How To Use Estuary In A Sentence

  • Onward they sailed along the south bank of the estuary, past the great sea-carved stone arches of “Île Percée” that made it an important seamark. Champlain's Dream
  • There are great views of the Camel estuary from the terrace, where you can eat beautifully simple dishes like lobster risotto with basil and orange. Times, Sunday Times
  • I had taken Jason to the Roseland headland in the Fal estuary by the green-painted East Narrows navigation buoy - due east and one mile from the docks.
  • The rain was steady, and as they rounded a corner alongside the estuary, they saw the fires were beginning to abate. SHADOW OF A DARK QUEEN: BOOK ONE OF THE SERPENTWAR SAGA
  • When I reached the banks of the great estuary, which are here very bare and exposed, the waters had receded from the large and level space of sand, through which a stream, now feeble and fordable, found its way to the ocean. Redgauntlet
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  • The Humber Estuary supports more than 150,000 birds each year including knot, lapwing, golden plover and breeding little terns.
  • What we need is to adopt whole river catchment plans from mountaintop to estuary, instead of the fragmented approach we have at present.
  • In the present case it was common ground that there is a public right of navigation throughout the tidal waters of the estuary.
  • With some notable exceptions, modem developments along the Thames have failed to respond to the scale of the river and wide flat sweep of the estuary landscape.
  • Its most impressive feature, a large round tower or donjon, commands an eastern view of the Dee estuary.
  • To the west lie the Bordeaux lowlands and the Gironde Estuary, to the south the plains of Languedoc, and to the east the Rhône valley.
  • I'm going to paint among the wild flowers of oak woods - primroses, bluebells, anemones and wild garlic, above an estuary as the tide ebbs and flows.
  • Albion Quayside, London, is 5.5 hectares of flood-resilient quayside, park, marina and 850 houses in the Thames Gateway – the U.K.'s biggest regeneration area stretching 40 miles downstream from London along the Thames Estuary. Fighting Back the Waves
  • Hong Kong was just across the Pearl estuary, within clear broadcast range.
  • When I arrived at the Waikare estuary, my whanau were exercising a traditional historical exercise of catching flounder.
  • We'd spent the night on an old trawler bobbing around in the estuary of the river.
  • The Amazon estuary is a dynamic lowland consisting of Holocene (less than 10,000 years old) sediments surrounded by slightly older Tertiary deposits. Marajó varzea
  • The company is also part of a joint venture building a fuel import terminal in the Thames estuary. Times, Sunday Times
  • According to our results, predation on zooplankton appears to continue beyond larval life stages in the Richibucto Estuary.
  • Sweden acquired West Pomerania including Stettin and the Oder Estuary, Wismar in Mecklenburg and the bishoprics of Bremen and Verdun.
  • Picture a remote estuary entrance, a day's travel from anywhere civilised, the tide is deceptive as it rushes in and out of the gulf, shifting the sands into deep spots every day.
  • Their craggy Nab, poised above the Tees estuary, was as proud a landmark as neighbouring Roseberry Topping.
  • The wide estuary of the River Tay on the east coast of Scotland presented a formidable obstacle to transport.
  • Outside you can explore the woodland garden, with its restored vinery and rare plantings, stretching down the hill towards the Dart estuary. 01803 842382, nationaltrust. Hotel review | Fingals, Devon
  • It plays along estuary wetlands and across small ponds. Globe and Mail
  • Its bed and estuary scoured and sunken, was now a canal of sea water and a race of grimy bargemen brought the heavy materials of trade from the Pool thereby beneath the very feet of the workers. When the Sleeper Wakes
  • With $228,664 worth of grants from license-tag funding, the Nature Conservancy, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, organizers from the Marine Discovery Center and Volusia County government are hoping to turn Chicken Island into a kind of showplace for how estuary-restoring efforts work. Undefined
  • Originally fishermen, the Efik were ideally situated near the estuary of the Niger River to take advantage of the bitter competition for slaves. The Serpent and the Rainbow
  • As a last example, suppose a development authority plans to build a barrage across an estuary to increase property values and generate opportunities for marina developments.
