that they have ETDs), my desire to show off our local electronic dissertation (ETD) commitment led me to try that route. George Porter, and the OA Slam Dunk
  • And so to not do it was a huge letdown. Times, Sunday Times
  • This was no fooner agreed on, than Gre; - frory, having intelligence that the kingdom of lre r. and was uiurped by two noblemen, determined to go over and fetde Donach the minor king, who was hiscoufin, jon the throne. A new history of Scotland, from the earliest accounts to the present time

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