  • It rises in Staffordshire and flows northeast 168 mi (270 km) to unite with the Ouse River west of Hull to form the Humber Estuary.
  • If successful, those itty-bitty stalks will fill out to a dense grass -- a prospect my hosts from the estuary program assured me would happen in short order, no problem. Bill Chameides: Working on the Wetlands: One Blade of Grass at a Time
  • he asked, suddenly following the crack in the wall up to the lath estuary. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • Five million years ago, a river estuary covered the area. Times, Sunday Times
  • Estuarine sediments present a particularly challenging problem for anyone attempting to predict the consequences of human modifications to the structure of an estuary.
  • The Thames estuary airport is just such an idea. Times, Sunday Times
  • To be fair, at the end, she unwound a little and started talking a more natural Estuary demotic which was much more appealing.
  • More than 700 people rallied in Hobart on July 15 to save Ralphs Bay in the Derwent estuary from a huge canal and housing development.
  • Local fishing vessels trawling in Waterford Estuary have recently landed some pieces of timber which eventually attracted the attention of archaeologists.
  • Situated on the Tees estuary, the area is already an internationally-famous Ramscar class wetland refuge for birds, waders and wildfowl.
  • The castle's impressive battlements and tree-shaded gardens offer excellent views over the city and the estuary of the Tagus river.
  • The study shows that the situation is still much the same 100 years later, with the estuary being identified as the only abiotic area in 2003.
  • The Dordogne and the Garonne flow north westward, meeting to form the great expanse of the Gironde estuary. A Back-Label Approach
  • She had once thought those lines referred to the river Axe, the sacred river that ran through the subterranean chambers and caverns and stalactites of the Cheddar gorge, but she now saw that the Alph of Xanadu was the Severn, and that the sunless sea was Coleridge's prophetic vision of the pewter post-nuclear wasteland of this estuary, spreading out westwards in the post-nuclear future towards the metallic fish-free Atlantic. Margaret Drabble | Trespassing
  • A barrage has been placed across the river Tawe to create greater tidal movement in the estuary which had been poisoned by the output of the industrial era.
  • The plans also include a bathymetric study of the Moy Estuary and Killala Bay as a means of raising awareness of the effects of agricultural pollution on mariculture and there will be an International conference with the other partners.
  • Finally. an optimum measure to regulate the outside sand bar of Oujiang estuary has been recommended.
  • You can also rent a kayak or canoe and explore the estuary; bring binoculars to spot wading egrets and resident ducks.
  • The characteristic feature of an estuary is its shallowness.
  • Opponents of an estuary airport scheme have long derided such a project on the grounds that it would take decades before it became reality. Times, Sunday Times
  • This may be termed the qaestuary class, this being the end which they aim at.
  • Last year, several bathers suffered severe and painful stings while swimming among the jellyfish in the Mersey estuary.
  • The rain was steady, and as they rounded a corner alongside the estuary, they saw the fires were beginning to abate. SHADOW OF A DARK QUEEN: BOOK ONE OF THE SERPENTWAR SAGA
  • The familiar figure of Selwyn Hopkins sat on the bench under the horse chestnut tree, gazing out over the estuary.
  • The purpose of this study was to examine and identify Brachyuran zoea of the San Francisco Bay Estuary, then to generate a dichotomous key.
  • Natural disturbance and human _ caused disturbance of estuary wetland ecosystem were identified.
  • He'll take a helicopter tour of the thin orange line of protective booms that divides thousands of acres of estuary from the toxic tides. Joseph Cao, the unlikely congressman from New Orleans
  • For more than ten years, UConn animal bioacoustics researcher Peter Scheifele has collected sounds from a threatened group of beluga whales in Canada's St. Lawrence River estuary.
  • It matters to most of us that an estuary airport will destroy internationally important bird habitat. Times, Sunday Times
  • The estuary and Khawr waterway have been combed by helicopters hauling mine detectors on sledges, and by minesweepers and minehunters, while Chatham's helicopter provided air support.
  • This material was available to epibenthic consumers, although it was more diluted with other detrital matter with increasing down-estuary distance.
  • Here was no commonplace, no Oakland Estuary, no weary round of throwing newspapers at front doors, delivering ice, and setting up ninepins. Chapter 6
  • Over a number of weeks a trench was excavated in the river bed on each side of the estuary.
  • These included air access and regional airport ownership surface transport and estuary development.
  • The quaestuary preachers drain the very blood and marrow of the poor simple people.
  • A 24-hour inner Thames estuary airport would avoid both of these constraints. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is no access to the area within the golf course but there is access to a hide beyond the course overlooking the estuary. A Guide to Britain's Conservation Heritage
  • He appears to play the violin surrounded by people who sway like seaweed in an you estuary. Times, Sunday Times
  • Attempts to build an airport in the estuary would face substantial legal blocks. Times, Sunday Times
  • To be fair, at the end, she unwound a little and started talking a more natural Estuary demotic which was much more appealing.
  • The way is signed at every junction, and takes in stunning and quiet roads, as well as an off-road track through a nature reserve and an estuary crossing via chain-ferry at East Cowes. Freewheeling Around Europe
  • Over a number of weeks a trench was excavated in the river bed on each side of the estuary.
  • Perched on a promontory of chalk cliffs overlooking an Atlantic estuary, the tiny fortified fishing village of Talmont-sur-Gironde, around 450 kilometers southwest of Paris, commands a site sufficiently dramatic to impress the most jaded sightseer. Visiting Charm-Guaranteed French Villages
  • Immingham, on the south bank of the estuary, is the seventh biggest general port in Europe and the biggest in Britain in terms of tonnage.
  • It lay very high upon a turfy down, and looking north-eastward before I entered it, I was surprised to see a large estuary, or even creek, where I judged Wandsworth and Battersea must once have been. The Time Machine, by H. G. Wells
  • The scheme involves dredging the main channel of the Medway estuary to provide a storage base for import-export cargoes.
  • Beautiful terraced gardens sloped down towards the wide Conwy estuary, with the sea-going river a sinuous curve of silver between gleaming mud banks.
  • While trolling a Blue Phantom minnow in the tidal water, the Bishop of Stepney hooked a massive fish that dragged his little rowing boat up the Earn, then out again among the shipping of the Tay estuary.
  • He appears to play the violin surrounded by people who sway like seaweed in an you estuary. Times, Sunday Times
  • At first glance the drained muds of the Blyth estuary were dotted with shelduck, redshank, curlew, wigeon, pintail and black headed gulls.
  • Both circled high over the estuary, sharply-pointed wings alternately flapping and gliding as the great birds searched for ducks and waders.
  • London could build two exciting projects, and the artificial estuary airport could feature the tidal generation of substantial green energy. Times, Sunday Times
  • So the hostler cracked his whip, spurred on the lead horse on which he was seated, and the carriage splashed into the estuary.
  • After this, the path follows the southern edge of the estuary.
  • Atholville, New Brunswick, lay underwater in a coastal estuary, a brackish fresh and salt water environment teeming with life.
  • The coastal region of the Humber estuary is low-lying and gradually eroding inland.
  • The scheme involves dredging the main channel of the Medway estuary to provide a storage base for import-export cargoes.
  • In the United States, it is easiest to think of watersheds as the defining bioregional unit - the Hudson Valley, for example, where I live, or the Potomoc estuary, or the Kansas River area.
  • Its most impressive feature, a large round tower or donjon, commands an eastern view of the Dee estuary.
  • She speaks with a slight estuary accent and is fond of ending sentences with 'et cetera'. Times, Sunday Times
  • The government is stalling on the estuary while it tries to find a way through its foreshore and seabed dilemma.
  • Being built on four levels with the ground floor reserved for secure parking, the flats will have panoramic views north across the Forth estuary to Fife.
  • That summer had apparently seen major escapes from the farms in the sea lochs fringing the Clyde estuary, with many hundreds of the things finding their way to the Leven in among the wild stock.
  • Last year, several bathers suffered severe and painful stings while swimming among the jellyfish in the Mersey estuary.
  • The Fal estuary is long and wide, and Falmouth grew along its western side in a straggling way, curving round into docks at the southern end where a headland projects to narrow the mouth.
  • It should go further and back a Thames estuary airport funded from overseas. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was no sound as she paused, glancing across the quay down river towards the broad estuary. HIDING FROM THE LIGHT
  • In the present article, we use high-resolution chemical and radiochemical data as the basis for a numerical simulation of sediment accumulation, bioturbation, and episodic deposition or erosion in a dynamic estuary.
  • It should commit to an estuary airport. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Helford river estuary has a rocky foreshore of granite and shale extending as reef outcrops into the estuary.
  • Amazingly, a lot of fishermen don't seem to realize cunjevoi grows on estuary racks and is very easy to collect.
  • Writers invariably describe the flat estuary land as ‘melancholic ‘, but that's because writers bring their melancholia with them.
  • The silt from the estuary had suddenly given way to the deep blue of the sea. Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio - Prose
  • An estuary is a partly enclosed coastal body of water with one or more rivers or streams flowing into it. Steve Poses: On the Road: Farm Stands of the Hudson River Valley, NY
  • Ocean steamships passed up and down the estuary, and lofty-masted ships, towed by red-stacked tugs. CHAPTER XV
  • He was happiest at home, with his children, and later alone on his little old clinker-built boat, the Curlew, sailing the muddy waters of the Thames estuary. In the Frame
  • Though I still think I speak the usual form of estuary English (wotcha, innit, orlright, no wot I'm sayin mate) increasingly people tell me I've got a German accent. Grammatically incorrect
  • Rare plants that occur or that have occurred here include heart leaf plantain, estuary beggar ticks, golden club, ovate spikerush, Parker's pipewort, Nuttall's micranthemum, Eaton's burmarigold, false pimpernel, winged monkey flower and swamp lousewort. Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve, New York
  • Newry and Mourne Council are providing necessary navigation buoys in the Clanrye River estuary from Narrow Water to the Victoria.
  • Common sense says an estuary airport. Times, Sunday Times
  • At low tide in the estuary, cows graze on the marshes.
  • As the lights go down, she asks us in her estuary accent if we had a good day at work. Times, Sunday Times
  • A lovely feature of the garden is the showing of the River Shannon and its basin and estuary by flowing water, symbolic of peace and tranquillity.
  • The birds, wanderers from Iceland and even Greenland, were attracted to the beaches and denes, to Breydon estuary wall and saltings and to the surrounding marshes inland as far as the Halvergate / Stracey Arms marsh road.
  • Dusk was gently closing in and the mist rolling up from the Ribble estuary as we parked the car and set off along the tow path.
  • The lough is an estuary, thus salty, so keeping the head out of the water is more of an issue than when at the pool.
  • So he seizes a towline and starts pulling them across the estuary to their dock, a half-mile away.
  • The new constituency would stretch from Port Isaac bay in Cornwall to Bideford bar, a sandbank in the Taw-Torridge estuary in Devon. Cornwall-Devon boundary may change
  • They have not been able to populate fast-flowing rivers and open estuary areas, but lakes and loughs are a huge target for them.
  • While 20 species occur regularly along the sand flats and mud flats of the estuary, four species, the willet, dowitcher, western sandpiper and marbled godwit, account for a large part of the bird population throughout the year. Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve, California
  • In the Duala headdresses, the animal is an antelope, perhaps the African water chevrotain that was once common in the Delta and the Wouri estuary.
  • The estuary and Khawr waterway have been combed by helicopters hauling mine detectors on sledges, and by minesweepers and minehunters, while Chatham's helicopter provided air support.
  • They feed in winter on estuary shores and in farmland fields. Times, Sunday Times
  • The resulting estuary is one of the planet's greatest fish incubators, providing a stream of prey that flows into the Gulf where it attracts legions of hungry predators. VENICE: Delta Force Fishing
  • So strong is the barrier which these sea-borne sands oppose to the river-borne ooze, that as soon as a seabank is built -- as the projectors of the 'Victoria County' have built them -- across any part of the estuary, the mud caught by it soon 'warps' the space within into firm and rich dry land. Prose Idylls, New and Old
  • The ship has touched bottom, the estuary must be shallower than we thought.
  • A barrier dam across the entire estuary at one or another point in the freshwater section could prevent such penetration, but would be hugely expensive and undoubtedly more obtrusive on a much-used part of the riverscape than most upstream reservoirs could possibly be. The Nation's River A report on the Potomac from the U.S. Department of the Interior
  • Top floor flats are single-storey penthouses, with fully glazed walls opening on to terraces that offer views across Liverpool, the Mersey estuary and the distant Welsh mountains.
  • As a result we have been able, over the years, to create a pristine reserve area of the beautiful estuary and surrounds, with which we have been blessed.
  • he asked, suddenly following the crack in the wall up to the lath estuary. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • We could imagine the plaintive call of curlews just back from some salty estuary and the solitary piping of a dunlin, seemingly lost in all that bogland waste. Country diary: Langsett, Peak District
  • The Chesapeake Bay is the largest estuary in United States and its drainage basin includes parts of six states and Washington, DC.
  • That is the broad river near its urban estuary. Times, Sunday Times
  • You can fish from shore anywhere in estuary or the beach with fresh shrimp. Hey guys im back, i just graduated boot camp,im headed to pensacola fl.
  • Passing an oil rig and numerous naval vessels, we moored alongside a jetty on the estuary leading up to the town.
  • There is no access to the area within the golf course but there is access to a hide beyond the course overlooking the estuary. A Guide to Britain's Conservation Heritage
  • While the warmer-water percid and cyprinid species are restricted to the southwest and unlikely to extend their range to the north (unless moved by humans) because of dispersal barriers [18], the euryhaline salmonids are able to move from estuary to estuary as conditions allow. Climate change effects on arctic freshwater fish populations
  • They have issued a five-point plan for managing rivers from source to estuary in an integrated and sustainable way.
  • Its boathouse on the riverbank had a grandstand view of rolling hills dropping into the estuary. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ahead, the two low lines of the estuary converged and were lost in the distance in a mist.
  • The estuary has a sense of history and heritage.
  • As a last example, suppose a development authority plans to build a barrage across an estuary to increase property values and generate opportunities for marina developments.
  • Mud crab exoskeletal remains were abundant in the scat of river otter of the upper Parker River estuary.
  • From the village of Jevington climb steeply over the downs then descend to Alfriston, from where you climb again before turning south at Bostal Hill down to the Cuckmere Estuary.
  • The Dee Estuary, the Wirral peninsula and the Welsh borderlands are all within easy access.
  • Bishop G. F. Browne, the then Bishop of Stepney, was trolling a blue phantom minnow at the top of the Tay estuary near the mouth of the Earn, hoping to intercept a running fish on the incoming tide.
  • Arriving at an estuary at low water allows the opportunity to recce the channels carved in the mud by the freshwater runoff, so a bait dropped into these channels when the flounder begin to run up with the tide is very likely to find the fish.
  • The river opens up suddenly into a broad estuary.
  • A frigate churned majestically through the Humber yesterday, an eerie spirit from the days of Nelson and Hornblower that cut through the grey fog veiling the sunrise over the estuary.
  • A fractured pipe at a steelworks has leaked 20 tons of oil into the Severn estuary.
  • The maximum-width pitch seemed to disorientate Gloucester and the stiff breeze blowing up the Exe estuary will fool many visiting kickers, the stadium having already earned the nickname "Windy Park". Exeter prepare for Welford Road after riding wind against Gloucester
  • We were fortunate when visiting the Suffolk Blyth estuary in May: the first mudbanks were just appearing, and a host of wading birds soon put in an appearance, among them 10 spotted redshank.
  • The Medway estuary is recognized internationally as a conservation area.
  • A line was drawn from Chester down to the Severn estuary, roughly following the English border, but the principality had vanished into the Irish Sea.
  • As the only British label mate of Ryan Adams and Lucinda Williams, Topley has long since traded traces of Thames Estuary for Delta blues and a wash of the Caribbean.
  • I love writing with a view of the tidal estuary. Times, Sunday Times
  • The upper estuary has a single main channel that meanders through extensive fresh and salt marshes.
  • Behind him a crack had worked its way up the wall and finished in an estuary of lath at the ceiling. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • Gordon, and that if he is compelled to observe a weekly (not a daily) close time, he will lose that proportion of his rent; another observes the weekly close time, and opens a passage for the fish, but places a crocodile, painted in very glaring colours, in the gap to frighten them back again; another says he observes the weekly close time in his cruive fishing, but no one is allowed to inspect the cruives; another sends men to break down the stake nets in the estuary, which reach from high to low water-mark, and at the same time stretches a net completely across the river from Essays in Natural History and Agriculture
  • The remains of the boat have been submerged in a sandbank in the Princes Channel area of the estuary, 15 miles from Shoebury, since the 1570s.
  • I love writing with a view of the tidal estuary. Times, Sunday Times
  • His sons are still little boys, and he takes them out in a boat on the estuary.
  • All apartments are on the upper three floors, giving uninterrupted views from the window walls across the Forth estuary to Fife.
  • It rises in Staffordshire and flows northeast 168 mi (270 km) to unite with the Ouse River west of Hull to form the Humber Estuary.
  • It enables them to see quite a distance down the river to the beginning of the estuary.
  • Periods of decreased river flow enlarge the proportion of the estuary habitat favored by stenohaline organisms preferring highly saline conditions.
  • In 1567, it was found necessary to prohibit quaestuary, or venal indulgences.
  • The rain was steady, and as they rounded a corner alongside the estuary, they saw the fires were beginning to abate. SHADOW OF A DARK QUEEN: BOOK ONE OF THE SERPENTWAR SAGA
  • The fast tides and coloured waters of the Severn Estuary pull cod in like bargain hunters to the sales.
  • In 1855, HBC Chief Factor James Anderson and Chief Trader James Stewart approached from the south, via the estuary of the Great Fish River [now the Back River], in two birchbark canoes.
  • There are good seafood restaurants and pleasant walks here around the estuary and down to the sea. Times, Sunday Times
  • Print Liverpool Coastguard in more Ribble estuary cockler rescues Further rescues of cocklers have been carried out on the Ribble Estuary - the 26th in two months. BBC News - Home
  • It sits right on the Necanicum Estuary, which in itself yields some amazing nature moments, when one kind of beastie or another wanders by. Oregon Coast Travel, Tourism, Science, Entertainment News - Breaking News from the Oregon Coast
  • It lay very high upon a turfy down, and looking north-eastward I entered it, I was surprised to see a large estuary, or even creek, where I judged Wandsworth and Battersea must once have been.
  • Scientists believe it ran aground on the estuary's treacherous sandbanks and capsized with 50 or 60 hands on deck.
  • 'Welcome, O friend Fergus,' said Cuchulainn; 'if a fish comes into the estuary, you shall have it with half of another; if a flock comes into the plain, you shall have a duck with half of another; a spray of cress or seaweed, a spray of marshwort; a drink from the sand; you shall have a going to the ford to meet a man, if it should happen to be your watch, till you have slept.' Táin Bó Cúalnge. English
  • Playa del Rey and the Huichol sacred island lie across an estuary from the customs house. Nayarit: San Blas, Tepic and in between
  • That is the broad river near its urban estuary. Times, Sunday Times
  • A few freshwater fishes may occur in the least saline parts of the estuary (for example garpike, ropefishes and cichlids).
  • It is planning to withdraw the pilots' authorisation to navigate vessels in the estuary on January 27 when their working contracts run out.
  • We moored in the estuary, waiting for high tide.
  • Two as yet undated alignments of timber posts found near Brancaster could be Anglo-Saxon fish-traps, similar to examples found in the Blackwater estuary in Essex.
  • The town itself, the capital of a small rajahship governed by an Englishman, lies some twenty miles up a river, in the estuary of which we are anchored. In Eastern Seas Or, the Commission of H.M.S. 'Iron Duke,' flag-ship in China, 1878-83
  • Mud crab exoskeletal remains were abundant in the scat of river otter of the upper Parker River estuary.
  • I'm going to paint among the wild flowers of oak woods - primroses, bluebells, anemones and wild garlic, above an estuary as the tide ebbs and flows.
  • We could imagine the plaintive call of curlews just back from some salty estuary and the solitary piping of a dunlin, seemingly lost in all that bogland waste. Country diary: Langsett, Peak District
  • Almost all (90%) of the former tidelands around the edges of the Coos estuary have been diked or filled to accommodate transportation routes and to create flat land for building and agriculture. South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve, Oregon
  • Observations were made on 25 dates from 19 February 2000 to 21 October 2001 on Cat Island, South Carolina, USA, in a smooth cordgrass marsh adjacent to the Beaufort River, an Atlantic coast saltwater estuary.
  • He appears to play the violin surrounded by people who sway like seaweed in an you estuary. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its boathouse on the riverbank had a grandstand view of rolling hills dropping into the estuary. Times, Sunday Times
  • All are clad crisply in pre-oxidized copper panels, which are brawn, more than green, though this will change somewhat after winter gales spray the tower with the brackish water of the estuary.
  • Soil eroded from newly developed housing sites and washed into the estuary to accumulate there without benefit of filtering by impacted wetlands.
  • In the Wash oystercatchers are innocent victims of the collapse of the estuary's cockle fishery.
  • Transient species that move in and out of the estuary include spot, pinfish, menhaden, flounder, white and striped mullet, and red drum (the official mascot of the North Inlet-Winyah Bay Reserve). North Inlet-Winyah Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, South Carolina
  • Rare plants that occur or that have occurred here include heart leaf plantain, estuary beggar ticks, golden club, ovate spikerush, Parker's pipewort, Nuttall's micranthemum, Eaton's burmarigold, false pimpernel, winged monkey flower and swamp lousewort. Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve, New York
  • Small perch caught near the upstream edge of the salinity wedge in Richibucto Estuary had more copepods in their stomachs than larger perch caught further downriver.
  • While 20 species occur regularly along the sand flats and mud flats of the estuary, four species, the willet, dowitcher, western sandpiper and marbled godwit, account for a large part of the bird population throughout the year. Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve, California
  • The Clyde we left a little on our left-hand at Dunbritton, where it widens into an aestuary or frith, being augmented by the influx of the Leven. The Expedition of Humphry Clinker
  • Other rare taxa associated with long's bittercress in Massachusetts include parker's pipewort, river arrowhead, and estuary beggar-ticks.
  • Consisting of grassy islands, swampy stretches and mangrove-covered banks, the estuary was an incubator for aquatic life.
  • Conwy's river and estuary bustle with activity, with a small fishing fleet adding colour to the scene.

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